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The Bellairs Collection

Book Front The Vengence of the Witch-Finder
When Lewis Barnavelt and his Uncle Jonathan vacation in Europe, they are looking forward to meeting their English cousin Pelham. At Barnavelt manor Lewis befriends the housekeeper's son Bertie and together they explore the mansion and grounds. But in the garden maze Lewis accidentaly unleashes demonic forces forces that summon the ghost of the wicked Malachiah Pruitt had accused one of Lewis's ancestors of witchery and tried to have him burned at the stake. Now Pruitt's ghost has returned. Can Lewis fight the maniacal wizard or will all the Barnavelts perish?
Book Front The Doom of the Haunted Opera
When Lewis Barnavelt and Rose Rita Pottinger explore an old, abandoned theater they find an unpublished opera score. Disregarding the warning of the ghost, they bring the sheet music to school, where The Day of Doom is heralded as a masterpiece. Then Henry Vanderhelm, the composer's grandson, arrives and manipulates the town into putting on a performance of the opera. Only Vanderhelm knows that when the opera opera is played, the dead will awaken . . . to help Henry Vanderhelm enslave the world! Will Lewis and Rose stop the performance - or watch the curtain rise on the undead?
Book Front The Lamp from the Warlock's Tomb
Anthony Monday couldn't see why Miss Eells was so excited about the lamp. It was just an oil lamp with pictures painted in blue on its base. Little did they know that the lamp was stolen from an underground tomb. This tomb, planned by the deceased Willis Nightwood, had been the scene of occult rituals. When Anthony lights the lamp, monstrous forces are unleashed - forces even more terrifying then the ressurected ghost of the evil Mr. Nightwood. Can Anthony and Miss Eells stop this satanic power before it destroys the world?
Book Front The Mansion in the Mist
Anthony Monday is delighted when Miss Eells and her brother Emerson invite him to spend a restful summer vacation in an old house on a desolate island. But soon Anthony finds a chest that can transport them to another world - a horrifying place where a maniacal group is plotting the destruction of the people of Earth. Will Anthony and his friends be able to save mankind - or will they perish in their desperate struggle?
Book Front The Chessmen of Doom
Upon Peregrine's death, his brother Professor Roderick Childermass receives this very strange riddle along with the terms of Peregrine's will: The professor must spend the summer of Perefrine's estate or forfeit his huge inheritance. And Peregrine, who dabbled in sorcery, left no doubt that danger lay ahead. But the professor and his young friends Johnny and Fergie, ignoring the risk, journey to the desolate mansion. There they battle a madman who is determined to let nothing - and no one - stop him from destroying the world.
Book Front The Secret if the Underground Room
To raise the dead. This was just one of the mysterious clues Father Higgins insisted a ghost who was haunting his home and church had left for him. When the priest dissapears, Johnny Dixon and Professor Childermass discover some disturbing clues which lead them to England. There they encounter a long-dead knight - a madman who escaped the fate of his fellow knights hundreds of years before when they were buried in an undergound room. And as Johnny and the professor try to help Father Higgins, they are not only caught in a desperate struggle for their own lives - but for the destiny of all mankind.
Book Front The Drum, the Doll, and the Zombie
When Johnny Dixon, Professor Childermass, and Fergie Ferguson have a party for their old friend, Dr. Coote, they expect the evening to be a blast - and it is! - but now quite the way they have in mind. As Fergie pounds out a rythym on a small drum, a howling wind shakes the house and something explodes. Soon Johnny, the professor, and Fergie are in a battle with the fearsome Priests of the Midnight Blood for Dr. Coote's life - and their own.
Book Front The Hand of the Necromancer
When Professor Childermass lends a bizzare collection of artifacts to the Gudge Museum, he secures a summer job for Johnny Dixon in exchange. Soon afterward the very strange Mattheus Mergal appears at the museum insisting that Johnny show him the objects, which were made by the evil wizard Esdrias Blackleach. Mergal is determined to steal the most powerful object of all: the wooden hand made by Blackleach just before his death. If Mergal possesses this frightful relic, nothing - and no one - can stop him from terrorizing the world. And as Johnny and the professor race to halt the demon, the wooden hand's force becomes ever stronger . . .
Book Front The Bell, the Book, and the Spellbinder
When Fergie takes a book from the library, little does he know that the book is enchanted and will put him under the spell of Jarmyn Thanatos, an evil sorcerer. If Thanatos can ensnare Fergie, the magician will be strong enough to live forever. As Fergie falls more and more under Thanatos's influence, he jeopardizes not only his own life, but also the lives of his friends Johnny Dixon and Professor Childermass. Can Johnny and the professor save Fergie or will they all perish as Thanatos continutes his secret reign of terror?

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