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Seiya, Taiki and Yaten Excellent Adventure part 9

by Sonya-chan

Taiki woke that morning, sighing that her ordeal wasn't over yet. She started to get out of bed when she saw Makoto sleeping on the floor next to her bed. She looked at him. She never heard him get in during the night. He could have easily slipped into bed with her and yet he didn't. She was touched by his gallantry. Smiling, she got closer to him and...

Taiki backed off, what is wrong with me? Where did that come from? I'm not interested in Zoicite. He seems quite happy with Kunzite back home. Her hands started to tremble. How much of this can I blame on this wretched book? she thought. Ami... she clung to her name like she would cling to a lifesaver. It's Ami-chan that I love. No, Makoto... Zoicite... Ami-chan, I need you. I feel adrift in an ocean of contradiction. Ami if only you were here. One look into your beautiful blue eyes and I would know where I stand. I've been in difficult situations but never have I doubted myself before. She hugged herself, not knowing what to do next.

Makoto woke up and saw her hugging herself in the bed, looking so lost, so hurt. It pulled at his heart. He wanted so much so climb onto the bed and hold her. To take away whatever burden she had, just hold her, although he wanted more.

"Saki-chan..." he whispered softly, afraid he might startled her. Taiki looked down to him. Their eyes met. I feel so weird when he looks at me like that. I'm afraid. She felt vulnerable and hated every second of it. He didn't move from where he was, waiting for her to tell him otherwise.

"Saki-chan..." he continued. "Please do not be afraid for Mizuumi-san. We will find and rescue her..."

"I- I know..." she replied. "That's not what I am afraid of..."

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked, a little hurt.

"Yes... no... I- I don't know any more..." Taiki replied. Maybe, she thought to herself, this is the way the book goes... I have to live through it if I want to get out of here...

Makoto rose from the floor and turned around. "Mak... I will leave Saki-chan alone if she's afraid of Makoto..."

"No..." she said. He stopped. "Please stay... " she whispered. He obeyed her and was about to sit back down on the floor. She reached out to him.

"You don't have to sit on the floor..." she said as she tapped on the bed next to her. He was surprised but did as he was told. He tried to look in her eyes but she averted her eyes. With his hand, he turned her face gently. she was blushing and still not trying to look him in the eyes. Makoto brought himself closer to her. Taiki bit her lips. If you want to get out of the book, Taiki, then swallow your pride and take your medicine. Maybe if he kisses you, you'll get out of this crazy thing. Right now I only want out. I don't care any more. I only wish to be with Ami-chan. If it means kissing Zoicite then... so be it.

Makoto drew her closer to him but he felt her reluctance. It's as though she wanted him to continue and at the same she was afraid. He knew not what to do next. He felt like he was forcing her somehow. This wasn't what he wanted at all. He let go of her chin and gathered her in his arms, putting her head on his chest.

"You are not ready, my nightingale. I will wait until you are..." Taiki clung to him, part of her cursing that he didn't kiss her so she would be free of this book. The other part grateful that he didn't force himself on her.

Midori then entered Murasaki's bedchamber happy and unknowing of the situation. She let out a small gasp when she saw them on the bed.

"Oups! Sorry! I didn't know you were BOTH in here... Aaahhh we have to get ready... Oh, Murasaki-chan, you'll need this... sorry!" said Midori as she threw something on the bed. With that, she turned. Giggling, she closed the door behind her.

Makoto got up. "I will leave you so you can prepare yourself... My heart..." he exited, leaving her alone to muse over the object Midori had left her.

It was a medallion with a purple star on it and as soon as she took it, Taiki felt the power of her native planet.

"Maker Star Power Make up!" There was a flash of light but instead of her Sailor Fuku she now wore an armor similar to what Tatsumaki and Tsunami wore. Finally, she thought, some action. I vow I will rescue all who need to be rescued... Ami-chan, I want so much to see you again...

She ran out of the room and headed for the courtyard. She was soon meet by Midori and Aoi already wearing their armor and stood ready, smiling at their sister in arms.

Meanwhile, Ami woke up. She felt a familiar power nearby. She started to cry of joy. "Maker..." she whispered. "I feel you near me... Tai-chan..."

They were in the tunnels and had been walking for hours. Taiki felt a tugging at her heart... "Ami-chan... Is this you?... I feel your presence... It's impossible..." A glow escaped from her and it passed the others who gasped when they saw it. They heard Makoto gasp as Taiki's body slipped forward, falling lifeless to the ground. Taiki flew through the air as in a dream, slipped through the corridors and passageway. Finding the cell where Ami-chan's life force had guided her, she snuggled to her. Ami with a trembling hand took the light into her hands.

It was Taiki, she knew it. She could feel Taiki's soul basking her with love. "Tai-chan... it's you. It's really you..." the glow intensified. *Ami-chan* she heard in her head *Hang on my Love I'm coming for you*. Tendrils emerged from the glow. The other girls gasped but Ami's calm face told them their friend had nothing to hide. The tendrils change into hands and arms that caressed Ami's face then held her in a loving hug.

"What happened to her?" roared Tatsumaki. All of them told her to hush lest the entire palace would become aware of their presence. Makoto held Murasaki's limp form in his arms, trying to feel some life in the deadlike body. Fearing the worst, he hugged her tightly, sobbing softly.

Ami kissed the light. "Go..." she whispered. "You can't stay away from your body too long..." The hands dissolved and the light went away from her. With the speed of light, it went back on its way and reentered her body. Taiki gasped for air as though for the first time in her life. Feeling her coming back to life, Makoto gave her space to breathe. Tears flowed from her eyes, "I saw them. I know where they are..." she whispered, a smile on her face. She was happy to be alive. The sight of Ami and knowing it was indeed Ami-chan and not a stranger, gave her the strength to see this through.

"Are you fine enough to travel?" asked Makoto.

"Yes, it's this way..." said Taiki getting up and taking the lead. After a good ten minutes of rapid walking through the corridor, they arrived at a junction.

"I recognized the passageway..." said Kusanagi. We are near the holding cells. He gestured for everyone to shush when he saw a group of his cousin's guard pass in the corridor. Tatsumaki fumed but nevertheless waited until the guards turned a corner.

"We could have taken them easily... Why didn't we attack them?" grumbled Tatsumaki.

"Because I didn't want to take the chance of having them sound an alarm... This is a rescue not an all out battle... We do not know if the Miko can fight. And I will not endanger her with foolish bravado." replied Kusanagi dryly.

"Patience, my love," said Tsunami. "I am sure you will have the battle you crave before the day is done..."

"For once, Tsunami-san..." replied Kusanagi. "I hope your prediction doesn't come true until Shiori-sama is rescued..."

Kusanagi pushed a secret button and a door opened for them. They slipped into the corridor. Taiki, taking the lead, went straight to the cell and opened it.

"Murasaki-chan!" said a familiar voice as she entered the cell, but Taiki was looking for a pair of true blue eyes. "Tai-chan!" she heard and rushed to where the call came. She was met half-way by Ami as they hugged and fell to the ground crying.

"Kusanagi-sama! Aoi-chan!" gasped the Tsuki no Miko.
"Shiori!" they both shouted as they rushed to hold her.

Kiniro and Midori embraced but Midori stepped aside when one of Kusanagi's guards came to kiss her. Taiki was a little bit surprised to see Kunzite kiss Minako... but then again she thought everything's been weird in this story. She didn't care she had Ami in her arms... for her the story was over as far as she was concerned. She took Ami's face in her hands and whispered.

"Aishiteru... Ami-chan..." she dipped forward to kiss her, Ami's face as red as can be but she closed her eyes to accept the kiss. There was an explosion at the cell door. Tatsumaki, Tsunami and Makoto yelled out in pain and collapsed to the ground.

"My, my, my... isn't that touching?" said a voice coming from the blown door.


Kurama paced back and forth, worry etched on his brow. Kuwabara was about to make him sit down when Master Genkai entered the room. Kurama almost jumped on her.

"Have you found her?" he said gripping the old woman's clothes. Yuusuke cringed. The last guy who tried that on Master Genkai didn't live long enough for his next breath. But she merely sighed.

"Hold on to your hormones, Kurama... Yes I found her... too easily if you ask me." She grabbed Kurama's hand and twisted it a bit, not enough to actually harm but enough to tell never to try that stunt again.

"Then, tell me... us where she is..." He replied, rubbing his hand.

"I will. All in good time..." she started.

"In good time? IN GOOD TIME??!!!" Kurama yelled. "Stop toying with us, woman, and spit it out!"

Master Genkai looked at Kurama straight in the eye. She closed her eyes, and sighed. "You'll never be able to find her if you continue to act irrationally... I'm surprised Kurama... You usually have more self-control..."

"How can I feel otherwise? I feel like someone tore into my soul..." he cried out, his tears flowing out his eyes.

"Tore into your soul?..." said Kuwabara. "Gee, what did you do to her when we left you all alone with her last night?"

Kurama's green eyes connected with Kuwabara, who realized his mistake too late. He leaped at him. "Take that back!..."he roared as he transformed into a six tailed silver fox-spirit. It's gaping maw going for Kuwabara's throat. Yukina rushed to place herself between them, trying to shield Kuwabara from the Youko's attack. Hiei was fast and the wind plucked the youko in mid air and grabbed him. Realizing what he just, did Kurama changed back into his old self crumbling on the ground.

"What's the matter with me?" he whispered, his hands trembling.

"It is because of your Youko form Kurama..." started Master Genkai. "I think it senses her danger, and lashes out like a caged animal. You're devastated yourself so your Youko persona is trying to get the better of your humanity, Kurama... You must calm down..."

Kurama hung his head low, embarrassed by his actions. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up half-expecting to see Hiei. Kurama was surprised to see it was Kuwabara.

"I'm sorry, Kurama... I was a dunce and spoke without thinking... So what do you say? Do we go kick some demon butts and get her out of there..."

Kurama smiled then chuckled." AS you say my friend, as you say..."

"Alright! Let's go show them who's boss!" replied Yuusuke cracking his knuckles. Hiei nodded and started outside, followed by Kurama and Kuwabara. Yuusuke was about to follow them when he felt a tug at his shirt.

"Yuusuke! If you need to come back quickly then break this seal. All non-demon within a 60 foot radius will be transported into somewhere safe. Use this only if there is no other alternative." Master Genkai cautioned. "Here, use this crystal. It will lead you to the closest portal to the Makai realm."

Yuusuke took the scroll and the crystal and ran after the others. She sighed and looked at Yukina.

"You better get ready Yukina... we have a temple to go to before the boys arrive there..."

"How do you know where Kuwabara and the others will be?" she asked, puzzled.

"Because that is where the scroll will take them..." Genkai replied.

"But maybe Yuusuke and the others won't need this scroll..." she ventured.

"Oh they will... believe me they will... Now let's get ready."

Meanwhile in the Makai, Sailor Star Healer fainted, exhausted by the leaches who sucked her energy. The Demon checked if she was really out cold and removed the leaches from her. A lesser demon materialized.

"Master, our spies tell us Yuusuke and his band have arrived in the Makai... they are coming this way..."

"Very well, change my guards immediately, and replaced them with Bitaro, Manikunen, Yobiko and Eizu... Immediately..." replied his master.

"But Master, I don't understand... they are good fighters but not as good as..." questioned the lesser demon.

"Never you mind... now do as I say!" growled the Demon. The other yelled and disappeared. "Now, my dear... I hope you have a lovely screaming voice because you're going to lead them to me..." He started to chuckle and disappeared.

"I know this place..." said Hiei flatly.

"Really? Been here before?" sneered Kuwabara.

"No. I always avoided this place," he replied. "This is the castle of Pazoles..." Kurama gasped.

"From your reaction, I'll bet this guy is trouble..." wondered Yuusuke.

"He's ruthless and cunning. We have to be careful when dealing with him. He's most deceitful" explained Kurama.

"Yes and he's quite ambitious also... Some say he is overconfident in his plans... Let's just say those who said that didn't live long..." added Hiei.

"I SMELL MORTAL SOUL!!!" said a thundering voice.

"Let me guess. The obligatory guard that stands at the entrance and will destroy us we try to pass..." commented flatly Yuusuke.

"Hehehehe... They never learn do they?" chuckled Kuwabara. They heard the sound of a whip. "Kurama! Conserve your strength... I'll deal with this bozo!" Kuwabara extended his spirit sword.

"I think Pazoles isn't the only one that's overconfident here..." said Hiei as Kuwabara charged the guard.

Healer woke up, still feeling weak from the leaching, but the horrible things were gone. She thanked the stars for that. The door burst open and she saw Kurama battling two demons.

"Kurama!" Healer yelled. Was she ever glad to see him. His clothes were ripped and he had some slashes on him telling her about the battle he had to go through to rescue her. He dealt with the loathsome creatures and jumped to her, his feet resting on the tentacles. He smiled at her.

"Kurama..." she whispered. He looked deep within her eyes. She felt trapped by those eyes. He inched closer to her, putting a hand on the side of her face. He kissed her.

Couldn't this wait until I'm freed? she thought. His kiss deepened and became even more passionate. Ooh what the heck! she replied to herself as she started to respond to his kisses. It's not like she kissed a lot of guys but Kurama was a good kisser, she thought. Then something felt weird. His hand that was against her face it became rougher and it had talons.

She opened her eyes and saw that she was kissing the demon. She turned her head trying to escape this. She spit on the ground. She felt sick. She was enjoying that kiss. It revolted her. The demon drew back. She glared at it.

"I thought I wasn't on your date list any more!!!" she yelled, outraged.

"I changed my mind... and my dear I don't think you're in any position to refuse me." he chuckled. He traced a finger against her face, then traced it downward to her neck...

Omigod! she thought. Afraid she started to scream. "KURAAAAMAAAA!!!! HELP MEEEEEE!!!!"

Kurama gasped. They had just gotten rid of the last guard defending Pazoles' throne room. "YATEN!!!" She sounded like she was nearby. All of them heard it. They followed Kurama as he entered the throne room.


Seiya stepped out of the bathroom. She couldn't find a brush so she couldn't rearrange her hair the way she wanted to. So she just sat back down in the train when she realized that not too far from here was the Temple of Hikawa. The conductor called the next stop. Seiya decided to get out here. It was, what, maybe a ten minute run from here to the temple.

"No sweat! I've done this lots of times in the morning!" she said as she stood in front of the train door. When it opened, she started to sprint toward the temple. She ran and ran, only to pause and try to catch her breath at the bottom of the temple steps.

"Why can't they build these stupid temples on ground level...?" she grumbled, then she heard it, a familiar laugh that made her heart sing. "Oooo... He's here!" and her eyes got all starry and she looked at the stairs in determination and started to run up the stairs.

Mamoru laughed because Usagi had fallen flat on her face with the drink she was carrying for him, and had stained her pretty dress. So Rei, grumbling, had taken her inside to clean up. Only then did Mamoru start to laugh, unable to keep it inside any longer. He didn't want to laugh in his Usako's face, but the look she had was priceless. Mamoru was turning around when he was tackled in a big hug fiercely, actually knocking some wind out of him. All he saw was a blur of golden hair.

"MAMO-CHAN!!!!" said the girl that tackled him, her face hidden by the way she was holding him. This couldn't possibly be Usagi, Mamoru thought...

"Ano... May I help you?" asked Mamoru. The girl stiffened and gasped. She took a few steps back, tears flooding her blue eyes. The girl was familiar to Mamoru somehow, but he couldn't quite place the face, and she was taller than Usagi. The girl started to bawl out...

"MAMO-CHAN!!! You... you don't remember me? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Mamoru felt a big sweatdrop on the side of his head. He was trying to quiet this deranged girl. Her reaction were just like Usagi's crying in cascades.

All that noise brought Rei, Minako, Makoto and especially Usagi outside...

"Who is she?" asked Minako.
"Beats me! Maybe an old flame of Mamoru?" replied Makoto.

"My! and I thought Usagi-chan was a weird choice..." added Rei. The three girls heard a growling sound. They turned around with sweatdrop rolling down their heads. Usagi was almost purple with rage... not a pretty sight.

"Uh... Miss... I'm sorry, but I think you got me confused with somebody else..." said Mamoru as he was trying to calm this geyser.

"Oh yeah! I'm sure there's a lot of guys who like to be called Mamo-chan in Tokyo..." sneered Artemis.

"Artemis!!!" yelled at the same time Minako and Luna, as Usagi was marching up to the girl. Not knowing what else to do, the girls and cats followed them. The girl latched herself to Mamoru again just as Usagi was coming next to them.

"But you've got to remember, Mamo-chan... not after all we've been through..." she said starry eyed.

"Listen, you bimbo! I don't know who you are but hands off my Mamo-chan!" said Usagi pulling Mamoru by the arm. Seiya did the same and suddenly Mamoru knew how a wishbone felt. Then suddenly Usagi stopped tugging. She did a double take and marched up to Rei, leaving poor Mamoru being cuddled by the amorous girl.

Usagi took a fist full of Rei's hair and dragged her up to the girl busy hugging her Mamo-chan. Rei followed her having no choice in the matter being pulled by the hair like that. Minako and Makoto looked on with sweatdrops on their heads. Usagi proceeded to put the fistful of Rei's hair and placed it on the girl's head, they recognized her immediately:

"SEIYA!!!!" they all shouted.

Seiya looked at them dumbfounded "WHO?"

"Hikawa Temple is the place where I shall find the black hair goddess, right Saotome?" asked Kuno as he was driving at top speed in his sports car.

"Yes, of course, and I've heard she'll be very happy to see you Kuno old boy..." Ranma replied. Seiya is going to have my head for this, he thought, but Kuno's car was the fastest way to get here. And since Ranma didn't know how to drive a car, he was forced to bring Kuno with them. Which wasn't hard to accomplish. All he had to do was to mention Sailor Star Fighter and Kuno's hormones went into overdrive. He hated to use the stratagem but times where dire... He had to make Seiya drink the potion... Oh well, he'll see soon enough.

Kuno's car came to a stop. They were just at the bottom of the steps of the temple. Kuno got out of his car with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Black hair Goddess, I have come to woo you and to pledge my undi..." *BONK* Kuno fell to the ground while Shampoo looked at him.

"Oh. Him out cold for at least two hours... Did Shampoo did good Ranma?" asked Shampoo, as the two guys put Kuno back in the car.

"Oh... yeah... I hope he stays put until we cure Seiya..." replied Ranma.

"I just hope he... she's there..." added Ryoga. Ranma gave him a look that said 'don't jinx it'. Ranma and co. ran up the stairs to the temple.

Meanwhile, Mamoru, Usagi, Seiya, Minako and Makoto watched Rei as she sat before the fire entering her trance.

"BOOOOORING!" said Seiya. Rei was starting to boil. Seiya, who thought she was Usagi, was getting on her nerves.


"Sei..." Seiya looked up to Mamoru and seemed like she was about to cry. He changed the start of his sentence. "Usako... please keep it down and be silent so that Rei can find out what the trouble is..."

"Okay, Mamo-chan..." Seiya replied then she had a mischievous smile. "I know a way I can keep silent."

"Oh? And how's that?" asked Mamoru. Seiya closed her eyes and puckered up. Mamoru facevaulted.

"Uh... Rei-chan? Can you hurry this up? I have a situation here..."

"I'm waiting..." said Seiya. Minako and Makoto were trying desperately to keep their laughter in check.

"I wish I had a video to record this..." said Minako.

Rei's eyes suddenly opened. She saw Seiya falling in a pond then coming out as a woman. She then saw Seiya receiving a shampoo from a girl. The image blurred and she then saw Taiki and Ami dressed in ancient clothing, both of them female. She also saw a strange book. The image changed again. She saw Healer held by some big tentacle-like monster. She saw little green glowing things sucking her energy. She then saw a man with red hair deliver Healer. She saw them kissing. Then both of them fell lifeless to the ground. She shivered as her vision went away. What did it mean?

The temple's door swung open. "Rei-chan..." it was Rei's grandfather. "You have people here who say they can cure Seiya... Why? Is he sick?"

"You might say that!" replied Mamoru as he tried to ignore Seiya's repeated attempt to kiss him.

Ranma, Shampoo and Ryoga entered while Rei's grandfather exited.

"Who are you? And what happened to Seiya?" asked Usagi. She wasn't all too pleased with the situation.

"Ah... You see" started Ranma. "Here's what happened..." Ranma then started to relate how Seiya fell into the pool and transformed into a woman. Since he didn't know these people, Ranma left out the part that he also knew about Seiya's secret identity. He then told them that they went to Shampoo's restaurant, and being jealous of Seiya, she used a special brain-washing shampoo that also changed the hair color of the afflicted person. After running around in hopes of finding Seiya, they found out that she was coming here, so they asked a friend to give them a ride here.

Ranma took a deep breath and waited for their reaction. Rei nodded.

"It confirms what I saw in my trance..."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's give her the medicine..." said Makoto.

Ranma poured out a dose of the elixir but Seiya refused to take it. Everybody groaned. Mamoru took the dose from Ranma.

"Please, Usako... for me?" Mamoru said using his puppy eyes.

"What will I get it I take it?" replied Seiya coyly.

"I'll give a really, really nice kiss..." "HEY!" said Usagi as the others tried to shush her.

"That kiss will be much nicer if you give it to me now..." said Seiya.

"You don't take the medicine... you don't get a kiss..." replied Mamoru, Seiya pouted but took the medicine.

"I feel weird..." she said. "Hey! What am I doing here? Oh well, Re-chan... youwouldn'tbelieveallthenicestuffIfoundwhenIwasinNerima...whatwasIdoinginNer ima?IhadnoideabutIsaidtomyselfMinakoknow..."

"MINAKO?!!!" said the girls.

"Yeah? what?" Seiya replied looking at them she shrugged. "anywayImeetthisreallycuteguyatthemalloverthereandhegavemehisphonenumberheto ldmeifIevercomebacktoNerimatogivehimacalland..."

Ranma poured yet another dose and handed it to Seiya. "Thanks!" she replied. "I was thirsty...say you're kind of cute yourself..." she gulped the contents down.

Seiya shook her head. Instantly her hair turned black. She blinked a couple of times and said: "Whoa- What am I doing here?... Ranma?"

"Seiya? Is it really you, now?" asked Usagi.

"Of course, Odango... who do you think it GYAAAAAAHHH!!!" screamed Seiya. Everyone jumped expecting the worst.

"What am I doing in a mini-skirt????" screamed Seiya, trying to pull down the fabric visibly embarrassed. Everyone sighed. They were all relieved.

"Here, Seiya, if you drink the rest of this bottle you'll turn back into a guy." said Ranma. Drat! He thought I wanted to keep the last portion just in case Cologne would try another try like that.

Seiya took the bottle and was about to drink it down when he remembered the kind of clothing she was wearing.

"Uh... Rei-chan you wouldn't happen to have something I could wear when I change back now would you?"

She pointed to a door in the corner to Seiya. "There are some apprentice robes in that room. You can also change there..."

"Arigato!" Seiya headed with the bottle into the small room.

Rei's grandfather came back through the entrance of the temple. "Uh, Rei-chan, there are these two girls who clam they know where Taiki and Ami are..."

Miaka and Yui came in the temple. The girls and Mamoru went to see them.

"You- You know where Taiki-san and Ami-chan are? Please tell us, we're worried sick." said Usagi.

"Miaka, you better show them... You see, your friends are trapped..." replied Yui.

"Trapped? Where?" asked Makoto.

"In here!" said Miaka putting the book in front of her. Rei turned pale. It was the book she saw in her vision.

End of part 9

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