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Raw Results - July 15th 2002

Chris Benoit vs. Brock Lesnar (Semi Final)

[Chris Benoit comes to the ring. Brock Lesnar walks to the ring. John Smith is the referee for this contest. Benoit tests out the ropes. Chris Benoit gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Brock Lesnar. (the bell rings) Benoit holds Brock Lesnar in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Lesnar gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Benoit. Chris Benoit pins Brock against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Brock rakes his fingers across Benoit's back. Lesnar gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Chris Benoit. Lesnar gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Benoit. Chris Benoit holds Lesnar in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Brock Lesnar gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Chris Benoit. A forearm choke by Chris Benoit nearly gets him disqualified. Lesnar gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Benoit. A forearm choke by Benoit nearly gets him disqualified. Brock spinebuster bombs Benoit onto the mat. Lesnar sucks chants start in the crowd. Lesnar drags Chris Benoit to the floor. John Smith starts the count (.1) (..2) Brock Lesnar measures Chris Benoit up and drops a closed fist. Brock is up again. (...3) Lesnar measures Chris Benoit up and drops a closed fist. Lesnar is back on his feet. Chris Benoit climbs to his feet. (....4) Brock gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Chris Benoit. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Benoit holds Lesnar in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Brock Lesnar executes a jawbreakeron Benoit. Lesnar is up again. Brock puts Benoit in an arm grapevine submission. Benoit climbs to his feet. Lesnar executes the airplane spin and throws Benoit onto the mat. Lesnar grabs Benoit's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. John Smith asks Benoit if he quits. ... Benoit is fighting the hold. ... Benoit trys to escape. Benoit escapes. Chris Benoit goes for a neck scissors but Brock dodges the attack. Benoit executes a leg hammerlock on Brock. John Smith is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Brock trys to escape. Brock escapes. Brock gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Chris Benoit. Brock takes Chris Benoit off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Chris Benoit gets back to his feet. A forearm choke by Benoit nearly gets him disqualified. Brock Lesnar uses a lariat on Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit climbs to his feet. Brock Lesnar gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Benoit. Benoit gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Lesnar executes a headlock takedown. Chris Benoit stands up. Brock lifts Chris Benoit up and drops him on the mat. Brock Lesnar sends Chris Benoit to ringside. John Smith starts the count (.1) Lesnar goes for a crotch slam but Benoit dodges the attack. (..2) Lesnar throws a chair at Benoit. Benoit gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Lesnar sucks chants start in the crowd. (...3) Lesnar throws a chair at Benoit. Brock knee drops Chris Benoit. Lesnar climbs to his feet. Brock measures Benoit up and drops a closed fist. Lesnar sucks chants start in the crowd. Lesnar climbs to his feet. Brock chokes Chris Benoit with his boot. Brock puts Benoit in an arm grapevine submission. Brock Lesnar sucks chants start in the crowd. Benoit is up again. Lesnar thrust kicks Chris Benoit in the head. Brock hits a screwdriver on Chris Benoit. Benoit is pinned. Referee John Smith makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Brock Lesnar wins! Will advance to Finals against Vader or Triple H

Triple H vs. Vader (Semi Final)

Triple H comes to the ring. Vader walks to the ring. John Smith is the referee for this contest. Vader gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Triple H. John Smith checks Vader's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) HHH rakes the face of Vader in attempt to make a come back. HHH grabs Vader by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Vader puts Triple H in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. Vader drags Triple H to the floor. John Smith starts the count (.1) (..2) Vader puts HHH in an arm grapevine submission. HHH is back on his feet. (...3) Vader hits HHH with an earringer. (....4) HHH superkicks Vader. Vader climbs to his feet. Vader trys for a hotshot but HHH avoids it. (.....5) (......6) They fight into the aisle. Vader and HHH move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Vader and Triple H move back to ringside. Vader takes Triple H into the ring. Vader jabs HHH. Vader bounces Triple H off the ropes and clotheslines him. Vader covers HHH hooking the leg. John Smith counts the pin. ...1 HHH kicks out. HHH stands up. HHH with a gut-wrench suplex on Vader. HHH gets up. HHH stomps Vader's head. HHH executes a corkscrew legdrop on Vader. Triple H chants start. Triple H gets up. Vader is back on his feet. Vader hits a spinning leg lariat on HHH sending him to the mat. Vader runs in and leg drops Triple H. Vader chants start. Vader thrust kicks HHH in the head. Vader covers HHH. John Smith counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Vader Wins! Will face Lesnar in Finals!

Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Edge (Cruiserweight Title)

Rey Mysterio Jr comes to the ring. Jeff Hardy walks to the ring. Edge walks to the ring. John Smith is the referee for this contest. Rey drops Jeff Hardy with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Jeff Hardy executes a pumphandle suplex on Edge. Edge places Rey Mysterio Jr on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Edge rakes the face of Rey Mysterio Jr in attempt to make a come back. Edge executes the jumping sidekick on Rey Mysterio Jr. Rey Mysterio Jr moves back to his feet. Rey Mysterio Jr gets hit with a dragon scerw from Edge. Edge gets back to his feet. Now Rey standing. Rey Mysterio Jr neck snaps Edge. Rey short-arm clotheslines Edge to the mat. Rey Mysterio Jr hits Edge with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Edge moves back to his feet. Edge goes for a springboard bulldog but Mysterio dodges the attack. Rey gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Rey climbs to his feet. Mysterio rakes the face of Edge in attempt to make a come back. Edge executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rey. Edge rolls onto Rey Mysterio Jr connecting with a knee. Jeff Hardy trys for a crotch slam but is not strong enough to lift Edge.Jeff Hardy hits a flying karate chop right to Edge's neck. Edge hits a spinning leg lariat on Jeff Hardy sending him to the mat. Edge hits Jeff with an elbowdrop. Edge is back on his feet. Hardy executes a jawbreakeron Edge. Jeff moves back to his feet. Jeff executes a corkscrew legdrop on Edge. Hardy is back on his feet. Jeff hits Edge with an elbowdrop. Edge gets back to his feet. Edge gets sidewalk slammed by Rey. Kneelock submission applied by Rey Mysterio Jr. Referee John Smith is checking for a tap out. ... Rey Mysterio Jr tightens the hold. ... Edge trys to escape. ... Rey Mysterio Jr breaks the hold. Jeff trys for a waistlock suplex but is not strong enough to lift Mysterio. Rey gets locked into the headscissors submission by Jeff. Referee John Smith is checking for a tap out. ... Rey Mysterio Jr trys to escape. ... Rey Mysterio Jr trys to escape. Edge attacks Jeff breaking the hold. Hardy sends Mysterio to ringside. John Smith starts the count (.1) Edge stands up. (..2) Edge chops Jeff Hardy. (...3) Edge gives Jeff a reverse neckbreaker. Edge gets back to his feet. Jeff is back on his feet. (....4) Edge nails Jeff with a belly-to-back suplex. Now Edge standing. (.....5) Edge takes Jeff Hardy into the ring. Edge fist drops Hardy on the mat. Edge is back on his feet. Hardy gets up. Edge hits Jeff Hardy with the back of his elbow. Jeff Hardy jumps off of the top turnbuckle with a twisting moonsault, hitting Edge square in the face. Jeff Hardy gets back to his feet. Edge stands up. Jeff Hardy sends Edge to ringside. John Smith starts the count (.1) (..2) Jeff tackles Edge. Edge stands up. (...3) Edge executes a swinging bulldog on Jeff Hardy driving Jeff's face into the floor. Edge stands up. (....4) Edge grabs Hardy and applies an arm wrench. Hardy moves back to his feet. (.....5) Edge and Jeff Hardy move back into the ring. Jeff gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Edge comes over and smashes Jeff Hardy's head into it. Edge executes a headlock takedown. Mysterio springboard DDT's Jeff Hardy onto the mat! Rey is up again. Mysterio hits Jeff with an elbowdrop. Rey climbs to his feet. Hardy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Rey Mysterio Jr. Rey Mysterio Jr climbs to his feet. Jeff rakes the face of Rey Mysterio Jr in attempt to make a come back. Rey does a cartwheel and kicks Jeff in the face. Rey goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Hardy. Hardy stands up. Jeff Hardy throws Rey Mysterio Jr off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Hardy locks Rey in the odd octopus hold. John Smith is checking for a tap out. ... Rey trys to escape. ... Rey is fighting the hold. ... Rey escapes. Jeff measures Rey Mysterio Jr up and drops a closed fist. Jeff gets back to his feet. Jeff Hardy knees Mysterio and rolls back to his feet. Mysterio climbs to his feet. Mysterio whips Hardy's feet from under him with a side kick. Rey gets back to his feet. Now Hardy standing. Rey Mysterio Jr gets elbowed to his midsection by Mysterio. Edge grabs Jeff's head and DDT's him on the mat. Mysterio goes for a lucha-libre hiptoss but Edge dodges the attack. Edge is locked in the elbow submission by Rey Mysterio Jr. John Smith asks Edge if he quits. ... Edge is fighting the hold. ... Edge trys to escape. ... ... Edge escapes. A tilt-a-whirl powerslam by Rey Mysterio Jr shows his true strength as he slams Edge into the mat. Edge climbs to his feet. Rey sends Edge to ringside. John Smith starts the count (.1) Jeff climbs to his feet. (..2) Hardy trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Rey Mysterio Jr.(...3) Out of desperation, Hardy dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking Rey. (....4) Rey gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hardy. Hardy gets up. (.....5) Jeff takes Rey into the ring. Jeff hits Rey Mysterio Jr with an elbowdrop. Jeff gets back to his feet. Rey Mysterio Jr gets hit with the shooting star press from Jeff. John Smith counts. ...1 Rey Mysterio Jr kicks out. Jeff Hardy hits a jumping elbow hrust on Rey Mysterio Jr. Jeff Hardy rolls onto Rey connecting with a knee. Jeff gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Jeff climbs to his feet. Mysterio bounces Jeff Hardy off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Rey punches Jeff Hardy in the head. Rey Mysterio Jr gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Flying somersault drop kick by Hardy puts him back in the match. Hardy stands up. Rey Mysterio Jr gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hardy. Rey gets up. Rey Mysterio Jr places Edge on the top turnbuckle and executes the German suplex, that has to hurt! Rey Mysterio Jr's senton splash from the top rope nails Edge in the chest. Mysterio chants start. Mysterio climbs to his feet. Edge is up again. Rey pulls of a spectacular flying armdrag off of the top rope. Rey hits an electrifying flying somersault headbutt on Jeff. Jeff is up again. Rey leaps from the top rope! YES! And he pulls off a 5 Star Frog Splash! Rey uses an inside cradle to pin Jeff. John Smith counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

Rey Mysterio Jr. Wins the Cruiserweight Title

Kevin Nash and Booker T vs. Team Canada (Tag Team Titles)

Kevin Nash and Booker T come to the ring. Team Canada walk to the ring. John Smith is the referee for this match. Lance Storm executes a pumphandle suplex on Booker T. Booker T drops Storm with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Storm hits a spinning leg lariat on Booker T sending him to the mat. Booker T gets back to his feet. Lance Storm rakes the face of Booker T in attempt to make a come back. Booker T pokes Storm in the eyes. Booker T chops Lance Storm. Storm uses a snap mare takeover on Booker T. Booker T tags Kevin Nash. Booker T clotheslines Lance Storm. They lockup. Lance Storm sends Booker T to the corner of the ring. Lance Storm brings in Test for Team Canada. Test bounces Kevin Nash off the ropes and clotheslines him. Test nails Nash with a springboard dropkick. Test does a cartwheel and kicks Nash in the face. Test gets hit with a back heel kick. Test makes the tag to Lance Storm. Storm hits him with a back fist. Lance Storm hits Kevin Nash with the back of his elbow. Storm brings in Test for Team Canada. Nash piledrives Test. Test gets hit with the shooting star press from Nash. John Smith counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Test escapes. Test gets up. Nash piledrives Test. Test moves back to his feet. Test comes from behind and bulldogs Nash. Test covers Kevin Nash hooking the leg. Referee John Smith makes the count. ...1 ...2 Kevin Nash kicks out. Kevin Nash is up again. Kevin Nash gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Test hits a kneeling headbutt to Nash's groin. Booker T tagged in by Nash. Booker T with a takeover suplex on Test. Now Test standing. Booker T brings in Nash for Kevin Nash and Booker T. Test hits Nash with an elbowdrop. Test is back on his feet. Kevin Nash rakes his fingers across Test's back. Nash hits Test with an inverted atomic drop. Nash suplexes Test. Nash sucks chants start in the crowd. Kevin Nash piledrives Test. Kevin Nash executes the Supper DDT on Test! Test gets hit with the shooting star press from Nash. John Smith counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Kevin Nash & Booker T win the Tag Team Titles

Hulk Hogan vs. Goldberg vs. Christian vs. Kurt Angle (Winner has chance to join nWo)

Hulk Hogan comes to the ring. Goldberg walks to the ring. Christian walks to the ring. Kurt Angle walks to the ring. John Smith is the referee for this contest. Goldberg gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Hulk. Christian gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Goldberg. Christian executes a pumphandle suplex on Angle. Angle walks around the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Christian rakes his fingers across Hulk Hogan's back. Christian hits Hulk Hogan with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Christian executes a corkscrew legdrop on Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan grabs Christian's head and DDT's him on the mat. Hulk applies an arm wrench to Christian. Hulk Hogan measures Christian up and drops a closed fist. Hulk Hogan is back on his feet. Christian tackles Hulk Hogan. Now Hulk Hogan standing. Christian legsweeps Hulk. Christian fist drops Hulk on the mat. Christian is up again. Christian rolls onto Hulk Hogan connecting with a knee. Christian measures Hogan up and drops a closed fist. Hogan gets back to his feet. Hulk Hogan picks up Christian and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Hogan gets back to his feet. Now Christian standing. Hulk Hogan grabs Christian's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Referee John Smith is checking for a tap out. ... ... (AHHHH!) Angle attacks Hulk Hogan breaking the hold. Christian gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Hogan comes over and smashes Christian's head into it. Hulk Hogan punches Christian in the head. Hogan takes a slap to the face from Christian. Christian is up again. Christian spinning mule kicks Hulk. Christian knees Hulk Hogan and rolls back to his feet. Hulk Hogan climbs to his feet. Christian slaps Hulk. Christian trys for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Hogan. Hulk executes a neck-breaker on Christian. Indian deathlock applied by Hulk. John Smith asks Christian if he quits. ... Hulk tightens the hold. ... Hulk tightens the hold. Hulk breaks the hold. Hulk Hogan sends Christian to ringside. John Smith starts the count (.1) Hulk throws a chair at Christian. Angle grabs Christian's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Angle applies an arm wrench to Christian. Hulk Hogan takes Goldberg down with a knee. Hulk Hogan uses a swinging DDT to plant Goldberg's head into the floor. Hogan is back on his feet. Hulk gorrilla presses Goldberg. Hulk Hogan covers Goldberg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Hulk Hogan Wins! Will he join the now will find out, Thursday Night on Smackdown!!!

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