Isle of Portals
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Webrings -1- -2- -3-

You are taken back to where you came from, The Isle of Portals, a small island in between Drackling's Realm, and the rest of the kingdoms. A dragon, less fearsome than the last, flies you over the Sea of Coals, or, as known by the fishing villages on both coasts, the ColSea. The dragon lands you on the Beaches, near the Mountain Ring, from where you can go to other kindgoms.

Dragon Links
Some of the Best Dragon Sites on the Web

Here Be Dragons! This site is full of dragons: their history, anotomy, pictures, and more! Web Site A.L.D. is loaded with dragon stuff, including dragon graphics, webrings, links, games, tales, comic strips, how to say "dragon" in different languages, recipies by dragons and many other things you would have never expected to find!

Realm of the Dragon Master

Fairy, Fay, Pixie Links
Some of the Fairy Sites on the Web

Lavendise: The Land of the Fae Lavendise, the land of the fae, is a site dedicated to fae and and everything that has to do with them. Apart from other pixie stuff, Lavendise goes from chat to books to music to artists and their art to stores and to other faery lands.

The Land of Faery Another faery website worth looking at.

I believe. Do you?
Fiona's Faerie Cottage

Fairy Tale Links

SurLaLune: Fairy Tale Pages SurLaLune is dedicated to Fairy Tales--from Beauty and the Beast to Snow White to Sleeping Beauty. It also includes an illustrators site, links, and recommended readings.

Art Links
Some of the Art Sites on the Web

ArtToday A large database of graphics open to you if you sign up (free for webart).

D~Mentia's World "A graphical fantasy wonderland filled with free goodies". Find graphics, adoptions, desktop themes, and other things. Another moderetly large database of free graphics.

Create FREE graphics at

The Temple of Mighty Grapholina Visit the Temple of Grapholina for graphics, fantasy and other, music, and other things.

Web Links
Other Links


Wild Speculation (Fantasy Art)

Add Me! Castles on the Web

Affiniti's Pooh Pages

Dark Isle:
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