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Seiya, Taiki and Yaten's Excellent Adventure

Part 4

by Sonya-chan

"You mean he's a woman?" croaked Kuwabara as the demons unleashed another attack.

"Are you crazy? Get away from here! These things mean business..." yelled Healer.

"What? And let you have all the fun?" said Yuusuke using his multiple punch technique on a swarm of demons. "I don't think so..."

"Yeah! We're professionals... kid. Don't you dare do that at home..." added Kuwabara as he used his spirit sword for demon shish kebab. Hiei paused a few seconds to look at her and the demons he just passed exploded in blood and guts from the multiple invisible cuts he did to them.

Using his Rose Whip to slash at demons, Kurama turned to Healer. "You better go hide... we'll take care of them."

Healer was fuming. "Oh! Can the Macho gimmick! Just because I'm a girl now doesn't mean I'm helpless! STAR SENSITIVE INFERNO!!!!" With one blast she managed to destroy more demons than Hiei. Looking to the guys, who were a bit surprised by the extant of her power; she blew on her index finger as if it was a smoking gun, a sly smile played from her features. She was about to say another wisecrack remark when another bunch of demons arrived.

"Is there no end to these things?" she yelled as she jumped away from them. She yelled her attack and blasted the beasts into oblivion.

"There must be a portal to the Makai somewhere near... Kuwabara..." said Yuusuke as he cleared the demons around his friend so he could concentrate to pinpoint the location of the portal. Kuwabara closed his eyes and after a few seconds he pointed to the school.

"It's on the second floor in the teacher's lounge." Kuwabara said. He extended his spirit sword against the demon that had reformed around him.

"Kurama, Hiei!" called Yuusuke. "You two close that portal... we'll handle things here..."

Kurama looked at Healer then back at Yuusuke. "We can't just leave you here... there's too many of them..." Another crack of his whip dealt the demise of three other demons.

"Don't worry about us..." replied Yuusuke. "Between me, Kuwabara and Toots we should manage..." Healer, who had jumped out of the path of Hiei, redirected her jump so that she would fall on her elbow on top of Yuusuke's head. She let her weight and her momentum add to the blow that she dealt him.

"Don't you EVER call me Toots again! The name's Sailor Star Healer, if you ever call me Toots you'll have to unbutton your jacket to eat... got it?" Everyone including the demons paused and had sweat drops hanging on the side of their heads. Great! Thought Yuusuke who was having a mundo headache now thanks to Healer, just what we need: attitude with legs...

"What's the big idea?... We're on the same side..." yelled Yuusuke.

"Maybe your friends are used to be insulted, not me, so don't treat me like a ninny or insult me and I'll be just fine!" replied Healer. And to prove that she was on their side she blasted the demons that were ready to attack Yuusuke by hiding in his blind spot. Kurama couldn't but continue to observe Healer as she gracefully sent the monster meet their maker.

"Don't just stand there, gaping!" snapped Yuusuke annoyed at Kurama. "I though I told you to go close that damn portal!" Kurama blushed and started to run where Hiei had disappeared. After a few jumps he had catch up with him.

While they were gone, Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Healer were left dealing with the demons and after a few tries they succeeded in combining their efforts to battle these things. Yuusuke hated to admit it but Healer was quite a good fighter, he almost regretted calling her Toots... almost.

Suddenly out of nowhere Botan appeared floating on her oar, she called to Yuusuke.

"Yuusuke! That Idol singer doesn't really exist and we double-checked the energy signature it's from a girl called..." just then she saw Sailor Star Healer dealing yet another blast to the demons. "Oh... I guess you already know, uh?"

"What, you mean Miss Sailor in the skimpy costume?" growled Yuusuke between his teeth.

"I HEARD that!" snapped back Healer kicking a demon in the groin area sending it flying into a small orbit. Kuwabara couldn't help but wince... that must have hurt! Botan swooped down next to Healer.

"Princess Yaten of the Star Healer?... What are you doing here?" asked Botan. Both boys turned around, had they heard well? PRINCESS????

"What do you think I'm doing?..." Healer blasted the demon before turning to Botan. "Who are you? And how do you know my real name?" Botan was about to tell her when she saw a much bigger demon appear behind Healer.

"PRINCESS! LOOK OUT!" she cried out.

Meanwhile Kurama and Hiei were running toward the portal slashing their way through the demons that tried to bar their way.

"So!" said Hiei suddenly. Kurama looked at him wondering.

"You're so quiet all of a sudden..." said Hiei.

"I don't understand what..." started Kurama.

"Don't lie!" Hiei snapped back.

"N- nothing has happened..." tried Kurama.

"Yet!" finished Hiei. Kurama sighed. Hiei could always read him like a book, but what could he say? He himself didn't understand those stirrings he felt when he looked at Yaten and why she/he fascinated him so much. He still cared deeply for Hiei, what he felt for Yaten was different. But how could he tell Hiei that without hurting his feelings.

"Hiei..." he tried to say while slashing another demon. "...It's not what you think..."

Hiei turned around, his sword describing a deadly arc that destroyed yet another gang of demons. "I know what I think Youko!" Hiei spat this with such venom in his voice that Kurama cringed. "I know also what you feel although you're too dumb to see it yourself..." In his rage Hiei killed two other demons. "You've fallen in love with her..."

Kurama looked at Hiei; his eyes were wide with surprise he trembled. "No... no... Hiei you're wrong I still love you..." Kurama's eyes stung.

Hiei turned back around and finished climbing the steps. "I didn't say you didn't... I said you have fallen in love with her..." Hiei said, he entered the room, saw the portal and the many demons that guarded it.

"We'll talk later... close that portal..." Kurama nodded.

"Yes, later but we do need to talk..." Kurama admitted. He went to work on the portal closing it easily. Almost too easily he thought and as soon as the portal closed the demons started to disappear with or without Hiei's help. Kurama turned a triumphant smile to Hiei. That's when they heard the scream.

"PRINCESS! LOOK OUT!!!" Healer didn't have time to turn as an even bigger demon appeared next to her. Passing his arms over her, he put a golden disk in front of her chest. Instantly black lightning surrounded Healer as she screamed in pain and anguish. Hearing her screams, Hiei and Kurama rushed to the window. Glass flew outward as they both crashed through it ignoring the cuts the broken glass etched on their skin.

Healer yelled a primal scream, as she felt violated to the very core of her being as the black lightning entered her body. Yuusuke rushed the demon while Botan asked Kuwabara's help. On top of Healer's screaming head Kuwabara saw a flower forming, then blossoming and in the middle of the petals shone a pure blazing crystal. Even without his innate sensibility he could feel this crystal was her, the core of her being and it was been ripped from her. Botan concentrated her energy on the crystal so it wouldn't detach itself from Healer. In the middle of the golden disk a black crystal formed spewing black lightning at Botan and Kuwabara.

Meanwhile Yuusuke was battling the demon; he was soon joined with Hiei and Kurama. They fought the demon helpless to stop Healer's body ascension into the sky. Botan and Kuwabara followed her they could only prevent her own illuminating crystal from fleeing her body and were helpless against the black lightning. Botan knew they had to move fast or else they would loose Healer.

"Yuusuke!!! Use your Reigun on the golden disk... QUICKLY!!!" yelled Botan hoping Yuusuke could hear her over Healer's screams. Hiei and Kurama nodded to Yuusuke and they doubled their efforts on the beast. Kurama was pouring huge amounts of energy in his next attack; this demon was going down. Yusuke ran toward Healer and pointed his finger. A beam of spiritual energy shot from it and smashed the golden disk. The dark crystal exploded and unleashed the energy it had corrupted toward Botan, Kuwabara and Yusuke. The black lightning tore at them sending them flying backward. Healer stopped screaming. The crystal settled back into the flower and it closed once more.

Kurama's whip hit true and in a vengeful scream he used his powers to destroy the fiend. The demon disappeared spewing hellfire, drained Kurama fell to the ground exhausted. The flower on top of Healer's head disappeared; she feebly opened her eyes she saw Kurama on the ground. She moved her hand toward him and fell as gravity once again had a hold on her. Kurama gasped. He stumbled forward. too drained to move. He watched helplessly as her body plummeted to the ground.

"NOOOOO!!!!" he screamed, then he felt the wind and a black blur. Hiei had jumped and grabbed Healer who fainted in his arms, her ponytail draped on his shoulder like a shawl. He turned around with his prize in his arms looking intently at Kurama.

"Now... now do you believe me?" whispered Hiei.


Taiki was sitting on a plush cushion in Hotohori's hall, waiting. Next to her sat Aoi and Midori who were dead ringers for Seiya and Yaten. Taiki was angry. She prided herself with her intellect but here in this situation she was the clueless one and that frustrated her. She knew that someone had been kidnapped and that she was supposedly the Tsuki no Miko (the priestess of the Moon) but what she couldn't figure out was why she and the other two maidens of Miaka (who was the Suzaku no Miko... whatever that meant) were present in court. Why would ladies in waiting be included in a discussion on how to get back the captured Miko? It made no sense, so Taiki waited and listened trying to fit together the piece of the puzzle. Hotohori spoke up.

"Ladies Aoi, Midori and Murasaki, I think you know why it is imperative that you take part in this meeting... we will also need your help in locating the Tsuki no Miko."

Taiki almost said she hadn't a single clue at what the heck he was talking about but when she saw the other two nod grimly so she just nodded, too.

"Our first allegiance was to the Tsuki no Miko, before we were sent by her to protect the Suzaku no Miko, if you would have not asked for our help we would have asked permission to join you." Said Aoi. Taiki raised an eyebrow. Had she said protect?

"I thank you and your sisters, Yoake-hoshi no Miko. You are of the same sisterhood as the missing Miko..." replied Hotohori.

"Even though our head sister the Shogo-hoshi no Miko isn't here. Murasaki, the Nichibotsu-hoshi no Miko and Midori the Yugata-hoshi no Miko and I will do our best to help free the Priestess of the Moon."

While Aoi and Hotohori were exchanging court protocol, Taiki was thinking about what they had just said. The Prince had called Aoi: Yoake-hoshi no Miko the Priestess of the dawn star. Then Aoi mentioned another Miko who wasn't there. She called her Shogo-hoshi: Noon star. She had then called her Nichibotsu-hoshi no Miko: priestess of the sunset star and finally Midori, who she called Yugata-hoshi: evening star. Taiki shuddered. It resembled too much the Sailor Starlights. She began to see the pattern. The Tsuki no Miko could only be Sailor Moon and the four warrior-priestesses that were with her were the inner senshi. So the two Miko that were coming here must be...

Just then the door burst open while a troop of chamberlains were trying to contain the tornado that flew into the throne room.

"Please, please Kaze no Miko... calm yourself. The Prince will see to you..." said one of the chamberlains.

"Get out of my way! Our great Priestess has been kidnapped. There is no time to lose!" Taiki saw her. Although she had longer hair held in a bun, it was Haruka... there was no mistake about it. And the turquoise haired woman who rushed to contain her was Michiru's twin. The Kaze no Miko and her friend both were wearing a battle armor and on the pectoral was the sigil of Uranus. On the other's armor there was the sigil of Neptune.

"Calm down, Tatsumaki-chan. Your outbursts are not helping us and you insult the very help we came to seek..." said the turquoise haired woman.

"Tsunami-chan!" replied Tatsumaki. "I will calm down as you requested but I hold the country of Konan responsible for what happened..."

"I understand your sorrow," said Hotohori calmly. "If our own Suzaku no Miko would be kidnapped we would be ourselves quite agitated, Umi no Miko. We understand your friend's outburst and we will not hold it against her nor against the Tsuki no Miko..."

Miaka smiled. Hotohori could be so soothing and inspired so much trust that the Kaze no Miko, kneeled and asked for forgiveness. Hotohori raised his hand to signal her to rise.

"I cannot grant you forgiveness for you have done nothing to anger me, Kaze no Miko. I only ask that you trust us and help us search for the Miko. We have found this black rose on the site where we think the Tsuki no Miko was kidnapped." Hotohori took out the black rose and showed it to the two warrior priestess.

Tatsumaki fumed. "It's the calling card of the Kishi no Kuro Bara... He had started to appear six months ago. He eased the pouches of rich merchants only to give to the most unfortunate. I didn't think he'd go so low as to kidnap the Miko..."

"Hai!" added Tsunami. "He was a gentle thief. He even helped a poor merchant by protecting him all along his route."

Taiki, who had listened to the entire conversation, wondered out loud. "Maybe it's not the Kishi no Kuro Bara... but someone who wants to make us believe it is him, sending us on a false lead."

Tsunami smiled. "As always, Murasaki-san, you talk with the words of wisdom... The Miko was wise to send you here."

"Then perhaps our best course of action would be to seek out the Kishi no Kuro Bara and question him to see if he knows of the disappearance of the Miko... if he doesn't maybe we could ask for his help to figure out who is responsible... Do you know who he really is?" asked Hotohori.

"No one knows his identity, Prince..." replied Tatsumaki. "We only know that he roams the High Road and that he is dressed all in black complete with mask. But he isn't alone, he is attended by four ronins who help him in his enterprise..."

"Very well, Tamahome, Tatsuki, Miaka and I will accompany all of you who are of the sisterhood." declared Hotohori. "Since it is sunset we will set out tomorrow at day break. Aoi-san, Midori-san and Murasaki-san will escort you to your rooms." Hotohori stood up and said he would be retiring for the night.

Aoi, Midori led Tsunami and Tatsumaki to the rooms they would use for the night. Taiki trailed behind deep in thought. She was trying to fit together the pieces of the puzzle that lay before her. She now knew that somehow all of the senshi (although with different names) were in this story and that she was part of a sisterhood, that she (Murasaki) was sent here by the Tsuki no Miko for reasons she still didn't know. She didn't know why but she felt the Kishi no Kuro Bara had nothing to do with the kidnapping. She had a gut feeling he was being set up. She was still deep in thought when they arrived in the room. She was pulled out of her thinking when she saw Aoi starting to cry, supported by Midori who also was crying.

"I should have been there..." anguished Aoi. "... Why did she send me here? Away from her?... Koibito, Shiori-chan, why so far from your love..." Taiki raised an eyebrow did she heard well... koibito: lover?

"I know, I know Aoi-chan." she cried holding Aoi in her arm. "It tore my heart, too; to be separated from my loving Kiniro, but I... we all had to do the Tsuki no Miko's bidding..."

Taiki didn't know why but tears were welling up in her eyes. Soon she too was crying heavily but she was damned if she knew why. Aoi lifted her head and seeing Murasaki crying she reached out to her. Taiki, against her will, rushed to the two huddled women and rested her head on Midori's breast while Aoi was hugging her fiercely. Midori was stroking Murasaki's hair all the while rocking softly the two women. Taiki was at loss; she really didn't understand what was going on, until Tsunami spoke up, placing her hand on Taiki's shoulder.

"Oh! Murasaki-san..." she said. "Take heart. we will find Mizuumi, your lover..." What? Taiki thought I have a lover in this world? Who can this Mizuumi be?

"Yes!" interrupted Tatsumaki brandishing her fist. "Take heart, my sisters. You will be reunited with your lovers. Together we shall deliver them: Shiori-sama, Mizuumi-san, Akari-san, Inazuma-san and Kiniro-san."


Seiya couldn't possibly take another bite; he would burst. Katsumi's cooking sure was great; she did all his favorite food. She had even made hamburgers just for him, and the dessert was divine. If she ever entered a cooking contest with Makoto he would have a hard time deciding who was the greatest cook. Funny thing about dinner, though Ranma had to fight for his food with the family pet panda. He was a big panda. They didn't call him Mr. Panda for nothing. He was well behaved and quite intelligent for a Panda, too. Nabiki, while she was clearing the dishes, asked the panda to give her the plates from his side of the table and he did! They must have spent long hours training the panda but Seiya wasn't at the end of his surprise when he saw Akane's father playing go with the panda, and they both cheated!

Seiya was smiling. He was wondering if the others were having as much fun as he did. Maybe I should call them, he thought and he rose from table. Ranma, who had changed into more comfortable Chinese style clothing, was going to the Dojo to do some kata. He asked if Seiya wanted to spar a little. He quickly added that he would go easy on him when Akane, Nabiki and Katsumi gave him the evil eye.

"That'd be fun!" replied Seiya. "And it will help me digest all that delicious food." Katsumi blushed and giggled. Seeing all the attention Katsumi was getting Akane told everyone that she would do tomorrow night's dinner. All in the room turned pale and everyone told Akane that she didn't have to... and they were coming up with really stupid reasons why she couldn't cook. Seiya didn't understand what was going on and told Ranma that he would change then head outside to make a quick phone call. He would be joining him after that in the dojo.

After going into the guestroom and changing, Seiya headed outside passing by the ongoing argument between Akane and her sister. Why don't they just let her cook? He thought. He shrugged. Not wanting to butt in on a family discussion, he just excused himself and went to the telephone on the corner of the street.

He took the long distance telephone booth, inserted his phone card and dialed his phone number. The phone rang once, twice. On the fifth ring he growled knowing he would get the answering machine.

"*CLICK!* Konnichi wa! You have reached the home of Seiya, Taiki and Yaten Kou. As you must have realized we can't come to the phone right now so leave your message after you hear the beep..."

Seiya heard his voice "...If you want to leave a message to Seiya press one!" he then heard Taiki's voice. "If you want to leave a message to Taiki press two!" It was Yaten's turn " Yadda, yadda, yadda, press three! And Minako-chan if you fill my voice box again I won't address you ever again!!! Press four if you're clueless!...*****BEEEEEEEPPPP*****"

"Yaten, Taiki? It's me Seiya.... Pick up the damn phone... Come ooooon I know you guys are there!.... Yaten, you lazy bum move from that couch and pick up!..." Seiya sighed. He was about to hang up when someone picked up the phone.

"Finally! What took you so long?" said Seiya. There was no answer on the other side. "Helloooo, are you going to answer or what? This call is starting to cost me a small fortune to just listen to your breathing... Heeelllooooo!!!!"

"Uh... Moshi-moshi... uh... Yaten can't come to the phone right now. Do you want to leave a message?" said an unfamiliar voice.

"Who is this? And where's Yaten? Or Taiki for that matter?" asked Seiya suspiciously.

"My name is Minamino Shuiichi, Yaten is... in the bathroom right now. Taiki-san hasn't come back yet..."

"Excuse me for being rude but what the hell are you doing at our apartment?" asked Seiya.

"Uh... Yaten got into a fight today with some school bullies..." Shuiichi paused while Seiya on the other side was swearing. "... But he's okay now... Me and my friends escorted him back here, so they wouldn't try anything funny and Yaten invited us to stay until Taiki came back..."

Yaten inviting people in the apartment, that was a first. The guy seemed sincere so he thought Yaten must be in good hands. "Okay, listen... I'm going to call back tomorrow. You tell him that. I'll call around the same time as today... tell him to be there..."

"I will, don't worry... Sayonara!" Seiya hung up. He swore he should have listened to Yaten's hunch. He knew there would be problem at that school... hmm, not much he could do now so he headed back to the Tendo's.

Meanwhile Ranma was warming up in the dojo. He too had given up on the Tendo girl discussion. He wondered how Seiya would be as a sparring partner when he felt movement. Instinctly he dodged an iron umbrella, which crashed loudly where he stood a few seconds earlier. Turning, Ranma saw his would-be aggressor.

"Ryoga-kun! What are you doing here?" asked Ranma in a battle stance waiting to see if Ryoga would charge him again.

"Saotome! I have come to do battle! To avenge my wounded pride..." said Ryoga, who charged Ranma yet again.

"What have I done this time?" boringly asked Ranma, easily evading Ryoga's jab.

"As if you didn't know, Ranma!" Yet again Ryoga swung the umbrella. Ranma again dodged but didn't reply.

"Not that I give a damn... but I'd like to know really... because I have no idea what you're talking about..." replied Ranma.

"Stop trying to weasel your way out of this and fight like a man!" Ryoga attacked yet again but he purposely held back. Unknown to Ranma, Ryoga was guiding him to the door of the dojo. Once Ranma would be in position, he would strike him. Ranma, thinking Ryoga would vent his anger when he'd be exhausted enough, just avoided the lame attacks. He would have goaded Ryoga but he really wanted to know what bit him. He figured he'd let Ryoga tire and then give him a couple of good jabs and it would be over.

After a few minutes Ranma jumped in front of the Dojo door. Perfect, thought Ryoga as he prepared himself to strike. Ranma heard footsteps outside. Oh, no! He thought, I completely forgot about Seiya. He tried to warn Seiya not to come. Seeing his foe distracted, Ryoga smiled and struck true. At the same time Seiya opened the door to the dojo. Ryoga, thinking he had to destroy the door in order to get Ranma into the pond, struck with all his might. He sent both Ranma and Seiya flying into the koi pond. Seiya struck the water a few moments before Ranma.

Akane and Nabiki, who were sitting on the porch saw the whole thing. Ryoga got out of the dojo triumphantly.

"Now, I have my revenge Saotome..." he was cut short when he heard three growls.

"What have you done to Seiya?...." Akane, Nabiki and Katsumi said menacingly. "He better be all right..."

"Who?" asked Ryoga.

Just then Ranma-chan stuck out of the water, followed by a female version of Seiya. Everyone did a doubletake.

"Ara..." said Katsumi.
"Oh! Great another one..." grumbled Nabiki.
"Oh! My!" said Akane.
"Uh?" said Ryoga.

"What's the big idea?" said Ranma-chan and Seiya-chan at the same time. Surprised to hear a female voice next to her and wondering how come she turned back into her female body all of a sudden. Both Seiya and Ranma looked at each other, gasped and said.

"YOU!? You're the girl I saw this afternoon..." They both covered their mouth at the same time realizing they had just each blown their cover.

Meanwhile, Ryoga was pondering out loud. "Uh? That was supposed to stick Saotome in girl form for a week, not to turn another guy into a woman..."

"So, you're..." growled Katsumi.
"...responsible..." growled Nabiki.
"for this??..." Growled Akane.

Ryoga started to laugh nervously. "...Yes?..." he squealed.

Famous last words... He was knocked senseless by a vase, an iron frying pan and the biggest mallet this side of creation. The girls then proceeded to beat the living fat out of Hibiki Ryoga. They were so wrapped up in their job, they didn't hear Ranma's next sentence.

"So it was you, that Sailor whatchamacallit!" said Ranma-chan. Seiya blushed, how was she ever going to explain this...

End of part 4

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