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The November News Archive

Fan Artists

If you are a Star Wars fan and artist visit The They are conducting a fan art contest. Everyone will have their art displayed on the's fan art page. There are prizes to be won.

1st Prize - The Star Wars Trilogy on VCD, a TFN Moon T-Shirt, a TFN Polo Shirt, a Rebelscum hat, a copy of the limited edition IMAX Bantha Tracks #0, and an Attack of the Clones calendar.
2nd Prize - Episode II on VCD, a TFN Moon T-Shirt, a Rebelscum hat, limited edition IMAX Bantha Tracks #0, and an Attack of the Clones calendar. Two second place prizes to be given.
3rd Prize - Episode I on VCD, a TFN Polo Shirt, and a Star Wars Heroes & Rebels calendar.
4th Prize - A TFN Polo Shirt, and a Star Wars Heroes & Rebels calendar. Two fourth place prizes will be given.

All you Star Wars artists out there we encourage you to join this contest it will allow you to show your abilities and to win some great Star Wars stuff.

Tim 11/29/02

New Figures

Star Wars announced that the new Darth Vader and Princess Leia figures will be released in 2003. To view the details please click here!

Aetherspite/Tim 11/28/2002

Australian Stamps

This month the Australian Post releases its third edition of Star Wars Souvenir Stamp issue. It will be offered worldwide from thier website Australian Post. The stamps will feature an AT-AT, Naboo N-1 Starfighter, T-65 X-Wing fighter, Trade Federation Stap, Millenium Falcon, Jedi Stafighter, droid starfighter, TIE fighter, Death Star, and Slave 1. Yoda and Darth Vader are featured on the selvedge and the sheet is packaged in a folder featuring Yoda. They also offer a souvenir package which comes with 20 Star Wars letterheads and 10 envelopes. The sheets are $39.95 Australian. ($21.50 U.S.) Visit Vehicle Stamps from Australian Post or the official website.(Link is above for Post's webpage)

Nick 11/27/02

What happens during the Clone Wars

In the next few years many books, comics, audio tapes, etc. will be released to provide the story of the Clone Wars. One of those books will be Shatterpoint which tells the story of Mace Windu.(due 2003) There will be a series following the adventures of young Boba Fett. Dark Horse will release a series of comics titled Star Wars: Jedi. The comics will follow the adventures of the Jedi. There is much more to come. For more information visit Chronicling The Clone Wars.

Nick 11/27/02

Star Wars Insider Subscribers

Look out, in the next week or two our new edition of Bantha Tracks will be hitting mail boxes everywhere. Paizo Publishing says that our fan club membership kits will be coming shortly also if you subscribed or renewed on or after August 7, 2000. Also members get the chance to buy an exclusive limited edition Attack of the Clones IMAX Poster. The poster is double sided, 27"x40", and is only $24.95 plus shipping. Go to Paizo Publishing to purchase one. Fans from other countries are allowed to subscribe now also. Those who join or extend their membership in the future will recieve a free mini TIE fighter Lego building kit.

Nick 11/27/02

Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson makes a list of actors who were overlooked for Oscars. Entertainment Weekly put out the list in Friday's issue.
1.James Stewart in "Vertigo"
2.Anthony Perkins in "Psycho"
3.Cary Grant in "The Philadelphia Story"
4.Ingrid Bergman in "Casablanca"
5.Samuel L. Jackson in "Jungle Fever"
6.Susan Sarandon in "Bull Durham"
7.John Cazale in "The Godfather, Part II"
8.Judy Garland in "The Wizard of Oz"
9.Marilyn Monroe in "Some Like It Hot"
10.Dennis Hopper in "Blue Velvet"

Nick 11/24/02

Suncoast Survey

A Suncoast survey said that within the next 5 years Hayden Christensen will be out of a job. More than 2,400 movie fans took the survey. Reese Witherspoon, 78 percent, and Kirsten Dunst, 76 percent, are believed they will have a long acting career. Hayden Christensen scored a 71 percent while Josh Hartnett scored a 63 percent. The two heartthrobs were on the low end of the survey.

Nick 11/24/02

Gentle Giant

Three lucky fans will be recieving their Jedi Knight busts from Gentle Giant Studios soon. During Celebration Three, Gentle Giant Studios scanned pictures of fans and picked one each day to become a Jedi Knight Bust. Thousands of Star Wars fans waited in line but only three were allowed to become busts. For more information visit Star Wars: Fans Busted by Gentle Giant

Nick 11/23/02

Money Maker

Star Wars Attack of the Clones brought in 3.4 billion dollars over the summer. It is ahead of all the Bond movies right now. The Bond movies combined have grossed 3.3 billion dollars and will likely exceed that number with the next couple of installments. Hopefully Star wars Episode Three will be able to keep up with the British spy.

Nick 11/23/02

Game Update

Star Wars Bounty Hunter
In stores today for the Playstation 2. Will be released for Game Cube on December 5. Visit the official site to watch a cinematic clip from the game.
Or watch the television commercial on
Lucas Arts is now selling Bounty Hunter Merchandise. The Bounty Hunter t-shirt features a mandalorian skull. They also have caps and other gear.
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Now available for Xbox and and Game Cube
Watch the console game trailer or look at the screenshots on
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
In stores for Game Cube. Coming soon for Playstation 2.
Check out for screenshots and other information
Star Wars Galaxies
Screenshots now on
Also visit and join in the developer chat on November 25.

Nick 11/22/02

Platinum Yoda and Darth Vader

Yoda and Darth Vader are now on Mastercard's Platinum Plus Card. Awesome!

Nick 11/21/02

Yoda In Your Wallet

Yoda will be on the blockbuster signature ten dollar gift card.

Nick 11/21/02

Book Update

School Of Fear, the next installment of the Jedi Quest series,to come out February 2003
The Shadow Trap May 2003 booksix of the Jedi Quest to be circulated.

Nick 11/20/02

List Of The New Jedi Order Books in order

1. Vector Prime, by R.A. Salvatore
2. Dark Tide I: Onslaught, by Michael A. Stackpole
3. Dark Tide II: Ruin, by Michael A. Stackpole
4. Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, by James Luceno
5. Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse, by James Luceno
6. Balance Point, by Kathy Tyers
7. Edge of Victory I: Conquest, by Greg Keyes
8. Edge of Victory II: Rebirth, by Greg Keyes
9. Star by Star, by Troy Denning
10. Dark Journey, by Elaine Cunningham
11. Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream, by Aaron Allston
12. Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand, by Aaron Allston
13. Traitor, by Matthew Stover
14. Destiny's Way, by Walter Jon Williams
15. Force Heretic I: Remnant, by Sean Williams & Shane Dix,            Mar 2003
16. Force Heretic II: Refugee, by Sean Williams & Shane Dix,            Jun 2003
17. Force Heretic III: Reunion, by Sean Williams & Shane Dix,            Aug 2003
18. The Final Prophecy, by Greg Keyes, Oct 2003
19. The Unifying Force, by James Luceno, Nov 2003

Aetherspite 11/21/02

11/3/02 Star Wars Insider #63 Features

Attack of the Clones DVD secrets
Episode II Creature Feature
Rick McCallum on Episode II
Across the pond at Elstree Studios
Greg Keyes The New Jedi Order fiction
Behind the Magic: Dexter Jettster
Dark Horse Republic
Latest from Lego
A New Hope card encyclopedia
Plus much more


11/2/02 Liam Neeson Update

Liam Neeson recieved the Royal Honor from Queen Elizabeth II a couple days ago. Mr. Neeson said "'I have not been so nervous since I met Muhammad Ali. . . I really was weakkneed. . . She asked if the award was for theater or films, and I said I thought it was for both. [The Queen] said, 'That's nice''" Poor Liam he must have really been nervous being around the Queen. Wow! Good job Mr. Neeson.

This info taken from the Cleveland Plain Dealer.


11/2/02 The Jedi Religion Stumps Australian Bureau of Statistics

I was recently looking over an old newspaper dated September 3. This is old news but very interesting. In Australia during last year's census over 70,000 people identified their religion as Jedi. 70,509 people to be exact. Exactly .39 percent of the 19 million people living in Australia. The Star Wars fans placed Jedi in the optional write in response for religion. The so called prank was started when a fan circulated an email stating that the government would have to recognize the Jedi as an official religion if over 10,000 people stated that on the census. Well who ever started it did a lot better than getting 10,000 people to do it. For this prank the offenders(offenders- not really, just true fans) may have to pay a fine of 1,000 Australian dollars (540 American dollars) for giving out false information. So far the government has yet to do anything. They have turned the Jedi responses into "not defined" responses. Hopefully they do not punish these great Star Wars fans. Good job sentient beings, whoever you are.


11/2/02 American Film Institute

The American Film Institute recently released a list of the top 50 movies of all time. In 15th place was Star Wars. The original movie was the only one out of the Star Wars saga that had been placed on the list. Maybe the institute should take a look over the other 3 movies out right now. I believe they deserve to be in first, second, third, and fourth places. What can you do though? Along with Star Wars, Schindler's List, starring Liam Neeson, was ranked at number 9.


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Last Updated: March 4, 2003

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