
As Rio ran up the trail in a frenzied panic, Sue uncontrollably tumbled down the side of the mountain hitting her head and seeing stars momentarily. She continued like a ragdoll until a wild grab with her hands stopped her descent suddenly when her left hand grabbed a bush. The suddenness of the stop creating a searing pain in her shoulder as it was dislocated from its socket and darkness came crashing down.

Her first awareness was of pain coursing through her body, throbbing in her head and ringing in her ears. Her eyelids fluttered as she struggled to overcome the blackness that was threatening to engulf her again. Slowing her breathing, she closed her eyes to fight off the blackness while trying to take stock of her injuries.

Gasping for air and cursing, she gingerly held her arm to her chest as the pain in her shoulder came to a crescendo. Shaking her head gingerly to stop the ringing in her ears, she tried to gain control of her breathing and the pain that was overwhelming her.

Feeling the bile rising in her throat, she struggled to turn on her right side causing her gun to gouch into her side. She lost the contents of her stomach and fought the darkness that was on the edge of her consciousness.

“Stay awake. If you sleep, you won’t get off this mountain.” she mentally scolded herself

Opening the middle button of her shirt, she slid her left hand and wrist into the space creating a sling for her injured limb. Pushing herself back she leaned against a tree and using her right hand, untied her bandanna and gently dotted the stickiness she had felt on the side of her head. When she looked at the bandanna, she saw it was darkened with blood. Holding the bandanna to her head wound to stem the flow of blood, she searched her memory to come up with what had happened. There was a snake, but it wasn’t until the crash that Rio bolted. The crash… A rifle shot!!

The realization that someone had shot at her made her push herself up with her right hand and stand quickly causing the landscape to start swimming in front of her eyes. She leaned against the tree holding her eyes shut to overcome the dizziness and lightheadedness of the sudden movement. Taking her gun from its holster, she opened her eyes and slowly looked around at her surroundings.

Glancing up she saw she had fallen at least 500 yards from the trails edge. Looking down, she was chilled to the bone when she saw that if she hadn’t grabbed the bush, she’d have kept rolling and would have landed on some boulders at the bottom of a crevice.

“I’ve gotta move if I want to find Rio and see if I cannot locate the son of a bitch that was shooting at me.” thought Sue not looking forward to climbing the side of a mountain in a weakened condition.

Carefully using trees for concealment in case the shooter was still around, she reholstered her gun and slowly made her way up the side of the mountain. Stopping several times to catch her breath and to fight the nausea that came with a head injury. Two hours had passed before she was able to reach the trail she had been riding and sank to the ground in an exhausted state.

Spotting Rio’s hoofprints heading up the trail, she forced herself up and followed them. She stumbled up the trail with only the throbbing of her head, shoulder and other bruises on her body for company. Her will to find her companion driving her on. The anger over the fact that someone had used her for target practice grew inside of her almost overshadowing her pain. She walked on whistling for Rio, hoping he would hear and come bounding down the trail towards her.

When she couldn’t hold the bile in her throat down any longer, she vomited and leaned against a tree while standing to rest. She didn’t want to take the chance of sitting down as she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to get back up. Once she had the nausea under control, she started off again.

Spying fresh horse tracks heading down a side trail, she paused staring at them knowing she had seen them somewhere before she remembered. “Those are the same tracks I was following.” Taking her gun from its holster, she walked on backtracking the strange horse before it had turned onto the side trail.

Five feet from where the strange tracks had swung off onto a side trail, she found the spot where the shooter had knelt in the grass by the impression left beside a boot track. Next to the impression, she found the remnants of a slim cigar and the cartridge from a 44 slug. Forcing her mind to focus, she cast around but couldn’t locate any other signs. Kneeling, she pocketed what she had found, struggled back to her feet and continued on following Rio’s tracks. She had to find Rio if she wanted to get off this mountain tonight. Her strength was fading and she knew she couldn’t walk out of there.

Blindly she walked whistling and keeping her eyes on Rio’s track until she heard a whinny. Looking up she saw Rio walking towards her with the reins dangling. Grabbing the reins, Sue leaned against Rio while stroking his neck and cooing to him. “Good to see you old boy. How about we get off this mountain?” Lifting her canteen with a shaky hand, she took a sip of the cool water to stave off the dehydration that could come from the shock of injuries and loss of blood.

Rio whinnied. He was happy to see his master who took such loving care of him. Sue slowly walked around Rio checking for injuries and found a bullet crease on Rio’s hindquarters which explained his bolting up the trail. Her anger grew at the person who’d shot at her and caused this injury to her horse. Finding no other injuries she commanded, “Down Rio.” Rio knelt on his forelegs and waited for his master. Sue climbed in the saddle and braced herself for the pain she knew was to come and commanded “Up Rio”. As Rio stood, the throbbing in her head and body intensified, a noise floated to her ears and she realized it was her moans.

Nudging Rio, he started down the trail with his master struggling to stay awake and on his back, her mind numbed by the pain. When they reached the bottom of the mountain with the sun starting its descent behind her, Sue started Rio towards Stockton.


Jack Franklin had arrived in Stockton that Friday afternoon stopping at the mission to invite Charity to dinner that night. Charity was not at the mission, sighing he decided to check into the hotel and check back later at the mission. Jack was walking to the hotel from boarding his horse at the livery when he heard someone call out to him.

“Jack,” called Heath from atop Charger in the street.

“Heath! Nick!” exclaimed Jack happily “Nice to see you again!”

“Hi Jack. How about joining us for a drink?” asked Nick while glancing around for Sue Weston.

“Sure, don’t mind if I do. How about the Cattleman’s? I have to get a room there anyway.” explained Jack.

Heath and Nick tied their horses in front of the hotel as Jack walked in and got a room for the night. The three of them walked into the bar, grabbed a bottle and sat at a table sipping drinks.

“Don’t tell me your boss chased you off the ranch already!” teased Heath.

Jack laughed at his friend’s teasing, “She was going to take a ride and check out the mountains behind us for grazing land. She also said she wanted some peace and quiet.”

“In other words, she was trying to get you to take Charity out tonight, right?” asked Heath with a lopsided grin.

“Yep! Women!” said Jack as all three enjoyed a laugh. “I was gonna ask Charity out for dinner anyway, even without the boss’ help, but she’s not home.”

“Audra told us at breakfast that Charity was staying at the orphanage tonight with the children.” Heath informed his friend with a smile. “A missionary’s work is never done.”

Jack grinned, “Yeah, she’s a busy woman.”

“Jack, I heard your boss bought the Swenson’s herd and remuda.” stated Nick.

“Yeah, that’s some good quality beef there. We pick them up next week after the boys get here.”

“Mrs. Swenson was telling Jarrod that your boss paid market price and didn’t try to get Mrs. Swenson to lower the price. Even though, she knew Mrs. Swenson needed to unload them,” smiled Nick with a sideways glance at the foreman.

“Yeah, she’s got a soft spot for kittens and kids. And for widows with kittens and kids.” said Jack fondly as the other two men smiled.

“Kittens and kids, huh?” asked Nick quietly while thinking of the green eyed chameleon.

Jack looked at Nick and shook his finger at him. “Don’t you ever tell her I said that, Nick Barkley, or she’d nail my hide to the barn door.”

Nick laughed at the thought of Sue Weston taking after a tall guy like Jack, “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”

“We sure wouldn’t want to see you without any hide, Jack,” snickered Heath.

The three of them swapped stories about their many travels and sipped drinks enjoying each other’s company. Nick listened to the stories that Heath shared with an enlightened awareness that he really didn’t know his little brother. Jack and Heath regaled Nick with stories about their time spent working with Sue Weston in Texas.

“Senor Jack! Senor Jack!” shouted Rafael, one of the boys who had helped on the ranch the past week, as he ran to the table.

“Rafael, you shouldn’t be in here!” chastised Jack until he saw the fright in the boy’s eyes. “What’s the matter?”

Rafael gestured wildly with his hands as he exclaimed, “La señorita está en la oficina del doctor.”

“What!” shouted Jack as he, Nick and Heath sprang to their feet and ran out the bar, past a smiling John Travis, to the doctor’s office down the street.


Sue willed herself to stay awake and on Rio as he slowly made his way into Stockton. Her mind had screamed each time one of his hooves came down and sent a shot of pain throughout her whole body. She was oblivious to everything around her as she concentrated on holding on, hoping that someone would be traveling the same road as her.

When she reached Stockton she headed straight for the office of Dr. Merar. Stopping in front of the house that he lived in and worked out of on the outskirts of town, she commanded “Down Rio”. Rio again knelt on his forelegs and she slowly slid off his back and still holding onto the saddlehorn, commanded him to rise. He rose and she held on until she felt she could move forward on her legs that felt as heavy as tree trunks. She started forward pausing briefly when she heard someone ask in a worried voice, “Señorita, cual es el problema?”(Senorita, what is the matter?)

Sue looked at Rafael with pain filled eyes and whispered, “El señor Jack está en el Hotel del Ganadero, por favor dígale que venga” (Mr. Jack is at the Cattleman’s hotel. Please bring him to me.)

“Si, senorita,” said Rafael before running down the street to the Cattleman’s hotel for Senor Jack, frightened by the bruises and the blood on the senorita’s face.

Sue slowly climbed the two steps and knocked on the door. Leaning against the doorframe, she waited as she heard footsteps approaching.

Dr. Merar opened the door to see the young lady Dan Baldwin had introduced he and his wife to, “Miss Weston, what in the world?”

“Sorry, doc” whispered Sue as she passed out. Dr. Merar caught her and carried her inside, laying her on a table as his wife came into the room. Working as a team, they washed her face and head, noting the dislocation of the shoulder, the head wound and the bruises she was sporting.

Hearing the front door burst opened, Mrs. Merar went out into the lobby and spied the three worried men.

“How is she? What happened? Can we see her?” asked all three at once.

“She’s in the examining room gentlemen. When the doctor’s finished, he’ll be out to talk to you. Please wait here.” stated Mrs. Merar as she opened the door and went back inside.

Jack paced as Heath and Nick drummed their fingers on the chair arms they were sitting in while watching the examining room for Dr. Merar.

After forty-five minutes had passed, Nick ran his fingers through his hair and stood up. “I can’t wait anymore. Let’s go in.”

“Nick, Mrs. Merar said to wait here!” explained Heath “Dr. Merar will be out soon.”

“I agree with Heath, Nick. As much as I’d like to break down the door, we’ll only be in the way.” sighed Jack as he ran his hands over his face as the worry shone out of his eyes.

“Okay, but if they…”

Nick stopped as Dr. Merar stepped out of the examining room. Glancing in surprise at the Barkleys, Howard nodded and held out his hand to Jack who had stood at his entrance into the room. “Sorry to see you under these conditions, Mr. Franklin.”

“Doctor, how is she?” asked Jack as he returned the handshake and retook his seat as Dr. Merar had indicated him to with a move of his other hand.

“Nick and Heath, are you here for Miss Weston also?” asked Howard curiously.

“Yeah, they are doc.” explained Jack. “Heath’s an old friend of mine and Sue’s. We were having a drink when Rafael came and told us.”

“What happened, Dr Merar?” asked Nick impatiently.

“I don’t know what happened, Nick. When I went to answer the door, the only thing she said was ‘sorry doc’ before she passed out.” explained Howard quietly.

“What I can tell you is that she has a dislocated shoulder, a head wound which will probably result in a mild concussion and bruises. I have put 10 stitches in her head and since she was unconscious popped her shoulder back into place. She’s also dehydrated and running a low fever.”

“She hasn’t woken up, doc?” asked Heath with a worried look on his face.

“She will sleep for a while due to the head wound. We’ll try waking her up in a few minutes, but I wanted to come out here and let Mr. Franklin know of her condition before we did that.”

“Thanks Doc. Can we see her?” asked Jack.

“Sure, why don’t you come in and we’ll see if we can get her to wake up.” suggested Howard as he walked to the examining room door with the others following.

The men followed Howard into the examining room, Mrs. Merar stepped back from the table, allowing the men a glimpse of Sue Weston asleep on the table. The whiteness of her face was a sharp contrast to the blue blood stained blouse she was wearing. Wisps of her auburn hair could be seen peeking out from under the bandage around her head. A bruise came from under the cloth around her head and continued down the side of her face swelling her check. Her left arm was laying in a sling that Dr. Merar had fashioned out of a larger piece of cloth.

Dr. Merar leaned over and spoke into her ear softly, “Miss Weston, I need you to wake up for me. Com’on now, open those eyes for me.”

Seeing no response from his voice after several minutes, Howard suggested Jack try.

“Hey boss, I can’t leave you alone for a minute.” teased Jack as he gazed at her bruised face. “You gotta wake up for me, Sue. Com’n you can do it.”

“Sue, time to let us see those beautiful green eyes.” said Heath when Jack was unsuccessful. “Open them up!”

Nick frustrated at the lack of response from the patient looked at Dr. Merar and blurted out loudly, “This ain’t working Doc! She’ll sleep til the end of time at this rate. Can’t you use smelling salts or something?”

Jack and Heath looked at Nick in shock and Howard smiled. He had never seen the confident, swaggering Nick Barkley, well, frazzled before.

“Nick, stop yelling!” groaned Sue Weston quietly as she brought her right hand up to hold her pounding head and slowly opened her eyes.

“Good job.” said Jack as he slapped Nick on the back. Heath grinned at the expression of disbelieve on Nick’s face.

“Miss Weston, can you tell us how you’re feeling?” asked Dr. Merar as he pulled her hand away from her head.

“I feel like crap Doc, how’d ya think I feel?” growled Sue as Nick snickered at the blush on Howard’s face.

“Sue!” admonished Jack at his boss’ words to the doctor.

“Sorry. I meant do you feel dizzy, does your stomach hurt or anything like that?” inquired Dr. Merar.

“I’m tired. I hurt all over and I’m very grouchy, doc.” said Sue as she struggled to sit up.

“Miss Weston, you’re not going anywhere in your condition.” stated Howard as he pushed her back to the table. “You’re staying here the night so I can keep an eye on you.”

“No, I’m not! Thanks for your help Doc, but I’m going home.” shot Sue right back with a grimace as the pain in her head throbbed.

“Sue, why don’t you listen to the doc? He knows what’s good for you.” said Jack calmly. “You can’t ride in your condition.”

“Why not, I rode here from the mountains in this condition.” growled Sue to the shocked men as she slowly swung her feet over the side of the table and gingerly pushed herself up with her right hand, closing her eyes to quell the dizziness.

“You rode from the mountains behind your house to here!” exclaimed Heath.

Sue sighed and said with a strained voice, “Boys, I really want to get back to the ranch. I’ve had a long difficult day and don’t feel like arguing. You can either help me to my horse or stand by and watch me crawl to him. Either way I’m going!”

As Sue stood up the room spun out of control and she was caught by Nick before she hit the floor.

Holding the limp Sue in his arms, he looked at Jack and Heath, “Since someone has to stay with her and keep an eye on her, we can take her out to the ranch in Jarrod’s surrey. You’ve gotta be here to meet your hand coming on the train with the horses tomorrow. There’s more people at our ranch including Mother and Audra. You won’t have to worry that she’ll try to sneak out of town on her horse.”

Dr. Merar looked at the men, “Someone does have to stay with her. As you can see, she’ll fall over again if she tries to stand up. Because of the concussion she’s going to have dizzy spells and her arm will be in the sling for at least three weeks. As long as she travels laying down in the surrey, it’s fine with me.”

Jack looked at Nick thoughtfully, “I don’t know, Nick. She’s not gonna be too happy when she wakes up at your ranch instead of hers. Heath, what do you think?”

“Well, it’s either that or we tie her to the doc’s bed.” admitted Heath with a grin. “You know how stubborn she can be Jack.”

Jack smiled at the brothers, “Okay. Let’s do it before she wakes up.”

Nick ran to get Jarrod and the surrey while Jack and Heath got instructions from Dr. Merar in regards to Sue’s care for the next few weeks. Howard left the room while Heath and Jack waited for Nick and Jarrod to return with the surrey.

“Jack, you better let Miss Jones know what happened.” said Heath.

“Oh no! I forgot all about Charity.” exclaimed Jack. “I’ll leave a note at the mission and will speak to her in the morning when she gets back.

“It appears that Nick Barkley’s voice may work better than smelling salts.” chuckled Heath as he gazed down at his sleeping friend.

Jack laughed quietly and then said soberly. “Heath, she’s gonna be real mad. Are you sure you want her at the ranch?”

“Don’t worry about that Jack. She’ll calm down and be fine.” assured Heath. “Besides, Audra will love this opportunity to play matchmaker between Sue and Nick.”

Jack groaned outloud at Heath’s remark. “I don’t even want to know!”

The two men looked at each other, then down at their mutual friend and chuckled.

Jarrod and Nick returned with the surrey, Charger and Coco. As Nick went inside the doctor’s office, Jarrod tied Rio to the back of the surrey beside Charger.

Nick held the door open as Heath came out carrying an unconscious Sue in his arms, wrapped in some blankets that Mrs. Merar had lent them. Jack followed carrying her gunbelt and some laudanum in a sack for the pain Sue would be experiencing when she was conscious again.

Jarrod helped Heath lay Sue on the backseat of the surrey and then climbed in the front seat. Jack handed the sack to Heath as he sat on the floor to ensure Sue stayed on the seat during the ride to the ranch.

“Don’t worry Jack!” said Heath as he took the sack.

“I won’t. If she wakes up before you get there you better give her some laudanum to knock her out.” suggested Jack as he gently touched his friend’s cheek.

“She’ll be fine Jack. We’ll take good care of her.” stated Nick as he squeezed Jack’s shoulder. “We’ll see you after you pick up your horses tomorrow.”

“Thanks!” said Jack as he stepped back from the surrey and nodded to Jarrod who started the horses forward towards the Barkley ranch.

After the surrey disappeared out of sight, Jack headed towards the mission to leave a note for Charity. Jack’s thoughts were on Sue’s reaction when she would wake at the Barkley ranch. Chuckling, he knew that he didn’t want to be there when that happened.

After leaving the note, he headed towards the hotel, deep in thought when he was stopped by John Travis, “Good evening, Mr. Franklin.”

“Mr. Travis, I didn’t see you there, sorry.” apologized Jack as he saw he had almost ran the man over.

“I heard that Miss Weston had taken ill, Mr. Franklin. I hope everything is alright.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Franklin. Miss Weston’s quite fine and spending the evening at the Barkleys.” said Jack calmly knowing his boss would not like her condition to be broadcast especially to this man who she didn’t like.

“Oh, I’m afraid I must have heard wrong. I had heard she was at the doctor’s office. Terribly sorry about that, Mr. Franklin.” said Travis with a puzzled look.

“Yes, she was visiting the Merars. I can assure you she’s in good hands. Good night, Mr. Travis.” stated Jack as he walked into the hotel and up to his room.

John Travis walked to his house pondering on this new development. “Well, it seems I underestimated our little Texas cowgirl. She must not have been hurt at all. She’s spending the evening with the Barkleys!”

“What the hell is that all about.” sneered Travis as he walked into his house.

“This is going to require some help from my silent partner. He can find out for me what I need to know.”

Realizing that Barrett could find out what he needed to know as to Sue Weston’s condition since he was already at the Barkley ranch, he smiled suddenly feeling better.


The ride to the ranch was slow but Sue did not awaken. The three brothers talked amongst themselves trying to guess what may have caused her to be in this condition.

“Maybe she fell off her horse, Heath.” suggested Jarrod.

“Jarrod, she’s been riding since she was seven years old. I can’t see that happening.” explained Heath with a sigh.

“Well, sometimes things happen that we have no control over, brother Heath,” stated Jarrod as he smiled at his younger brother.

“I say we wait and let her tell us when she wakes up again.” said Nick as he rode beside the surrey. “No use trying to guess when it could have been a million different things.”

Heath nodded, “You’re right Nick. We’re almost there anyway and she’ll tell us soon enough.”

Jarrod stopped the surrey in front of the house and jumped down, “I’m gonna let Mother know so she can help settle Miss Weston into bed.”

Nick called for Ciego to come and take care of the horses as he climbed down from Coco and walked over to help Heath with Sue.

Heath groaned as Sue moaned and opened her eyes, looked around and stated angrily, “Heath, this is not my ranch!”

“Sue, you can’t go to your ranch and be there alone. Doctor’s orders.” sighed Heath with a glare at Nick who had awoken the sleeping monster.

“He’s right! You just have to stay here.” stated Nick in a matter-of-fact voice.

Sue held her hand to her head to stop the pounding that had started as soon as she had opened her eyes, “Get my horse. I am not staying here! I told you I..”

“Miss Weston, I’m so glad my sons brought you here to stay with us.” said Victoria interrupting the angry words as she walked up to the surrey.

Smiling at Sue’s expression and having a gut feeling that she wouldn’t argue, Victoria said. “I understand that Mr. Franklin was so worried about how he would take care of you and meet the train tomorrow.”

“Yes, Mrs. Barkley thank you.” said Sue meekly as she knew Mrs. Barkley had no intention of letting her leave the ranch on horseback. As unhappy as she may be about the situation, Sue could never be disrespectful to a woman like Victoria Barkley.

“Heath and Nick, will you help Miss Weston upstairs to the guest room?” asked Victoria as she went to hold the door open for the boys and their guest.

Nick and Heath grinned at Sue knowing that even as stubborn as she was, she wouldn’t disrespect Victoria Barkley by turning down her invitation or acting like a spoiled child.

“You better wipe those smiles off your faces.” whispered Sue as she glared at Nick and Heath. Sue winced in pain as Nick carefully picked her up, carried her into the house and up the stairs with Heath and Victoria following closely behind.

By the time, Nick had placed gently her on the bed and against the pillows Audra and Jarrod had readied for their visitor, Sue was perspiring from the pain that was coursing through her body, the throbbing in her head and the ringing in her ears.

Feeling the bile rising in her throat, she struggled to turn on her right side with Victoria helping. She lost the contents of her stomach in the basin Audra held and fought the darkness that was on the edge of her consciousness.

Noting the pallor of her skin, Victoria advised, “We need to get her undressed. Boys, you will have to leave.”

Victoria pushed the reluctant men towards the door of the room.

“Okay Mother! As soon as you’re done, we’re coming back in.” stated Nick firmly as he and his brothers left the room and headed downstairs.

As Nick poured them drinks, Jarrod exclaimed unbelievably “I still can’t believe she came all that way in her condition!”

“She’s one tough lady. There’s not many like her.” admitted Nick with a smile. “I know some men who couldn’t ride half as far as she did and feeling only half as poorly as she does.”

“Yep, you’re right there Nick.” agreed Heath. “She’s always been a tough lady, but she’s got a gentle side to her nature too. I’m proud to call her my friend.”

Audra came downstairs and let her brothers know they could come back into the room. “Mother gave her some laudanum so she will be sleeping soon.”

When there was a knock at the front door, Nick said to the others as they stopped on the stairs, “I’ll get it. I’ll be up in a little while.”

Jarrod, Heath and Audra continued up the stairs as Nick opened the door to see Duke on the landing.

“Hi Duke, kinda late isn’t it?”

“Hi Nick. Sorry about this but thought you should come check something out in the barn. It’s important.” explained Duke.

“Okay, let’s go.” said Nick updating Duke on Sue’s condition as they walked to the barn.

When they entered the barn Duke explained that he had been helping Ciego by grooming Rio before boarding him for the night.

“When I was grooming him Nick, this is what I found.” said Duke as he pointed out the red mark on Rio’s hindquarters to his boss.

“What the? That’s a bullet crease!” exclaimed Nick angrily.

“That’s what I thought too. I put some salve on it to keep it from getting infected. Do you want me to get the Sheriff?” asked Duke wondering why someone would shoot at a woman.

“I’ll talk to Fred myself in the morning. You get some sleep and thanks, Duke.”

“Okay, good night.” said Duke as he walked out of the barn.

Nick looked at the mark on Rio again. “Yep, a bullet crease. Who the hell would be shooting at her?” thought Nick as he felt his blood beginning to boil.

“Rio, sure wish you could tell us what happened up there on that mountain.” said Nick gently as he rubbed Rio’s neck. “When I find out who took a shot at her, he’ll wish he’d never been born.”

Nick made his way back to the house after making sure Rio was settled in a stall for the night. As he walked towards the guest room, Victoria stepped out into the hallway with Jarrod and Audra.

“Nick, Heath is going to stay with Miss Weston tonight. She’s asleep now from the laudanum and sleep is the best thing for her.” explained Victoria.

“Okay, Mother.” said Nick.

“Who was at the door, Nick? Is everything okay?” asked Jarrod curiously because of the expression on Nick’s face.

“It was Duke. He wanted to show me the bullet crease he found on Rio.” said Nick angrily as gasps of shock could be heard from the group.

“What! Somebody shot at her?” asked Audra incredibly.

“Sure looks that way.”

“Maybe we will find out more from Miss Weston tomorrow after a night’s rest.” explained Jarrod.

“I suggest we all get some sleep.” stated Victoria. “I already told Heath, but if you need me, don’t hesitate to wake me.”

“I’m gonna stay with Heath. I’ll see you in the morning.” said Nick as he opened the door to the guest room.

Heath was seated on the left side of the bed in a chair with his chin propped on this palm watching Sue when Nick entered the room. The bruises vividly standing out on her face were a sharp contract to the pale hue. Her cheeks rosy from the fever that was causing sweat beads to form on her forehead under the bandage that was wrapped around her head.

Glancing up at his brother as he entered, Heath sighed “She looks horrible.”

“She still looks beautiful to me.” said Nick softly as he looked at the bruise covering the side of Sue’s face as Heath wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“Everyone else asleep?” asked Heath.

“Well, they went to bed but I don’t know about the sleeping part.” Nick ran his fingers through his hair and glanced at Heath, “Duke found a bullet crease on Rio.”

Heath’s head snapped up and he jumped up to his feet. ”A bullet crease!” he said with fury.

The tone of Heath’s voice caused Sue to startle herself awake from the drug induced hazy sleep she had fallen into just a short while ago. A gasp caused Nick and Heath to jump as they quickly moved to the bed to see the sluggish green eyes greeting them.

“What's matter?” asked Sue softly as she looked around the room slowly.

“Hey, you’re the one we’re concerned with.” answered Heath with a smile.

“Sue, can you tell us what happened?” asked Nick quietly.

Sue gazed at Nick with confused eyes trying to work her way out of the fog that her memory appeared to be in. “Riding. A snake.” said Sue as her eyelids droopped. “Hate snakes.”

Heath chuckled as Sue fell asleep. “Yeah, I know you hate snakes.”

“I learned she doesn’t like snakes, just what we needed to know.” sighed Nick as he sat in a chair on the opposite side of the bed from Heath.

“It’ll be a long night, I’m gonna make some coffee.” said Heath softly as he walked to the door.

Nick walked to the bed and started to gently wipe the sweat off Sue’s forehead from the fever. He cautiously dabbed the cloth on her face and neck carefully to avoid causing her any more pain from the bruises that had formed. He repeated this action over as he replayed the scene in his head where she had arrived at the house when Heath had landed at her feet.

“My little chameleon, how different you were that day compared to the other day when I met you outside the bank. Heath sure knows how to pick his friends. I’d say he’s the richest man around with friends like you and Jack on his side.” said Nick softly to the sleeping beauty. “Now, what happened on that mountain.”

Nick waited but no answer was forthcoming, only a moan and words in some language he didn’t understand came from the rosy lips. Her eyes moved beneath her eyelids and her head slowly moved from side to side. Nick wiped her forehead again and shushed Sue when the moving increased as she was caught up in her dreams.

“Rifle shot. Rio.” were part of the mumblings that Nick could decipher.

Nick was mesmerized by the small glimpse into what she had gone through from her fevered and drug induced words. He was awed that someone could have such fierce grit and determination to have made it to Stockton from the mountain. “My god, This is a woman!” he thought as he continued to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

“Shhhh Sue, you’re safe. It’s okay now.” Nick softly reassured as her mumblings turned into murmurs.

Heath quietly opened the door while holding the coffee pot and cups. Stopping in the doorway, he watched in amazement at the gentleness Nick used in caring for his friend and trying to coax her into sleeping.

“Shhhhh. We’ll take good care of you. You’re safe here. Go to sleep.”

As he watched, Heath wondered if Audra hadn’t been onto something with her thoughts of matchmaking.


Victoria had awoken and unable to sleep any longer insisted Heath and Nick go to bed around four the next morning as the worry and fatigue was showing on their faces. She knew they would still have to run the ranch and would need the sleep to replenish their strength.

“I will take over for you now. You go to bed and get some sleep.”

“I’m not tired.” stated Heath as he gently wiped Sue’s forehead.

“Me either, Mother.” said Nick firmly as he watched his brother.

“Boys, you can’t run a ranch without sleep. She won’t be awake for a while and you can see Miss Weston after you’ve had some rest.”

Neither of the men moved from the small territory by the bed they had claimed. Both were so different in their build and mannerisms, but they had the same depth of passion when it came to someone they called friend or family. Both were as stubborn as the woman who lay sleeping in the bed, unaware of the special treatment she was receiving at the hands of the two Barkleys.

“If you don’t go to sleep now, I will not permit you to see Miss Weston tomorrow.” threatened Victoria while hating to use Miss Weston as leverage.

“What!” Nick said angrily.

“Mother, you can’t do that!” blurted out Heath as his face drained of all color.

Nick overcoming the shock of Heath’s word and seeing the color drain from his brother’s face tried to help Heath through his discomfort.

“We better go, Heath. When Mother gets that look in her eye, she means it!” said Nick as he gently steered the stunned Heath towards the door and into the hallway.

“Good night, Sons” smiled Victoria widely as she shut the door behind them.

Nick stood in the hallway with Heath who still had a dumbfounded look on his face. Nick took Heath’s arm and pulled him to his room. Heath followed along as if he was in a trance.

“Heath?” asked Nick as he sat his brother on the bed and took a chair opposite him.

When he didn’t respond, Nick said louder. “Heath!” Heath blinked and looked at his brother, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call Mrs. Barkley, mother.”

Nick frowned, “What’s wrong with that, Heath?”

“She’s your mother, not mine.” was the whispered reply from the hanging head.

“Heath, look at me!” said Nick firmly waiting for Heath to raise his head before continuing. “I’ve seen how much you love and respect her, Heath. I think you’re just worried about Sue and not thinking clearly.”

Blue eyes looked at the hazel eyes with confusion and hurt, “I’m thinking fine, Nick. I don’t have the right to call her mother.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m the mistake.” Heath answered in a tired voice.

“I don’t want to hear that crap about you being a mistake again. Saying that is disrespectful to your mother who loved and raised you!” replied Nick in a raised voice at his brother. “Mother loves us all the same and that includes you!”

“You don’t understand, Nick.”

With his temper flaring from lack of sleep and worry, Nick snarled, “Unless you don’t think she’s good enough to be your mother!”

Heath stood up and fire shown out of his eyes as he faced Nick angered by his words, “I didn’t say she wasn’t good enough to be my mother. I’m not good enough to be her son!”

Nick flinched as Heath’s words wrenched his heart and twisted his soul. “Why would you say something like that Heath!”

Heath walked stiffly to the door and opened it, “I’m tired and don’t want to talk about it, Nick. Goodnight.”

Nick walked past Heath into the hallway to his room, stunned by his brother’s words and unable to sleep that night.


Saturday breakfast was a somber affair at the Barkley ranch. Nick and Heath were quiet and not conversing. Jarrod and Audra had tried to engage the two in conversation, but it was to no avail.

Jarrod puzzled over this latest turn of events since when he went to bed last night, everything had seemed fine between them. Now in a span of hours, it was if the foundation they had built over the past two weeks had crumbled.

Victoria joined the family in breakfast as Silas stood watch over their patient. Sipping her coffee, sensing the shift of the mood and relationship between the brothers, she ventured a look at Jarrod. Jarrod shrugged as he had no idea of what had happened either.

“Heath, did Dr. Merar advise what time he would be arriving to check on Miss Weston this morning?” inquired Victoria.

Heath quietly answered, “He said he’d be here by noon, ma’am.”

The hurt of hearing ‘ma’am’ reflected in Victoria’s eyes and caused Nick to snort and say sarcastically, “Do you want us to give you permission, brother?”

Pushing his chair back angrily, Heath growled at Nick, “I told ya I don’t wanna talk about it.” as he walked out of the room without a backwards glance and they heard the slam of the front door.

Nick sighed and held his head in his hands as the rest of the family watched, concerned over the two brothers’ reactions to each other. They had been lulled into a false sense of security since the snarling and snapping between the two had disappeared over the past couple weeks.

“What’s happened, Nick?” asked a concerned Audra.

“Does it have anything to do with Heath calling me, Mother, last night?” asked Victoria as she remembered her elation and then her concern as Heath’s face paled when he had realized what he had done.

“Heath called you, Mother?” Jarrod and Audra asked at the same time.

“Yes he did and it thrilled me to the depths of my soul.” said Victoria proudly.

Nick had placed his chin on top of his clasped hands and stared at the opposite wall. Victoria concerned at his reaction, “Nick, do you mind if Heath calls me Mother? I love him and think of him as my son but understand how difficult it may be for the rest of you.”

Shaking his head and looking at his mother with eyes that seemed to be on the verge of welling with tears, he said in a shaky voice, “I don’t mind Mother. I’m proud that you’re the type of person someone would be honored to call mother.”

The rest of the family held their tongues waiting while Nick brought his emotions under control before continuing, “It’s not you, me or the family that Heath’s having a problem with. It’s himself.”

Victoria nodded with understanding, “I should have realized that Heath may have felt he was turning his back on Leah, by calling me mother. That’s my mistake.”

“Mother, that’s not it either!” growled Nick as his brother’s words echoed in his mind. “He said it was because he was the mistake.”

“I thought we had decided we weren’t going to try to change the past.” sighed Victoria. “I thought we had put all of that behind us.”

Nick nodded and spoke, “I was angry at what he called himself and asked him if it was because he ‘didn’t think you were good enough to be his mother’.”

“Nick!” admonished Jarrod.

“I didn’t mean it pappy. I thought he was gonna hit me for a second there before he said…” Nick stopped and swallowed as his throat had constricted at the thought of the words Heath had spoken.

Jarrod worriedly looked at his brother and said softly, “What did he say, Nick?”

“He said, ‘I didn’t say she wasn’t good enough to be my mother. I’m not good enough to be her son’” stated Nick to his shocked family.

“Not good enough? What does that mean?” Victoria inquired of her son with a demanding tone of voice as Jarrod and Audra’s faces had wounded looks on them.

“I asked him why he would say such a thing, but he said he didn’t want to talk about it and opened the door for me to leave his room.” sighed Nick.

“Maybe Heath was just upset about Miss Weston and not thinking clearly?” suggested Audra.

“Audra, we were both tired, but somehow I don’t think that’s it. I think it’s something else.” replied Nick.

Jarrod gathered his thoughts as the rest of the family reflected on Nick’s revelation. Taking a deep breath, Jarrod quietly spoke, “Mother, we only know a little of Heath’s life before he came to us. I can’t imagine how I would feel about myself if people were constantly putting me down, calling me ugly names just because of my circumstances of birth. Circumstances that no child has any control over. I think he carries a lot of hurt, anger and other stuff inside of him from all those years.”

Looking at his family, Jarrod sighed, “I’m no expert but I’d think this would cause insecurity and the feeling that perhaps he’s not worthy of the love we give him. As how to help him through these things, I have no suggestion except that we keep telling Heath how we feel and showing it to him. No matter how much he pushes us away.”

Audra and Victoria wiped the tears from their eyes that had streamed down their cheeks as Jarrod had provided his heartwrenching views. Nick once again was holding his head in his hands as the realization of what Heath had gone through in the past caused the anger he thought he had quelled to surface once again.

“Dammit! He shouldn’t have grown up like that! How’re we supposed to help him deal with the first 24 years of his life. Hell, I can’t help him deal with calling Mother, mother one time!” growled Nick as he angrily stalked from the dining room as the rest of the family listened to the slamming of the front door for the second time that morning.
