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Wow! This page really talks. Deception.
This is such a big part in the lives of
all. Yet, I don't think that people see
it or even look for it. They don't realize
what an impact it has on their lives!

Who is the master of deception?
Satan of course! No doubt at all there!

Can you even begin to realize what part
deception plays in your lives? What control
he does have with you? You may say none,
but it goes much farther than that. I'm
going to list some forms of deception that
I know of and what others have told me about.
Most of this probably comes to you as "your
thoughts", "your conscience", etc.

God's not real and He can't be everywhere...
There's no such thing as a devil...
The bible's a just a bunch of stories and tales...
I'm a pastor, so Satan can never harm me...
You have to open a door or Satan can't be there...
If you don't believe in God you're a satanist...
There is only one true church/religion...
Satan doesn't want you to go to church...
Satan can't be in church...
There's no such thing as heaven and hell...
There's no life everlasting...
If I die I'm dead, so why does it matter...
You can't walk away from a cult...
She could have never been involved in that...
Nobody could do that, he's making it up...
You have to be willing, for anything to happen...
Killing is a bigger sin that stealing bubble gum...
I lost my wife so God's punishing me...
You might go to purgatory or limbo when you die...
You can't question the priest...
Playing with a quija board won't hurt anything...
All bibles are the same...
Going to a strip joint is different than having an affair...
It's okay to have a higher power...
Luck, that's the only thing that saved me...
There is no such thing as God...
Praising idols, the great chief, etc is of God...
Money and fishing can't be a god...
It's okay to buy something and return it to another store...
Baptising an infant saves it for life and God...
Pain has to be medical, Lucifer can't cause it...
I need to put myself first, God wants it that way...
I'm one person I can't do anything to make a difference...
You can never save your soul...
Going to church every Sunday, is an entrance to heaven...
I can buy my way to heaven by giving to the needy...
I'm not worthy to preach about God...
If I talk about Jesus nobody will talk to me again...
If I talk about Jesus people will think I'm nuts...
If you're baptized you will go to heaven...
A baby not baptized will go to purgatory if it dies...
I am worthless, nobody wants me...
I can't do anything right, I should just quit trying...
They'd be better off without me, I should kill myself...
I can't take the pain, if I'd kill myself it would end...
If I tell I'll give dad a heart attack, like the man said...
If we do a web page called God's Page people would think we're nuts...
Nobody'd believe anything about Lucifer and being married to him...
Nobody'd want to hear about God...
There's no such thing as spiritual warfare...
The ying/yang is harmless and not satanic...
This list here is really stupid...
People will think we're really off the wall when they see this...

As you have read all of this please understand that our
intention was for you to understand that we are in a battle.
God tells this in His word. The world is full of deception.
Even those who call themselves Christians are subject to
deception. That's where our world is today, it has been
deceived, by the one who does deceive. That is Satan. Our
desire is for you to come to an awareness that there is
deception in our midst. Our prayer is that you would seek
God the Father in all things at all times. If you have
comments, please send us an email.

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