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The Doom of the Haunted Opera
By John Bellairs ~ Completed by Brad Strickland
Jacket and Frontispiece by Edward Gorey

When Lewis Barnavelt's Uncle Jonathan and Mrs. Zimmermann go away to Florida, Lewis is stuck with nothing to do in the small town of New Zebedee, Michigan. What he doesn't know is that he is about to get himself into a lot of trouble. A mist comes in and settles all about New Zebedee. No one can come in or out of the small town. The evil sorcerer Henry Vanderhelm is determined to become King of the Dead. Can Lewis stop him or will he perish in the process?

Book Summary by David Bass

I think that this book was pretty good. It was spooky and chilling. The thought of an old abandoned opera house gives me the creeps. I think this book is one of the more spooky Bellairs stories, but it still does have class. You can obtain this thriller at Amazon Books for the reasonable price of $14.99 hardcover (with Edrward Gorey illustrations).

Excerpt from the Book

        The music grew louder and louder behind them. "If you want a tune, you have to pay the piper!" screeched the voice of the organist, and the black cloud of sqeaking bats descended on Lewis, driving him to the floor. He lost sight of Rose Rita as he crawled frantically between the legs of the lucrhing, headless crowd. He had almost made it to the doorwat leading to the vestibule when two balls came bouncing toward him.
        Only they weren't balls. They were the heads of Jonathan Barnavelt and Mrs. Zimmermann, and their faces grimaced in terror. They rolled toward Lewis, their teeth snapping and clicking as if they were going to bite him.
        Lewis scrambled back. Fingers clutched at his hair, and he heard the organist shriek, "Check this for you, sir?" Powerful hands tugged at his head. For a moment his neck seemed to stretch like taffy, and then he heard a sharp pop as everything went black.

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