Tour: Drackling's Castle
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Tour: Drackling's Castle

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The two dragons bring you to a huge room the end of which you could hardly see, and gaze up at the high ceiling. Rows of big, comfortable looking couches line both walls. You hesitate for a moment, and see a desk at the other end of the room, with what looks like a very old dragon typing away at a computor.

Your steps echo loudly against the walls as you walk and when you get there, you have to clear your throat several times before you get the dragon's attention.

"Oh, hello there, young un," the dragon says raspily, squinting at you behind his large spectacles, "Welcome to Drackling's Castle--I suppose you want the tour, huh?" You nod uncertainly, as the dragon types something on his keyboard. "Could you give me your name, age, possible origin if known, and particular species?" You give him the answers, and his face spreads into what appears to be a very toothy smile.

Suddenly, a cloud of magic envelopes you, crackling with power... and you find yourself thousands of feet in the air (again), with nothing beneath you but air. A voice speaks, "Hello... My name is Sanshar the air elemental, a recruit of the Transportation Department here. I will be your tour guide."

You gasp in the cold air, and flail for a moment. But soon you are calmed by the elemental's tranquil voice. "You are now above Drackling's Castle--a mess isn't it?--where you will find some very intersting places..."

...Explore the REALM above or below~~~~~~~~~

Dreamland Graphics

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