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Poetry & Prayer Page ~1

So far, today God,
I've done all right.
I haven't gossiped,
haven't lost my temper,
haven't been greedy,
grumpy, hasty or selfish.
I'm really glad about that.
But, in a few minutes, God,
I'm going to get out of bed.
And then, I'm going to need
alot of help!
Thank you

I said a prayer for you today
to make your spirits soar,
I prayed for happiness for you,
but then I asked for more.
I asked that God would give you
the courage that you need
to be yourself and do your best,
to dream and to succeed.
I prayed that God would bless you
with confidence in who you are,
because in God's eyes as in mine,
you'll always be a star!

I said a prayer for you today
and know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart
Although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame,
I knew you wouldn't mind,
I asked Him to send treasures
of a far more lasting kind.
I asked that He'd be near you
at the start of each new day,
to grant you health and blessings
And friends to share the way.
I asked for happiness for you
in all things great and small.
But it was for His loving care
I prayed most of all.

Dear God,
on those days
when hope escapes me
when all I am is weary,
when darkness is all I see,
let your strength be my beacon,
like a lighthouse
on a rock,
shining bright enough
to dispel the clouds
of despair
and bring me new vision.

One Day at a Time

Stand tall ~ Start fresh ~ Let go of guilt
Don't look back ~ Take an inventory
Make amends ~ Trust others
Believe in yourself ~ Trust God's love
Appreciate you specialness
Accept your humanness
Ask for help
Trust enough to take
Have the courage to change
Accept the unchangeable
Be patient ~ Keep promises
Bury regret ~ Discard hate
Transcend self-doubt
Don't dwell on the past
Love each moment ~ Live each day
Build a better tomorrow ~ Open your heart
Explore your soul ~ Expect the best
Let miracles happen

God's Gift

Little baby on the hay
soon there'll be another day
when nails shall pierce
Your hands and feet
as you provide our sin's defeat.
Risen Jesus on the throne
we lift our praises
to You alone
for You're the gift
that we receive
the moment that our hearts

~ Roy Lessin ~

Good night, Moon,
friend of the night,
I'm glad you bless
the dark with light.

Good night, Sun,
friend of the day,
return at dawn
without delay.

Good night, God
Friend I love best,
Bless me this night
while I'm at rest.

The little troubles and worries of life,
so many of which we meet, may be as stumbling
blocks in our way or we may make them
stepping-stones to a nobel character and to Heaven.
...Troubles are often the tools by which God
fashions us for better things.
~ Henry Ward Beacher ~

The best thing to give your enemy
is forgiveness;
to an opponent, tolerance;
to a friend, your heart;
to your child, a good example:
to a father, deference;
to your mother, conduct that will
...make her proud of you;
to yourself, respect;
to all men, charity.
~ John Balfour ~

(and may I add...)
To God your life!

Third Step Prayer

I offer myself to thee
To build with me and to do
With me as Thou wilt.

Relieve me of the bondage of self
That I may better do Thy will.

Take away my difficulties that
Victory over them may bear
Witness to those I would help
Of Thy Power, Thy love, and
Thy will of life.

May I do them always.

~ The Big Book * Page 63 ~

Thanking God
for simple things...
a summer breeze
and birds that sing.
Blue skies and butterflies,
spring showers...
Simple things
like morning dew,
a crescent moon,
a star or two.
For in these simple things
I see...
all the love God sends to me.

The Legend of the Doves

Once the Lord of Heaven chose two doves,
both young and fair.
And told them of a special journey
they would share.
Go now upon the earth and seek two hearts
where you may dwell
And there I shall surely come
and make my home with you as well.
We'll join the two and make them one
A husband and his wife ~
My Spirit shall endow their love
With everlasting life.
Today the doves shall bring
the sacred promise from above,
To those whose hearts are open
to the miracle of Love.

Today I prayed
for angels
to guard you
night and day.
I prayed that they would hover near
and keep all harm away.
So if you hear the swish of wings,
or feel a gentle touch,
you'll know God heard my prayer today ~
and loves you very much.

~ Nancy Parker Brummet ~

Special people are those
who have the ability to share
their lives with others.
They are honest in word & deed,
they are sincere & compassionate,
and they will always make sure that
love is part of everything...
Special people are those who have the ability
to give to others
and help them with the changes
that come their way.
They are not afraid of being vulnerable,
they believe in their uniqueness
are proud to be who they are.
Special people are those who
allow themselves the pleasures
of being close to others
and caring about their happiness.
They have come to understand
that love is what makes
the difference in life.
You are a very, very special person
who truly makes a beautiful difference
in this world.

Life is fleeting, years rush past...
and little girls grow up so fast!
Let me take time out to be
glad that mine's still here with me.
And though I'm busy through the day,
let me take out time to play...
Let me take time out to smile,
to linger here with her awhile...
To invite her under the table for tea
and dress up silly as can be.
Let me take out time to sing,
and dance and skip and twirl and swing.
To splash in puddles when it rains
and make her fancy daisy chains.
Let me take time out to hear
about the things that she holds dear.
Let me tuck her in at night,
hear her prayers
turn off the light.
And for one more moment,
let us pray
and thank God
that we shared this day.

The gift that God gave to us
is for our hearts to hold.
It can't be bought with precious jewels
Or with the finest gold.
The gift that God gave to us
is free in every way
for the price of our salvation
is one we could not pay.
The gift that God gave to us
is Jesus Christ, His Son
worthy of our life and love,
given for everyone.

~ Roy Lessin ~

One Who Ministers

You hold God's light for all to see
how wonderful this world can really be.
You speak of faith, of hope, of love,
words inspired by God above.
You gently show the way
to teach each heart to love, to pray.
May you be forever blessed,
may your work for God
continue to enrich each soul.

~ Be Attitudes ~

BE open to God's love for you
that heaven is your home.
BE sad when you see others sad
and you'll never be alone.
BE gentle with all that's on this earth
for this world is blessed.
BE just and fair in all you do
your heart will be at rest.
BE forgiving when you're hurt
you'll be forgiven too.
BE close to God with all your heart
God watches over you.
BE ready to defend what's right
God's love will show you how.
BE at peace with everyone
beginning here and now.

There are no limits with God.
His resources are far beyond
your abilities. Never say "I can't"
without saying "He can."
Never feel you are weak
without knowing that He is strong.
You will never have to be defeated,
because His victory is yours...
you will never have to settle for the
ordinary, because His life
is extraordinary.

~ Roy Lessin ~

It is so much easier to walk
away from a hurtful past than
to confront the issues. But we
cannot remove the past from
our hearts ~ it is there to stay.
And the only hope for true peace
with the past is to face it at it's
worst, to seek to forgive, to be
forgiven, to make amends and to
be reconciled.

~ Stephen Arterburn ~

As children bring their broken
toys with tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God,
because He was my friend.
But then, instead of leaving Him
in peace to work alone, I hung
around and tried to help, with
ways that were my own. At last
I snatched them back and cried,
"How can You be so slow?"
"My child," He said,
"What could I do?
You never did let go."

Bach gave us God's word
Mozart gave us God's laughter
Beethoven gave us God's fire,
God gave us music
that we might pray without words.

I've heard it says it all depends,
Upon your point of view
The happiness you get from life
And how things look to you.
The longer that I'm living
I've really come to see,
That this is just as true a fact,
As anything could be.

If you always look for sorrow,
Then you'll have it seven-fold,
If you go in search of rainbows,
You will find a pot of gold.
If you have no time for dreaming,
The days are dark and gray,
But with a little bit of hope,
Your troubles will slip away.

Don't waste your time in sighing,
When the world is full of song,
Don't live among the shadows,
That is not where you belong.
Lift your face and feel the sunlight,
Smell the flowers in the wood,
And be grateful you are living,
...And know that God is good.

In all I do today,
Remind me
that there's just one way
to do the things
that I do best,
to put my mind and heart
at rest ~
And that's to put
in Your great hands
My life,
that You alone
have planned.

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