Here's some super-duper-insanity that is just sooooooo trademark us! ^_^  It's funny that it's mostly the Irvinator and Sefie in all the pictures though...maybe because they're insane  =D
click on the pic for a bigger view (just be prepared for total whackification...^_^)
Hmm...the always-serious Edea....but what's this?  There's a Kero-chan stuck in her cleavage!  Lucky guy... ^_^
Oh, didn't you know that Sefie is an ex-member of Destiny's Child?  Yes, they booted her out super early, even before they released their album.  Poor child...DESTINY'S CHILD!!
This mysterious cowboy, who chose not to be identified, is seen here curling his extremely long belly hair for the grand ball.  When asked why he didn't just cut the belly hair, he was heard to remark, "dj9827v97urbvgu982750j97b2927!!!"
Sefie had a second costume at AX00 which nobody got to see!  She cosplayed as a green ghost from PacMan!  Isn't it the greatest costume in the world?!  If you don't think so, you better be careful next time yer eating your vitamins!
Here's Sefie imitating the face of her little pink-haired keychain thingy...which we lovingly called the "Crack face."  Were you one of the lucky people to take her picture making the face?
It is a little-known fact that I have two heads!  Most of the time it is cleverly hidden, but when Felicity (my other head) gets angry, she pops out and yells at people!  o_O
Goodness gracious!  Cousin It made a small appearance at AX, cosplaying as Irvine!  He and the Irvinator hung out for a bit, then parted ways.  He was a cool fellow!
Oh no!  Watch out Irvy and Sefie!  The bushes behind you have mutated into Mickey and Minnie clones!  They stole your weapons and are about to ATTAAAAACK! O.O;;
[[Chocobo Ugly]]