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Seiya Taiki and Yaten's Excellent Adventure

part 7

by Sonya-chan

Shampoo was overjoyed when she saw Ranma-chan enter the Neko Hanten. She was less happy when she saw another girl with Ranma-chan, a very beautiful girl. She fumed, another girl that would try to get Ranma away from her, not if Shampoo had anything to say about it.

When Seiya entered the room she saw an old crone balancing on a wooden cane. That must be the old woman she had heard about. She was old. The word for it was feeble. She wobbled to their table as soon as Ranma-chan, Ryoga and herself were seated.

"Good day, Son-in-law. What brings you and your friends to our humble restaurant...?" the old woman croaked. She seemed a feeble old woman but Seiya sensed an aura around the crone that made her shiver.

"Oh! Can the sweet talk." said surly Ranma-chan. "I think we both know why I am here..."

"Very well then, I think we can discuss this. Would you care to step into my office to discuss this...? Shampoo, dear, give them some hot Ramen for Ranma's guest... on the house of course." The old woman smiled at Seiya. At least Seiya thought she was smiling.

As soon as Ranma-chan left with the old woman, Shampoo came to their table with some hot Ramen. She placed the bowls in front of Seiya and Ryoga respectively.

"How are things at the restaurant?" asked Ryoga trying to make some small talk.

"Business is good..." she started. "Want hot sauce?" Both Ryoga and Seiya nodded. Shampoo turned around to get it. When she came back, she tripped and the hot sauce fell all over Seiya's dress.

"Oh! My! Shampoo so sorry... you come quickly with Shampoo in restroom get clean or else will stain pretty dress..."

Seiya took no time following Shampoo. Since the dress wasn't hers she wanted to waste no time washing it. But as soon as she got into the restroom she received a bucket of water on the head and she felt a rubbing motion on her head.

"So you see it's not only me that's at stake..." replied Ranma-chan hotly. In the kitchen Ranma-chan had explained to Cologne that whatever plan she had for him backfired because Seiya was also affected by the potion. And since she brought someone that was innocent into the plan she had no choice but to undo the damage that was done.

"Indeed this changes things... Very well. I will give you the antidote. Wait here... I will make enough for both of you..." the old crone disappeared into a small backroom. Ranma-chan waited a while when suddenly she was hugged fiercely.

"Is Ranma happy to see Shampoo?" said Shampoo while giving Ranma-chan a huge bear hug.

"Yeah, very happy..." replied Ranma-chan not all that happy.

"Now Ranma, can be nice with Shampoo. Shampoo took care of competition..."

"Shampoo, what did you do to Akane-chan this time!" Ranma-chan said disengaging from her hug.

"Akane-chan? Me no do nothing to Akane..." replied Shampoo.

"Uh? Who are you talking about..." Ranma-chan stopped talking. Omigod, she thought, I hope she doesn't mean Seiya...

"Me took care of girl that came with you..." smiled Shampoo. "Is Ranma-chan mad?"

"Well, what do you think? That was Seiya Kou!!!" yelled Ranma-chan.

"Silly Ranma-chan... Seiya is boy." said Shampoo matter-of-factly.

"Well, he isn't now, technically..." replied Ranma-chan. "He fell into the pond that Ryoga had spiked with the potion that the old ghoul did. When he fell he got transformed into a girl and now he's stuck in female form just like me..."

"You mean beautiful girl that came with you is beautiful Idol singer Seiya Kou transformed into woman...?" said Shampoo slowly.

"Yes!" snapped Ranma-chan.

"Oh-oh..." said Shampoo. Ranma-chan felt an impeding doom falling on her.

"What did you do to Seiya, Shampoo...?" asked Ranma-chan getting really worried now.

"Well... Shampoo gave to Seiya a new type of Shampoo that grandmama worked on..." started shyly Shampoo.

"What? You erased her memories?" Ranma-chan fumed.

"Ara... yes... but is new formula. It not really erase memory. She thinks she somebody else... Also grandmama add special herbs that alters hair color with sun..." admitted Shampoo.

"Oh, Great. Just great. I knew this was going too easily... What hair color is she now?" asked Ranma-chan.

"Shampoo doesn't know... I pushed the girl out in the street by secret door but didn't look where she went... So Shampoo doesn't know what color hair she now have..." said Shampoo apologetically.

"TELL ME THIS ISN'T TRUE!!!!" yelled Ranma-chan.

"Shampoo..." said Cologne who overheard the entire conversation. "You help son-in-law find the girl and bring her here... then Ranma-kun, we will discuss how we can mutually help each other..."

Oh-oh! Ranma-chan didn't like that last part that mostly meant that as Ranma-kun he would have to accept to marry Shampoo. I don't want to but I can't leave Seiya like that...

"Very well, old ghoul... We'll talk." Ranma got out of the kitchen with Shampoo, rallied Ryoga and they headed in the streets in search of Seiya.

"Man, my head hurts..." said Seiya. "Where am I?" She looked around and studied the place. This didn't look like Jyuuban or Azabu or any district of Tokyo she usually hang out at. She stopped before a shop that sold mirrors and looked at herself.

"OHMIGOD!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR?" she yelled scaring all of those who were passing next to her. "What possessed me to cut it that way? And where's my bow; I never leave home without it??? And where the heck did I get this tacky dress? It doesn't scream Aino Minako future Idol of millions at all," She said, talking to herself looking down at the dress. She looked into the little purse she was carrying to take out a brush to rearrange her hair. She didn't find any, not even a compact, but she found a wallet. Realizing she didn't know how much money she had, she opened it and let out a cry of joy.

OMIGOD! she thought, Where did I get all that money? Who cares? She shrugged. I have a weird haircut, no bow, a tacky dress and no Artemis around. What can any respectful teenaged girl do in a situation like this but... GO SHOPPING!!!

I took not time for her to find a fashionable clothing store and start splurging. She immediately found the cutest outfit that screamed, Minako-chan put me on. So she did. She paid for it instantly and told the sales person she wanted to put it on immediately. As she got out of the store she put the rag as she called it in a garbage pail adjacent to the store. Then she headed toward the mall for more shopping. She just had to find a red bow to replace the one she misplaced.

Meanwhile Ranma-chan, Shampoo and Ryoga were looking all over for her. They looked for a girl that had Akane's dress on but could not find any. As they turned a corner, Ranma-chan's heart sank. In the garbage, was the dress only Seiya was nowhere to be seen.

"Man..." she whined "How are we ever going to find her?"


When Taiki woke up the next morning she thought she had just had the most horrible nightmare of her life. She sighed then realized she was leaning against something soft and warm. She looked down and saw how she was dressed.

Oh Stars, no... it wasn't just a nightmare. The thing she leaned against moved and she saw Zoicite's face smiling at her.

"Ohayo! Did Saki-chan sleep well?"

She let out a wonderful scream which woke up everybody in the camp. Everyone sat up on their camp beds as they heard Taiki scream.


"But Saki-chan... Makoto no do anything..." said Makoto as he dodged the various objects Taiki had thrown at him.

"SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!!" she yelled outraged. Makoto who wasn't all that dumb knew better than to stay in the tent with that fury, he decided to get out of the tent and wait until she would cool off before talking to her again.

While that was happening, Aoi settled back in the bed with Kusanagi.

"You know, I really wonder if that marriage is ever going to work..."she said. "I'm just lucky to have Shiori-chan and you I think..." as she snuggled back into his arms she could feel his mind was miles away. She sighed.

"You're worried about her, aren't you?... Me too... I'm afraid that your cousin might have hurt my little dumpling..."

"Your little dumpling? What am I then?" he started to laugh.

She smiled mischievously. "You are my Lord Dumpling!" They both started to laugh. He hugged her closer.

"You are right, of course..." he said when he sobered off. "I'm worried about Shiori-chan. I do hope my cousin has not done any sacrilege on her..."

"Yes, unlike a certain person I know, not naming any names..." she whispered.

"Aoi-chan... You know that this must remain a secret..." he whispered back.

"I know... I just wished you were both married... that way I would have both of you to myself." she smiled.

He sighed. "I wish it, too... I hope we can rescue her soon... I miss her terribly..."

"I know, so do I..." She got out of bed. "I think we better get up and get ready. Hotohori-sama has probably come up with his answer. Kusanagi nodded, got out of bed and put on his armor.

A little while later, Hotohori called all to gather to hear his decision. Taiki stood well away from Makoto still fuming and angry at him.

"I have decided..." said Hotohori. "That me and my court will go back to my palace and prepare for the offense against Lord Akurei. I will allow Lady Aoi, Midori and Murasaki to accompany your rescue party... I do hope your venture will be rewarded, Lord Kusanagi."

"I do hope myself good Emperor... and I thank you to leave the Star Miko with us... They will be of a great help as will Kaze no Miko and Umi no Miko." replied Kusanagi.

When all was said and done the two groups separated and wished each other luck. Miaka was mad at Hotohori for not letting her go with them. Since she couldn't find one good reason to stay with the rescue party, Hotohori had deemed the matter closed.

Taiki was a little relieved. The sooner they find the Tsuki no Miko, she thought, the sooner she got out of that crazy story. She was feed up with the whole thing and just wanted to get away from Makoto's sorry puppy eyes that were trying so desperately to please her. It made Taiki lash out each time he tried to accost her. She couldn't stand him, or rather she couldn't stand the whole situation. Cursing, wondering why she was dealt with such a lousy hand in the first place? Wondering who could hate her so much as to put her through such a stupid scenario. She sighed. She'd better calm herself. Getting angry would only make matters worse.

"Murasaki-chan... May I have a word with you?" It was Midori. She took her arm and led her away.

"Listen, I know you are upset about this whole arranged marriage thing but... Could you give Makoto-san some slack? He does try hard to please you..."

"He tries a little too much if you ask me..." snapped Taiki.

"That's because he adores you. He loves you and he wants you to be happy." tried Midori.

"If he loves me so much, why doesn't he just call the marriage off."

"You know he can't, Murasaki-chan. He can't go against his Emperor's wishes... He'll have to commit seppuku if he disobeys his Emperor... Now be honest, Murasaki-chan. You don't want that to happen to Makoto-san now, do you?" asked Midori.

Taiki thought about it. No, no she couldn't do that to Zoi... Makoto, even though he irritated her. It wasn't worth death, so she nodded.

"You're right but still I wish..."

"That you could be with Mizuumi? Silly, he already accepts her as your lover. What more can you ask for?" smiled Midori.

"I still have to bear his... children." replied Taiki with a shudder.

Midori sighed. "Maybe it won't be too bad, Murasaki-chan... He loves you. Think of all the arranged marriages where the husband doesn't love his wife. I think you will be just fine..."

"I wish I could believe you..." said Taiki.

"Believe me, Murasaki-chan, loving a man isn't all that bad. I love Kiniro-chan but I also love Lord Kitsune and count the days that separates my own engagement. I guess you could say I'm lucky compared to you that I love my future husband and that I am loved by him... But you could give Makoto-san a chance. He does want to please you. He loves you. Who knows? Maybe one day you will love him too. But don't give the chance to his heart to harden against you because you will be then sorry we ever scorned him."

Taiki listened to Midori with a speechless attention. The Yaten she knew would have never spoken of her emotions like that. Or how to handle her own. Midori looked like Yaten but she certainly didn't act like her. She was so nice and attentive. Well I can't say Yaten isn't nice, she corrected herself. I mean Yaten does have her moments... even thought they are rare. She nodded to Midori. She had taken the whole incident as a personal insult. Once she finished this story she would be back in her world with Ami. Oh how much she would hold Ami when she got back. And maybe Taiki was there in the story to help Murasaki deal with her strange situation.

"Arigato, Midori... I will try..." replied Taiki smiling. Midori's smile broadened. She's so cute, thought Taiki, just like Yaten when she eventually smiles happily.

Taiki got up. Midori helped with the rest of the preparation. Taiki went straight to Makoto.

Makoto was helping saddling his horse, when Tomo tapped on his shoulder. Makoto gasped when he saw Murasaki come to him. Tomo took the saddle from him and said he would finish the preparation.

"Makoto-san... I wish to talk to you... " said Taiki calmly.

Makoto was speechless. Less than 2 minutes ago he felt like she wanted to skin him alive. Now she seemed gentle and caring. He didn't know what to do. Tomo almost kicked his butt so he would get going. He took a few steps towards her.

"Yes... "

"Not here... Makoto-san, I wish to talk in private..." replied Taiki.

Makoto looked to Tomo uncertain if he could leave his post, Tomo shrugged.

"Go ahead I'll cover for you. " he winked.

Taiki and Makoto walked to the edge of the small river where she was startled the day before. Makoto, seeing a beautiful blossom picked and offered it to Murasaki. Taiki took the flower. He means well, she thought. Maybe I was too cross with him. Look at those puppy eyes.

"Makoto-san... I would like to apologize for the way I have been acting with you. I was unfair. I had no right..." started Taiki.

"Hush... Saki-chan, Mak... I forgive you, if Ma... I haven't been so bold you would not have been mad at me... But Makoto was so happy to hold you in arms, he... I didn't think you might object..." He reached and touched her hand. He dropped to his knees and took her hand and kissed it. Taiki felt a little uneasy. She never was kissed on the hand before and it made her feel a little giddy. When he finished kissing her hand, she withdrew it, blushing slightly.

"I- I... Makoto-san, I may not be a very easy person to live with... but maybe... with time." She gasped. Makoto had put a finger on her lips to silence her.

"Say no more... beautiful nightingale... These simple words have brought a great joy to my heart. If you are not ready for me... I will wait for you. Your words have given me the strength to wait until you are ready. I love you and I will wait until the day you will truly call me husband..."

Taiki was deeply troubled. She felt like she was on the verge of tears. Her heart was in turmoil. Did she do the right thing? She didn't wish to break his heart. She felt her lower lip tremble as he simply knelt there looking at her. Taiki didn't know it but she was blushing. She wanted to bolt out of this clearing, but she couldn't move. Am I... she thought wide-eyed, am I falling in love with him? But I love Ami... it must be this story that's making me act so stupidly.

Tomo arrived in the clearing, disturbing them. Lord Kusanagi was ready to move towards their destination: Midori's household. Taiki was grateful for the interruption. She shivered, as she speculated at what might have happened if she would have stayed longer alone with Makoto. Yes, it frightened her...

Back in the real word Yui, who had successfully been able to 'borrow' the book from the library, was reading it in the dorm room she shared with Miaka. And so, she read, thus begins Murasaki's quest for her true love, little did the Suzaku no Miko's headmaiden knew, she would never again see Miaka, until the story would be told...

As soon as she read those words, she heard a scream and received a heavy weight on her head. Miaka had been expelled of the book, a very angry Miaka.

"NOOOOOO!!!! WE WERE ABOUT TO EAT!!!!" she yelled on top of her lungs. She grabbed the book from Yui and opened it. "Give me that. I have to go back I'm starved..." But nothing happened. She banged the book several times on her head. Face vaulting, Yui took the book from her.

"Are you crazy? Do you want to break it? This book is priceless... Besides, I just read that you are no longer in the story..."

"What? It isn't fair BWAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! I'm hungry!!!" cried Miaka.

"There's food in the fridge... " said Yui flatly. Miaka stopped crying and dashed in the kitchen. Yui sighed. There was nothing that could divert Miaka from eating so she just shrugged. She was about to continue reading, when she heard a knock at the door. She lifted an eyebrow. The knock had been so soft she almost didn't hear it over the sounds Miaka made while gorging herself. There was a second knock, this time more sure. Yui put the book down and went to the door.

She opened it and in the corridor stood a blue haired girl with the uniform of the Jyuuban High School. She was blushing slightly and visibly embarrassed to be there.

"Ano... " she started. "My name is Mizuno Ami, and I was wondering if you knew where Taiki Kou was?"


Kurama was getting ready, after Yaten left with Keiko, to head to his own school which was just a short distance away. With the number of people here he thought Yaten wouldn't be in any danger. He lifted his head and saw Botan on her oar coming to him with lightning speed. In the distance, he saw Kuwabara and Yuusuke running toward school. Distancing them slightly was also Hiei. Kurama's heart sang, when Botan yelled to him that Keiko hadn't come home at all last night.

"Oh Gods, no! Yaten!" he gasped. He dropped his bag and started to run toward where Yaten had been brought. Hang on Yaten, he thought, I'm coming... reaching in his hair behind his back he took out a single red rose. With a click of the wrist, the rose was transformed into a thorn filled whip, as rose petals floated in the area, impregnating the air with a sweet smell. For Kurama it helped him locate the foul smell of the Makai and, soon enough, he found it.

He heard Yaten cry out in panic. Kurama's heart skipped a beat. He ran down the stairs to the basement. Blocking his path were girls from the school. They were smiling evilly to him. Kurama realized they weren't girls but demons of the Makai. They had just taken the appearance of girls. Growling his frustration, Kurama lashed at them, but there were too many.

"Oh... the mighty Kurama," laughed the creatures. "There's a bounty on your head, either attached to your body or not..."

"Let me pass!" yelled Kurama, as a flurry of razor sharp rose petals buried themselves into the demon's flesh. Kurama heard Yaten yell.

"HEEEELLLPPP! KUUURRRAAAAMMAAAA-" the sound was cut off. Kurama saw red. They had succeeded. Now the portal to the Makai was closed, sealing Yaten away from him. A transformation occurred to Kurama. His hair turned white and his features changed. His ears grew bigger and pointed. White fur grew on them. He now had fangs and he showed them to his opponents, snarling. He lashed out at them. How had they dared, to take his beloved away from him? For that crime they must pay... with their dark blood.

It was a real carnage. Blood spattered on the nearby walls followed by diverse body parts. Kurama in his Youko form was covered with blood. In his eyes had the glint of man possessed by killing frenzy. Botan was the first to reach him, but she looked away and turned back unable to look at the carnage and at her friend who had turned into a blood thirsting beast.

The boys followed Kuwabara and Yuusuke, appalled by the amount of blood and guts flying around. Kurama still tore at his enemies, at the ones who took away the one he loved, uncaring of his friends as they yelled for him to stop.

"We got to at least save a couple... so that we can know where they took Yaten and the others," said Yuusuke. Hiei nodded. It was up to him to stop Kurama... At least he hoped he could stop him. In his Youko form Kurama was a little less predictable and a lot less reasonable. Hiei's only chance was to bluntly shove him into the wall, hoping the impact would cut off his wind and make him listen to reason.

Hiei bit his lips as he tried to reach his friend, unable to dodge all of the rose petals. Some tore at his skin and pierced his clothes. Kurama turned around just as Hiei was ramming him on the wall. With both his arms Hiei slammed into Kurama's stomach. The few surviving demons cowered in a corner as Yuusuke and Kuwabara approached.

"Now," said Yuusuke, "you're going to tell us what we need to know or we will let him finish you off... slowly..."

Meanwhile Kurama gasped for air. Hiei slapped him a couple of times.

"Kurama! Snap out of it, you crazy fox!" yelled Hiei. Kurama lifted a feral gaze to him. Kurama had recovered and his reactions still couldn't be trusted. He bared his fangs to Hiei.

"How dare you put yourself between me and my prey!" said Kurama as he tore into Hiei's back with sharp talons. Hiei cried out at the searing pain. He had to say something to make Kurama stop.

"Why do you put yourself between me and the ones who took away the woman I love?" snarled Kurama.

Hiei hissed as the talons tore his flesh. He has only one way to bring back Kurama from his temporary insanity... the truth.

"Because..." Hiei whispered painfully into his ears. "I love her, too... and we need to know where she is if we want to help her..." The savage onslaught stopped. Hiei looked into Kurama's eyes as they turned back to their original green color. He saw the tears forming in his eyes. he had gotten through to him.

"Hiei?..." whispered Kurama as his features changed. Hiei smiled as he sank into the abyss of unconsciousness.

His eyes fluttered opened many hours later. From the color reflecting on Yukina's hair they were near the end of the day. He could feel that his wounds had been healed and that Yukina had given all her powers so that he would recover this fast. He saw the way she trembled that his curing had drained her considerably.

"Where's Kurama?" asked Hiei.

"He- he's in the other room... Hiei... he's... not well..." that was an understatement. As Hiei went into the other room he saw Kurama lying listless on the floor starring off into space. His clothes were all bloody and soiled with... whatever. They were at Master Genkai's house. Hiei knew the place well for having been here many times before. He heard in another room, Yuusuke, Kuwabara and the old master discuss about a plan to rescue Yaten and the students and personnel of the school.

Hiei slowly and silently came to sit next to Kurama. Kurama didn't bat an eyelash. Hiei didn't know if Kurama knew if he was here or not, his eyes starring at the paper walls. Blank eyes, no expression, just a blink of the eye sometimes, then a tear falling slowly to his chin.

"I... I almost killed you..." said Kurama's voice cracked and parched. This must be the first words he uttered since the incident. "I almost killed you... and I lost her..."

"NNOOOOOOO!!!!" he yelled his frustration and hurt in a single scream that turned into a whacking sob. Hiei heard movement in the house. Yuusuke and Kuwabara were soon at the edge of the room. Hiei saw the worry that was written on their faces. Even Kuwabara bit his lip knowing the torment Kurama felt. Yuusuke looked at Hiei and nodded. He understood the gesture. Yuusuke was telling Hiei to take care of Kurama. Putting a hand on Kuwabara's shoulder, Yuusuke gestured that they should go back to planning. Without a word, he agreed and followed Yuusuke back to the room where Master Genkai waited.

As soon as the door slid shut, Hiei hugged and rocked Kurama gently, passing a soothing hand in his hair. Kurama tried to get away from him but Hiei was stronger and he didn't let go.

"How... how can you stand to hold me? I almost killed you... out of blind rage..." choked Kurama. He looked up, his green eyes still bleak but a familiar glint had returned.

"You weren't yourself... You were mad... I understand... I'm not the kind of guy who lets a little thing like trying to kill get in the way of our 'Friendship'..." said Hiei, with a little smile in the corner of his mouth. Kurama just looked at him.

"You know, this is where you're supposed to laugh..." hinted Hiei.

"I'm not really in a laughing mood..." Kurama hung his head down, and started to return Hiei's embrace.

"It's okay... I'm not much of a comedian anyway..." he chuckled. This time Kurama joined in a little. "That's it... Kurama, you need to grab a hold of yourself if you want to save Yaten. She needs you now... We've faced situations as hard as this one... even worst odds and we pulled through... We can do this..."

"You are right... Hiei..." Hiei got up and gave him cleaned clothes. "Here, after you put these on I am sure you will feel better. The river is near the house, maybe..."

"I'll go wash and gather energy...and Hiei, thank you..." said Kurama. Hiei was about to leave the room when Kurama called to him.

"Hiei, did you mean what you said when you told me you loved Yaten...?" said softly Kurama.

Hiei didn't turn to face him. "I- I told you that so that you would snap out of your killing frenzy..." Hiei then closed the door behind him.

Kurama looked where Hiei had vanished, wind blowing in his hair. "Koibito... I know when you lie to me... I understand your reasons... but are they fair for you?..."

Yaten slowly regained consciousness. He felt he was still held by the tentacles that trapped him. He could also feel he was held about in the air. He woke up trying to struggle against the tentacles but they just held him stronger. Yaten winced at the pain.

"I must say I'm impressed, Princess... After all, you did wake up trying to escape..." said a voice. Yaten looked in the direction of the voice. He saw a tall shadowy creature surrounded by a group of student girls from the Sarayashiki College. They all seemed transfixed and under some spell.

"What have you done to them?" gasped Yaten.

"Oh! So noble of you to think of others, Princess Yaten... Yes I do know your name. Know that this is the result of your disobedience to the call of the Black demon Crystal. If you would have given up freely your Sailor Crystal and took on mine, you would happily be my consort now and there would be no need for these geese."

"I'll never be your consort you... you... Power Hungry Demon!" spat Yaten.

"Hmmm... Defiant. I almost like that in a woman... but, no. I grew tired of you... You're too spirited, and frankly I like my women with a little less spirit..." The demon responded.

"Well, excuuuuse me for not being up to your standards... If I'm not on your date list then why the hell am I here?" asked Yaten.

"Hell... funny you should use that term because that's exactly where you are... in a way. You are here because I have still need of your Sailor Crystal. Also, I want to rid from the face of my future realm the champions you so befriended."

"You mean Yuusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama... why?" asked Yaten.

"Because these four have for too long meddled in the affairs of the Makai. They are an obstacle and must be eliminated... and you will serve as bait..."

Yaten grew pale. She didn't like it one bit. "You say this as though I will help you..."

"Oh, but you will... For you see, I brought these to insure you behave and do as I say..." said the Demon. It approach one of the student girls and pointed a sharp talon to her throat.

"Now, Princess, my first order is for you to transform into your true form... In this dark realm your pure powers will shine like a Super Nova. Those 4 imbeciles should have no problem finding you then... Do it now or she dies..."

Yaten looked at the girl. He couldn't let her die, and he couldn't lead Kurama and the others to this trap. Yaten agonized. He was looking for a way around this but couldn't find any. Yaten's face grew in terror as he saw the Demon slit the girl's throat.

"Noo... I didn't say anything!!!" yelled Yaten. He saw the girl's soul leave her body as her body slumped to the ground. The Demon inhaled and the girl's soul was eaten up.

"Hmm... a small snack..." he told Yaten.

"But why? I didn't say anything. I didn't say yes or no... Why did you kill her?" Yaten asked, horrified.

"Because I am a Demon like you said, and you hesitated. I have no virtue and patience is one of those stupid things. Not to worry. There's more where that came from..."

Yaten looked in horror and apprehension as the Demon reached for another girl.

"Care to experiment on how long I can test my 'patience' this time around?" he gloated evilly.

End of part 7

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