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Without God in your life...
Going to church
Doesn't make you a Christian
Anymore than going to a garage
makes you a mechanic.

* * *

What light?
I'm still looking for the tunnel!

* * *

If we weren't meant to start over...
Why would God keep giving us Monday?

* * *

You don't stop laughing
because you grow old...
you grow old because
you stop laughing!

* * *

Some people, no matter how old they get,
never lose their beauty ~ they merely
move if from their faces into their hearts.

* * *

Work for the Lord.
The pay isn't much,
But His retirement plan
is out of this world!

* * *

Life is easier than you think.
All you have to do is:
Accept the impossible,
Do without the indispensable,
Bear the intolerable and
Be able to smile at anything.

* * *

If I have inside of me
the stuff to make cacoons,
maybe the stuff of
butterflies is there too.
~ Trina Paulus ~

* * *

A healthy self-image
is seeing yourself
as God sees you
~no more, no less.

* * *

When the child of God
Looks into the Word of God
And sees the Son of God
He is changed by the Spirit of God
In the image of God
For the glory of God.

* * *

Not chance...
Determines destiny!

* * *

Blessed are the flexible
For they are not bent out of shape.

* * *

Most people are willing to change,
not because they see the light,
but because they feel the heat.

* * *

Don't lose your head in the battle,
you won't have any place
to put your helmet.

* * *

Worry is wasting today's time
to clutter up tomorrows opportunities
with yesterday's troubles.

* * *

If you treat every situation
as a life-and-death matter,
you will die lots of times.

* * *

We crucify ourselves between two thieves:
Regret for yesterday
And fear of what tomorrow may bring.

* * *

Faith makes,
The uplook good,
the outlook bright,
the inlook favorable,
and the future glorious.

* * *

As we refresh others,
we, ourselves are refreshed.

* * *

Pretend you're a star
and poke a hole in someone's darkness

* * *

Things beyond our seeing
Things beyond our hearing
Things beyond our imagining
All prepared by God
For those who love Him.

* * *

Though no one can go back
and make a new start,
anyone can start from now
and make a brand new end.
~ Carl Bard ~

* * *

Those who live in the Lord
Never see each other for the last time.

* * *

The pain lasts as long as it has to.

* * *

Hope opens doors where despair closes them.
Hope draws it's power from deeply trusting God
and what He does to change people's lives.
Hope lights a candle instead of...
"cursing the darkness"
Hope regards problems, small or large,...
as opportunities.
Hope cherishes no illusions, but it does not
yield to cynicism or despair.
~ Adapted, source unknown ~

* * *

It's a great comfort to know
that God has His hands
on the steering wheel of the universe.

* * *

Faith can move mountains...
but only hard work can put a tunnel through.

* * *

Parents hold their children's hands
For awhile...
Their hearts...Forever!

* * *

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.
~ From the hymn "Come Ye Disconsolate." ~

* * *

Making waves almost never turns the tide.

* * *

The Bible teaches us the best way of living...
the nobelest way of suffering...
the most comfortable way of dying.

* * *

Even if it burns a little bit low at times,
the secret of life is
to always keep the flame of hope alive!

* * *

You are not what you think
But what you think, you are.

* * *

Rub it out, don't rub it in.

* * *

Faith, Hope and Charity...
If we had more of the first two,
we'd need less of the last.

* * *

Hope means...
you are no longer a prisoner
of your track record!

* * *

Faith never knows where it's being led
But it loves the One who is leading.

* * *

The soul would have no rainbows
if they eyes had no tears

* * *

Trials are not enemies of faith
but are opportunities
to prove God's faithfulness.

* * *

Even on the darkest day
His light breaks through
to show the way.

* * *

A dream created in Heaven
is your joy on earth today.

* * *

Friends are God's life preservers

* * *

When you feel
you just can't take it anymore...
take it to the Lord!

* * *

Blessed are those who have
one hand held by God
and the other hand
held by a friend.

* * *

Pray in faith
and you will not live in doubt.

* * *

Blessed is that heart
that hangs it's hope on God.

* * *

Search The Word
Trust God's Heart
Rest On His Promises
Encourage One Another
Sing His Praises
Seek The Savior

* * *

Making a Friend
takes a moment~
being a friend
takes a lifetime.

* * *

Don't drive faster
than your guardian angel
can fly.

* * *

A true friend
warms you with her presence...
trusts you with her secrets...
and remembers you in her prayers.

* * *

You are never without a Friend
when you know God.

* * *

Never does the human soul
appear so strong and noble
as when it forgoes revenge
and dares to forgive an injury.
~ E.H.Chapin ~

* * *

Humor is not a trick,
not jokes.
Humor is a presence
in the world-like grace ~
and shines on everybody.
~ Garrison Keillor ~

* * *

An apology is the superglue of life.
It can repair just about anything.
~ Lynn Johnston ~

* * *

Lord, remind me today
that nothing is going to happen
that You and I together, can't handle.

* * *

To teach is to touch a life forever.

* * *

Count your blessings
not your worries

* * *

The cross
is where you leave your burdens
and walk in faith

* * *

The greatest gift you can give another
is the purity of your attention.

* * *

Friendship is God's way
of loving us through someone else

* * *

Most people are as happy
as they make up their minds to be
~ Abraham Lincoln ~

* * *

Don't wish upon a star ~
Reach for one!

* * *

Never ruin an apology with an excuse

* * *

Often, the best thing
about saying nothing
is that it can't be repeated.
~ Suzan L Wiener ~

* * *

makes the uplook good
the outlook bright
the inlook favorable
and the future glorious.

* * *

Success is failure turned
inside out
the silver tint
of the clouds of doubt.

* * *

If your mind can conceive it,
and your heart can believe it,
then you CAN achieve it!

* * *
May all I do and say today
honor Christ in every way.

* * *

Children are meant to be seen
and heard, and honored and cherished
and loved lots and lots and ...

* * *

Advice is like snow;
the softer it falls,
the longer it dwells upon,
and the deeper it seeks
into the mind.

* * *

Trouble that is easily recognized is half-cured.

* * *

If we could read the secret history
of our enemies, we should find in
each man's life sorrow and suffering
enough to disarm all hostility.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

* * *

I am God's melody of life
He sings His song through me

* * *

When you feel
you just can't
take it anymore...
take it to the Lord!

* * *

Be a beacon
on the shore of life.

* * *

God's presence is our companion,
God's love our protection,
God's power our strength,
God's wisdom our guidance.

* * *

Only in God's Kingdom
is the humblest servant
treated like royalty.

* * *

Be Not
to Entertain
for Thereby Some
Have Entertained

* * *

There are
no limits
on our future
if we don't
put limits
on our people.
~ Jack Kemp ~

* * *

Great opportunities
to help others
seldom come,
but small ones
surround us
every day.
~ Sally Koch ~

* * *

My father always told me,
"Find a job you love
and you'll
never have to work
a day in your life."
~ Jim Fox ~

* * *

A small trouble is like a pebble.
Hold it too close to your eye and
it fills the whole world and puts
everything out of focus. Throw it
at your feet and it can be seen in
its true setting, just one more
tiny bump on the pathway of life.

* * * * * * *

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