
“No broken bones.” informed Howard. Closing his bag, he walked to the door. “Just keep the icepack on it and don’t hit anyone else for awhile, Miss Weston.”

Sue grinned, “Sure, whatever you say doc. Thanks.”

Jarrod sat on the stool the doctor had vacated and took off his hat.

“What are you doing here, Jarrod?” inquired Sue.

“Charity Jones told me you were in need of an attorney’s services.”

Sue frowned, “Dan’s my lawyer. Why’d she get you? Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”

Jarrod grinned, “No offense taken. Dan and Marie are out of town for a while. Her mother’s very ill.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. That’s terrible.”

Patting her hand, Jarrod smiled, “Now, would you care to tell me why Jamie Foster has a broken nose and looks like a raccoon?”

“I’ll get you two some coffee.” said Fred as he stifled a laugh at Jarrod’s comment and walked into the outer room.

Chuckling, Sue nodded. “I wrote Nick some letters while I was in Texas, but he never got a single one of them. Heath and your mother got their letters, but Nick never got his.”

“And you think that Jamie Foster had something to do with the missing letters?” asked Jarrod.

“I certainly don’t think her father took them home and read them.” replied Sue sarcastically.

Fred walked in with the coffee cups and handed them to Jarrod through the bars.

“Fred, isn’t messing with someone’s mail against the law?” asked Sue.

“It’s a federal offense, why?”

“See Jarrod, she should be in jail with me!” exclaimed Sue.

“Who’s messing with the mail?” asked Fred.

“Jamie Foster! She took my letters, Fred. Go arrest her.” stated Sue.

“We’d have to prove she took the letters, Sue. All you have is circumstantial. We need solid proof.” stated Jarrod calmly watching the fury building in the green eyes.

Sue walked over and looked out the window realizing she had a similar conversation before at the time of her father’s murder.

Sighing, she turned and looked at Jarrod, “It’s not just a coincidence that Nick didn’t get his letters when everyone else did and that she works at the post office. You know darn well that she likes Nick a lot, Jarrod. She’s the only one with a reason to do something like that. Even Mr. Foster remembers the letters that I sent Nick. He told me this afternoon.”

Jarrod walked over to her and put the icepack back on her hand, “I’ll see what I can find out, okay? In the meantime, follow the doctor’s orders and keep this on your hand.”

“Okay. Thanks for coming over.” smiled Sue. “Oh and just so you know Jarrod, I’m not sorry that she has a broken nose and looks like a raccoon!”

Jarrod laughed as Fred opened the door and let him out.


Fred groaned as Sue said, “Gin”.

“How much do I owe now?”

“According to my calculations, about ten thousand dollars.” grinned Sue, “If you’re not careful, you’ll be the only Sheriff in California without a home, a horse, a saddle and a gun.”

Chuckling, Fred shook his head, “I’m lucky I still have the clothes on my back.”

“Where’d you get these cards, Fred?”

“Off some peddler that came through town. They sure brought you luck this afternoon.”

Looking at him, Sue snorted, “Luck has nothing to do with it, Fred. These cards are marked.”

“What! I don’t see any marks?”

“Look, right there.” said Sue as she pointed out the mark. “See it?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe I missed that.” replied Fred as he watched the emerald eyes light up with amusement.

“When Jarrod comes back, let’s take all his money too.” smiled Sue as Fred laughed.

Sue and Fred startled as the door to the sheriff’s office slammed shut. A loud booming voice filled the air and broke the quiet stillness of the office, “FRED! FRED!”

Fred shook his head, got up from his chair and walked to the door mumbling, “’Bout gave me a heart attack.”

“I’m coming, Nick.”

Sue snickered and picked up the cards waiting for the owner of the voice to show.

Nick waited impatiently for the sheriff to come into the outer office hitting his gloves against his black jeans.

“Nick, what can I do for you?” inquired Fred at the sight of the agitated cowboy.

“Someone shot Heath!” shouted Nick.

“What! Is he alright?” called a voice from the cell area.

Nick’s eyes grew wide at the sound of the voice. He rushed past Fred to the holding area and stared at the woman in the cell.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN JAIL?” asked Nick angrily at the sight of Sue behind bars.

“I assaulted someone. Is Heath okay?”

“Who’d you assault?” inquired Nick.

Sue stomped her foot and shouted, “NICK, IS HEATH ALRIGHT?”

“Yeah, he’s got a shoulder wound, but Mother said he’ll be okay. Dr. Merar’s on his way out there now.” stated Nick.

Sue let out the breath she had been holding and leaned her forehead against the cool metal bars. Looking at Nick, she asked. “What happened?”

Walking up to the bars, he leaned forward until his face was an inch from hers and growled, “Let’s talk about your afternoon first, my dear.”

Sue stared into the hazel eyes and smiled, “I stopped at the mission and picked up Charity..”

“You didn’t assault Miss Jones, did you?” questioned Nick.

“Nick, why would I do that? Charity’s my friend.” huffed Sue. “On my way out of town, I decided to stop by the postoffice and..”

“You assaulted Mr. Foster?” groaned Nick.

“Of course not!” retorted Sue.

“Then who did you assault?” asked Nick.

“If you stop interrupting, I could tell ya’” replied Sue with a sigh.

“Sorry.” said Nick sheepishly. “Go on.”

“I was inquiring about the letters. He remembers seeing them. As I was leaving..”

“Did he say what happened to them?”

“Nick, do you wanna hear or not?” snapped Sue banging her right hand against the bars. Pain flared through the injured hand. Holding it and wincing, she mumbled, “Dammit!”

Nick grabbed her wrist to examine the swollen hand and asked in a concerned quiet voice, “What happened to your hand?”

Fred and Jarrod listening to the conversation between the two, smiled at the change in Nick’s voice.

“That Nick is the consequence of giving Jamie Foster a broken nose and making her look like a raccoon.” stated Jarrod as he walked to the cell bars.

“You hit Jamie!” exclaimed Nick.

Shrugging, Sue grinned, “She deserved it Nick! It’s all her fault and I’m not sorry I did it.”

Nick grinned back at her, “Is it broken?”

“No, just bruised. Now tell me who shot Heath.”

“Someone shot Heath? Is he alright?” exclaimed Jarrod.

“He’s fine Jarrod.” said Nick. “He caught one in the shoulder. Mother says he’ll be fine.”

“Did Heath say who did it?” inquired Sue.

“He made it to the house and passed out. He was still unconscious when I left to get Dr. Merar and Fred.”

“Fred, let me outta here.” stated Sue.

Fred shook his head, “Sorry, Sue. I can’t let you out til you go in front of the circuit judge and he sets the bail."

“Oh.” replied Sue with a thoughtful look on her face. “When will I see the judge?”


Sue stared at the men outside the cell, “But, today’s Friday! That means I have to stay here all weekend!”

Fred nodded, “Afraid so, Sue.”

Nick smiled, “That’s what happens when you use someone for a punching bag.”

“Oh shut up, Nick!!” retorted Sue causing the men to chuckle. Jarrod and Fred walked into the outer office leaving the two alone.

Watching the emerald eyes fill with concern, Nick said softly, “I’ll let you know what Heath tells us when he wakes up, okay?”

Sue nodded and said gratefully, “Thanks, Nick.”

Reaching through the bars, he caressed her cheek and smiled gently, “I’ll be back later and then we can have that talk.”

“Nick, if you need a tracker, you better stop and pick up Davey.” suggested Sue with a slight smile.

“I will.” replied Nick as he picked up her bruised hand and placed a kiss on it. “I missed you when you were gone, my little chameleon.”

The green eyes sparkled and trembling slightly, Sue whispered, “I missed you, too.”


Sue and Billy, the deputy, were playing checkers to pass the time when Jack Franklin arrived at the jail. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he glared at his boss through the bars of the cell.

“Hi Jack.” smiled Sue.

“Sue, what were you thinking?” asked Jack with a shake of his head.

“Ah, she’s alright Jack! In a few weeks, the bruises should disappear.” snickered Sue with a wink at Billy.

Smiling, Billy left the holding area to give them some privacy. Jack sat in the chair outside the cell.

“Charity was pretty upset when she got to the ranch. Maria’s postponing the welcome home dinner and the boys said they’d stop in later to say hi.” stated Jack.

“I guess I did kind of shock Charity. Sorry about that.” said Sue softly and added with a wide grin, “But, I’m not sorry about Jamie’s face though.”

Rolling his eyes, Jack retorted, “Thanks for telling me, but, I could have figured out that from the grin you’re wearing.”

Sue’s expression took on a serious nature as she looked at her friend and asked, “Did Nick come by to get Davey?”

“Yeah. Hank and Horace went with them.” replied Jack softly. “I stopped by the Barkley ranch on my way here and Mrs. Barkley said Heath was doing better. He was sleeping so I didn’t get a chance to see him.”

Sue smiled, “I was worried about him.”

“Jarrod told Mrs. Barkley about you spending the weekend in here. She said she’d be in to see you tomorrow.”

“Did Heath tell them what happened yet?”

“Seems he surprised some rustlers. The last month a few of us have lost some cattle.” stated Jack.

“Why didn’t you tell me we were losing cattle?” asked Sue angrily.

Jack glared at his boss and snarled, “What! It’s not like I was keeping the information from ya’! First, you didn’t let us know you were on your way back from Texas and second, if you hadn’t ran off and beat up that woman, you’d know!”

Sue turned crimson and shook her head, “You’re right, Jack. I didn’t mean it like it sounded. I know how capable you are and you know how much I rely on you. I’m sorry.”

Jack smiled wearily at her, “I don’t think Nick knows what he’s getting into.”

Laughing nervously, Sue sighed, “Probably not.”


Nick sat by Heath’s bed deep in thought over the events of the day. After picking up Davey at Sue’s ranch, Sheriff Madden and the men rode over to the Barkley ranch. Heath had regained consciousness and told them he had been shot by the north line shack. Dr. Merar and Mother had then chased them out of the room.

Reaching the area, Davey scouted around and picked up the tracks of the cattle being moved by three men. Following the trail, the rustlers had abandoned the herd when they caught sight of the group of men trailing them. The men continued following the trail of the rustlers until it was lost and they couldn’t pick it up again.

Admitting defeat in this round against the group that was systematically rustling a few head of cattle at a time from the ranches in the Stockton area, they headed back to the Barkley ranch.

In the month since the rustling activity had started, no one had caught sight of the men or even been close enough to see them. Nick was thankful to the powers above that Heath was able to hang on until he had reached the safe haven of the ranch. If the rustlers had caught him, Nick felt sure it would have ended with Heath’s death.

Hearing a moan from the bed, Nick sat forward in his chair and was rewarded by the sight of the pools of blue looking around.

“Welcome back, little brother.” smiled Nick.

Heath blinked his eyes to bring them into focus. Biting back another moan, he gasped, “Nick. Rustlers.”

Nick chuckled, “I know, Heath. You already told us that.”

Heath grinned slightly, “Everything’s kinda fuzzy, Nick. Did ya’ get them?”

“No. But we tracked ‘em and got the cattle back.”

“Sue tracked them?” asked Heath stifling a yawn.

“Nope. It’s kinda hard to track from a jail cell.” smirked Nick.

“Sue’s in jail?”

“According to Jack, Charity said she flattened Jamie Foster with a right hook. I’m gonna go see her in a little while.”

“You’re gonna see Jamie!” exclaimed Heath with a glare at his brother as he tried to sit up.

Nick pushed his brother back onto the bed and shook his head, “No! I’m gonna see Sue! Are you sure you didn’t hit your head or something?”

Heath yawned, “I can’t seem to keep my eyes open.”

Pulling up his covers, Nick grinned and tussled Heath’s hair, “Go back to sleep. Doc says you’ll feel better once you get more rest.”

Heath nodded and closed his eyes, “Tell Sue hi for me.”

“I will, little brother.” said Nick gently as the even breathing indicated Heath was asleep. Sitting in the chair by his bed, Nick thoughts wondered back in time and his face turned dark at his thoughts.

Victoria put her arms around Nick’s neck and hugged him. “Penny for your thoughts.” she whispered.

Nick sighed, “I’m just thinking about when Heath first came and how horrible I was to him, Mother.”

“It was a difficult time, Nick. Just look at your relationship with Heath now. I know he loves you.”

Nick nodded and said quietly, “I love him too, Mother. Remember when Sue was recovering here at the ranch?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“I’m positive that if she hadn’t spoken with Heath, he would have left after he called you Mother that night.”

Victoria sighed and whispered, “I think you’re right. I’m glad that Sue cared enough for Heath to help him find his way into our family. I couldn’t bear the thought of not having Heath with us.”

Nick stood and embraced his mother, “I couldn’t either, Mother. I’m going into town to thank her myself.”

Victoria nodded and smiled, “Give her a kiss for me.”

Nick grinned and winked before he left the room and headed down the hallway. Victoria sat on the bed by Heath, held his hand and counted her blessings as she watched him sleep.


After dinner, Sue sat on the cot in the cell and read from a dime novel that Billy had given her. Shaking her head in disgust at the outlandish stories inside the book, she walked to the bars and called for Billy.

“Yes, Miss Weston?”

“Billy, can I get a newspaper or something else to read?” asked Sue as she handed him the novel.

“You didn’t like the book?” inquired Billy with a hurt look as he took the book back.

Smiling, Sue replied, “It’s just not what I’m used to reading, Billy. I appreciate you lending it to me, though.”

“Oh, sure. I have today’s newspaper and one from Modesto that’s a couple weeks old.”

“Those would be fine.” said Sue as the young deputy went into the outer office.

Returning, he handed her the papers. “Take as long as you need, Miss Weston.”

“Thanks, Billy!” smiled Sue as she sat against the wall on the cot and began reading.


Looking up, Sue grinned, “Hi, Dr. Merar. How’s Heath?”

Howard smiled, “He’s weak but he’ll be okay. I just wanted to stop by and see how your hand was.”

Walking over, Sue put her hand through the bars for him to see. “The swelling looks like its gone down some, doc.”

“Yes, it does appear to be looking a little better. Can you make a fist?”

Amusement flared in the green eyes as she asked, “I already made one of those today, doc. Now look where I am.”

Laughing, Howard nodded, “Yes, you did. How about if you amuse me and do it again.”

Sue made a fist and winced when her hand protested. “Just a little stiff is all.”

“That’s fine, Miss Weston. I want you to rub this liniment on your hand three times a day. This should help with the stiffness.”

Turning to the deputy, he asked “Billy, Miss Weston will need a cloth to put this liniment on.”

“Sure, be right back.”

“How long will Heath be laid up?” inquired Sue.

“I’d like him to stay in bed for a few days, but I expect he’ll be back on his feet tomorrow.” sighed Howard as Sue laughed.

Billy returned with the cloth and Howard handed the items to Sue. “If you have any problems, have Billy come get me.”

“Okay, thanks Doc.” smiled Sue.

Howard nodded and picked up his bag, “Good night.”

Nick walked into the sheriff’s office and nodded to Dr. Merar, “Heath’s sleeping like a baby, doc.”

“That’s good, Nick. It’s the best thing for him.” replied Howard.

“Night Doc.”

Nick walked into the holding area, “Billy, okay if I visit with the prisoner?”

“That’s fine, Mr. Barkley.” said Billy as he took a seat by the door with Nick watching.

Howard called out, “Billy, can I see you for a moment?”

Billy walked into the outer room and Howard shut the door to the holding area behind him. “Doc, whatcha doing?”

Putting his arm around the young man, Howard walked him to the outside door, “Billy, I think they need a few minutes alone.”

Billy turned crimson and nodded, “Oh, sure Dr. Merar. I’ll just wait out here.”

Clapping him on the back, Howard smiled, “Good idea, Billy.”


Taking a chair, Nick sat down outside the cell. “Heath’s doing fine.”

“Yes, I know. Dr. Merar told me.” smiled Sue as she pulled the stool over and sat on the other side of the bars. “What about the rustlers?”

“They got away, but we got the cattle back. How’s the hand?”

“It’s not as swollen but the fingers are stiff. He gave me some liniment for it. ”

Gesturing and leaning forward, Nick whispered, “I want to give you something from Mother and me.”

Sue leaned closer and stared into the warm hazel eyes, “What is that, Nick?”

“This is from Mother.” whispered Nick as their lips met between the bars of the cell in a brief kiss.

Looking into the smoldering green eyes, he whispered in a husky voice, “This is from me.” Bringing his hand up behind her neck, their lips locked and the kiss threatened to extinguish the breath left in their bodies as it deepened.

Reluctantly breaking off the kiss, they took deep breaths and looked into each other’s eyes searching their depths for the truths that would be found there.

Her heart pounding, Sue whispered, “Wow.”

“I’m sorry for the homecoming you received today. Let’s have a new start between us.”

As Sue looked at him curiously, Nick smiled, took her left hand and whispered, “My name is Nick Barkley and I would like the pleasure of escorting you to dinner on Monday night.”

Smiling, Sue replied in a shaky voice, “My name is Suzanne Weston and I would be most honored to have dinner with you, Mr. Barkley.”


Saturday morning, the sunlight filtered through the window and shined across the room. Feeling the warmth of the sun on his face, Heath opened his eyes and smiled at the pretty brunette patiently sitting in the chair by the bed.

Sonja Sorenson sat beside the bed trying to correct her student’s papers and patiently wait for its occupant to open his eyes. Smiling, her mind wandered back to her first meeting with Heath at the town library. Preparing for the upcoming start of school, her breath had caught in her throat when she had looked into his sky-blue eyes after their hands met as they reached for the same book. His smile had dazzled her and his drawl was music to her ears. The last six months they spent together had her pinching herself to ensure it was real.

Noticing the opened blue eyes, she moved to sit on the bed beside him and smiled, “Hi cowboy.”

Heath pushed himself up to a sitting position and Sonja placed a pillow behind him. “Sonja, I’m sorry we have to see each other this way.”

Laughing, Sonja shook her head, “I’m just glad you’re alright, Heath. I would have come out sooner, but there was a school board meeting last night. There is nothing stopping me from spending the whole day with my most favorite and handsomest cowboy.”

“We haven’t had much time together lately and I’ve missed you so much, honey.” whispered Heath as he reached over and brought her lips to his. The blood flowed rapidly through their veins as they savored the kiss between them.

“Heath!” said Nick as he walked into the room and startled the couple out of their passionate kiss.

They chuckled when Nick’s face turned red, “Oh, sorry! I can come back.”

“No, that’s alright, Nick.” smiled Sonja.

“Morning, big brother.” grinned Heath with laughter reflecting in his clear blue eyes.

“I’ll just go get your breakfast, cowboy.” replied Sonja as she squeezed Heath’s hand. “He’s all yours, Nick, for a little while.”

When Sonja left the room, Nick sat in the chair by the bed, “I guess you’re feeling better.”

Heath snickered, “Yep. I could have a relapse though, if Sonja’s gonna be my nurse.”

Nick grabbed the back of Heath’s neck and gave it a little shake, “Boy, this is a working ranch! We can’t afford for you to have a relapse!”

In the foyer, the other members of the family smiled as they heard the hearty laughter coming from Heath’s room on their way to breakfast.

“Nick, can ya’ close the door so I can change before Sonja comes back?” asked Heath.

Nick nodded and closed the door. Walking to the dresser, he got out a pair of sleeping pants and a shirt for him.

Seeing the sleeping pants, Heath grunted, “I’m not wearing those.”

“Doctor’s orders.” said Nick as he threw the pants to his brother.

Heath tossed the pants back and snarled, “Forget it! I want real pants.”

Nick laughed and got out a pair of tan jeans for Heath. Walking over, he handed him the jeans and smiled widely.

Heath looked puzzled at the wide smile on his brother’s face and asked, “What?”

Choking back the emotion in his throat, Nick wrapped his arms around Heath and said softly, “I’m just happy to have you back on your feet, little brother.”

Heath felt the rush of emotions flowing through him and returned the hug with his left arm, “I love you too, Nick.”

Wiping his eyes, Nick growled, “Alright, let’s get you beautified before your lady brings you breakfast.”

Nodding, Heath grinned as Nick helped him undress and dress.

“So, Nick how‘s your chameleon doing?” asked Heath watching the hazel eyes sparkle with emotion.

“She’s fine.” replied Nick casually as he buttoned Heath’s shirt.

“Just fine?” teased Heath with a lop-sided grin.

Grinning back, Nick scowled, “Okay, she’s mighty fine. Come on, let’s get you shaved.”

Walking Heath to the watercloset, Nick smirked, “I still can’t believe she gave Jamie Foster a broken nose and two black eyes!”

Heath laughed, “Nick, she gave you a black eye one time, remember?”

Lathering Heath’s face, Nick frowned, “Yeah, I still have nightmares about that day. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”

“Nick, she’s okay and all that business is behind her. You have to put it behind you, too and start fresh.” said Heath.

“Funny, that’s almost the same thing I said to her last night about the homecoming she received yesterday.” replied Nick as he carefully shaved his little brother.

“Thanks, Nick.” said Heath softly when Nick had finished.

“Anytime, little brother, anytime.” smiled Nick gently.


Sunday morning after breakfast, Fred Madden sat outside the cell of Sue Weston reading a section of the day old Modesto paper and drinking coffee with his prisoner. He was savoring the quiet of the morning that was a sharp contrast from the steady stream of visitors yesterday. He couldn’t remember the last time one prisoner had warranted so much attention.

“Fred, look at this.” exclaimed Sue pointing to an article in the section of the paper she was reading.

“What?” asked Fred as he took the paper and read where she pointed. “That’s interesting.”

Sue nodded, “It could be the same three men that have been rustling around here.”

“Could be or it could just be a coincidence.” stated Fred as he reread the article.

“It could be a coincidence. But if they had a hideout that was central to Stockton and Modesto, it would make perfect sense.”

“That’s a pretty fair chunk of land to search, Sue.”

“Yeah, it is.” said Sue thoughtfully. “Maybe the Sheriff in Modesto has a description of the men. If he did, then maybe Heath could verify it.”

Fred smiled at his eager prisoner, “Heath was too far away to see their faces. I already asked.”

Frowning, Sue sighed, “Well, it was worth a shot.”

Fred chuckled as he refilled their cups, “I’m gonna have to tell Billy you’re trying to take over the job of deputy.”

Laughing, Sue shook her head, “Must be from all those detective stories in that dime novel Billy lent me.”

Groaning, Fred replied as he stood, “Not you too! He’s always telling me about those stories. I gotta make the rounds, be back later.”

Chuckling, Sue sipped her coffee and continued reading. Hearing footsteps approaching, she smiled and then frowned at the sight before her.

“What is that?” Sue asked the two women before her.

“This, my friend, is a dress.” stated Sonja as she turned the dress she was holding around to display the back to Sue.

“I know it’s a dress, Sonja. It’ll look good on you. Heath will like it.” smiled Sue sweetly.

Charity rolled her eyes, “Suzanne, this is what you’ll be wearing when you go in front of the judge tomorrow.”

“I don’t think so.” said Sue calmly as she sipped her coffee.

Looking at each other, the two women smiled widely and called out, “Mrs. Barkley!”

“I’ll be right there, ladies.” called Victoria from the outer office where she was visiting with Fred.

Sue sputtered, jumped up and whispered, “What are you two doing?”

Patting the hand that rested on the bars, Sonja murmured, “We’re only doing what’s best for you.”

“That’s right, Suzanne. We only have your best interest at heart.” stated Charity with a grin.

Sue opened her mouth to reply when Victoria breezed into the holding area.

Seeing the angry look on Sue’s face, she stifled a laugh and greeted her warmly, “Sue, its wonderful to see you again. I’m sorry I couldn’t see you yesterday.”

“That’s okay, Victoria. Its nice to see you.” smiled Sue.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I thought this dress would be appropriate for your appearance in court.” said Victoria. “Fred will give you the carpetbag with the other items you’ll be needing.”

Taking the dress from Sonja, Victoria held it between the bars of the cell. Glaring at her two friends, Sue took the dress and draped it over the back of the chair.

Victoria smiled and caressed her cheek, “I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow at the courthouse.”

“Thank you, Victoria.” said Sue softly as she realized she had to wear the dress if Victoria was going to be in the courtroom.

Walking by the two women, Victoria smiled and winked.

When she had left the holding area, Sue shook her finger at the two giggling women. “Just you two wait til I get outta here.”
