WHEE! After some shameless begging, TC got some contributions from friends to Ye Olde Shrine.


Drunk Thundercracker! (With Skywarp)

Courtesy of NefertariHime, who is another Padded Cell mate like TC.

Once again, the lovely Wayward has graciously agreed to let her bee-yoo-tiful work be donated to this slimeball of a webpage. ;)

Courtesy of KoiLungFish who's demented just like TC. ;) Oh, shit...


Round and Round

With the permission of the ever-cool Scott Kampa, TC was able to link this ficcie about her boy who gets fed up with the Cons...oops, said too much already. Just read it.

(Found these on Lexicon)

Best First by SkyShadow

Holy SHIT! This has to be one of the best fics out there, Thunder AND TF-concerned. Bonus points for Spectro (one-third of TC's beloved Reflector) is a secondary character in this. Pretty long, but worth the read!

Coming Clean by Jiminy Christmas

TC's boy...going to the other side? Oh my!

The High Road by Nightwind

Thunder crashes in the middle of nowhere and doesn't have enough energy to get back to HQ, so he spends what he thinks are his final hours...pondering.



OK, one for the time being. TC's pal Devi gave her generous permission to plaster the essays she wrote on the Blue One. Go check!

Shooting for more, stick around for more results of TC's...panhandling.

Back to the Shrine!

Back to the Pile!