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The EarthBound Map Archive Map Archive SPC Archive Winamp Skins EarthBound 0 EarthBound EarthBound 64 Links

Ulan Shad Networks


Ulan Shad's EarthBound Maps

EarthBound SPC

Here is my EarthBound SPC archive (not to be confused with the EB SPC archives by Tomato, sKaNkPiT, or the archive at These are not timed, and most have extensions like .sp8, but they work in winAMP regardless.

In order to play these, you will need a few things:
First you'll need a RAR decompressor like WinRAR.
Second you'll need the SPC plugin for WinAMP. I highly reccomend this one. If you don't have or want winamp you can try some other (lesser) spc players here.

After you have those, you can get the SPC archive. I took care to ensure that these songs did not have background noise (such as doors, etc) at the start of tracks. These were made by changing battle songs in PKhack.

  • EarthBound.rar
    1.4 megs, 191 files. 12 megs unRARed.
    All music, and most sound effects (skyrunner crash, etc).


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