Steve and Jaime watched from their porch as the moving van pulled into the drive of the house across the street. They watched as the movers ran back and forth as they moved everything into the house. “I hope they’re nice.” Jaime pondered as they continued to watch.
“Yea. I kind of hope they have kids. Maybe a baby that won’t be too much older than ours when he’s born.” Steve agreed. “Even someone the twins age. They could really use friends their own age.”
“Well that too. I just hope they are nice. We don’t really have to many neighbors.”
They continued to watch the movers go back and forth. “Well this is boring. I think I’ll go on out to Oscar’s and see what the kids are doing.” Steve stated.
“Yea. Me too.” The two of them got in the car and headed out to Oscar’s house.
They hadn’t been gone thirty seconds when the new ‘neighbors’ pulled into the drive beside the moving van. Two women exited the car and waked in the front door. The first woman was Carla Hiller. The second woman was her sister-in-law Chris Hiller.
“Are you sure they live in that house?” Chris pointed.
“I’m very sure. I have waited a long time for this. I will get even with Col Austin. He killed my husband.” Carla cried.
“And my brother.” Chris seethed. “What do you have in mind?” Chris asked.
“I have it all planned.” Carla smiled “I’m going to need your help Chris.”
“I’ll do anything.” Chris stated. “What do you need me to do?”
“I need you to be here and act as the ‘home owner.’ That way if they come to visit. I won’t be the one to answer the door.” Carla managed trying to hold back her tears.
“Why do you need me to be here to answer the door?” Carla wanted to know. “What difference does it make?”
“I really need you on this one Chris. You see they know me by sight I’m just going to sit in the background. Now here is my plan. I plan to drive Col Austin slowly insane. My plan is this. By the time I’m finished Steve Austin will think he’s losing his mind.”
“Won’t he have to be alone?” Chris wondered.
“Yes he will be. You see Barney did some heavy duty investigating after Oscar called and wanted to tune him back up for those tests.
“Yea He told me he was doing that.” Chris agreed.
“Barney discovered that Jaime, his wife goes off everyday to tutor Goldman’s kids. He usually stays home unless Goldman calls him. And that hasn’t been too often since Goldman’s son became bionic. The kid relies on Austin to much so Goldman holds back.”
“So sounds like he’s home most of the time then.” Chris turned to Carla.
“Yea he hardly ever leaves.” Carla stated.
“So what exactly do you plan to do?” Chris seemed very interested.
“I’m going to break into their house and do things.” Carla explained.
“What sort of things?”
“Move things around. Take things that sort of thing. Then when he absolutely can’t take it anymore I move in for the kill. My major plan is to kill him, but I want him to suffer first.”
“That sounds like a pretty good plan to me.” Chris agreed. “I want him to suffer as well.”
Steve and Jaime were just arriving back home when the moving van pulled away.
“Well.” Jaime noted. “It looks like they are all moved in. Maybe I should take them some thing tomorrow.”
“That might be a nice gesture.” Steve’s mind was elsewhere.
“Well I think I’ll fix something to take over. I think it is the neighborly thing to do. I’ll fix something when I get home from teaching the kids. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired.”
“Yea me too.” Steve yawned.
The next morning Steve woke up shortly after Jaime had gone to ‘work’. Steve was actually counting the days until the kids would be out of school. Dan went till the end of June. He was hoping to convince Jaime to stop with the kids before then.
He stepped out on the porch and picked up the morning paper. Then he went in and set it on the coffee table. He walked out into the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast.
‘Just a bowl of cereal this morning.’ Steve thought; He went through the motions of fixing it.
He didn’t know that Chris and Carla were both standing just on the other side of the basement door.
“Oh darn. I forgot the paper.” Steve set the container of milk on the table next to the bowl of cereal he had just poured.
He slipped back into the living room to retrieve the paper.
As he did so Carla and Chris lost no time. They entered the kitchen Carla put the milk back in the refrigerator and Chris threw the cereal back into the box. Then put the bowl and box of cereal back into the cupboard.
Carla slipped back behind the basement door and Chris went out the back door just as Steve re entered the kitchen.
“What the?” He said aloud. “I would have sworn I poured myself a bowl of cereal.” Steve once again reached up into the cupboard and got the cereal down and the bowl. He once again dumped the cereal into a bowl then poured the milk on.
Just as he was getting ready to eat the doorbell rang. He laid the paper down on the table and went to answer it.
No one was at the door. “That figures.” Steve spoke aloud. “The way things have been going this morning. I’m not surprised.
While Steve was answering the door Carla came back out of the basement and took the paper. Then she went out the back door and threw the paper on the porch and walked back home to plan her next move.
Steve went back into the kitchen. “Now where did my paper go?” He asked himself.
He searched the entire kitchen looking for it. “Maybe I took it with me after all.” He stepped back into the living room. It wasn’t there.
“Now come on.” Steve was really getting annoyed.
He thought he heard something out front so he went to see about it. He opened the door and there was the newspaper setting on the porch.
“I know I brought it inside.” Steve bent over to pick it up. He took it back in the house and proceeded to eat his breakfast.
He didn’t give his strange morning much more thought and thought it best not to mention it to anyone.
Across the street in Carla Hiller’s house she and Barney’s sister were enjoying the laugh. “I can’t believe he didn’t even know we were in the house.” Carla laughed.
“Some secret agent.” Chris got hysterical.
“Yea.” Carla agreed. “He doesn’t even know someone is in his house.” She continued laughing till tears ran down her face.
“You know.” She started “This is the first I’ve laughed since Barney was murdered.”
“Yea me to this is great. What else do you have planed?” Chris wanted to know.
“Just more of the same. Barney wanted to convince Oscar and Rudy that Steve was the crazy one. I’m just trying to full fill that. Then we move in for the kill.”
“What do you mean?” Chris asked.
“I want that man to die. I want his wife to suffer the same way I am.” Carla seethed bitterly.
Steve thought he would drive out to Oscar’s house to see what was going on. He was getting a little bored. Oscar hadn’t called him for some time for an assignment.
‘Maybe I need a little diversion.’ He thought to himself. ‘Maybe I need to be doing something.’
Jaime was busy fixing lunch when he walked into the kitchen. “Where are the kids?’ He asked.
“They are outside playing.” Jaime told him. “It’s such a beautiful day I made them go out. Are you all right?” She looked at him.
“Yea. Why do you ask?” Steve wondered.
“You look like something is bothering you.” Jaime observed.
“Well it’s nothing. Really.” Steve sighed. “What are you fixing for lunch?”
“Just sandwiches.” Jaime told him. “Listen why don’t we go out tonight?”
“Yea that sounds like a good idea.” Steve’s mood seemed to brighten. “I’ll make reservations.” Steve smiled.
“That sounds great. I’ll be home early.” Jaime gave him a kiss.
“Well I better get going. I’ll see you when you get home then.”
Just as he left the twins bounded in the back door ready for lunch. “Hi Steve.” Marc called out.
“Hey partner. Listen, I’ll catch you later. Ok?”
“Yea. I have schoolwork anyway.” Marc gave him a wave as he left.
He was feeling a little better on the drive back in to the City. But he just couldn’t shake what had happened earlier
When Jaime got home the two of them went out to dinner. They really had a good time. Steve had made reservations at Angelino’s a wonderful Italian restaurant.
The next morning Steve got up the same time Jaime woke up. “Do you really have to go today?” He asked.
“Steve. For heaven sake you sound like a little boy.” Jaime chided.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t wait till you get done tutoring for the summer.” Steve sighed. “I guess I want you all to myself before the baby comes. You know, maybe we should take that honeymoon we never took back in April. I mean things got a little out of hand with Marc.”
“I don’t know Steve. Marc is just getting used to the fact that I’m going to have a baby. You know how much he depends on you. I mean if we were to go away for a long period of time…”
“I’ll talk to him about it. I’m sure if I explain he’ll be all right. Besides it would just be for the weekend.”
“Well why not stop by after ‘class’ this afternoon. See how he feels about it.” Jaime suggested.
“I think I’ll do just that.” Steve agreed.
Jaime left and Steve was alone again. He had already eaten breakfast so he just sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and the newspaper.
Steve finished the paper and came to the cross work puzzle section he started working it.
“Wait a second.” Steve said. “Yesterday’s paper is in the other room.” He stood so he could retrieve the paper from the other room. “I worked the puzzle last night. There were a couple I couldn’t get I want to see what the answers are.”
Before he left the kitchen he refilled his coffee cup and headed for the living room.
Carla and Chris were once again in the basement way waiting for the right moment.
When Steve got up they seized the moment Carla grabbed the coffee and dumped it down the drain Chris picked up the paper and once again carried it outside. Carla quickly washed the cup and replaced in it in the cupboard then she emptied the coffee pot and washed it as well. Then she quietly left.
As she walked across the yard she checked to make sure Chris had put the paper on the porch.
“Ok now what in the h-- is going on?” He shouted to no one in particular after returning to the kitchen and not seeing his coffee cup and paper on the table.
“I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. I know I poured myself a fresh cup of coffee.” Steve pulled out another cup and was about to pour himself another cup. “This is really gone to far.” He muttered “I know Jaime made a whole pot of coffee when she got up this morning.”
Shaking Steve walked to the front door. “I knew it. I knew it.” He cried when he saw the paper on the porch.
Steve sat around the house the rest of the day. He was almost afraid to move. He was still sitting in the living room when Jaime came in the house.
“Steve. Honey what’s wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing. Why do you ask?” Steve looked up at her.
“You look terrible. No. Let me rephrase that. You look like you’re scared to death.”
“Well I’m fine.” Steve assured her. Just a little tired I guess.”
They called it a night early.
The next morning once again Jaime was gone before Steve woke up. “I really wish she would wait till I get up before she leaves.” Steve said as he stepped out on the porch to gt the paper.
“This time I’m keeping it with me.” Steve tucked it under his arm and headed into the kitchen.
He set the paper on the counter and took out what he needed to make pancakes for himself.
Steve plugged in the electric skillet so it would be hot enough. He started mixing up the pancake batter. He was getting ready to scoop a cup of batter into the skillet the phone rang.
“I really shouldn’t answer that.” He thought as he set the scoop back into the bowl of pancake batter.
Steve walked into the living room and picked up the phone. Of course no one was there.
“Now I’m sure that everything is …” He stepped back into the kitchen. “Yea just as I thought.” Everything had been put away or cleaned up.
“That’s it. I have to tell someone about this. He got in his car and headed for the OSI building. He went straight up to Rudy’s office.
Rudy watched as Steve stepped into his office. He sat in the chair across from Rudy.
“What can I do for you Steve?” Rudy asked after several moments of silence.
“I don’t know Rudy. I can’t explain it. I think I’m losing my mind…”
“Losing your mind? I don’t understand Steve.” Rudy asked as the two of them sat talking in his office.
“It’s hard to explain Rudy. Let me tell you what’s been going on the past few days.”
Steve explained the incidents that had occurred over the past three days. “Do you see what I’m saying Rudy?” Steve almost sounded scared.
“I get the general idea. I think if I were in your position I would seriously wonder about my own sanity. But I’m sure it is very easily explained.” Rudy tried to reassure him.
“Rudy I know I got those things out. And I know I brought the paper in. I mean I started reading it on my way to the kitchen. The headline stayed the same”
“You know Steve. We all have moments like that. We are certain we left our keys on the counter when all the time they are either in our hand or pocket. Happened to me just the other day. I really don’t think there is anything to get to concerned about.” Rudy’s voice was reassuring, but Steve still didn’t like the tone very well.
“It’s just a little disconcerting Rudy.” Steve went on. “I know I have had moments like that myself. But this is totally different. “ Steve added. “I mean I was so positive.”
“Well I don’t think it’s anything to get to alarmed about just at the moment. Try being a bit more observant in what you’re doing.”
“Oh come on Rudy I’m always observant. I feel I know exactly what I’m doing!” Steve shouted.
“I didn’t mean anything by that Steve. What I mean was…”
“I know Rudy I’m sorry.” Steve apologized. “Maybe you’re right and I just thought I had gotten the paper and poured my cereal into the bowl.” He was a bit sarcastic in his tone.
“Look Steve if you’re that concerned. I mean there are other people you could talk to.”
“You think I need a psychiatrist?”
“No of course not. But if you think you need…”
“I don’t need a psychiatrist Rudy!” Steve argued.
“Well you are the one who brought it up.” Rudy reminded.
“Yea well I don’t think it has gone that far just yet.” Steve calmed down a bit. “Look I have to go. I’ll see you later.”
Just as Steve was leaving Dan was coming in. “What’s with him?” Dan asked.
“I’m not sure Dan.” Rudy proceeded to tell Dan what Steve had told him.”
“Huh sounds like a movie I watched the other night on TV.” Dan muttered to himself. “Listen do you mind if I go over to Steve’s. We are done with classes for today because of finals coming up.”
“No I don’t mind. I’ll see if Russ can give you a ride.” Rudy stated.
Steve parked his car in the driveway and walked in the back door. When He came into the living room his car was now parked in the street.
“Now I know I parked in the drive. If I had parked in the street I would have come through the front door.” Steve spoke out loud as he looked at his car parked on the street. “This is really getting bizarre “
Steve turned on the TV to watch the noon news. “I think I’ll fix a sandwich, “ He muttered as he walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later he came back into the living room.
“Now what the blue blazes!” He cried. The TV had been switched from the channel with the news to another channel.
“Ok, ok I really think I am cracking up.” Again he slipped into the kitchen to use the phone. ‘I don’t know who you talk to about something like this.’ Once again he dialed Rudy.
Rudy picked it up on the first ring. “Yes.” He spoke.
“Rudy. It’s me. It’s happening again.” He spoke into the phone.
“What’s happening Steve?” Rudy asked.
“Ok look I just turned on the TV to watch the news. I stepped into the kitchen…” Steve told him the whole story.
“Steve. Let me ask you. After you turned on the TV did you actually watch it?”
Steve thought for a moment. “Actually no. I turned it on and came into the kitchen. But it should have been on the channel we had it on last night.” Steve proclaimed.
“Well there you have it. Maybe Jaime left something at home and brought the kids with her they may have changed the channel.” Rudy again tried to reassure him.
“I bet you’re right.” Steve let out a sigh of relief.
“Steve just relax always remember there is always a logical explanation to everything.”
“A logical explanation. I forgot to tell you about the car.”
“What about the car?” Rudy wondered.
“I parked in the driveway, and when I came in the house, it was parked at the curb.” Steve told him
“I’ll admit that is pretty strange. Are you positive you parked in the drive? I mean…”
“I know I did. Otherwise I would have come in through the front, not the back door.” Steve explained.
Rudy thought for a moment. “Steve did you take anything into our out of the garage?” Rudy asked.
“As a matter of fact I had to check on something, but I know I…”
“Look, maybe you parked in the street, then remembered what you wanted to do in the garage went in and of course used the back door.” Rudy tried to explain.
“I guess that’s about as logical an explanation I’m going to come up with.” Steve sighed. “I mean how else do you explain it.”
“Feeling better?” Rudy asked.
“Yea. A little.” Steve replied. “Thanks.”
“Any time. If it happens again feel free to call I’ll try to help you look at it logically.”
Rudy told him.
“I will again thanks.” Steve hung up and went back to finish the news. Of course his sandwich was gone.
“I’ll just make another.” This time he turned the TV up so he could hear it in the kitchen. Nothing else happened.
After speaking to Steve. Rudy picked up the phone and called Oscar’s house He knew Jaime and the kids would be on their break.
Jaime picked up the phone. “Yes” She spoke.
“Jaime its Rudy. Listen I’m a little concerned about Steve.” He announced.
“You know I am too. He really didn’t want me to come to work yesterday. He wanted me to stay home with him.”
“Really?” Rudy wondered he told her of the conversation he and Steve had had. “You know what I think it is?” Rudy went on.
“What?” Jaime asked.
“This is going to be a little off the wall, but bare with me.”
“Ok I will.” Jaime sat at the table so she could concentrate on what Rudy had to tell her.
“I think Steve could be having some anxiety about the baby.” Rudy speculated.
“Oh come on Rudy. Steve is excited about the baby. As a matter of fact I think he’s more excited than me.” Jaime corrected him
“Yea. I know he’s excited, but maybe at the same time a little jealous. It happens sometimes.” Rudy told her.
“You know, you may be right. Just yesterday he said we should take the honeymoon we never had.”
“Jaime that sounds like a fabulous idea. The boys will be done with school. I’m sure Oscar can find someone to watch the kids maybe Minnie can…”
“But my concern is for Marc.” Jaime concluded.
“Marc will be just fine. I’ll have a talk with him. Explain how important it is.” Rudy told her.
“Steve did say it would be just for the weekend.” Jaime remembered. “He said he would come and talk to Marc.”
“You know” Rudy began. “If it’s just for the weekend maybe I could plan something with Marc, just the two of us Or three of us I suppose I should include Matt as well.”
“Rudy that sounds like a great idea. Marc really needs the time with you.” Jaime added.
“Yea I know. Anyway let me know what’s going on I’ll stop by later on my way home I want to see how Steve is doing.”
“I’ll be expecting you.” Jaime hung up and got the twins back to work.
Steve looked at the clock “I better get going if I’m going to go talk to Marc.” Steve said to himself. He was just going out the front door to get in his car that was still parked by the curb.
“Hi Dan. What brings you here?” Steve asked when he saw Dan coming up the front steps.
“Rudy told me what’s been going on. I was wondering if there was anything I could do.” Dan asked.
“Why, your subject this week psychiatry?” Steve’s sarcastic tone returned.
“No. As a matter of fact I believe you.” Dan told him.
“Believe me? Or humoring me?” Steve scoffed.
“I believe you. I bet none of the incidents happen when Jaime is home do they?” Dan asked.
“No as a matter of fact…”
“I didn’t think so.” Dan proclaimed. “Look I don’t know if this will help or not. I know it will help me. I have finals in all of my classes at some point this week. I was wondering if I could stay here. You see I don’t need to be in school unless I have a test. I can really use the study time.”
“Are you asking if you can stay with us?” Steve asked.
Dan’s face turned red. “Well I know it’s not polite to invite yourself…”
“Consider your self invited.” Steve laughed. “Listen I have to ride out to your place anyway. I need to talk to Marc. You can grab your gear while we’re there.”
“Sounds good.” Dan exclaimed.
After talking to Marc and gathering up Dan’s things and getting Oscar’s permission for Dan to stay with them. Jaime, Dan and Steve headed back to Steve’s house.
Steve pulled into the garage followed by Jaime. “Well here we are.” Steve announced as they got out of the car.
Jaime pulled in beside them. “So what should we have for dinner?” She asked.
The next morning Jaime was gone before Dan and Steve got up. Dan was up when Steve came down. He had his schoolbooks all over the dining room table.
“Hitting the books already huh?’ Steve said as he passed through. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Nothing right now. In fact I’m going to ‘leave’.” Dan stated.
“I really wish you wouldn’t.” Steve almost sounded scared.
Dan shook his head. “You just go about what you usually do. I’ll be back in a bit.” He slipped out the front door made his way around to the back of the house and went back in through the back door of the garage.
Steve again set about the task of fixing breakfast for himself. He got the toaster out and then a pan to fry eggs. Just as he was ready to crack the eggs into the pan the doorbell rang.
“Must be Dan I bet he forgot something.” Steve went to the door. Carla again slipped in through the basement. This time she didn’t know that Dan was watching her every move.
She put the eggs, toaster and pan away. Then went and hid in the basement way again.
Steve came back into the kitchen and saw the things put away. “That’s it. I’m calling a shrink.”
Dan stepped into the kitchen.
Dan put his finger over his lips and walked over to the basement door. Steve followed.
Dan threw open the basement door. Carla stood shocked.
Steve grabbed her and pulled her into the kitchen.
“It’s been her all along Steve.” Dan explained. “I watched her from the minute you left the kitchen.” Dan explained everything.
I don’t understand Dan. How did you know?” Oscar asked after he and the OSI Security removed Carla and Chris from Steve’s house.
“Well.” Dan started. “I thought it sounded very similar to the movie
‘Gas Light’ I watched the other night on TV Dan explained.
“Well I’m just glad it’s over.” Steve breathed a sigh of relief. “I really thought I was loosing it.”
“That’s what she wanted you to think Steve” Dan spoke up. “She wanted to convince everyone that you were the crazy one.”
“I wish you would have said something to me.” Jaime stood next to him.
“I didn’t want you to think I was cracking up.” Steve blushed.
“Well, I knew you weren’t losing your mind.” Rudy stated. “I told you there was a logical explanation for everything.”
“Well I’m glad it’s over,” Oscar said as he turned to Dan. “Are you still staying here?”
“If nobody minds. It is a lot quieter here than at home.” Dan proclaimed. He turned to Steve and Jaime. “Is that ok.”
“He” Steve pointed to Danny, “can stay as long as he likes.”
“Well” Rudy broke in. “I have a plane to catch. I have that medical convention I have to attend I’ll be back in about a week, that is “ He turned to Jaime and Steve “You two kids can hold off that long.”
“Yea, We’ll be fine. We’ll plan it the week end after you get back.” Steve said.
“Good then, I’ll see you in about a week.” Rudy gave everyone a wave and was gone.
In a courtroom across town Carla and Chris were pleading not guilty to the charges against them.
“We request you honor that they be released ROR “ Their lawyer asked.
“I can’t do that.” The Judge stated. “Bail is set at $10,000 each.”
Oscar stood to protest but the prosecutor held him down. “Just take it easy Oscar we’ll get our day in court.” He whispered.
“Thank you!” Your honor the attorney for Carla and Chris said right before the left the courtroom.
The two women headed for a small park across the street. “So now what do we do?” Chris asked.
“Now we move in for the kill. I’m so mad at myself. Barney told me to watch our for Danny. I forgot about the little genius “ Carla seethed. “Tonight we break into their house and.” Carla pulled out a small caliber handgun “And it’s lights out for Col Austin.”
Later that night Jaime and Steve discussed the possibility of taking their long overdue honeymoon as soon as the kids go out of school.
“When do you think you’ll be done with the boys?” Steve asked.
“In a week or so.” Jaime told him. I do want to work with them over the summer though.”
“That sounds fine. But I really think we need some time together before the baby comes.” Steve reasoned.
“Well I agree. I think it would be a good idea. I would love to get away just the two of us. And Marc seems ok with it. Rudy said he would do something special with him and Matt. So as soon as Rudy gets back, I'll let the boys off the hook, and we'll be off.” Jaime explained
“Then it’s settled as soon as the kids get out of school.”
Steve Jaime and Danny were all asleep when Carla and Chris Hiller tried to get in through the front door. It was locked tight.
“There is no way we’re going to get in that way.” Chris whispered.
They tried for over an hour to gain entry but failed. “I have an idea. We still own the house across the street.” Carla whispered. “Steve’s window faces the street. Come on I’ll show you what I’m going to do.”
Chris followed Carla back to their house. “:Ok come on.” They crept up to one o the bedrooms; it was directly across from Steve and Jaime’s window. The light for the moon and the street light gave enough light Carla aimed the gun and shot. The bullet traveled across the street and hit Steve in the back of the head….