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Shadow of Fear

This is the voice of the Mysterons! We know that you can hear us, Earthmen! The eye that dares to look upon our planet has been destroyed. You will never succeed. You will never discover the secret of the Mysterons. We will be avenged!



View of Mars opening the show. My first thought: "Agh! They’re showing the first one again!"

Hmm… that music sometimes sounds like they’ve borrowed it from Thunderbirds! This simple mind is getting confused.

Captains Scarlet and Blue are stood in the observatory and both are holding onto that rail in front of them. Will they fall over if they let go or do they believe they’re drawing power from it or something?

After one of the scientists snaps at another one, Blue makes a comment:
Captain Blue: It’s getting pretty tense
Captain Scarlet: Yes, a lot of time and effort has gone into this project. No one’s had much sleep these last few days.
Captain Blue: That’s because you’ve been snoring so loud! I wasn’t gonna say anything, but they’ve been complaining on Cloudbase!

Is it me or did the Mysteron threat seem somehow higher or whatever? D’you think maybe this could be what the Mysterons sound like on helium?

While Colonel White gives out his speech about the satellite and Operation Sword, both Captain Magenta in the Officers’ Lounge and Melody Angel in the Amber Room are lounging around on the sofas, taking up the entire seat! Lazy buggers! You’d think they had nothing better to do!

Colonel White: Lieutenant Green?
Lieutenant Green: Yes, sir?
Colonel White: Start horizontal jets.
*Green’s chair moves along in front of his computer*
Colonel White:
I meant the jets on the base, not your seat!

Wow Cool! I’ve never seen Cloudbase move before! Can I have a go on the moving air base? Pretty please?

Their model of the moon Phobos looks more like a dumpling or a meatball!

What were they doing on Mars to make it glow so bright? Now I have two theories. One, his telescope had moved and he was looking at the sun instead, and two, the Mysterons were having a party!

What I don’t understand is how that little flashy light killed him!

That’s sneaky! We never did see who was in Angel 1! We saw Destiny and Harmony going to Angels 2 and 3 and Melody in the Spectrum helicopter so was it Symphony or Rhapsody in Angel 1?

This one comes from Jay!
"Lets go find Breck" would have been so much better if Blue had noted they should do it "fast"!

Hey cool! They’re all wearing their funky coats, Captains Scarlet, Blue and Grey and even Melody has a funky white furry Angel coat!

Why was the transmission count down something like 500 the second time but only 230 something the first? Confused here! Someone help me out!

Isn’t it sweet the way Scarlet shields Blue with his hat on crooked!!



Regular Characters:  Guest Characters:  Equipment: 
Captain Scarlet  Doctor Breck - Paul Maxwell Cloudbase 
Captain Blue  Doctor Carter - Charles Tingwell SPV 
Colonel White  Doctor Angelini - Jeremy Wilkin Angel Interceptors 
Destiny Angel    Helicopter 
Symphony Angel    Mysteron Detector 
Lieutenant Green    Mini-Sat 5 
Captain OChre     
Melody Angel     
Harmony Angel     
Captain Grey     
Captain Magenta     



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Copyright (c) of all trademark material "Supermationation", "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons", and all other series titles, and all their characters, vehicles, craft, etc. owned by ITC POLYGRAM, CARLTON, unless otherwise mentioned. Information of the series mentioned on this site are all been taken from copyright (c) materials, and we acknowledge the properties to their rightful owners.  No money is being made on this site by its owners.