Sometimes, in our non-stop picture taking during Anime Expo, we mess up in posing or whatever when we're getting the picture taken...having it kept forever to be laughed at. ^^;;  Here's some examples...
click on the pic for a bigger view (if you really wanna see this embarassment up close ^^;)
Here we were supposed to pretend to walk, but for some reason I'm a really bad pretend-walker...  LoL, I look so idiotic!  *laughs s'more*  Edea can't look bad cuz she can barely move her legs anyway, and Selphie looks good...but I look like a moron. ^_^
Hee hee, at one point during our little Final fantasy VIII Pretend-o-Mania thingy, Rinoa got "creative" and became...KUNG-FU RINOA!  Even she doesn't really know why she did it, but we figure it was a spur-of-the-moment thing she made up since she had no weapon. ^^;;
Oops, it seems that someone walked out of the bathroom with a towel right when we were all ready with our cameras! ^_^  Why is the face blurred?  I dunno, just having fun with the Mosaic thing on Photoshop. ^^ PROTECT THE INNOCENT!
And this'll sure bug the heck outta Sefie, but here's the "Sefie-not-looking-at-the-camera" collage.  It seems that every time me & Hichan gave our camera to someone, Sefie would end up not looking at our cameras. ^^;;
[[Chocobo Ugly]]