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To be a FULL Member you must:

Follow the following 4 Principles of
1. The Declaration of Faith
(la ilaha Il-allah Muhammad Ur-Rasoolulah) There is no god but Allah; and Muhammad is a   
      Prophet of God.

            2. Oberservance of the (5) Daily Prayers

          3. Payment of Zakat (ie 2 1/2%) as defined by Islamic Law

4. Observance of Fasts during the month of Ramadan, as defined by Islamic law.

In addition to these 4 principles, a full member must believe in the following and be willing to proclaim their beliefs in front of their fellow Members. These Beliefs being:

1. To Believe in the Oneness of Allah
2. To Believe in Allah's Angels and the Unseen 3. To Believe in All the Books of Allah
(The Torah, in it's original form; the Gospel, in it's original form; and the Quran)
4. To Believe in all the Prophets of Allah and
   acknowledge that Muhammad was the Final   
     Prophet of God.
     5. To Believe in the Day of Resurrection
    6. To Believe in the Day of Judgement
7. To Believe in the Power of Actions proceed from Allah, but that we are responsible for our actions.

      In addition to these basic beliefs, our
                    Members must have an interest in
                          striving to gain knowledge and
                          an interest in motorcycles.

     Insha Allah further information will come
      available and be posted here as the homepage is developed. Insha Allah.

Muslim Motorcycle Association | Membership Developing a Chapter | About the Director

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