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The Jester's Corner: Fun things that we dragons sometimes do...

Hello Jester's Corner funfunfunfunfun !!!!!!!!

All-righty, my wittle dwaggies, here's some stuff I'm (as of now) collecting for your own amusement. So you better be amused!! Just kidding--but do enjoy: that's what I'm here for (in my computer chair--shapening my talons--I mean that in a dragon way)...
But anyways, just scroll down...

Meet Mr. Push Me! Just click and keep clicking on the button that sez "Push me!!!!!". On the last line it will inform you that it will take you back a page--which is exactly what it'll do so watch out:

Here's a maze game for you, if you like that kind of thing:

Your question:
Your fortune teller says:

Random Pun:

See the Jokes I have collected so fur
Fun pics I've collected so far

Go here to draw online!!(You need Java enabled to do this)

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