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Seiya, Taiki and Yaten's Excellent Adventure

part 6

by Sonya-chan

Seiya woke up the next morning, stretched and yawned then stopped, remembering that she wasn't alone in the room. Last night when everyone was about to go to sleep, she saw Ranma heading outside.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Seiya.

"I'm going to sleep in the dojo... Where does it look like I'm going?" replied Ranma-chan grumbling.

"You can't go sleep there..." started Seiya. "It's way too cold out tonight..."

"I know!" Ranma-chan whined. "But somebody is using the room I used to sleep in..."

"In that case... why don't you sleep with... err... I mean in the same room as me?" asked Seiya.

"I can't! You're a girl!" objected Ranma-chan.

"Well technically... so are you..." counter-attacked Seiya.

"I don't know... Akane-kun will kill me if she finds out..." started to say Ranma-chan.

Seiya stood behind Ranma-chan and started to push her toward the guestroom.

"You leave Akane-san to me... I am not letting you sleep another night out in the cold because I got your room... Come on. The futon's big enough for both of us."

I know, thought Ranma-chan. I used to share it with my Pop... I still had room even when he changed into a panda. Ranma-chan was tempted, share a warm bed or sleep practically outside with his Pop. Sharing the futon with Seiya was more intelligent than spending half of the night freezing to death. So Ranma-chan decided that, yes, since they were both girls technically there was no real shame into sharing a bed... now was it? So Ranma-chan let herself be led to the guestroom by her new 'girl' friend. They got in, got changed and went to sleep.

Seiya was thinking, lazily staying in bed, on yesterday evening's event when Ranma turned around and snuggled next to her, her head resting on Seiya's shoulder. She held on to her left arm. Seiya smiled wickedly. I could learn to like that, she thought. Sighing, Seiya nudged Ranma-chan trying to wake her up. Ranma-chan mumbled a little, but snuggled back closer to her, not waking up. Seiya raised an eyebrow, not waking up eh? She thought, now what could I do to wake her up? She got an idea. Taking the tip of her ponytail, she started to wiggle it on Ranma-chan's nose. Ranma-chan felt something tickling her face. She sneezed and looked up at Seiya who was looking down at her, smiling.

"GYAAAHHH!!!" shouted Ranma-chan. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Me? What about you?... You're the one that was cozying up next to me... " Remarked Seiya.

Ranma-chan blushed when she remembered the position she was in when she woke up. "G-Gomen..." she spurted out.

"Ah... Don't worry about it!" replied Seiya. "Just one thing, though... what are we going to do about school?"

"Well I can go to school like this. People are used to me changing into a girl... excepted for Kuno, that is..." admitted Ranma-chan. Seiya started to grumble upon hearing Kuno's name.

"Kuno's not your favorite person I see..." said Ranma-chan.

"Let's just say I don't want to see him, especially as a girl... I'll mop the floor with him." replied Seiya.

"My! Aren't we the violent type? Seriously though, I don't think we should go to school today. We better try and find an antidote for our 'condition'" Ranma-chan pointed out, Seiya nodded.

They both got dressed hurriedly and headed downstairs; they ate breakfast with everyone and told Akane of their plan. Akane didn't like the idea that she had to lie and say that Seiya was at the Tendo's home, sick, but given the situation, she couldn't see any other way to deal with it.

"You know, if you're going to be walking down the street, you better look more like a woman." Nabiki said. "People will notice you if you go out dressed like you are... They are bound to make the connection that you ARE Seiya Kou..."

Seiya hadn't thought about that and she didn't want to get Akane into trouble because she didn't go to school. "What do you suggest?" she asked Nabiki.

"A dress and a hat, that way people will only see a resemblance... but won't think you're actually him."

"A DRESS???.... The hat I don't mind, but a dress!" whined Seiya.

"I know exactly what you mean..." said Ranma-chan putting a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. So it was decided and before Akane and Nabiki went to school they found Seiya a dress and had her wear it. Seiya hated dresses, always had and always would hate them. When she was a kid she did everything to trash the stupid dress the servants of Queen Kakyoku made her wear. They finally got the message one day and stopped dressing her up like a prim and proper Princess. They gave to Seiya, Taiki and finally Yaten boy's clothes when they would play. Only when there were special ceremonies Seiya would have to wear a dress. Of the three Starlights Princess she was the one that made the most fuss about wearing a dress. Taiki didn't have a problem wearing a dress once in a while. Yaten; she only fussed when she thought the dress wasn't to her liking. Seiya would go into an all-out brawl with the servants until Queen Kakyoku would come and calm her down. She was the only one who could make her wear a dress.

Well, Queen Kakyoku wasn't there any more and Seiya couldn't afford to be cranky. She sighed and took the dress and put in on. It was a nice dress. When she looked in the mirror she had to admit it looked nice on her. But she still didn't like the idea of running around in a dress, so when the girls weren't looking she put on a pair of her Lycra cycling shorts.

She and Ranma-chan waved the girls goodbye as they went to school. Both Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome cried in their corner. Since Seiya was now a girl they couldn't make their plan work at all: to make Ranma jealous enough to admit he loved Akane. Seiya grumbled something about the dress. Ranma-chan looked up and said:

"I don't know why you're so cranky about this... You look good in a dress."

"If you like it so much... why don't you wear it?" replied Seiya bluntly.

"I can't. I tried that dress before. The chest won't fit and the waist is too big..." replied Ranma-chan.

"..." Seiya started to get angry; had Ranma-chan just called her fat and flat chested? "Well excuse me for being of normal proportions and not a busty midget..."

"Who are you calling a midget?" replied Ranma-chan, anger rising. Just then they heard a familiar pig snorting.

"Oh... There you are, P-Chan..." Ranma-chan was about to pick him up when Seiya beat her to it. She started to snuggle the pig against her bosom; the pig had a strange vacant expression on his face.

"You're so cute... Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" cooed Seiya. I'll never understand why girls go gaga over stupid animals, thought Ranma-chan. She facevaulted when Seiya planted a kiss on P-chan's nuzzle.

"Ewww! You don't know where it's been!!!" said Ranma-chan, revolted. She looked at P-chan who really looked like he didn't mind the treatment. "Give me that!" Ranma-chan grabbed the pig from Seiya and headed to the bathroom. Seiya followed, curious as what Ranma would do with the pig. When they got in the bathroom, Ranma-chan pitched the pig in the hot bath.

"Don't do that. He might drown..." Seiya reached in the bathtub and grabbed P-chan and pulled. She screamed when she realized she was holding the head of Ryoga.

"Now... Do you still wish to kiss P-chan?" asked Ranma-chan.

"What the?..." It didn't take long to figure out that the little black pig she been cuddling and kissing was Ryoga. Now she understood what Ranma meant by "there are worst things you can change into." Hey, waitadamnminute! I was snuggling with him!!! She let him go, glaring at Ranma-chan.

"You could have told me, you know..." Seiya turned around and got out of the bathroom. Ryoga reached for the clothes Ranma had let out for him.

Seiya waited for the two guys to get out of the bathroom. She felt lonely. She wished Yaten or Taiki would be there. Yaten would probably say the dress wasn't the right shade for her, or would say the dress looked like a rag... She chuckled, even though she'd been gone two days, she missed Yaten and Taiki. We've been together all our lives... well, almost all our lives. Yaten came to us when Taiki and I were five. Taiki I've known all my life. Good old Taiki. Knowing you, you're probably in Tokyo already studying. Yaten is probably whining his way to school now. Sometimes we get on each other's nerves, but at times like this I really realize how much I love them both. Life wouldn't be the same without them. Each has a good side, and each has something that bugs the others. Seiya wished it was already the evening so she could call home and get some news from them. Should I tell them, she thought. Should I tell them I can't turn back into a guy? What if it's permanent? What do we do then?

Maybe fate is giving me a message... Stop pretending... Be yourself... Have I ever been myself? She thought. Ever since I was a kid I have been the tomboy, the scrapper, the make-believe warrior of Kinmoku. Was it really me? Is Seiya the Idol Singer really me? Why am I so moody all of a sudden? Maybe I never had the time to think about me... There was always something else to think about. It started with Yaten, she thought, when she saw for the first time this fragile little girl who couldn't smile, who looked like she carried the weight of the world on her shoulder. She didn't understand then why Yaten was so hurt... She just wanted to be friends. It took time, but one day the three of them became inseparable. Is it because I'm alone right now? Then came the attack of Galaxia... the destruction of the population, the disappearance of Princess Kakyuu. They came to earth to find her. Then I met Odango, she sighed. It still hurt. She realized some part of her will still love her, but she knows better now. She knows better than to hurt herself with a love that cannot be.

"Seiya-chan... Moshi-moshi...!" Seiya saw a hand wiggle in front of her face. Ranma-chan looked at her. "Earth to Seiya... come in Seiya..." Seiya got out of her thoughts.

"Have you guys waited long?" she asked.

"We have been calling to you since the last two minutes..." replied Ranma.

"Gomen... I was just thinking... Shall we go?" Seiya said, standing up; the other two nodded and followed her.

Getting to the market was a real chore. At one point Seiya just wanted to ditch the two others, who were quarrelling all the time. Ryoga couldn't find his way out of a room without getting lost. Ranma-chan had tried to humor him by letting him guide them to the market. Finally, fed up with the entire altercation, Seiya told them to stop bickering and told Ranma to point to the right direction.

They finally came in view of the market, but since only Ryoga knew who they were looking for, it took them the rest of the morning to find the right spot in the market. Unfortunately, the old man who sold the potion to Ryoga wasn't there any more.

"He was here two days ago," said the man in the next booth. "He was selling all kinds of crazy stuff, but, hey, it worked and people came and bought a lot of stuff... He asked me to look out for his space because he told me he would have the visit of a cute girl and he wanted his booth to be still there..."

"Did he say his name?" asked Ranma-chan.

"No... no he didn't. But if he doesn't come back tomorrow he will lose the spot. The manager of the market passed and told me he didn't receive any money from the old man, so he's giving the spot over to another guy."

"What kind of stuff did he sell?" asked Seiya.

"Old Chinese remedies. He had a potion for... ah-hem... making men feel better about themselves. Of course, I don't know if that thing worked or not... Anyway, it was all herbal Chinese medicine. Yeah and there was that old lady that came in bright and early each morning. I thing she was the one that made all that stuff for him..." replied the man thinking.

"Was she a really old woman...?" asked Ranma-chan.

"Yes!" The man chuckled. "She looked quite old and she had a cute girl with purple hair with her most of the time. Oh yeah! I heard her once called the old man that had the booth Happy!"

Ranma-chan growled. She knew Happy was the nickname Cologne, Shampoo's grandmother called Happosai. Ryoga realized the two old people had duped him.

Ranma-chan thanked the man and grabbed Seiya and Ryoga.

"Where are we going?" asked Seiya.

"To the Nekohanten, to find the old hag who made that stupid potion... I should have known..."

"Well, I don't... What the heck are you talking about?" replied Seiya.

"The old man who sold the potion to Ryoga was none other than Happosai." Started Ranma-chan. "You know the old hentai who took away your..."

"I think I get the picture" interrupted Seiya grumbling.

"Anyway, at the Neko Hanten there is this old hag who's Happosai's old flame. She's probably the one that did that whacked out potion in the first place. So we're going over there and ask that she gives us the antidote and we'll be on our way..." replied Ranma.

Why do I get the feeling that it won't be as easy as that? Thought Seiya.


Yaten slowly woke up. Her room was still dark, but since she faced the window, she could see the first colors of the sunrise. So many beautiful colors, she thought, different and somehow similar to sun rises on Kinmoku. She wasn't sleepy any more and was feeling refreshed and again at normal energy levels. She stretched her arms a bit and turned around wondering what time it was.

She hiccuped a surprise when she saw Kurama, sitting on a chair, sleeping. His head was nodding up and down on a regular pattern. Around his shoulders a blanket had been thrown on. He had fallen asleep watching over her. She was amazed. She sat up looking at him. He looked tired. She didn't want to wake him, but she felt he would be more comfortable lying down on the bed. Her hand was almost upon him when she backed up, blushing. What am I doing? She thought, why should I care if he were comfortable? I didn't ask for him to watch over me. She looked to him again, the tousled red mane, his eyes closed. He was beautiful. She could feel her cheeks burning up just looking at him. His lips were half-opened. She leaned forward almost against her will. She wanted to touch his lips; she didn't know why. She just had to. She touched them with the tip of her fingers, a feathery touch; his lips were as smooth as silk. She was giddy and controlled herself not to start giggling right there and now. Her head was swimming. She heard her blood coursing thundering in her ears. Not lifting her hand, she touched his cheek. He moved with her gesture. He snuggled against her hand; she was trembling, afraid. I don't want to wake him, she lied to herself, but something deep within her urged her to continue. Her heart was beating so hard she was afraid everyone in the apartment building could hear her.

Suddenly Kurama's eyes fluttered open; Yaten gasped. Her mind exploding in a series of really good explanations for her hand on his cheek. She stopped breathing and her heart skipped a beat when he looked back into her eyes. The time seemed to stand still as they both stood transfixed by the other's gaze. Yaten breathed again, but couldn't calm her heart as she felt butterflies in her stomach. Kurama was the first to move. He mimicked her by placing his hand on her cheek. His hand was warm but not as hot as her burning cheek. She felt it again, the giddy feeling only this time she didn't want to giggle. She moved closer to him. Still looking into her eyes, he put his second hand on her other cheek, and gently tilted her head up. He, too, moved closer.

They were so close now, she saw in his eyes that he was flushed as she was by emotions that couldn't be denied. Their faces inched ever closer; they both closed their eyes instinctively and kissed. Their first kiss was tentative and quick, so was the second, as if they were trying to gauge the other's reaction. The third was passionate like those romance novels the girls always talked about, a kiss just like Taiki's poetry books hinted about. Yaten felt as though she was melting in his arm, a small hmm escaped from her. Their kisses multiplied. They both lost count as they let their passion run amuck with them. Kurama held her in his arms, noting amidst the mist that clouded his mind how her body fitted with his. Yaten ran her fingers into his red locks; they would have stayed like this for many hours. Unfortunately...

"Huummmm.... Would you like it better if I left?" While their lips were still locked into a kiss, Yaten and Kurama's eyes shot open. They both looked at Hiei who, Yaten just noticed, had been sleeping across the bed at her feet. His face had a strange mixture of anger and enjoyment at their expense. Yaten, blushing, disengaged from Kurama and got out of bed. She grabbed her school uniform and mumbled quickly something about taking a shower before going to school. She got out, her face still red, and locked the bathroom door.

"Was it something I said?" Hiei said, looking at the door Yaten had just vanished to. His only response was her pillow that Kurama had thrown on his head.

"OW!... crazy fox!" said Hiei and he took the pillow and started to pound Kurama with it.

"Mercy... Mercy..." softly laughed Kurama as he fell on the bed. He was careful not to speak too loud knowing that Yuusuke and Kuwabara slept in the other rooms. Hiei stopped hitting him with the soft pillow and crawled on the bed beside him. Kurama was a little surprised. He thought Hiei would be mad with him because he kissed Yaten. Hiei hugged Kurama.

"If you're wondering, no, I'm not mad... although I am a little jealous" he admitted. He was absent-mindingly picking some strands of Kurama's hair, resting his head against Kurama's chest.

"So..." Hiei said not looking up. "How was it?... kissing her?"

Kurama looked at Hiei, he thought he was mocking him but when Hiei looked back at him, he knew he wasn't. He really wanted to know. There was no hatred like Kurama feared or resentment. Kurama took Hiei in his arms and gently stroked his hair.

"It felt... I can't describe it, Hiei... I only know what I feel for her is different that what I feel for you. It doesn't change my feelings towards you, Hiei... please believe me..." Kurama's voice was so soothing to Hiei's ears, he could have fallen asleep there as he had done many times.

"What you feel for her... it's like you found your mate, your other self... isn't it?" asked Hiei.

Kurama didn't answer. He was pondering what Hiei said. Was that what he felt for Yaten? Was it like a child's fairy tale complete with the scoundrel thief and a beautiful princess?

Meanwhile in the shower, Yaten let the water slowly bring her back to reality. She hadn't dreamt it. She was kissing Kurama. Why did I do that? She thought, and why do I ache for more? She was divided in two different thoughts. One part was mad that she succumbed to a moment of stupid passion and the other wanted her to march right back in her room to continue what was so rudely interrupted. What is wrong with me, she thought. I have never been so unsure of myself. She was washing her hair, and she thought back to Kurama, his eyes, his lips, and the kiss...

Stop it, she growled to herself. You're turning into a bigger romantic than Makoto... Next I'll be starting to call him sempai and comparing him to every boy I meet on the street. Is that so bad? A tiny voice said in the back of her head. Yes it is, she resolutely said to herself, rinsing her hair of the shampoo. Isn't it about time you acted what you really are? The voice said again. She closed the water and hugged herself half because it was cold half because of the realization.

She looked down at herself; this is what I am... Her eyes started to warm up, warm tears started to flow. She angrily blinked them away, as she reached for the towel to dry herself up. She hid her face in the damp towel not taking it off until her eyes dried up.

She sighed. She had to turn back into a boy for school. Somehow she didn't want to. She felt like going to school as a girl yelling, 'Hey you stupid girls who fawn over me and send me stupid perfumed love letters guess what?... I'm a girl, too, you dimwits!'. She knew she couldn't do that. After all, being an idol singer brought bread on the table. When they came back to Earth they didn't know what to do else besides sing, and the fans wanted them back. She sighed. Her body changed into more masculine proportions. He got dressed then turned to the mirror to dry his hair. He looked in the mirror, his hair was a shade darker, and he sighed at the reflection.

"Lo-kun..." he whispered. "Would you look like this if you were still alive?" He wiped the steam from the mirror studying his face with his hair still wet. Loutus had blue-gray hair, he remembered. Yaten's was silver gray. Other than that, they were identical as children. He looked back in the mirror. Am I to live out your life, brother? He thought. The small voice came back. You know he would like you to be happy being who you are... not living this farce that he lives on through you. He started the hair dryer hoping the sound would drown the voice in his head.

Hiei lifted his head. Kurama was fast asleep next to him. He got up moving slowly as not to waken his friend. Poor silly fox, he sighed, so tired he fell asleep in no time. He heard the bathroom door open. Yaten was probably finished using the shower. It's a good thing, he thought, that I got out of the bed. I don't think this is a good time to tell her about Kurama and me. Just then the door opened. Yaten got in, Hiei was surprised.

"You changed back into a boy..." he whispered.

"Yeah!" said sarcastically Yaten. "They are waiting for a MALE Idol singer at Sarayashiki... Going as a girl would only complicate matters, don't you think?" Hiei nodded. Yaten noticed Kurama. "Oh Gomen..." he whispered. "I didn't know that Kurama went back to sleep." Hiei took him by the arm.

"We better let Shuiichi sleep..." Yaten nodded, then turned surprised to Hiei.

"Shuiichi?" He asked.

"That's Kurama's... err... normal name: Minamino Shuiichi..." Hiei replied. Yaten was about to open Taiki's door when Hiei stopped him.

"Your... brother didn't come in last night so Yuusuke is sleeping in his room." Uh? Taiki didn't come back to sleep... that wasn't like him at all. Maybe he went to sleep at Ami's... uh yeah right! As if! Then he remembered he once said he wouldn't be caught dead kissing a guy, and in his female form he kissed Kurama. He started to smile.

"Huh... moshi-moshi, Yaten-kun?" said Hiei when he saw Yaten just staring.

"Uh? Oh, nothing... Come on let's grab something to eat..." said quickly Yaten. He opened the fridge door; there wasn't much around. "Milk... natto..." both he and Hiei made a face when he mentioned natto. Yaten reached in the fridge, took out a container and opened it. "Ewww! And something that died..." he closed it back and trashed it.

"Looks like it's cereal today..." Yaten said, taking the milk out of the fridge.

"Don't care just as long as I get something to eat..." Yaten got two bowls out and 3 kinds of cereal.

"Gomen... Taiki usually does the cooking around here... Your choice, Raisin Bran, Wheaties or Count Chocula..." said Yaten.

"Let me guess, Count Chocula is your cereal?..." chuckled Hiei.

"Hey! Can't beat a sugar rush this early in the day... Want some?" asked Yaten. Hiei nodded, Yaten started to chow down when Hiei looked at breakfast with suspicion.

"My milk is turning brown..." he finally said. Yaten started to laugh.

"It's supposed to... You never had that kind of cereal before?" Hiei shook his head. He took a spoonful and sampled it, and his face lit up. "Good huh?" asked Yaten. Hiei nodded.

Hiei finished his bowl in no time flat. Yaten couldn't believe it. Yaten continued to eat at his own pace. A stifled yawn was heard. It was Yuusuke who was stretching in the living room. Shortly after, Kuwabara emerged from Seiya's room.

"I think I'd better go and wake Kurama... unless you want to do it?" Hiei asked. Yaten swallowed a big spoonful of cereal (nearly choking on it) but shook his head. He did want to go and wake him up. The part that wanted to kiss him again wanted to, but he was afraid. Hiei shrugged and went into his room, coming back a few minutes later with a yawning Kurama.

They all took breakfast in silence; Kurama trying to sneak little glances at Yaten whom, when he saw them, just looked away trying not to blush. The time soon came for them to go back to school; Yaten left a message for Taiki, just in case he would be coming back before Yaten did. Yaten turned around and saw that the others had already left. Only one person was left behind waiting for him: Kurama.

"The others have gone ahead to get Keiko-chan." said Kurama taking Yaten's school bag. "Shall we go..." Yaten sighed in relief. He headed to the door, he was about to take his school bag when he said:

"Hehehe, here I was afraid you might try to kiss mmmm..." Yaten didn't finish the sentence. Kurama was already kissing him passionately. Yaten was surprised at first, then started to enjoy the kiss. He heard the schoolbags hit the ground as Kurama hugged him. Suddenly Yaten's eyes lit up. Shimatta! I'm not a girl right now!!! Yaten disengaged from the kiss, surprising Kurama.

"What's wrong?" Kurama's soft voice asked him. Yaten was turning his back to him. He reached and brought Yaten into his arms. Yaten let him do so, for it felt soothing.

"I- we can't kiss when I'm a boy..." said Yaten.

"I don't mind..." started Kurama.

"Well I do..." Yaten turned his head slightly, "... you don't?"

"If I minded... do you think I'd do this..." Kurama kissed him again. Yaten didn't stand still for that kiss. He pulled away rapidly.

"I do... I mind... I- I-... Let's go to school... I don't want to talk about this right now... I- I'm not ready..." said Yaten blushing.

"Gomen... I didn't want to rush you..." Kurama reached to touch his face. "I'll wait for you..." Yaten nodded quickly, took his bag and got out with Kurama.

They walked to school in silence; Kurama tried to ease the atmosphere by telling Yaten he wouldn't kiss him unless Yaten wanted him to. That's just it, thought Yaten, I want to kiss you, but not as a boy... Part of him, his female part for lack of a better word, longed for Kurama, and another part feared love with him, with anyone, afraid of the rejection.

I have to talk to someone, thought Yaten, but to whom? She couldn't talk to Seiya who was into girls anyway... so was Taiki. He needed a girl to girl talk. Minako was out of the question. Ami would probably decorticate the situation and leave Yaten even more mixed-up than before. Yaten sighed. Rei hated boys. She had no interests in dating yet, and Makoto would probably fawn over her last boyfriend. Michiru and Haruka, Yaten almost laughed out loud when he thought about it. They probably wouldn't give him the time of day so for advice... He didn't know Setsuna enough to confide in her. Hotaru was younger than she was. All that was left was Usagi and Luna... Luna was a cat, Yaten liked Luna but he really didn't think she could help him. Usagi... Usagi's a klutz! How could baka Usagi help him sort out his dilemma?

Like always, sighed Yaten to himself, when you really need advice, you're all alone with your problem. Yaten dismissed the thought. They were arriving at school. Keiko came up to him. That surprised Kurama.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu, Yaten-kun!" sang Keiko happy like a little bird.

"Uh? Keiko-chan? How come you're here so early? Yuusuke and Kuwabara went to get you..." said Kurama.

"It's because we have an extraordinary meeting of Yaten's fan club this morning before class. Since I didn't see you yesterday afternoon I couldn't tell Yuusuke... Are you coming, Yaten-kun?" replied Keiko pulling Yaten by the arm. Yaten sighed. A stupid fanclub meeting. Might as well go and get it over with. Yaten was soon escorted by a troop of girls that escorted him inside the school. Kurama looked on. Something was peculiar about the scene. He shrugged. Keiko was his friend. he was getting paranoid that someone might want to hurt Yaten.

Yaten was taken inside the school and down the basement. There was a peculiar decaying smell. Yaten thought he was imagining it because none of the girls seemed to smell it. He was taken to a door. Keiko opened it and smiled.

"Welcome to the Makai... Princess..." Yaten's mind barely registered the sentence as he was pushed forward in the darkened room. He turned around. He saw the door starting to dissolve. The girls looked back at him with evil smiles. Realizing it was a trap, Yaten sprung forward. He was gripped by a mesh of tentacles that seemed to be made of the darkness of the room. Yaten tried to escape but the tentacles held him in a viselike grip. Panicked, Yaten cried out.

"KURAMMAAA!! HELP ME!!! HIEI!!!" He saw the portal was almost closed. He yelled again as loud as he could "HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!! KUUURRAAAAMMMAAAAAAAAAAA!" The portal closed and Yaten was engulfed in darkness.


Taiki felt dizzy as he looked at Aoi and Kusanagi kiss. Well for Taiki it might as well have been Seiya and Mamoru. She almost fell down on the ground, what the heck is going on? She thought. Tatsumaki went forward.

"Kusanagi-sama..." she said with reverence. "We thought you were dead..."

Kusanagi stopped kissing Aoi but still looked at her deeply in the eyes. He sighed.

"I am sorry if I had to make you believe I was dead. Unfortunately I had no choice..."

"Uh... Hotohori... Who is he?" whispered Miaka.

"Kusanagi-sama is a prince of a province of Konan. It was rumored that he died in a fire at one of his secondary residences. It was also rumored that his cousin Prince Akurei was somehow responsible for his death, as a ploy to get his province... Unfortunately there wasn't any proof to tie him to the incident, so I couldn't prosecute him."

"Hotohori-sama..." said Kusanagi bowing deeply. "I am pleased that you have come all this way. I'm afraid I may be bearer of even worse news..."

"What do you mean?" asked Hotohori.

"While I was roaming the countryside helping in any way I could, my countrymen had fallen prey to the dire regimen of my cousin. I have heard that he was the one who kidnapped my betrothed and brought her to his castle. I fear he might force her to marry him..."

"And then gain another province and become more powerful, I see..." replied Hotohori. "I doubt your cousin will stop there..."

"Indeed, Hotohori-sama..." continued Kusanagi. "I fear my cousin is amassing his armies, and that he will soon rally against you..."

"Emperor..." said Tatsumaki. "If we would try and get Kusanagi-sama back to his throne and quell this rebellion before it grows too much, I will aid you all I can, but we must rescue the Tsuki no Miko from his clutches."

"I agree..." admitted Hotohori. "There is one question that still nags me Kusanagi-sama... Why didn't you come forward and accuse your cousin of your attempted murder..."

"Because, Emperor..." started Kusanagi. "I had no proof. Me and my betrothed the Tsuki no Miko, have had suspicion against my cousin. But you know the law, Emperor. I cannot accuse another noble of wrongdoing unless I have proof."

"A month ago, my guards found and killed a spy. On him they found all he needed to start a fire. So with the help of my most trusted guards..." Kusanagi gestured to the four men that were with him. "We dressed the dead man in my clothes and put fire to my bedchambers... I and my men hid at Midori's parent's household and waited to see if my cousin would take my province..."

"The very next day, my cousin arrived at the gates of the palace and with false grief made himself regent of my land..."

"News travels fast, my lord..." snorted Tsunami. "... Especially when it should take two days of travel from your cousin's palace to yours..."

"I had to bid my time, Emperor," continued Kusanagi. "And gather evidence against my cousin before I could present my case before you. But Akurei has become bold in his enterprise if he has taken captive my betrothed. I'm afraid Akurei will stop at nothing to get what he wants..."

"I understand. Yes, we should pay Prince Akurei a visit with my troops..." said Hotohori.

"Iie... no Emperor. If he has the Tsuki no Miko hostage he might kill her or her warrior-priestess if he feels he is cornered..." interrupted Kusanagi.

"That would be sacrilege... but I guess the cornered animal is the most vicious... What do you suggest we do?" asked Hotohori.

"My Lord, my cousin has taken residence in my palace. Unknown to him, I have constructed hidden rooms and corridors known only to me and my guards. We could sneak inside the palace and hide in it until we can locate the Tsuki no Miko and her warrior-priestess. Once we know their location we could sneak a small group at night, and rescue our friends. Then you could march in with your troops, Emperor..."

"Your plan has merit, Prince Kusanagi, I will think about it tonight and I will reach my decision tomorrow morning..."

"I will abide by your decision, my Lord..." replied Kusanagi, and with that Hotohori retired to his tent. Kusanagi stood up and went back to Aoi. Taiki was floored again to see Aoi kiss Kusanagi with such passion; Taiki had a huge sweatdrop as she tried to imagine Seiya as a woman and kissing Mamoru. She then saw Midori give a very friendly hug to one of the guards of Kusanagi, the one that was Kunzite double. At least she didn't kiss him, she thought. Then she felt a pair of hands on her, massaging her shoulders. Umm, she thought, whoever's doing that, I needed it. She looked down. The fingers where slender and fine. For a moment Taiki thought it was Miaka, but she saw her enter Tamahome's tent. She was about to turn around when the one who was massaging her shoulders spoke:

"Saki-chan... You're so tense... Does this ease you..." Taiki's eyes shot wide open when she recognized the voice... ZOICITE!!! What did he just call me?... Saki-chan?... Oh Stars! I hope this isn't what I think this is!!! Zoicite! I couldn't do better than Zoicite? She sighed unbelieving. Zoicite is the guy I'm supposed to fall in love with... NO WAY! I mean he's nice and all that but kiss him? She made a face I think I'd rather kiss Haruka-san, at least she's a girl. She turned around to face him.

"Uh... y-Yes Thank you, ahhh..." Taiki thought. Stars I don't even know his name here...

"Saki-chan, are you still mad at Makoto?" said the guard that looked like Zoicite.

Who's Makoto? Thought Taiki, then she figured it out... Oh stars, no! He talks to the third person that really annoys me when people do that! Makoto must be his name. Oh man! This is going to be hell, she grumbled to herself.

"Saki-chan, I know our marriage is.... Aahhh what is name for that... Makoto is sorry his Chinese is so bad..."

Taiki stood there speechless... married... I'm married to him? This isn't going to be hell; it's going to be worse. Wait a minute... We're speaking Chinese here? I thought we spoke Japanese... Taiki was pondering on that when the guard that looked like Nephrite put a hand on Makoto's shoulder.

"I think the word you are looking for is 'arranged marriage' Makoto-san. No wonder a Lady of renown literary pursuit hates her husband to be because he does not know her own language."

I'm not married to him, yet! She sighed, what a relief... I was afraid there for a second...

"Tomo-san, stop insulting Makoto. Makoto tries his best to learn Chinese and to talk to future wife nicely... if Tomo-san does not want to help Makoto then go..." Makoto said angrily.

Stars! It's like listening to a five-year-old talk... I've got to get out of this book before I'm completely nuts. I don't want to fall in love with him... I WANT OUT OF THIS CRAZY STORY!!! Taiki looked as Tomo started to laugh and shrugging, walked away.

"Makoto is sorry, beautiful Saki-chan, that Makoto is not what Saki-chan wants as husband. Makoto has come to China to help Kusanagi-sama, then Father of Makoto and Father of Saki-chan decide to make Makoto and Saki-chan husband and wife to seal treaty of peace between Konan province and Japan."

What? Taiki fumed but tried to keep that for herself. I'm a bargaining piece for a treaty... This story really sucks!!! I know these things happened throughout history but WHY ME?

"Makoto also knows Saki-chan loves Mizuumi more than Makoto, but Makoto thought about what Saki-chan said..."

"Please... get to the point..."said Taiki.

"Makoto agrees to Saki-chan's terms." he simply says. Me and my big mouth, thought Taiki I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about...

"And those terms are?" asked Taiki, trying not to look too stupid.

"Ah! Saki-chan tests Makoto to see if Makoto can be trusted? Very well. Terms of marriage is that Makoto lets Mizuumi live with us and let Mizuumi and Saki-chan be together. Saki-chan then accept marriage and will give Makoto children as heir."

Taiki raised an eyebrow. What a lousy think to do... This marriage must mean peace between China and Japan if we were prepared to do all that to get married. What a lousy deal... I feel sorry for the guy. He seems to love Murasaki but she doesn't love him back. She loves Mizuumi... Is that Ami-chan...? I hope so.

"Did Makoto say all well? Saki-chan no say word..."

"Yes, you said it well, Makoto-san..." Taiki tried. She was relieved when she saw Makoto break into a smile. "It is indeed what we agreed upon..."

"Makoto is glad, Saki-chan speak so well..."

"Well... You know, Makoto-san... maybe we could work on your language problem..." Taiki said.

Makoto smiled even more. He kneeled before her and said:

"It will be an honor, my Lady, teach Makoto..." He said the first part as though he has said it many times before, she thought. She took his hand.

"Why don't we start tonight?" Taiki said and they went in one of the tents. She made him practice to talk but also made him say 'I' instead of using his name all the time. It took a good part of the evening. She was feeling tired so she leaned on his shoulder while he read to her. Taiki, tired by the day's events, fell asleep on his shoulder.

Meanwhile in Tamahome's tent, Miaka broke her kiss with Tamahome.

"I don't understand..." she said. "If Kusanagi-sama is engaged with the Tsuki no Miko, why was he kissing Aoi-san..."

Tamahome sighed. "Because he loves both Shiori-sama the Tsuki no Miko And Aoi-san. He will legally marry the Tsuki no Miko and Aoi-san will be in his harem. I think they all agreed that if Aoi-san bears Kusanagi-sama children they will be considered legitimate..."

"Ah..." replied Miaka. Tamahome bend forward again to kiss her but Miaka had another question.

"Are the other two headmaidens in the same situation..."

"Not really..." replied Tamahome. "Midori is engaged but to a Japanese lord... I think his name is Lord Kitsune, but I'm not sure. And Murasaki-san is engaged with Makoto, second son of an influent Japanese Shogun, and right hand man of the Japanese Emperor. Theirs isn't a marriage of love it's more of a political arrangement of peace between Konan and Japan. There are still arrangements to be made but their marriage should be celebrated soon. Do you have another question Miaka?"

"Just one... If you were changed into a woman... would you still like woman or would you be able to love a man?" asked Miaka.

Tamahome didn't reply. He has fallen off his chair, stunned, a huge sweatdrop slipping the side of his head...

End of part 6

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