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Click on the Purple Links to see the award
Now that I have redone my whole website for a completely new look, I would like to offer"thirteen" awards to other sites for their achievements. Each award is considered a 1st place award in a specific category. If your site does not match the awards I have offered here, I will design one especially for your site. Remember, all of these awards are for excellence.

The first award, "Mortisha's Award for Outstanding Excellence" is for sites that have went above and beyond what one would expect to see in a website. It is the hardest award to win.

The second award, "Mortisha's Excellence Award" is for the overall excellence within a site.

The third award, "Mortisha's Excellence for Web Design Award" is for the site that has displayed excellent designing within their webpage/s.

The other ten awards are for specific sites that fit that particular theme or category.

The ten awards listed below are for specific sites.

The "Mortisha's Award of Excellence for Elegance and Beauty" is for sites that are elegant to the eye, and also inspiring.

The "Mortisha's Spirituality Excellence Award" is for sites that deal with spirituality.

The "Mortisha's Family Award of Excellence" is for sites that are about your family and shows devotion to his/her family.

The "Mortisha's Excellence Award for Love" is for sites that have devoted their site to animals or children, or made by children.

The "Mortisha's Award for Kindness" is for sites that show extreme kindness to children or animals.

The "Mortisha's Award of Excellence for a Angelic Site" are for the sites that have at least a page devoted to angels or fairies.

The "Mortisha's Originality Award" are for the sites that has its own original theme, or a site different from the others.

The "Mortisha's All About Betty Award" are for the sites that are all about Betty Boop.

The "Mortisha's Classy Betty Boop Award" are for the sites that show me the classy looking Betty Boop.

The "Mortisha's Totally Boopin Award" are for the sites that show me that they are boopaholics.

All of these awards are for "Excellence" in each category. I tried to make awards that would fit many categories. Remember each award is a 1st place award.

I am by no means a judge, but the awards will be based on my own opinion. They will be sites that I really like, something that attracts my attention and catches my eye. Please try for any of these awards that you feel fits your site. Please don't just come to apply for an award, please visit my pages. I would love it if you took the time to sign my Guestbook and let me know what you think of my site.

This is what I'm looking for and NOT looking for in a Web Site:
  • Please have some text to read.
  • Not a page of just links and graphics.
  • Text must be readable with a good background.
  • Easy to navigate and I can get back to the main page.
  • No broken links, except guestbooks and the usual.
  • Page should be ready without under construction signs.
  • If you use frames, then please provide an escape frames option.
  • No violence, racism, hatred, disrespect, child abuse, profanity, or sexual content!!!
  • A family safe site, one you wouldn't mind your child visiting.
  • If you have music on your page, does it fit the theme of your page? Can I turn it off?
  • A place I would want to come back to and visit again.
  • I don't like pages that take an excessively long time to load, who does?
  • No stealing of bandwidth!!
  • No pages full of animated gifs unless they load fast.
  • No pages with a lot of blinking text.
  • If you are using Backgrounds or Graphics designed by someone else, there must be a logo or text displayed saying who created it.
If you feel your Web Site meets the requirements stated above please proceed to the form below.

Please fill out this form to apply for one of Mortisha's awards. This form will be sent through E-mail when you hit the Submit Button. None of the information you give will be sold or given away. Thank you and Good Luck!
Mortisha's AwardsWhich Award Are You Applying For?Mortisha's Awards

Mortisha's AwardsYour Name:Mortisha's Awards

Mortisha's AwardsValid E-Mail Address:Mortisha's Awards

Mortisha's AwardsHome Page Title:Mortisha's Awards

Mortisha's AwardsHome Page URL:Mortisha's Awards

Mortisha's AwardsBrief Description of your Site:Mortisha's Awards

Mortisha's AwardsPlease Hit SEND Only One TimeMortisha's Awards
I will visit your site as soon as I can. It should be within a day or two, or up to one month. If I receive a large volume of E-mail from sites applying for my awards it will take alittle longer. I will visit each site and check out all the pages to make sure it meets with the criteria I set above, so please be patient and understand that I will get to your site. You will be receiving an E-mail from me if your site is chosen for an award. I will E-mail all instructions to you. I look forward to visiting your Web Site.

Take time out to see Mortisha's Web Site Award Winners List.
This site is maintained and copyrighted © by:
Wanda Anderson/Nelson 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
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