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Seiya, Taiki and Yaten's Excellent Adventure

Part 3

by Sonya-chan

Ryoga had finally found the Tendo's house. He knew Ranma, Akane and Nabiki would be in school and that Kasumi was busy making dinner, humming to herself as she did so. Tendo-san and Saotome's father were engaged in a match of go and watching television. As soon as one of them would look at the screen the other would rearrange the pegs around... This game was nowhere near finished the way those two cheated. Ryoga grinned; everyone in the house was too caught up with what they were doing to notice him. He slowly edged his way to the koi pond; and arrived at his destination. He quickly surveyed the place. No one even noticed he was there. Satisfied, he reached into his backpack and took out a big sealed porcelain container. He took off the cork and poured the contents into the pond. He chuckled softly to himself.

"Now, Saotome... you will know the true meaning of defeat at my hand. This will humiliate you and put you in your proper place... It will also make sure you will never be able to marry the beautiful Akane." He would have laughed at this point but he didn't want to attract attention. He got up and tiptoed to the Dojo. He entered the shadows and waited there.

With Happosai out of the picture, a relative calmness took over the College. And with the ringing of the bells, students poured out of it to go home. Ranma, Akane and Seiya were going back to the Tendo's when upperclassman Kuno appeared before them.

"You! Ranma, you who knows the pigtailed girl..." started Kuno.

"I thought I told you Kuno, she isn't interested..." interrupted Ranma.

"Peasant! Let me finish... I wish to talk to the pigtailed girl about something... The raven haired goddess that graced our school today... I wish to pledge my undying love to her!" Kuno said. Seiya facevaulted.

"Uh? Kuno, aren't you in love with the red-haired pigtailed girl?" kidded Akane trying to make Ranma upset.

"Tendo Akane, although I once pledged my love to you and to the pigtailed girl, I must beg your forgiveness because the vision of beauty I saw this afternoon made me forget I ever wooed you."

"Uh?" said Ranma.

"I was moved to tears with such grace," he continued " such perfection, such..."

"Beautiful breasts..." said a guy that passed behind Kuno. Seiya was beginning to be mighty enraged with the entire conversation. Behind his back he was clenching and unclenching his fists. He wanted to punch the guy but should he just do it... it would seem suspicious. So he just waited for the fool to vent himself, all the while his blood was boiling in his veins.

"Yes!" continued Kuno. "The breasts of a woman, so full and nurturing. She was such a vision of womanhood, nothing compared to the youthful rambunctious pigtail girl..." Kuno was cut short as Ranma punched him and sent him flying in a nearby tree.

"Kuno! You pervert!" said Ranma.

"Gee! Ranma... what's the problem, jealous?" smiled Akane knowingly. Seiya was stupefied at Ranma's reactions; he did the wrong connection and thought that Ranma was in love with his female side too. Oh! Great! What else can go wrong? He thought.

"Saotome! You have long put yourself between the pigtailed girl and me, and now that I leave her to you out of generosity, you want to steal that beautiful goddess of perfection away from me..." Seiya couldn't help but blush at that comment, but he reasserted himself quickly. The man was a real bore... He'd listened to Taiki's poems sooner that to this guy's endless tirades.

Kuno took out his wooden katana. "Womanizer! You are long overdue to be put in your place, Varlet!" He lunged forward. Seiya couldn't take any more of this, so when Kuno passed next to him he tripped him and Kuno fell flat on his face in front of Ranma. Seiya turned around.

"Uh... Seiya, don't worry. I can take care of that bozo!" said Ranma.

"Who dares strike the Blue Thunder of Furikan and foil his attempts at righting wrong? Who is this upstart, so he can taste Kuno's blade...?" said Kuno menacingly getting up and coming towards Seiya.

"I dare, I Seiya Kou!" said Seiya mimicking the other man's pompous tone. "Tell me 'Blue Thunder' do you always refer to yourself to the third person like that?"

Kuno slashed wind with his wooden sword; Akane gasped knowing all too well that Kuno's skill with the sword was unparalleled in the entire school. But Kuno only slashed at the wind; Seiya had jumped out of harm's way and stood next to Ranma.

"How about you and I teach that guy a lesson?" asked Seiya.

"To Kuno? It would be a pleasure..." replied Ranma. Kuno charged them and they let him have it. They both punched him and sent him flying in the opposite direction and into the school wall, knocking him unconscious. Ranma looked at Seiya impressed.

"Hey! You're good... for an Idol Singer! I bet that gets pretty handy when dealing with overzealous fans." laughed Ranma.

"Huh? Seiya-kun?" said Akane. She didn't think he had it in him to do that. "I didn't know you were good at martial arts..."

"Well... it's good exercise..." said Seiya as he scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. I've got to be careful not to hurt anybody, he thought.

"Well, what do you say we get out of here before sleeping beauty wakes up?" Said Ranma, as he headed for the streets.

"Sounds good to me!" replied Seiya. "You coming, Akane-san?"

"H-Hai!" she answered. She knew why Ranma had struck Kuno but she puzzled on why Seiya joined in the fight...


Yaten was strolling down a street when he heard a weird scream; he turned and gasped at what he saw. It was as though someone had cut the world in two. What was behind him was a horribly deformed landscape. The ground was red with blood and in the distance he saw a foreboding castle. Yaten took a few steps backward only to discover that the macabre landscape was following him. As he looked down he saw that he was no longer a he and was wearing a flowing white robe. What the? She said.

"Don't move! You'll bring evil into the world!" She spun around. It was Kurama. He was dressed in green silk. He was advancing towards her, slowly. His eyes, they were on her. She had to stop looking at him but she couldn't. She just stared back into his emerald eyes.

"Don't move..." he whispered.

"G-get away!" she replied, her voice trembling. "Star Sensitive Inferno!" she yelled. Nothing happened. Kurama still was walking towards her, his eyes still gazing into her own. The sounds of bells rang into Yaten's ears.

Yaten woke up as the students got up to leave for lunch. Yaten was still a little disoriented, when he felt Keiko's hand on his shoulder.

"Yaten-san? Daijobu?"

"H-Hai!" replied Yaten. "Gomen. I must have dozed off..." He got up and took his stuff. Kuwabara and Yuusuke joined them.

"No wonder! It took us all morning to do that damn exam... you were bored and rested your head on your desk. You were off to lalaland in no time..." said Yuusuke.

"Must be those antibiotics the doctor gave me..." Yaten replied, his stomach growled. "I haven't brought a lunch. I hadn't had time to prepare one this morning. Where do you guys go for food?"

"If you want to see your next birthday I suggest you don't eat at the cafeteria..." said Kuwabara.

"The food at the cafeteria isn't that bad..." said Keiko.

"Never mind... We guys always go to the Seven-Eleven at the corner of the street. They always have warm meals there and a very good variety of bento... You want to come with us?" Yuusuke asked Yaten.

"Yeah... sure, maybe. The walk will clear my head..." said Yaten as he put his hand to his head. He had a major headache. Something was buzzing in his mind. He dismissed it. He probably got up too fast, and some fresh air would be welcomed.

"Okay, I'll leave you with you guys... Don't do anything funny now!" she pointed an accusing finger at Yuusuke.

"Relax... go eat your lunch... we'll bring you back, loverboy, before you know it..." winked Yuusuke.

Keiko looked to the ceiling and gave Yuusuke a quick goodbye kiss. Yaten looked at them; she's involved with him, he thought, good, one less girl to worry about.

Keiko left them at the door of the school where Kurama was waiting for them. Yaten grumbled to himself, not him again. Yaten carefully avoided the guy. Another student passed between them.

"Hey! Urameshi! They're giving free nikuman at the cafeteria. The guys decided to go eat there. You want to join us..."

"Man, I wouldn't eat at the cafeteria even if they paid me... We're going to eat at the seven-eleven..."

"Suit yourself... I'm not passing up a free meal..." the boy said and he continued running toward the cafeteria.

"I hope you don't expect me to bring ya flowers at the hospital!" yelled back Yuusuke.

Keiko arrived at the cafeteria. It smelled divine, and everyone was eating nikuman. Since they were free anyway Keiko decide to eat a couple. She took a tray and took her order. She noticed that it wasn't the same personnel that usually catered to the cafeteria. Maybe they're trying new ones because of the complaints on the food, she thought. She bit into her food. It was delicious, I've never had one that was that good before, so when she finished her portion she did like all the students of the school. She stood in line for more.

Meanwhile, Yaten ate some hot Oden that he bought. Yuusuke told him the Oden was great. Yaten had mixed feelings about it, and after a few bites he wasn't hungry anymore. I was famished, he thought, then he looked at Kurama, but I guess someone ruined my appetite. He wasn't feeling himself also, as the guys talked, he had a couple of wisecracks in mind but they stayed stuck in his throat. Must be the medication, he thought, that stuff is making me groggy. He sighed heavily.

Meanwhile, Kuwabara and Yuusuke were checking Yaten's aura secretly while munching on their food. Yaten had other things on his mind or else he would have felt Hiei's presence about 50 feet away. Both Yuusuke and Kuwabara got up and gestured to Kurama to stay there. They didn't want to attract Yaten's attention but Yaten didn't bat an eye. The two guys went to the tree where Hiei was hidden. Yuusuke took out a pack of cigarette and the two of them talked to Hiei while smoking.

"Well, did you use the Jagan on him yet..." asked Yuusuke.

"I'm bidding my time... He almost saw me this morning..." the reply came from the middle of the tree.

"Do you have any ideas why this guy is throwing off so much energy?" asked Kuwabara in turn.

"No... But I spoke to Botan about it... She asked Koenma's assistant to track him down..." Hiei whispered as he looked intently at Yaten waiting to catch him unaware.

Kurama looked at Yaten. Something fascinated him, it wasn't just the aura. It had to do with his impression he got this morning about his eyes. Kurama had a sly smile. He just had to gaze into his eyes again.

"How's your hand?" He asked Yaten.

"Fine." Yaten replied in a flat tone then cringed. Baka! Why did you reply, now he'll want to talk.

Kurama looked at Yaten then got up, threw the remains of his lunch in the trash and sat back down but just next to Yaten. Yaten started to get up but Kurama prevented him from doing so. Yaten grumbled something but didn't turn to look at him.

"Why are you avoiding me?" asked Kurama.

"None of your damn business..." Yaten spat.

"Hum... That's not very nice of you..." Yaten snorted as Kurama said this. Silence. I am not turning to face him, said Yaten to himself.

Back at the tree, Hiei fumed. It's no good, now he's shielding himself. Why?

"So you're determined to be a little baby and stay in your corner?" asked Kurama. I don't care if you turn around mad, just turn around and look at me.

"I'm fine just the way I am..." Yaten replied flatly. Kurama cursed. That didn't work. Okay, let's try another tactic.

"So, I see the rumors I've heard about you are true..." hinted Kurama.

Yaten lifted his head, his eyes slanted. "What rumor?"

"That Seiya Kou is the only real singer in your group and you're just a prissy guy who's just the Japanese equivalent of Milli Vanilli..."

Yaten clenched his fists. Kurama smiled cockily. He had him baited. Now to gently pull the fish back in his net and he would get what he wanted.

"That's what I heard: all looks to make the girls go gaga but no real talent... except for lip-synch. Yep... Pretty face poster boy...." Kurama looked out the corner of his eye. His tactic was working. He was seeing Yaten's knuckles turn white and he could see he was about to lose it now for the coup de grace.

"I also heard this isn't your real face and that you've had more aesthetic surgery than Michael Jackson has..." Yaten turned around. His eyes were looking straight at Kurama's who was smiling triumphantly.

"Well, ya heard wrong!!!!" he yelled. Yuusuke and Kuwabara stared at him when they saw him burst like that, wondering what the heck, Kurama, why was he smiling like a schoolboy and what he could have said to make Yaten burst out like that. Perfect, thought Hiei who wasted no time to uncover his Jagan from the bandana he was wearing.

"And wipe that stupid looking grin off your face!" Yaten continued to yell.

"You know, you're so darn cute when you're angry..." teased Kurama; Yaten went ballistic and continued to scream at Kurama.

Humph! Thought Hiei, anger makes him careless. His defenses are down. Now Mister the Idol Singer, let's see what you h... " Hiei did a doubletake, rubbed his three eyes and stared back again. Yuusuke and Kuwabara had looked up to see him.

"Well... What do you see?" asked Yuusuke.

While Yaten was still yelling at Kurama who was just slightly amused by the whole situation, Hiei had a smile that started to run through his features. Yuusuke lifted an eyebrow, surprised. Hiei was smiling? He looked on astonished as the smile became wider and wider until Hiei started to laugh. Hiei had to hold on to the branches so he wouldn't fall off the tree. The two boys at the bottom of the tree looked at each other wondering if Hiei hadn't gone completely nuts. Hiei was laughing so hard the tree was shaking, that made Yaten stop yelling, his face red because of the anger in him. He looked at the tree while Yuusuke and Kuwabara were looking embarrassed in his direction. Kurama was wondering what Hiei was laughing about... waitaminute Hiei was actually laughing? Yaten didn't want to hear any more and took off in the direction of the school. Kurama now feeling a little guilty, ran after Yaten.

That made Hiei double up in laughter, his Jagan eye still opened. He laughed so hard he finally fell off the tree.

"This is rich..." that's all Kuwabara and Yuusuke could tear out of him until his laughter subsided.

Yaten was almost at Sarayashiki College when Kurama caught up with him. Karuma grabbed him by the arm. The other was trying to shrug him off.

"Yaten... Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean the things I've said... I just wanted to make you turn and face me..."

Yaten spun around. "WHY?" he yelled, looking at Kurama in the eyes again. Kurama's eyes had softened and he was showing Yaten that he was sorry. Yaten tried to stay angry with him but he couldn't. His heart had started to hammer in his chest again. He felt his legs weaken, his blood both ran cold and hot in his veins. He was calming down as though hypnotized by those green eyes. Kurama came closer to him and put his hands on his shoulders. Yaten shuddered when he touched him.

A shadow was looking at the two teenaged boys' altercation. It smiled. It gestured to a small flock of demons. "You see that silver hair boy... attack him and his friend too..."

"Yes... yes master!" the demons replied rushing to complete the task. Another demon came to stand near the shadow.

"You have sent minor demons, to do higher demon's work..." it said.

"That's what cannon fodder is for isn't it?" The red eyes glinted in the shadow. The figure took out a golden disk and tossed it to the demon. "I think you know what to do with this?"

The demon smiled. "I see. There is wisdom in your plan. Oh! Great One!" the beast backed up and bowed before disappearing.

"Of course! That's why I am where I am now... Why sully my nails when I've got minions that are so eager to get butchered to gain my favors?..." The shadowy figure laughed. "Soon... soon, my dear... you will help me crush Koenma and his band... whether you want to or not!"

Kurama looked deeply into Yaten's eyes. Yes, he thought, that's what I saw this morning. What does it mean? Still he edged closer to Yaten as though diving into the other's eyes. Yaten offered no resistance. Their chests were only inches away when the demons fell on them.

Kurama and Yaten broke free of each other's gaze as the demon tore at them. They both cried out. Hiei stopped laughing and gasped. "Demons!" Kuwabara and Yuusuke cursed as they ran toward Yaten and Kurama. Both concentrated. Kuwabara called forth his spirit sword and Yuusuke used the Reigun to blast their way through them. Hiei was already there and was doing short work of the demons but more came.

"FUUKA EMBUZIN!!!" cried out Kurama and a wall of thorns and razor sharp rose petals flew from him as he destroyed the fiends. "YAAATEENNN!!!!" cried out Kurama. He couldn't see him, but he saw a pile of demons tearing at something. Kurama grew pale. Yaten didn't stand a chance against those. Something snapped inside him and he rushed the creatures in a killing frenzy.

Yaten's skin and clothes were been torn from him. Already the beasts that attacked him had drawn blood. Yaten was faced with a split second decision, survival or death at the claws of these creatures. She chooses survival.

"HEALER STAR POWER MAKE UP!" Kurama and the others were almost upon the heap of demons when they heard Yaten yell out the sentence. A blinding light appeared amiss the demons and scattered them to their untimely demise at the hand of Kurama, Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei. When the light faded they all gasped (save Hiei who already knew) when they saw Sailor Star Healer standing where Yaten should have been. Kurama blushed. It was her eyes he saw when he looked at Yaten... no she's Yaten! He said the last part outloud, Yuusuke and Kuwabara facevaulted.

"You mean? He's really a woman?" Kuwabara croaked. That's all he had time to say because another wave of demons descended upon them.


Miaka was still reeling at the thought: One of her favorite idol singers was now a woman. This did not go well at all, she thought. How am I going to make him fall in love with a man? She thought about it and the more she thought the more she became disgusted... Taiki-san the idol of so many Japanese girls, falling in love with a guy!!! Bet the tabloids would love to get their hands on that story... Who would believe me anyway? Taiki, for her part, had no idea what was going on other than Miaka had found out that he err... she was really a woman. Taiki, still thinking she was in Tokyo, was trying to figure out a way to make Miaka believe that she really wasn't a woman. That will be hard to accomplish since Miaka had grabbed her bosom and pinched her hard. Ouch! She winced, it still hurts too! She looked down to see what she was wearing when Miaka gasped.

"You know just because you have the body of a woman doesn't mean you have to be hentai about it!!!"

Taiki was about to say that she's seen herself naked countless of times... when she decided that it'd be better if she didn't have that conversation.

"Okay, okay..." she said quickly. "Where are we anyway? A Chinese restaurant and hotel?"

Miaka facevaulted, of course he had no idea where he was... oh well, better tell him now...

"You're in the south part of Ancient China in the palace of Prince Hotohori in the country of Konan..." It was Taiki's turn to facevault.

"You're kidding me... right?" Miaka shook her head. "What do you mean Ancient China?" Taiki asked.

"You remember the book in the library you took..." Taiki nodded. "Well it was a magical book and when you started to read it you were transported here to really live what was going on in the book... Now you have to fall in love with a man and then we'll get out of the book and go on with our lives. But you have to be my Headmaiden and fall in love... but with which man, I don't know!!! I thought you'd be the one falling in love with my Headmaiden... not you becoming my Headmaiden.... Man! I'm having a headache!" her stomach also growled.

"So I have to do what's happening in the book then we'll both get out of it?" Miaka nodded. "But what are you doing in the book?..." asked Taiki.

"I'm the Suzaku no Miko... err... I'll tell you about it later... now who's the most eligible bachelor around here... hummmm..."

"Uh! Miaka... I'm not into men, you know..." blushed Taiki.

"Don't you think I know that??!!" snapped Miaka.

Taiki facevaulted. "How did you know that I liked women?" Miaka stared blankly at him.

"Well... DAAAHHH! You're originally a man... of course you like women better..." she said.

Taiki sighed. I better not get into that type of conversation either, she thought. The one where she's really a woman and she's already in love with a woman. I think the whole business is complicated enough as it is. Oh no! She thought... I have to fall in love with someone.

"I can't do it, Miaka!..." Taiki said suddenly. "I'm already involved with someone... I don't want to cheat on her..." Taiki stopped when he saw Miaka's reaction, maybe I shouldn't have talked about that too, she reprimanded herself.

"NANNI??? You are???.... Nobody knows about this..." She took out her notebook. "Who is it??? I want to know... argghh all the girls will be so jealous!!! TELLME! TELLME! TELLME!!!"

"Ara... I don't think that's a good idea..." started Taiki.

"You shouldn't tell the media that you're involved with someone, you know... Think of all the girls who have a crush on you... thinking one day you'll take them in their arms..." Miaka went on and on and her eyes, Taiki thought, had the glint that Makoto had when she talked about romantic stuff.

"I'll tell you... once we get out of here..." promised Taiki, maybe by the time we get out of here she'll have forgotten.

"Okay, deal..." she said replacing her notebook into her jacket. "Now... how can I get you to fall in love with someone..." Her face lit up. "Get dressed! I know just who you're going to meet."

Taiki wanted to object but Midori came back with Mitsukake, Miaka went to talk to him as she told Midori to help Murasaki dress. Soon Miaka, who had also changed, left the room with Taiki/Murasaki in tow. She looked around in the castle until she saw who she was looking for. She stopped and turned to Taiki.

"Wait here, please..." she walked in the direction of a woman.

"Nuriko!!! Nuriko!!! I'd like you to meet someone..." said Miaka.

Nuriko sighed. " Hello again, Miaka..." Nuriko didn't say that very enthusiastically.

"Nuriko... I'd like you to meet Murasaki..." started Miaka.

"Your Headmaiden? I already know her..." said Nuriko.

"You do?" asked Miaka.

"Yes, she was one of Hotohori's many concubines, I met her there..." Nuriko said.

"Oh! Listen... this isn't the Murasaki you met... His real name is Taiki and he comes from my world... he's really a man... so I thought you might be interested..." Miaka whispered.

"You mean Murasaki is like me? A man that dress and act like a woman." asked Nuriko.

"No, not really... you see, here he's a woman but on my world, he's a man... and for him to go back he needs to fall in love with a man... I thought you'd be perfect..." replied Miaka.

"Hum, I don't know Miaka... I mean what does he look like on your world... " He asked.

Miaka wanted to take out Taiki's picture but she already gave it to Chiriko, so she took out a picture of the Three Lights. Nuriko took it and had a big smile on his face.

"Wow, he's gorgeous! He's the drop dead beautiful one with black hair... right?" Asked Nuriko.

"No." said Miaka.

"Uh-oh! He's the stud muffin with the silver hair and the cute green eyes right?... right?" asked Nuriko.

"" said again Miaka.

Nuriko looked at the picture of Taiki then at Murasaki.

"Sorry... not interested!" he gave Miaka back her picture.

"Demo..."she started to say. But just then Tamahome, Hotohori and Tasuki arrived in the corridor.

"Nuriko! Miaka!... Thank Suzaku! You're both here!" said Hotohori.

"What's wrong, Hotohori-sama?" asked Nuriko.

"The Priestess of the Moon was coming for her annual visit to bless the countryside," said Tamahome. Priestess of the Moon, Taiki raised an eyebrow... naaaahhh! It couldn't be! "She was on her way here when she and her warrior-priestess were attacked and kidnapped..."

"Yeah!" said Tasuki. "And the kidnapper left his calling card..." He took out a black rose.

Nuriko gasped. "The Kishi no kuro bara!..."

End of Part 3

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