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Unconditional Love

Do you fully understand the words
"unconditional love"? I didn't. I
don't think I even know what love
is, except too often love and hate
go together. Love is an emotion,
something everybody is supposed to
do and want isn't it? Love is
conditional isn't it? It easily
gets turned off and on? I think
that's a very normal, human response.
Love gets linked to so many things,
heck, even "I love pepperoni pizza
and ice cold beer!"

You see, love gets used in so many
ways. How can a person truly know
what love is? Let's put Jesus in
the picture now. You see Jesus shows
us unconditional love. He loves you
and me no matter what! He died on
the cross to save us from our sins.
He did that because He loved us. He
all about us. It's really quite
fascinating! How could He love us,
knowing that we would sin against God
the Father? How could He love us
knowing that some would scorn Him?
There is no other definition other
than unconditional love. He loves us
no matter what. Understand, He does
not like the sin nor some of our
actions, yet He loves us as the person!

Can you imagine being that giving?
That is probably one of the hardest
things to do! As humans, we tend
to see the person as the sin and
sinner, not just the actions. How can
we love somebody who is obnoxious,
who is an abuser, who lies? Yet
that's what we're expected to do.
As Jesus loves the person, we are to
love the person also. You see, the
person's actions and sins aren't the
person. Though caused by the person,
they are not the person. Love thine
enemy? You said it! Love the sinner,
not the sin. This is something I'm
struggling with. I need to let go of
resentments and find a way to let go
of the pain that he/she has caused.
Forgiveness is necessary. Because
that may be the only way to release
the person from the bondage that we
have created for him/her.

Love the person, wholly and
unconditionally. Love thine enemy.
Forgive the person for what he/she
has done. The way a person is,
should not be taken personally by
you. Forgive yourself for what you
have done. Confess your sins, evil
thoughts, guilt, and feelings you
have for the person. With God's
forgiveness you will find freedom
of thought towards the person. Ask
God/Jesus to show you how to love
unconditionally, for who better
than the One who teaches and
preaches such a thing!

It's hard to see things as positive
when comparing them to a person that
we're having a difficult time with.
So let's look at ourselves. How
would you feel, if your parents would
love you! No strings, no attatchments?
You may have gotten grounded for
staying out past curfew, yet once they
told you that you were grounded, the
topic was closed. What you then hear
would be how much they love you. You
can see the sincerity in their eyes,
hear it it their voice. A week later,
when you are no longer grounded, they
again let you see their love and they
again trust you. For you see, this is
about you the person, not your actions.
Can you imagine how your actions, such
as these would affect the people around
you? What a teacher you would be to
those around you. Imagine, someone else
would pick up on your unconditional love
and they would use it on those that they
know. A domino affect of unconditional
love! Wouldn't this world be a wonderful
place! Can you imagine self esteem being
so positive? I can picture honest, true
smiles. Sincerity would be so real!!!
Freedom of souls. How much closer to God
could a person be, then living as He would
have us to be!

Unconditional love!!!
Please Jesus, show me the way...

Did you know that God wants us to love Him
unconditionally too? He wants us to give
all to Him unconditionally. Too often we
even put conditions on Him. "God I will
serve you if you do this for me." "God, I
love You because You did this for me." Do
you love God unconditionally?

Yes Jesus, please show me the way...

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