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Ulan Shad Networks


Ulan Shad's EarthBound Maps

Don't Steal Maps!

"Please don't use these maps at your page without giving me credit (e-mail or url credit)."

Now, this doesn't seem hard to me. I would think, as you add the image links to a page, it would be easy to add a link here. It's not like it would be hard to remember this place, especially after downloading several 500kb files from here, but apparently some people have a hard time grasping this concept.

I was checking the internet tonight to see if anyone had posted my maps on thier pages without giving credit, I do check for this fairly regulary, and TA-DA! My Earthbound, a site run by Cait/sailorminimoon (they're the same person), has a maps section featuring 7 reformatted (for resolution and into JPEG form) maps of mine, and not a mention of me anywhere, except for where I put my name into the maps, which Cait decided not to delete. I notice that Cait has copyright notices on her pages, SO DO I. Ha ha! She also has a links page that I am not on, ha ha!

Cait has an awards section where she has several of those large poorly made graphic awards websites give each other about as frequently as you get cookies from the Spiteful Crow. So I've decided to give Cait my own award, an award that will be given to anyone who posts my maps without crediting me:

So, in conclusion: I don't mind anyone posting my maps on thier webpages, as long as you give a URL or e-mail credit to me or this site. That's it. It's not at all hard. It's a bitch to make these, the bigger ones take several hours a piece, and I don't like people stealing them without giving me credit. Ok? Don't steal maps!

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