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But I Want To Have Fun!

How many people think that if
they let God into their lives
they would never be able to
have fun, real fun again? Quite
a few I'm sure. You see, a person
can't just give a little of them-
selves. You have to give it all.
Gee, then since I'm not married,
I'd have to give up sex. Then I
can't hang out at the bars. Can
I still go dancing? But I like to
smoke a joint off and on. I'd have
to go to church every Sunday. I'd
miss my fishing trips, the guys
would think I was nuts. But I like
to go to the strip joints. Does
this mean I have to take religious
classes? I go to church every week
now, what more is there?

These are just a few of some of
the comments that we've heard.
Actually, some probably came from
our own mouths! I don't know why
the first thing we tend to see, are
the limitations that may be put on
ourselves. Yet I do! It's human
nature to react to change. It causes
a person to see themselves in a more
honest way. Change brings an
uncertainness to our lives, because
we don't know how we'll be affected.

Make a list of what you think you'd
have to change or give up if you
were to accept God into your life.
Then ask yourself why you want to
hang onto some things. Why some
issues are important. Looking inside
is a scary thing. Most people don't
want to see themselves that close.
Because then they may have to affect
some change. Think about it, aren't
there some things in your life that
you'd like to do to become a better
person anyway? Really it ALL fits

Once I made a decision to turn my
life over to God, some of the things
that seemed so important, aren't
important anymore. Yes, following
Christ seems (note I said seems, not
does) to limit us in some ways. In
all honesty I've gained so much more!
I have found me, the real me! That in
itself has been an awesome experience.
There is so much more to life than I
ever dreamed possible. Abstinence of
sex? To many this may seem (note again,
I said seem) a life and death urgency.
Yet when God is accepted into your
life, sex really isn't that important.
Usually random sex, unadultered sex,
etc... isn't just done for the act.
It's actually a way to fill a void.
It could be loneliness or even love.
If you are to live according to God's
word, you don't sleep together/have sex
until you're married. Homosexuality is
also unacceptable in God's word. Not
the person, but the act. Abstinence is
part of God's word. Yet know that God
WILL fill that void! I started here
talking about sex. It seems like sex
is always the #1 question. God also
asks us to treat our body as His
house/His vessel. He doesn't want us
to mar or mistreat what is His. This
is where a person actually learns more
love and respect of body and soul.
Would it be that difficult to stop
getting tattoos? Skip the pierced nose
and eyebrow? Why is it so important to
you to have those things? Give up
that large consumtion of alcohol? I
think you get my picture. The point
that I am trying to make? God wants
you, all of you! He gave you life so
that you would give your life for Him!
God wants to be #1 in your life. He
is to be put AHEAD of your spouse,
parents and children. He is to be
put AHEAD of your fishing trips.
Putting other things ahead of God is
is look to false gods. You may
disagree, but this is so! To me all
of this makes so much more sense,
than it ever did before. I was never
mine to take, only His to give!
Never, could I believe that life
could be so fulfilling. Yes, there's
still stress. At times I still throw
up my arms and cry. Yet, now there's
purpose! Never would I/we have thought
I/we could talk to people about God.
Never would we have imagined doing a
web page about God. Yet nothing has
ever seemed so fulfilling and worth-
while. We know you can find some of
this in your own life. To you, we give
you the gift of God.

If you would like to contact us, do
send us an email.

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