
Waking early Monday morning, Sue put on the dress Victoria and the two conspirators had brought her the day before. Brushing her hair until it shined, she sat in the chair and reread the Modesto paper while waiting for Fred to escort her to the courthouse.

Engrossed in the article about the rustling happening in that area, Sue jumped when a deep voice said, “I must be in the wrong jail.”

Smiling, she walked to the bars, “Hi Nick.”

“Morning.” said Nick softly as he gazed at the beauty before him. “Nervous?”

“I’m not nervous, just anxious to leave here.” admitted Sue.

Holding her hand, Nick grinned, “I can’t wait for you to be out of here, too. Remember, we have a date tonight.”

“I haven’t forgotten. I’m looking forward to it.” smiled Sue as she stared into the hazel eyes.

“How about a good luck kiss?” whispered Nick as he brought her closer.

“Luck for me or you?” teased Sue as her stomach fluttered wildly.

“Us.” stated Nick as their lips met and the temperature in the jail rose.

Walking into the holding area, Jarrod smiled and coughed loudly. Breaking the kiss, Nick grinned, “Morning, big brother.”

“Good morning, Nick. Good morning, Sue.”

Blushing, Sue smiled, “Morning, Jarrod. Time to go?”

“Yep. Nick, we’ll meet you at the courthouse.” stated Jarrod.

“Okay.” smiled Nick as he squeezed her hand. “Sue, you look beautiful.”

“Thanks, Nick.”

Watching Nick leave, Sue turned to Jarrod, “Ready whenever you are counselor.”

Fred unlocked the door and the trio walked to the courthouse. Entering the room, Jarrod walked them to the table and sat down beside her. The occupants of the courtroom stood as Judge Winters entered. The Bailiff read the charge to the court and judge.

Jarrod rose. “Your honor, client is ready to post bail.”

“Very well, Mr. Barkley. Mr. Archer, does the state have anything to say?” inquired the judge.

Phil Archer stood and stated, “Due to the circumstances prior to the incident and Miss Weston’s position in the community, the state is recommending this matter be concluded by the defendant paying a fine and the medical bill of the victim.”

“What?” protested Sue loudly. “I’m not doing that!”

Jarrod grabbed her arm as she tried to rise. Heath snickered and Nick turned to look at Jack as he groaned, “Oh, lord.”

“Mr. Barkley, please control your client.” warned the judge.

“Yes, your honor. I’ll need a few minutes to confer with my client.” stated Jarrod. Leaning over he whispered, “What’s wrong, Sue?”

“Jarrod, I’m not paying her medical bill. If she hadn’t taken my letters, she wouldn’t have a medical bill.”

“Mr. Foster and I searched her bedroom, but we couldn’t find the letters.”

“Jarrod, it’s like admitting she didn’t do anything wrong. That’s not right!”

“What other choice do you have? Do you want this to go to court and drag on?”

“No, I just want to get back to the ranch.” Frustrated, Sue sighed, “Fine. Fine. I’ll do it, but I don’t have to like it!”

Smiling, Jarrod nodded, “No, you don’t.”

Standing, Jarrod spoke, “Your Honor, my client accepts the terms the state has recommended.”

Judge Winters nodded and pounded his gavel. “Case Closed.”

Paying the fine and medical bill from the money Jack brought, Sue accepted the hugs and welcome backs from her friends and family. Walking out of the court room with Jack and the Barkleys, Mr. Foster approached her.

“Miss Weston, I just wanted to let you know how deeply troubled I am for all the trouble Jamie has caused. Since I am responsible for the postoffice and the mail I am entrusted with, I have decided to resign effective immediately.”

“You can’t resign, Mr. Foster!” exclaimed Sue as grumbling was heard through the crowd.

“If she hadn’t been helping me, none of this would have happened.” sighed Mr. Foster.

Shaking her head, Sue smiled, “Mr. Foster, you have nothing to feel guilty about. You’re an honest and a hard working man. Your daughter should be ashamed of the position she has put you in because of her actions. She’s an adult and she made that choice. There was absolutely nothing you can do about it.”

Looking at her curiously, he stated, “You’re very forgiving considering you just spent the weekend in jail.”

Sue laughed, put her arm around his shoulders and walked him to the door with the audience following and said teasingly, “You must have caught me on a good day, I’m not normally this forgiving. Just ask my ranch crew.”

Mr. Foster laughed as her kind words lifted the weight off his shoulders. “Thank you, Miss Weston. I’ll do whatever I can to ensure something like this does not happen again.”

Stepping out into the bright sunshine, Sue grinned, “I’m sure you will. The only thing I ask is that your daughter not be there when I pick up my mail.”

Taking her hand, Mr. Foster shook it enthusiastically, “Deal.”

Watching from the post office window, Jamie stared when she saw the arm of Sue Weston around her father’s shoulders and Nick standing beside her. Tears welled in her eyes as she remembered the shame on her father’s face when he looked at her. He had always given her anything she had wanted and she had destroyed the trust he had in her.

At the time she had taken the letters, her one thought was of Nick Barkley. She was sure she could win him back over before Sue returned from Texas. She had been in love with him since she had first lain eyes on him. Tall, dark, handsome and muscular. She had fantasized that he would be the one to sweep her off her feet and carry her away. He would be the one to make her a woman. She could have any man, but she had picked him. She’d have given him everything and still would, if it wasn’t for that woman.

Shaking her head angrily, she thought, ‘What does he see in her? She carries a gun and dresses like a man! What could he possibly want her for?’ Frowning, Jamie watched Nick and Sue walk down the street.

Turning from the window, she went upstairs to her bedroom and locked the door. Taking the cushion off the chair, she turned it over and cut the seam with a knife. Reaching inside, she pulled some letters out. Sitting on her bed, she opened the oldest one and started to read.


“I’ll saddle him for ya, Sue.” said Nick and started to enter the stall.

Stopping him with a hand to his chest, Sue shook her head and smiled, “Better not, Nick. He barely tolerates Davey saddling him. Thanks anyway.”

Watching Sue saddle Satan, Nick smiled “What you said to Mr. Foster was real nice.”

Sue shrugged, “He’s a decent man. I’ve got nothing against him, Nick, it’s his daughter I have a problem with.”

“You’re not gonna do something again, are ya?” asked Nick with a worried look.

Leading Satan out of the stall, Sue grinned, “And take a chance on missing our date tonight? No way!”

Nick sighed with relief, “Good. I’ll be by the ranch at six.”

“Nick.” said Sue as she chewed on her bottom lip. “You do realize that I’m not gonna wear a dress, don’t ya?”

Nick grinned at her worried expression, “I kinda figured that. The only reason you wore that one today is ‘cause Sonya and Charity had Mother give it to you.”

“You knew what they were up to and you didn’t tell me!” said Sue angrily as she put her hands on her gunbelt.

Chuckling, Nick pulled her into his arms and said softly, “I like you in dresses and jeans. You’re beautiful in anything you wear.”

Pulling out of his arms, Sue smiled, “Thanks. I have to go and get some work done before tonight. Mine’s a working ranch, too!”

He pulled her back and held her close, “Not before we say goodbye without bars between us.” Tilting her head back, he captured her lips, his arms drawing her closer, her arms wrapped around his neck and the passion swept through them.

Satan becoming impatient with his master stomped his hoof and nudged her in the back, pushing the couple backwards and breaking the kiss. Sue sighed as she looked in the burning hazel eyes, “See you tonight, Nick.”

Nick’s eyes twinkled as he growled, “Damn horse.”

Giggling, Sue climbed up and smiled, “Bye.” Nudging Satan, Sue rode down the street and out of town with Jack Franklin.

Walking down the street, he met up with Heath. “Ready to go, Nick?”

“Yep.” smiled Nick widely as he climbed on the wagon beside his brother. “Did you get the supplies?”

Heath stared at Nick and asked, “Nick, are your eyes alright?”

Puzzled, Nick looked at Heath, “What?”

Pointing behind him with his thumb, Nick turned red at the large load that was on the back of the wagon. Seeing the lop-sided grin, Nick snarled, “Not one word, Heath, not one.”

Slapping the horses into moving, Nick shook his head when a faint snicker caught his ears.


Nick scowled as another visitor approached the table to welcome back the lady across from him. When they arrived, Harvey had greeted them warmly, directed them to the best table and sent a bottle of wine to the table to start things off.

Hiding a smile at the scowl on her escort’s face, Sue asked. “You okay, Nick?”

“Fine. It’s sure busy in here tonight.” replied Nick. “With all these people saying howdy to you, I haven’t had you to myself.”

Patting his hand, she smiled, “How about if we ride to the lake for some peace and quiet?”

“Great idea. Let’s go before anybody else comes up.” said Nick as he stood and pulled out her chair.

Laughing, Sue made her way to the door. “Harvey, thank you for the wine and the wonderful dinner.”

Harvey smiled, “Come back anytime, Miss Weston. You too, Mr. Barkley.”

Nodding, Nick replied, “Thanks for everything, Harvey. Night.”

Walking hand in hand to Satan and Coco, the couple mounted and trotted down the street. Reaching the outskirts of town, Sue grinned at her handsome escort and yelled, “Race ya’” as Satan took off galloping.

“CHEATER!” shouted Nick as he raced after her under the night sky that was caressed by moonlight.

Taking the turn to the lake, Sue stopped when she didn’t see Nick and Coco behind her. Turning around, she trotted back down the road. Seeing Coco off to the side of the road, she pulled up sharply and looked frantically around.

“Nick! Nick!” Sue yelled, her heart pounded furiously at the sight of the riderless horse. Jumping off, she ran over to Coco. Seeing Nick laying on his back ten yards over in the grass, she ran and knelt beside him.

“Nick!” called Sue at sight of his closed eyes and shook his shoulder. She screamed when he grabbed her and rolled over, pinning her hands above her head.

Looking down, Nick growled, “Cheaters never win.”

Overcoming the shock of his sudden movement and seemingly good health, Sue snapped angrily, “Are you crazy? I thought you were dead or something!”

Nick chuckled as the emerald eyes flashed, “I am far from dead, my chameleon.”

“GET OFF ME!” retorted Sue as she struggled to remove his weight.

“Say you cheated first.” smirked Nick.

“Never!” said Sue firmly.

Holding her wrists in his left hand, Nick brushed her bangs off her forehead and smiled, “Say it!”

“Forget it, Barkley!”

“All you need to do is say it.”

“What I need is for you to let me up.” snapped Sue.

“Not going to happen until you admit it.”

“Nick, what if somebody comes by? It won’t look very good.” pleaded Sue.

“Nice try.” chuckled Nick as Sue rolled her eyes.

“Since I’m not admitting to anything, you better be prepared to stay like this til morning.” smirked Sue with a smug look.

“Stubborn. That’s what you are, stubborn.” smiled Nick. Kissing her eyelids gently, he brushed his lips softly against hers and whispered, “Say it.”

“Make me.” whispered Sue as her breath caught in her throat.

Kissing her deeply, he rolled onto his back. His hand on the back of her neck as they savored the kisses and felt the burning between them. Holding onto each other, they fought to control the emotions that threatened to sweep them away.

Stroking her hair and looking at the stars, Nick said softly, “Tell me what your letters said.”

Tightening her arms around his waist, Sue spoke softly. She recalled for Nick the hopes, dreams and fears she had written to him in the letters. Her voice faltering when she spoke of the mission and orphanage built in her father’s name. The thankfulness of the Yaqui people for her gift of land to them in the name of her guardian. Her visit to her stepmother in the county jail.

“You didn’t?” said Nick shocked as he looked at her face. “What’d you do that for?”

“I wanted to tell her what my brand of justice was going to be for her since the law couldn’t punish her. Ramona wasn’t very happy to see me.” chuckled Sue.

“Did you hit her, too?” asked Nick hesitantly.

“No! Dan wouldn’t let me close enough to hit her.”

“Is Dan the ranger that sent the telegram?”

“He’s in charge of the Texas Rangers in that area.” explained Sue. “I just told Ramona that I had written a letter to an old friend.”

“How is that justice?” inquired Nick.

“Well, the letter was to a woman that had worked at one time on our ranch. She is currently a resident of the women’s correction center. She’s in there for beating her husband to death. Sally always liked my father.” grinned Sue.

“So, you wrote this Sally a letter. I still don’t see it.” puzzled Nick.

“Well, Sally’s a big woman with a very nasty temper. She doesn’t like too many people and I can tell you, Ramona is one of them that she don’t like. Sally was sent upriver before my father’s murder. I just wrote to let her know that they know Ramona’s involved but they can’t prove it.”

Nick chuckled, “So when Ramona gets to the prison, Sally’s gonna be waiting for her.”

“Yep! Not very nice of me, was it?” laughed Sue.

Pulling her to her feet, Nick laughed and held her, “No, that wasn’t very nice.”

“Guess we better be getting back. It’s getting late.” stated Nick as he gently kissed her.

Walking to the horses, they rode to Sue’s ranch. Riding up to the barn, Nick dismounted and walked with Sue as she lead Satan. Unsaddling him, Sue patted him on the shoulder and cooed, “Be right back, big boy.”

“Thanks for the wonderful evening, Nick.” smiled Sue as they walked to Coco.

“I had a great time, too.” whispered Nick as he held her face with his hands and kissed her goodnight. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, he mounted and headed home as Sue watched his back until she couldn’t see him anymore. Sighing, she entered the stall and groomed Satan before heading to the house for the night.


Life on a cattle ranch is hard, exciting, dangerous and Sue Weston loved it! Her one focus when she had come to Stockton was to rebuild a part of her life that had been taken from her. Sitting on Satan and watching the sun set on the herd she and her crew had built, filled her with pride and satisfaction. The Texas woman and her men worked hard each day. Rising early, stopping for a quick lunch and working until the sun had gone to bed. They were committed to their jobs and responsibilities. Summer was almost gone and fall was about to begin. Weeks passed quickly in this type of life when you waged a daily battle with the weather and other elements.

The rustlers had a productive summer and all the ranchers in the valley had high hopes of stopping them soon. There was nothing worse than having someone steal what you had worked so diligently to build. Frustration was mounting at the rustlers’ good fortune. She and her men had taken turns guarding the herd at night to dissuade the rustlers from their ranch. Luckily for the crew and owner, this ranch was a smaller version of the Texas ranch. If they had a herd the size of the Barkleys, she would’ve had to hire more men.

Thinking of the Barkley’s had her smiling as her thoughts were swept away by Nick’s face. Each time she thought of him, her stomach fluttered and her heart palpitated. Their work on the respective ranches cut into the time when they could see each other. Responsibilities for their operations may keep them apart physically but not in their thoughts and souls.

Some nights they would met at the joining boundaries of the ranch and drink in the sight and taste of each other before heading home after a long day. They had been to dinner at each other’s ranch and had gone to the summer socials. Heath and Sonja had joined them as well as Jack and Charity, the now engaged couple who had planned a spring wedding.

Looking into the distance, Sue could see the outline of the house she was building for her foreman and his wife to be. The day of their engagement had been one of the happiest in her life. The wedding of two of her best friends was an occasion she was looking forward to.

Watching the blond cowboy riding up, Sue waved and called, “Bout time, Heath! I’d almost given up on you.”

Reining Charger in beside her, Heath watched the sunset with her, “Sorry, we lost a few more head of cattle last night.”

Smacking her fist on her thigh, Sue growled, “Those rustlers are like ghosts! Did ya’ find anything?”

“No luck. Let’s get into town before the depot closes.” said Heath as Sue nodded.

“I appreciate your help, Heath.” smiled Sue. “I wanna be sure Nick will like it.”

Laughing, Heath smirked, “Sue, if you gave him an empty box for his birthday, he’d be happy.”

Blushing, she teased, “So, I can send it back and keep my money then?”

The two friends chuckled and rode to the Stockton train depot. Dismounting and tying the horses, they headed inside and walked to the counter.

“Hi, Mr. Perkins. You got a package for me?” asked Sue patiently.

Looking up from his ledger, the gauntly man smiled, “Yes, it just came in off the train. I’ll get it for you.”

Mr. Perkins handed the box to Heath. The friends left the depot and walked across the street to Dan Baldwin’s new office. Knocking, Dan opened the door and ushered them inside.

“I see it’s here, Sue.”

“Yeah, are you sure you don’t mind keeping it here and bringing it to the party next week?” asked Sue as Heath pried the top off the crate.

“I told you before it’s not a problem.” smiled Dan as he whistled when Heath lifted out the bronze statue.

“Boy Howdy, it looks just like him and Coco.” whispered Heath in awe of the figure he carefully set it on the table.

Carefully examining it, Sue let out a deep sigh, “I can’t believe it! Frederick said it was lifelike in his letters. Boy howdy, I never expected this.”

“What was his name again, Sue?” inquired Dan.

“Frederick Remington.” whispered Sue as she ran her hand over the statue.

“That boy’s gonna be famous someday, mark my words.” stated Dan.

Carefully lifting it up, Sue put it back in the crate and Heath sealed it. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Sue. He’ll be in awe just like us.”

“Thanks for your help, you two. Dan, I will see you and your lovely family at the party.” replied Sue as she and Heath left the office.

Leaving the office, Sue stopped Heath with a hand on his arm and pointed up the street. “There’s Nick now. He sure has a lot of stuff in his arms, you think he’s buying some gifts for his own birthday.”

Heath chuckled, “Let’s get the horses and find out.”

Walking to the depot and leading the horses up the street, Sue stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Nick kissing Jamie Foster.

“What the?” exclaimed Heath as he started for Nick and the woman up the street.

Feeling a hand grab his arm, he stopped and looked at Sue whose face was void of all color. The shock of the sight reflecting in her larger than life emerald eyes.

“Heath, I’ll see you later.” she whispered as she stood by the side of Satan trying to find strength to climb on him, her legs shaky, her hands trembling, her throat tight with emotion, her heart feeling as though it had been ripped out and crumpled like a piece of paper.

“Sue, wait.” begged Heath concerned by her pallor and the shaking of her body.

Shaking her head, she mounted and galloped away from the nightmare on the boardwalk not hearing the angry words spoken as Heath reached Nick. The unforgiving act they had witnessed, by the brother he had come to love and trust, caused Heath to see red and angrily explode.

“You sonofabitch” snarled Heath as he turned Nick and threw a punch at his bewildered brother who fell onto the boardwalk unconscious.

Mounting Charger, he raced after his friend and Jamie Foster grinned at the sight of the man laying on the sidewalk.

Jamie had never given up on finding some way to win Nick Barkley back. She had read the letters from Sue to him looking for something to use against her. The letters were no help since they only contained her thoughts and feelings on what was happening when she was in Texas.

Over the summer, Jamie had waited for an opportunity like this. Seeing Nick with his arms full and Sue heading up the street, she had grabbed him and kissed him hard. Nick’s back was facing the two friends leading their horses up the street.

Stunned at the unexpected act, Nick’s senses took a few moments to register and kick in. Pulling out of her hands, he glared at the woman, “What in the hell are you doing?” Not soon enough though as the damage, unbeknownst to him, had already been done. The sight of the woman rancher heading away from what she witnessed had Jamie’s feathers puffing with pride at her success.

The sheriff had rushed over to the unconscious man and summoned two men to carry him to Dr. Merar’s office. Listening to the witnesses explain what happened, Fred frowned at the wide smile on the face of Jamie. Heading over to Jarrod’s office, he knocked and went in. Exiting with the eldest Barkley son, they hurried to the office of Dr. Merar.

‘If I can’t have him, at least I can make her miserable.’ thought Jamie with glee as she calmly walked to the postoffice. Her father looked at her puzzled as she gave him a kiss and hummed a lively tune on her way upstairs.


Fred and Jarrod stood by the bed as Howard examined Nick who was still unconscious. Feeling the lump on the back of Nick’s head, Howard shook his head.

“He’s got quite a lump on the back of his head. What happened?” asked Howard as he looked at Fred and Jarrod.

Fred sighed, “Seems Sue and Heath saw him kissing Jamie Foster. Sue rode off and Heath attacked Nick. Then Heath rode after Sue.”

Jarrod shook his head, “That doesn’t make any sense! We all know Nick loves Sue. As far as he’s concerned, there’s no other woman in the world. Why would he kiss Jamie?”

Nick fought his way from the blackness he had been abruptly slammed into. The pounding in his head increased as his level of consciousness rose. Hearing a moan, he realized it was coming from his lips. The pain was shooting around in his head. Hearing voices call his name, he fought to open his eyes.

Howard smiled as he watched the lids slowly lift revealing the sluggish hazel eyes, “Nick, welcome back.”

Nick blinked his eyes to bring them into focus and groaned, “What happened?”

Jarrod replied, “You ran into a fist, little brother.”

Closing his eyes to quell the dizziness he felt and remembering, Nick said “Heath hit me!”

“Yes, he did Nick.” said Jarrod softly. “He saw you kissing Jamie Foster.”

Shaking his head and wincing from the pain the action caused, Nick snarled, “Dammit, I didn’t kiss that woman. She grabbed me and kissed me. Hell, I was so shocked, I didn’t know what was going on.”

Nick gingerly sat up and fought down the queasiness, “Where’s Heath now?”

“He rode off.” stated Jarrod, hesitating on how to tell Nick about Sue seeing the act.

“What?” inquired Nick seeing Jarrod’s hesitation.

“Sue saw it too. Heath rode after her.” said Jarrod as Nick’s face lost its color.

“God, I gotta find her.” said Nick. Standing up, he held onto the table as the room started to spin out of control.

Fred and Howard grabbed a hold of Nick as he wobbled, “Nick, you have a mild concussion. You can’t go after her in this condition.”

Shaking off their arms, Nick snarled, “I’m going! Jarrod, you coming?”

“I’m with you, Nick. I’ll watch him, Dr. Merar.” stated Jarrod as he helped Nick out the door and down the street.


Sue galloped around Stockton and headed to the ranch. Her mind replaying the scene on the boardwalk. Her body shaking from the betrayal and shock of seeing the man she loved kiss another. Her thoughts racing as the tears threatened to come. Shaking her head, she forced them back and swallowed to rid her throat of the tightness. Her world was crumbling and she wouldn’t stay to be witness to Nick and Jamie Foster’s romance.

Reaching the ranch, she jumped off and hurried inside. Knowing Jack and the others were still on the range, she shoved some clothes in her saddlebags. Hastily scrawling a note for Jack and Maria, she took some money out of the desk drawer. Entering the kitchen, she grabbed some items and shoved them into a burlap bag. Walking to the door and closing the bag she was carrying, she ran into Heath’s arms. He held on tight as she tried to back out of his arms.

“Sue, where are you going?” he asked quietly taking in the pale face and shell shocked glaze in her eyes.

“I gotta leave. Let me go, Heath.” whispered Sue.

“I’m coming with you.” stated Heath firmly as she slowly nodded.

Taking the items from her, he followed her outside to the horses. Tying on her saddle bags, he mounted Charger and followed her as she started riding north.

Jack frowned as he read the note from his boss. Hearing horses, he opened the front door and walked out onto the porch. The light from the open door cast upon Nick’s pale, sweaty face and Jarrod’s concerned one as he watched his brother carefully.

“Nick, what happened?” asked Jack as he hurried to his friend’s side.

“Is Sue here?” gasped Nick fighting the blackness that was threatening the edges of his consciousness.

“No.” said Jack quietly. “Sue left a note saying she was going out of town.”

“Jarrod, let’s go and..” whispered Nick as he lost his battle and slide off Coco into Jack’s arms.

Lowering Nick to the ground, Jack looked at Jarrod in confusion, “What’s going on?”

They carried Nick into the house and laid him on the couch as Jarrod explained what had happened in town.

“Damn that Foster woman! Hasn’t she caused enough grief!” exclaimed Jack angrily. “Jarrod, we gotta find Sue. You think Heath’s with her?”

“Maybe, he followed her out of town.” said Jarrod as he looked at Jack. “Where would she go?”

Jack sat on a chair and frowned, “I know she was talking about taking a trip to Sacramento to get a present for our wedding, but she could’ve headed to Texas or just about anywhere.”

“She wouldn’t go shopping.” said Nick softly, startling Jarrod and Jack. “She’d go somewhere to think and be alone.”

“I think you’re right.” stated Jack. “She’d stay away from towns and cities. She’s used to being on the trail.”

Standing, Jarrod looked down at Nick, “I’m gonna ride to the ranch and let Mother know what’s happening, in case Heath shows up there. Stay here, we’ll start out in the morning.”

Nick nodded and closed his eyes as Jarrod left. Feeling a hand squeeze his shoulder, he looked at Jack as the pain tore at his heart and whispered, “I can’t lose her, Jack.”

“You won’t Nick. She’ll understand when you explain it to her.” said Jack softly. “Rest now, we’re gonna start out early in the morning and you wanna be well enough to ride.”
