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The Secret of the Underground Room
Written by John Bellairs
Illustrations by Edward Gorey

When Johnny Dixon, Porofessor Childermass, and Fergie Ferguson find out that their friend, Father Higgins, is in a state of depression, they set out to cheer him up. They have no idea what they're getting themselves into. They travel all the way to England and encounter the spirits of some ancient knights. Father Higgins' spirit has been taken over by an evil force and it's up to the professor, Johnny, and Fergie to stop this force. Will they die in the process or will they defeat the evil spirits?

Book Summary by David Bass

I thought that this story was a good book to read if you like underground rooms and scary ghosts. My favorite part was when Fergie and Johnny are wandering through the English town in the middle of the night. They find Professor Childermass and his brother who have been captured by the evil knights. This book (I am sorry to say) is very hard to find. Try Barnes & Noble Online for more information.

Excerpt from the Book

        His voice was lost in the shrieking of the wind. Far ahead, on the other side of the bridge, a tall, gaunt figure could be seen standing under a streetlamp. It looked like a man in an overcoat and narrow-brimmed hat. Mists swirled about the figure, who now raised his hand and made a strange sign in the air. The wind began to blow harder. Johnny was slammed against the railing, which was only about chest high. He found that incredibly, he was being lifted up by unseen forces. A few minutes more and he would be hurled headlong two hundred feet to his death.

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