I've never had a normal life - never really expected to either, though one can hope, ne? But I was content with my lot in life, to be the pilot of Gundam Deathscythe Hell, to fight for the colonies against OZ. It might not have been the best of jobs, but I'd managed to make a few friends along the way that helped me get through the tough times.
Then my idiot of a best friend went and died on me and had the nerve to rise from the dead. Go figure. As if that weren't strange enough, in the months that followed I began to find out some really scary things about my fellow Gundam pilots. Like that Quatre had inherited a very scary talent from his mother, that Trowa had a thing for the full moon and raw meat, that Heero really wasn't human and had one hell of a scary guy for a father, and that Wufei had inherited his wife's pet demon as well as the Long clan's curse. I also met this chick that said she knew my father—way the hell back in the twenty-first century!
To top it all off, I now have this sex-happy, blood addicted, renegade Sidhe after me, as well as her kiss of pet vampires. And some how we managed to piss off the local werewolf pack and wereleopard pard in the process of running from the mad fairy.
Some days I just hate my life.
Roll Call
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Twilight Tarantella
A Blood Dance side story from Quatre's point of view.
Shadowlands v. 3.0 © Mina 2000-2002