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Seiya, Taiki and Yaten's Excellent Adventure

part 10

by Sonya-chan

"Ara... Come again?" said Minako, blinking at the two girls at the door. It had started to rain again; this time there was black lightning with it. Rei's eyes grew wide and without thinking she grabbed the two girls and yanked them inside. Just in the nick of time, too. The ebony lightning struck the place where they once stood. Makoto closed the door with difficulty. It was as though something was trying to get in.

"Akuriyo Taisan!" screamed Rei as she threw an ofuda on the door. With the help of Makoto, the door was sealed. It glowed a soft pale blue.

"What was that?" asked Miaka, almost scared out of her wits. Before Rei could answer Shampoo stood up.

"That was Black Demon Rain... Demons are trying to invade the plan of humans..."

Everyone facevaulted even Seiya who was coming out of the adjacent room dressed in the same manner Rei was.

"That's correct..." said Rei to Shampoo, the others surprised. She took her seriously. "How do you know about that?"

"I come from a community of amazons in mainland China... It has been part of our duty to destroy demon..." and with that she took off the protecting covering on her weapons. They looked ancient but well cared for. "These were forged by a powerful Buddhist priest a very long time ago. They have been in my family since it was first forged. My grandmother gave them to me for this fight..." replied Shampoo calmly.

"I had no idea you were demon hunters..." said Ranma.

"That was the main reason the amazons were founded, Ranma... I know of legends that speak of those demon rains... the lightning is a sure sign they will come soon..."

The girls looked at Rei who nodded grimly vouching for Shampoo's story. There was a pounding on door. Everyone jumped. Miaka grabbed on to Yui afraid the demons had finally come.

"Open up! This is an emergency!!!" The untransformed senshi gasped. They recognized the voice. They rushed to the door. Rei took an Ofuda and ripped the one at the door. Makoto opened the door and Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus, who was carrying a shocked Setsuna, burst through the door. It took the combined efforts of Makoto, Ranma, Ryoga and Rei to close it back.

Usagi went to Uranus and Neptune. They were covered with bruises and Setsuna's body was like a mannequin eyes staring into nothingness, her face distorted in a scream. Ryoga, Shampoo, Miaka and Yui were surprised to see the famous Sailor Senshi, Sailor Uranus and Neptune in the temple.

"Ara... Sailor Senshi..." Yui said.
"You mean they really exist?" gasped Ryoga.
" HAYAAAA!!!" blurted out Shampoo.
" You took the words right out of my mouth!" added Miaka.

Leaning nonchalantly on one of the poles of the temple, Ranma remarked. "Well... it's not that surprising considering..." he paused. Seiya was giving him the 'don't you dare say it!' look to Ranma. By the two boys' reactions, the senshi and Mamoru understood that Ranma knew about Seiya's alter-ego... They eyed both of them suspiciously. "... considering this is a temple..." Ranma finished. Seiya let out a long sigh... Makoto grabbed his arm hard.

"Do you care to explain how he knows your secret?" whispered Makoto, visibly upset. Seiya felt the gaze of the other Senshi on him and they seemed quite angry at him. Ranma looked on, why were they so tense all of a sudden? Then he understood. They were Sailor Senshi themselves, but... which was which...


Taiki held on to Ami while the one who attacked Tatsumaki, Makoto and Tsunami stepped into the dark room, an evil smile on his lips.

"I see, dear cousin, that you found your little bride... I knew you weren't dead, Kusanagi, and that capturing the ever elusive Tsuki no Miko would bring you out of your cowardly retreat..." spoke Akurei. He was tall with shoulder length silvery hair. He took his sword out. "I should kill you like the mongrel you are..." he hissed.

Kusanagi drew his own sword and advanced in front of his enemy who backed out of the door, beckoning him to follow.

"Protect Shiori-sama, Aoi-chan... I will deal with him..." He told her.

"Please be careful, Kusanagi-sama... I'm sure he's leading you to a trap..." Aoi replied, trying to stop Shiori from following Kusanagi.

Taiki still held on to Ami. She looked into her blue eyes. Wondering how they could get out of the book. Makoto had fallen. He took the brunt of the sneaky attack. He was splayed lifeless to the ground. Taiki checked his vitals, when Kusanagi engaged his traitorous cousin. Makoto was alive but barely. His pulse was weak... Was he dying? She thought...

The remaining guards and senshi gasped while Kusanagi and Akurei battled. A troop of Akurei's men came and started to try and circle Kusanagi. They all sprang to his help. The one who looked like Kunzite, seeing loyal men of Kusanagi imprisoned, smashed their door and freed them. What followed was an all out battle between Kusanagi's forces and Akurei.

There was a yell in the commotion. Midori's father's troops were attacking the castle. Taiki and the other armored senshi couldn't stay idle any more. They had to join in the fray if only to protect those who were unarmed. Tatsumaki woke up and joined the fray as soon as she could stand, smashing skulls with her broadsword. Taiki took out her own weapon when she felt Ami's arm trying to stop her.

"Tai-chan... Please! You might get yourself killed..." Ami pleaded, but was stopped in her pleading by Taiki's kiss.

"I shan't be far my love..." she said. "I will protect you and the others from guards who might try to get in." Taiki kissed her again. Ami trembled. That kiss was so full of love, life and passion she almost swooned. Reluctantly Taiki let go of her, and not a moment too soon. Some of Akurei's guards with murder in their eyes where advancing toward the cell. Aoi was about to get out, too, when Taiki stopped her.

"You are needed here, Aoi-chan..." Taiki said. "You will have to protect them, in case..." Aoi nodded grimly.

"Be careful..." she told her. Taiki thanked her and met her assailants.

You never know what you are capable of, unless you are faced with this situation. Taiki dealt death like she never before dealt it, up close and personal. She let her katana bite deep into her opponents. Soon she was herself covered with slashes of her own, her armor bloody from the lifeblood of those who fell from her sword. She didn't have time for remorse, no time to be graceful. It was survival, pure and simple. There was no grace in the bloodshed she was causing, no beauty in her movement, just a deadly accuracy to dispose of her enemy before they could jeopardize her friends' and lover's life.

She was a real fury, an amazon of legend, striking fear and respect into the men around her. Even Tatsumaki was impressed with her. She fought like a lioness protecting her cubs. A grim determination on her features, she wasn't cruel with her enemies. She didn't let them suffer and dealt them a quick death. She danced with her sword making it sing a death requiem for those who crossed her. She seemed to be all over them. Unfortunately she didn't see the one that was coming on her blind side.

Ami looked on the battle. She saw the man's dagger poised, carefully moving like an assassin. Ami yelled to Taiki. She couldn't hear her over the cries of the dead, the wounded and the victors. The man was coming closer to Taiki. The other men must have understood his intention, because they were trying to keep Taiki occupied while Death approached her stealthily. For Ami there was no other choice possible. Screaming Taiki's name, she rushed to her side and blocked with her own body the blade that was meant for Taiki. She felt the cold blade enter her. She gasped. Taiki spun around and saw her collapse. Screaming, Taiki swung her blade and decapitated the man who wounded Ami. She dealt a quick death to his accomplices before collapsing near Ami.

Tatsumaki and Tsunami covered for them as Taiki took Ami in her arms. She looked in horror at the blade that had lodged itself in her torso. Ami coughed blood. By her rasping breath Taiki knew she wouldn't last long. Taiki cried, holding her tenderly in her arms.

"Why?... oh why? Ami-chan... Why?..." she whispered crying. She looked in her blue eyes. She had a look of peace in her face, calm and unafraid.

"I... I couldn't bear... to loose you... I had to... stop him... I love you... Tai-chan..." she whispered. She felt her strength dwindle, so tired now... finally sleep... her eyes rolled back in her sockets as her consciousness vanished. Taiki looked at her. She was dying, the only person who meant to world to her was dying. She yelled like a wounded animal her name. In the cell, there wasn't a dry eye as they looked on the pitiful scene. Taiki kissed her.

She stood up, looking down on Ami's pale body. She was dead inside. She took her sword and advanced to Tatsumaki and Tsunami.

"You protect them now... I leave them into your care" said Taiki unemotionally. Tsunami tried to stop her. Tatsumaki shook her head.

"She made her decision... She has chosen her death. Life wouldn't be enough for her now... I know how she must feel. I would do the same if you were to die..." said Tatsumaki, tears flowing from her eyes.

Taiki growled and rushed the main battle, tears flowing from her eyes. She had been a formidable opponent before, but now, she made them pay for the death of Ami. She had glassy eyes, and killed many men. When Kusanagi's troops were victorious in the castle she rushed outside and continued the fight.

She fought mercilessly but being only human, soon her own strength dwindled and her attacks became less accurate. She could hear Kusanagi tell her to fall back, that her injuries were slowing her down. She didn't care. She pushed herself into the heart of the battle. Soon she was overwhelmed by assailants who wanted to kill her, who had struck down so many of their comrades. Taiki felt their sword enter her, then slip out as a warm liquid flowed from her. She collapsed on the battle ground. She heard Makoto scream her name. He was still alive. She smiled. She was happy. He was so nice, he deserved a good life.

She felt the battlefield clear. Kusanagi's forces, added with Modori's father's own had had reason of Akurei's army. Kusanagi had killed his cousin and his troops fell back knowing they had lost. Makoto reached Murasaki's bloody body. Staring at the gaping wounds, he held on to her, crying. With her remaining strength she reached to his face.

"Don't cry..." she whispered. "I could have learned to love you..." She beckoned him with her lips and he kissed her tenderly. He gathered her up, crying and got back to the castle. Outside the men were rejoicing, but there was no yell of happiness as Makoto entered with Murasaki's body. All the senshi were crying bitter tears at the tragedy. They won the battle but at the price of two of their sisters' lives. The price, it seemed, was too high.

Makoto placed Murasaki's dying body next to Mizuumi. They both found the strength to reach for each other's hand.

" I couldn't bear... life without you..." she whispered gasping for air. She had stayed alive just a little while longer. A kiss, a kiss is all I ask, then I can die. Weakly, she reached for Ami and kissed her. They both kissed with the same passion, tears flowing from their eyes. Taiki could feel her power rejoin that of Mercury. Melding together, she kissed her again and all went dark as she felt her soul swirl out of her body. She cried but she felt Ami's soul with her. Without having to talk, they knew what it meant. They would be together forever. They kissed as they floated upward towards the light.


Inside the Temple everyone was surprised to see the book open and glow. Miaka jumped in excitement. That must mean the story is finished and that Taiki would get out of the book. She stopped jumping. She had another thought. Maybe the book would be getting them now.

All present in the temple watched as light swirled and formed into two bodies that were hugging each other closely. They all saw Taiki and Ami kissing passionately unaware of what was happening. The book closed and the light vanished but still Ami and Taiki were kissing. All the girls looked at the couple, blushing, but waited and waited and waited some more. Ami kissing Taiki was exciting. They were happy for their friend but they felt it was maybe enough. Even Seiya couldn't believe how passionate their kissing was and he was starting to feel embarrassed for Taiki, who obviously didn't know he had an audience.

"Are they coming up for air soon?" whispered Minako to Rei who was looking at them in disbelief.

"I knew she was his girlfriend... Yui-chan. You owe me a thousand yens!" singsang Miaka while Yui was growling in frustration. Everyone started to giggle. Their lips still locked, Ami and Taiki opened their eyes and facevaulted, huge sweatdrops on the sides of their heads as they looked around surprised. Taiki then looked at Ami and she looked at him. They were back to normal and most importantly they were alive.

"WE'RE ALIVE!!!" they both shouted together. They hugged and he spun her around, laughing and crying at the same time. They started to kiss again. Everyone looked at them as though they were gone cuckoo or something.

"This is a temple. Would they mind stopping this?" grumbled Rei.

"Why Rei-chan? Jealous?" chuckled Neptune. Everyone did an awww sound when Rei decided to separate the couple.

"Hahem!... This is a temple... Would you guys mind being a little more discreet?" Rei said as both Taiki and Ami turned bright red. They excused themselves quickly. Rei shook her head.

"Well..." sighed Usagi. "We know now that Taiki-san and Ami-chan are safe... Now that only leaves Yaten-kun..."

Both Seiya and Taiki were concerned. "Usagi-chan... what do you mean?" asked Taiki as he sat down next to Seiya, his arm around Ami.

Usagi started to relate to both Seiya and Taiki that Yaten was missing and that strange incident had happened in the college he was supposed to go for a week.


Kurama and Hiei rushed to where Healer's scream originated. Yuusuke and Kuwabara followed them. I don't understand, Yuusuke thought. I was expecting Kurama to act hot-headed but not Hiei too. What's wrong with these two?

Kurama and Hiei burst into the room. They saw the Demon near Healer trying to force another kiss on her lips. Hiei growled and charged it. In a blur he was there.

"LET HER GO PAZOLES!" screamed Kurama, slashing smaller demons out of his path. Healer smiled. Now this Demon was going to get his butt kicked. Hiei looked at her, then at the demon. She felt something when Hiei looked at her, an emotion, similar but different from Kurama. She shook her head. Now wasn't the time to think about that.

Hiei slashed Pazoles across the chest. He cursed. The demon's movement had prevented his doing more serious injuries. He heard Healer cry out. On her chest at the exact place he had slashed Pazoles, he saw a wound form, oozing blood. He wondered if the demon was fast enough to slash her while he was attacking. Pondering, he saw Kurama strike the demon with his whip, entangling his left arm. Healer cried out again. He saw the puncture marks of Kurama's whip on her arm. Each wound the demon received, Yaten received the same. Where the demon didn't seem to suffer, she suffered in his place.

"KURAMA!!! STOP!" yelled Hiei, trying to free the demon. Kurama didn't understand. Hiei pointed to Healer whose glove was dripping blood. Kurama felt his heart rise to his throat. The demon had bonded her to him. Hiei and Kurama heard Kuwabara rush Pazoles. They put themselves in his path.

"What? Are you crazy? Did he hypnotize you or something..." said Kuwabara trying to evade Hiei.

"Well, one shot of Reigun to the head should take care of things..." replied Yuusuke pointing his finger to the demon who just looked at him, arms crossed over his chest. Kurama placed himself between Yuusuke and his target.

"Yuusuke... you will have to go through me before you hurt him..." he said calmly. Yuusuke held back his attack. Kurama isn't possessed he thought. "If you kill Pazoles you also kill Yaten..."

"What?" both Yuusuke and Kuwabara said. They heard Pazoles starting to laugh.

"So! How do you like it, heroes?... Hurt me and you hurt the damsel in distress..." He doubled over in laughter.

I'm being reduced to a stupid stereotype... fumed internally Healer. If she was free and didn't have the inconvenience of hurting herself, she would toast this Demon.

"That guy is seriously getting on my nerves..." said Kuwabara between his teeth. Yuusuke had an idea. It was so simple it could only work.

"Hiei... Kurama... rescue her while Kuwabara and I distract him, then we're out of here..." whispered Yuusuke. Both Hiei and Kurama nodded.

Both Yuusuke and Kuwabara attacked the Demon, gauding him into attack but careful not to hurt him. Pazoles laughed to himself. They were reacting just like he hoped they would. Meanwhile Hiei and Kurama had reached Healer. Hiei jumped up and using his sword he started to slash the tentacles that held her. His gaze crossed her own and for a few seconds they both looked at each other, their cheeks turning red. Kurama looking in the scene just smiled quietly. He was happy in a way the two persons he loved the most also loved each other. He felt a little relieved. This way he knew he would not be abandoning Hiei nor forced to choose.

Hiei looked down and saw her lips. He wanted to kiss her but he had to free her first. He tore his gaze from her lips and slashed the tentacles that held her. Having nothing to keep her up, she fell down into Kurama's waiting arms as he jumped mid-way to catch her.

"Hi!" he said, smiling.

"Hi, yourself..." she smiled back. She bridged the path between their lips but stopped. "You ARE Kurama..." she said while she looked at the demon battling Yuusuke and Kuwabara. He couldn't be impersonating so many people...

"Huh?" said Kurama.

"Never mind!" she said. She kissed him. She hadn't realized until now how much she wanted to kiss him. Surprised, he started to kiss her back, until he felt Hiei's presence next to them.

"Sorry to break it up but we have to get a move on..." said Hiei blushing slightly when he looked at her. She had the same reaction. Kurama nodded. Smiling, he made foliage appear and he captured Pazoles with it. Yuusuke and Kuwabara laughed at it as he tried to get out of his predicament.

Yuusuke and Kuwabara ran toward Hiei, Kurama and Healer. Yuusuke got out the scroll that Master Genkai gave him and tore it opened. They immediately disappeared, leaving Pazoles to detangle himself.

Pazoles stopped to trash in the plants. He started to chuckle, then he erupted into a maniacal laughter. He easily ripped himself out of the plant material, while he continued to laugh.

"THE FOOLS!!!!" He laughed. He had played them like a violin. It was just a question of time now. And everything would be his.


End of part 10

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