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The Lamp from the Warlock's Tomb
Written by John Bellairs
Illustrations by Edward Gorey

Anthony Monday and his friend, Miss Eells, are in an antique shop when they come across an old Dutch lamp. Miss Eells buys the lamp. Little does she know that it has magical powers which are so dangerous that they threaten the very existence of the world. Anthony and Miss Eells find themselves in the middle of a host of ghoulish apparitions. Someone is attempting to awaken the spirit of an evil demon. Can they stop the sorcerer before it is too late? Only you can find out when you read this fine Bellairs edition.

Book Summary by David Bass

This edition is one of the best John Bellairs books yet. It is the finest story in the Anthony Monday mystery series. It is full of excitement and adventure, chills and thrills. My favorite part was when Anthony and Miss Eells were driving along a dirt road to the house where the evil Willis Nightwood was buried. I regret to inform you that this edition is out-of-print and is very difficult to obtain. The price ranges from $30.00 to $120.00. This is a very rare book indeed and I am very pleased to own it. For more information on rare books, try visiting the East Bay Book Company.

Excerpt from the Book

        It was awkward for the two of them to stump along through the deep snow, but finally they reached the well and peered in.
        The surface of the water was ripply, but below were clear lighted depths. At the bottom of the well they saw skeletons and drowned bodies, and among the pale, bloated corpses, they saw themselves, Anthony and Miss Eells, lying side by side in death. Suddenly they felt themselves being grasped by powerful unseen hands. They tried to cry out, but they had no voices, and in spite of their frantic struggles they were dragged over the rough stone edge of the well curb and were thrust into the depths of the icy water. Instantly they both blacked out.

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