
The next day Steve slowly woke up. He had a splitting headache. The morning sunlight streamed in the bedroom window. Steve turned to Jaime’s side of the bed she wasn’t there. ‘Must be in the kitchen.’ He thought.

He got out of bed and began turning on the lights. ‘Must be earlier than I thought.’ he said to himself. ‘The sun isn’t even up yet.’ He squinted at the clock on the dresser it read 7:30 in the morning. ‘That is strange’ Steve thought. ‘It must be raining of some thing.’

He quickly took a shower before going down stairs. “I wonder what is wrong.” He voiced aloud to no one but himself. “Everything is so dim. It’s like the lights don’t work.” He stepped out of the shower and got dressed.

Steve thought he could hear voices coming from the kitchen as he made his way downstairs. ‘Oh yea that’s right. Danny is staying with us. Man does my head hurt.’ Steve thought as he walked across the living room and made his way into the kitchen.

“Morning honey.” Jaime said when he stepped into the kitchen. “We’re featuring oatmeal for breakfast this morning.”

“That sounds great.” Steve reached up and rubbed his right eye.

He was startled at how bright it was. The sunlight was almost too much.

“Looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous day out huh?” Jaime asked.

“Yea looks that way.” He turned to Danny “So how is the studying coming?”

“Just fine. I really appreciate the two of you letting me stay here. Trying to study in the house with the twins and Joey is just not possible.” Dan took his nose out of his book to answer the question.

“Well” Steve began. “When you’re ready the bus will take you to school”

“I’m ready now I guess. We have our first set of tests to day. Then the rest tomorrow then we end the school year.”

“Well that’s good.” Steve said. He was relieved. He was seeing just fine now. ‘That was strange ‘ He thought. ‘I’ll mention it to Rudy when he gets back from that medical conference he left for yesterday.’

“So you’re ready?” Steve turned to Dan.

“Yea let’s go.”

Jaime gave Steve a kiss good bye “Drive careful” She advised. “Can you do me a favor?”

“I suppose. Did you want something?” Steve kissed her back.

“Well if it’s not to much trouble could you pick me up some butter pecan ice cream?”

“No trouble at all I’ll bring it on out to Oscar’s for you.”

“Maybe some pickles too?” Dan suggested giving a slight giggle. “I’m sorry Jaime I just couldn’t resist.”

“Would the two of you get out of here so I can finish the dishes. Then I have to get to Oscar’s to tutor the kids.”

“I’ll bring the ice cream there.” Steve informed her. “Come on Dan.”

The two of them got in Steve’s car and started off for Dan’s school.

That’s when it happened Steve and Dan were driving along discussing what a bright sunny day it was when all of the sudden everything went fuzzy again for Steve. He ran into the car in front of him.

Just as he did the fuzziness was gone and Steve’s vision was clear again.

“You ok Dan?” Steve turned to him

“Yea. I think so anyway. What happened?”

“I don’t know. Just all of the sudden everything got real fuzzy. Did the sun go under a cloud?”

“No it didn’t Steve. Are you ok?” Dan knew something wasn’t quite right but couldn’t quite figure it out just yet.

“No I don’t think I am.” Steve told him. “I can’t wait for Rudy to get back from that conference he’s at.”

“Yea dad said he’d be gone for about a week. He left the number with dad in case of an emergency. “ Dan reminded

“Well I hardly call this an emergency Dan.” Steve and the driver of the other car exchanged insurance information. Then Steve continued onto Dan’s school.

“Ok Dan. Here you go.” Steve said when they finally pulled up in front of Dan’s school “I still don’t see why you called the police, much less wanted an immediate copy of the police report…”

“I’m late for school.” Dan held up the police report. “At least the head master will believe me.”

“I see.” Steve gave a slight chuckle and headed over to talk to Oscar for a minute.

“Hey Steve, how’s your house guest coming?” Oscar asked when Steve entered his office.

“Just fine. I just dropped him off at school. Steve told him. “Sure you don’t want to give him and Marc up. I’ll take both Steve told him” Steve smiled. By the way I had a little accident on the way over to Dan’s school.”

“What happened?” Oscar wanted to know.

“I don’t know. I ran into the car ahead of us. Not to much damage a dented fender for both of us.”

“Are you alright?” Oscar sounded concerned Rudy was gone and if Steve had been hurt…

“Yea I’m fine.” Steve assured him. “By the way, when is Rudy coming back?”

“At the end of the week. He left his information with me incase something happens to Marc. I mean the other kids I could take to the hospital if something happens I guess but Rudy was concerned about Marc. The weather is nice and the kids are outside more.”

“Yea I guess you’re right.” Steve said. “Well I have to get over to your place. I have been requested to bring ice cream. Butter pecan if I’m not mistaken.”

“You know Steve. You could make a ton of money if you could figure out how to make pickle flavored ice cream.” Oscar laughed.

“Get your genius son to work on it.” Steve joined him laughing.

“I’ll see you later Steve.” Oscar gave him a slight wave when he left.

Steve made it over to Oscar’s house with out anymore problems.

Jaime saw him pull into the drive She ran out to greet him “What happened to the car.” She wondered.

“I had a little accident.” Steve told her.”

“Steve. Are you alright?” She asked. “That isn’t like you.”

“Yea I know. I’m fine though really.” He didn’t want to worry her and besides it didn’t seem to be a problem now. He hadn’t had any problems since right before the accident.

“So is Dan staying with us again tonight?” Jaime asked.

“Yea he says his finals will be over by tomorrow. He said it’s hard to study with so much confusion in the house.” Steve told her.

“Well then I’ll make sure I fix enough for dinner I suppose he’ll go straight to our house after school?”

“Well with Rudy gone there is nothing for him to work on at the lab. Besides I think it’s best that he concentrate on his studies.”

“Yea I suppose your right.” Jaime stated.

“Where are the younger kids?” Steve wondered.

“They are in the dinning room doing their work.” Jaime explained.

“Well then I better go. Tell Marc I’ll see him after ‘school’.” Steve turned to leave.

“I will. You drive careful. I mean it this time.” Jaime scolded.

“I will. I’ll see you at home. Listen I’ll make dinner tonight.” Steve said.

“I’ll hold you to it.” Jaime sounded relieved. “I’m really beat. That would be great.”

Steve left Oscar’s house and got in his car. He had just started it up when it happened again. Everything went very fuzzy almost to the point of being dark. ‘What is going on?’ He asked himself.

He reached up and rubbed his right eye and everything came back into vision. “Well that’s better.” Steve stated aloud.

He started the car and headed for home. He planned on making a wonderful dinner for the three of them He kind of wished Danny wasn’t staying with them. He could make it a romantic dinner.

Steve decided that lasagna might be rather tasty so he stopped at the store to buy what he needed to make the lasagna.

Steve made it to the store and back to the house without any more attacks. He started preparing dinner.


At the Richmond School Danny’s class was taking a break in between tests. Dan headed straight for the medical section of the library. He couldn’t help thinking about what had happened earlier in the morning with Steve.

He started looking up vision problems. He had a stack o books on the topic when the bell rang calling his group back for the rest of their final exams. Dan quickly checked the books out and headed for his next class. ‘Something is very, very wrong.’ Dan thought to himself. ‘I just can’t put my finger on it.’


At the house Steve’s attacks were coming closer and closer together. He put the dinner on hold and went upstairs to rest. ‘I just don’t under stand this.’ Steve thought as the groped his way upstairs. “I don’t under stand it at all. Maybe I better have Oscar give Rudy a call. I just hate to pull him away from the conference.”

Steve managed to make it up to his room. He laid down on the bed and fell asleep He didn’t hear Danny come back in the house after Russ dropped him off.

Thinking he was alone Dan went to the guest room to study for the next day’s tests at school. But the books he had taken from the library kept calling him.

Steve was still sleeping and Dan was reading when Jaime walked in the back door. “I knew he wouldn’t fix anything.” Jaime was half irritated.

Before she went upstairs to change her clothes before she started dinner she saw Steve had bought ingredients for lasagna “Well it’s to late for that now.” Jaime muttered to herself as she stomped her way across the kitchen. “I just don’t understand why Steve would say he was fixing dinner and then not do it.”

Jaime stopped by the guest room first She knocked on the door. “Come in.” Dan called.

“Dinner in just a bit Dan.” She announced.

“Dan barely looked up from his reading. “Yea, sure Jaime.” He went back to his book.

Jaime went into she and Steve’s room next. She was shocked to see he was asleep.

“Steve honey. Are you alright?” Jaime leaned over him.

“Jaime?” Steve questioned.

“Yea honey it’s me. What’s wrong? You never fall asleep during the day.” Jaime sounded worried.

“I had a little headache.” Steve explained. “So I thought I would lie down for a minute before I started dinner, I was going to fix lasagna. I guess it’s to late for that now huh?”

“Why don’t we go to Angelinos? You have me hungry for Italian.” Jaime suggested.

“Yea sure my treat.” Steve started to get out of bed. “Just let me change first. I’m sure I’m a wrinkled mess.”

“I’ll go tell Dan what we’re doing.” Jaime headed back down the hall to the guest room She was just getting ready to knock on the door when Steve called out from the other room.

“Jaime. Jaime! Get back here. Hurry please, get back here.” Jaime ran toward their room followed by Danny. “Steve what is it what’s wrong?” She cried.

“I can’t see anything!! I can’t see anything at all!! Have Oscar get Rudy back here now!!”

Oscar and his younger kids were just sitting down to dinner themselves when the phone rang.

“I hate it when people call during the dinner hour.” Oscar muttered as he got up to answer the phone. “You kids go ahead and get started. I’ll be right back.”

He stepped into his office and lifted the receiver “Yes Hello.” He spoke into the phone.

“Oscar it’s Jaime you need to get Rudy back here right now!” Jaime cried into the phone.

“Jaime what is it? Is it the baby?” Was Oscar’s first thought, then he remembered the baby was still months away.

“No Oscar, it’s Steve. He says he can’t see anything. Just call Rudy.”

“I’m on it. Listen Jaime get Steve to the lab. I’ll call Rudy and then Minnie to watch the kids. I’ll meet you there. Don’t worry, Rudy isn’t far!” Oscar assured.

Oscar hung up and dialed the number for the hotel Rudy was staying at in New York. “Yes I would like Dr. Rudy wells’ room this is an emergency.” Oscar emphasized

Rudy was on the phone in a matter of seconds. “Yes Oscar what’s the problem?” Rudy asked.

Oscar began to tell him what Jaime had told him.


“Steve honey Oscar wants us to get to the lab. Do you think you can make it to the car?”

Steve sat on the edge of the bed he was trembling with fear. “I don’t know Jaime. I can’t see anything at all.” Steve explained.

“Well come on let me get you to the car. Dan can you help us.” Jaime wondered. “Your dad is meeting us there.”

Steve grabbed Jaime’s arm “He’s not bringing the kids is he?”

“No. He said he would call Minnie to watch them.”

“That’s good.” Steve muttered as he allowed himself to be led out to the car by Jaime. Dan ran ahead removing anything that might get in Steve’s way.

They got in the car and Jaime drove to the OSI. Dan sat in the backseat.

Oscar met them at the front door. He was shocked to see Steve being lead into the building by Jaime holding his arm. Oscar quickly grabbed the other. “Steve. It’s Oscar. Rudy is on his way. He’ll be here within the hour.”

Between the two of them they were able to get Steve up to Rudy’s lab. They managed to get him onto the gurney Rudy kept in his office. “Just lie back and relax pal.” Oscar soothed. “It’s going to be just fine. Rudy will be here soon and get you fixed up.”

Jaime stayed beside him while Oscar joined Dan in the outer office.

“He’s going to be just fine Dan.” You’ll see.

“That’s why we had the accident this morning.” Dan explained. “I should have known then that something was wrong. I was thinking about my exams at school.” Dan chided himself. “I should have said something.”

“Dan you were thinking about your school work which is what you should have been concentrating on. Steve would agree.” Oscar turned his attention to the door when Jaime stepped out.

“He’s asleep.” She informed them.

“I wonder what could be wrong?” Oscar speculated.

“I wouldn’t have any idea.” Jaime presumed. “I just wish Rudy would hurry and get here.” Jaime stated.


It was 7:30 when Rudy finally showed up. “Where’s Steve?” He asked.

“He’s inside Rudy.” Oscar told him.

Rudy stepped into the lab. He gently shook Steve. “Steve. Hey Steve.”

Steve slowly opened his eyes. “Rudy?” Steve muttered.

“Yea. It’s me. How are you doing?” He asked.

“Not so good. I still can’t see anything. It has been off and on all day Rudy. But now it won’t come back. I just don’t under stand it”

“Tell me exactly what’s been going on.” Rudy looked at Steve

“It started this morning. Like I said. Just off and on at first. And then it’s fuzzy. Almost total darkness, but not quite.” Steve informed him.

“I see. Steve when this has happened did you try using your left eye?” Rudy asked. “The reason I ask is I need to know if both eyes are affected.” He continued to watch Steve closely.

“Actually yes. When it happened once I reached up to rub my right eye and it came back.”

“That’s what I thought.” Rudy stated. “What ever happened, affected your right eye first. Then it affected both. I don’t understand exactly why. Let me take a look at both eyes.”

“Yea sure “ Steve was willing.

“Ok.” Rudy said after he had examined both eyes. “Steve You can’t see anything out of either eye is the correct?.”

“That’s right. Like I said. It started slow at first but then bang both eyes went just like that!” Steve snapped his fingers.

“I really can’t explain it. The eye itself seems fine, as does the left. I just wish I could put my finger on it.” Rudy was angry with himself for not having the answer everyone seemed to want.

“Is he going to be this way permanently?” Oscar demanded

“Of course not. Right Rudy? Jamie hammered him for answers.

“I can’t honestly give you an answer. As I said, from what I can determine both eyes are fine.” Rudy sighed.

“That’s just great!” Steve shouted. “Hey maybe I’m imagining this as well!” Steve was screaming now.

Rudy put his hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Now Steve. What is happening is very real. I just have to find out why you can’t see. There could be several reasons. None of which make any sense right now. I’m going to have to run a series of tests and find out exactly what is going on.” Rudy finished.

“Ok why don’t you do that then?” Oscar agreed. “We’ll just wait and see what they tell us.

“I hope they give us some kind of an answer.” Steve sighed. “I mean I kind of like being able to see. You sort of come to depend on you vision if you know what I mean.” Steve’s tone was sarcastic. “So let’s get this figured out!”

Rudy set about the task of running a number of tests on Steve. All indications showed that he should have clear vision in both eyes.

“I just can’t seem to pin point it Steve. Now I don’t want you to get up set by what I’m going to say. But there is nothing wrong with your eyes.”

“Oh great. So now I suppose it is all in my head. I only THINK I can’t see.” Steve was furious. “Come on Jaime get me the hell out of here I don’t think this idiot knows what he’s talking about.”

“Steve. I really think…”

“Didn’t you just hear him? He said nothing was wrong! Well he’s wrong!” Steve continued to shout.

Rudy tried to hold him down, but Steve gave him a shove amost to hard. Rudy hit the wall behind him.

Steve turned in the direction he had last heard Jaime’s voice. “Let’s go!” he demanded.

Jaime turned to Danny. “You coming with us?” She asked.

“I think I’m going to stay here and work with Rudy, maybe between the two of us we can figure out exactly what’s going on.” Dan told her.

“Haven’t you heard Dan?” Steve shouted again. “There is nothing wrong with me!”

“Come on Steve.” Jaime stated. If you want to go I’ll take you.”

Oscar turned to leave. “Rudy, just drop Dan by the house.”

‘Rudy.” Danny said walking over to him and helping him up. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know Dan. I’m open to any suggestions.”

“I don’t know. It’s something Steve said about it all being in his head. You didn’t run any x-rays or anything did you?”

“No Dan as a matter of fact I didn’t Not very smart of me huh?”

“Well that’s not the issue Rudy.” Dan began. “Remember when Marc had that problem a while back from when he fell off his bike?”

“Yea, pressure had built up on the optic nerve. Dan you just might be on to something.”

“Let’s get over to Steve and Jaime’s” Dan suggested.

Rudy reached over and grabbed Dan. “Come on!”


It was nearly 9:00 when Jaime and Steve arrived back home. “What do you suppose Rudy is going to do?” Jaime wondered.

“I don’t know.” Steve sighed.

“Don’t be so down. Rudy will come up with something.” Jaime assured.

“What if he doesn’t? What if I’m this way for the rest of my life Jaime? What if I never get to see our son? I just don’t understand, why can’t Rudy find something wrong? Steve got out of the car and slammed the door. He fumbled his way upstairs groping all the way. He started removing his things from he and Jaime’s room.

“Steve. What are you doing?” Jaime asked. When she finally caught up to him.

“I think it’s best this way at least for the time being.” Steve barely spoke. He turned and walked out of the room.

Rudy and Danny showed up with in minutes. They raced in the house. “Jaime” Rudy called out How is Steve doing? I almost hate to ask.”

“Not very good Rudy. He’s very depressed.” Jaime informed him. She turned to Dan. “Dan I hope you don’t mind, but could you go home tonight?”

“No problem Jaime.” Dan agreed “But I think Rudy and I have the solution to the problem.”

“No Dan. You’re the one who came up with the answer. Rudy started upstairs. “Just wait here for me I’ll be right back down.”

Rudy made his way down the hall He opened the door to Steve’s room “Steve we need to talk…”

“What do you mean?” Steve was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Dan and I think we have come up with a solution to the problem.” Rudy emphasized

“And that would be?” Steve sounded unsure.

“Do you remember last winter when Marc fell off his bike?” Rudy asked

Steve nodded. “I don’t see what that has to do with anything.” He grumbled.

“Do you remember what happened a while later? He had trouble seeing?”

“I sort of remember. I remember we were concerned he might not be able to see.” Steve turned in the direction of Rudy’s voice.

“The reason he couldn’t see was because there was pressure on the optic nerve.” Rudy reminded.

“Yea I do remember.” Steve was listening now. “Is that what you think the problem could be?”

“It’s a very strong possibility, “ Rudy added.

“But Rudy you forget one thing.” Steve was going down again. “I haven’t been bumped on the head recently.”

“Marc said you were when Bacon shoved you in the freezer. It could take that long for the pressure to build.” Rudy reminded.

“Well, how do we determine this?” Steve’s voice sound up again.

“We need to run some x-rays and all that fun stuff. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that in the first place.” Rudy said as he started to guide Steve out of his room.

“Well at least you came up with it in the second place.” Steve let Rudy lead him down the steps.

“It wasn’t actually me.” Rudy explained. “It was Dan’s idea.”

The two of them headed downstairs. “Hey Jaime did Rudy tell you. He actually does think it’s in my head.” Steve smiled.

“Yea, I know” Jaime noted. “Dan was just explaining it to me.” Jaime turned toward him. “You sure look better.” She noted.

“I feel better too. Steve related.

“I’m so glad your feeling better.” Jaime turned to Rudy “What a change.” She told him.

“Why don’t I give you a ride over to the lab? I’d really like to get this resolved tonight. If it is pressure on the brain then we can operate first thing in the morning.”

“In the morning. Rudy why not tonight?” Steve complained.

“Well we’ll se what we can come up with “ Rudy stated

I hope it tells us exactly what the problem is. I’m just glad you were able to get back here. I really hated to…”

“Hey you did me the favor. There is nothing more boring that a medical conference. I was glad to get out of there.” Rudy laughed.

“Well then I won’t feel quite sot bad about pulling you away.” Steve joined him.

An hour later Rudy had completed the tests. He met with Steve, Jaime and Oscar in his office.

“Well Steve I found out what the problem is.” Rudy began

“And?’ Steve asked

Rudy cleared his throat. “Well Steve, it looks like you’ve been shot.” Rudy told the trio

“Say what?” Oscar thundered….

“That is what I’m telling you Oscar. At some point, and I would say very recently “Steve was shot. A bullet fragment is resting on the optic nerve. That’s why he can’t see.” Rudy explained. “I don’t see the rest of the bullet though.”

“When? How?” Oscar began.

“I would say in the past 24 to 48 hours.” Rudy answered I would also say the gun was a great distance away. “ He looked at Oscar He could tell Oscar didn’t understand what he was saying.

“Oscar.” Rudy went on. “If they had been on top of Steve. Steve would more than likely be dead. I would suggest looking around the house. It could have come from across the street. Maybe while Steve was working in the yard. It could have even come into the house through a window.”

“We’ll look.” Jaime promised. “Won’t we Steve. Steve?”

Steve was so shocked he could hardly speak. Then he broke through. “You know, I had a headache that morning when I woke up.”

“Then in that case. My guess is that it occurred sometime the night before then.” Rudy added. He turned to Jaime “I’d suggest looking around the room. It must be there someplace.”

“I’ll do that as soon as Steve comes out of surgery.” Jaime stated.

“Well” Oscar began. “Can you remove the bullet fragment?”

Rudy nodded. I have to be very careful though. From what I can determine the bullet has not hurt the nerve, it is just resting against it.”

“So then what do you do?” Jaime asked.

“I get him ready for surgery. I’ll remove the bullet fragment and things should be back to normal.”

“Should be?” Steve wondered

“Steve I’m not going to give you a straight answer on this one. I can’t.” Rudy sighed.

“OK, well I guess I’ll have to accept that. At least I know I’m not crazy.” Steve muttered.

“Speaking of crazy.” Jaime started. “What happened with Hiller’s wife?”

“She plead not guilty The Judge let her out on bail “ Oscar seemed angry.

“What do you mean a out on bail?” Steve was furious “I was hoping she would get life in prison!”

“Well she probably will.” Oscar explained “We have to go to court I was hoping we wouldn’t have to…

“Well I’m ready for my day in court. I just hope this is resolved by then.” Steve pointed to his eyes.

“Yea you probably will be.” Rudy started again. “She will be tried for breaking and entering.” He finished.

“Breaking and entering! Is that all?” Steve was furious.

“Steve calm down. At least they are taking it that far…”.

“Unless.” Dan interrupted

“Unless what son?” Oscar asked.

“We can tie her to the bullet. That is if we find the bullet. Dad would you take me over to the house? ”

They all looked at the boy sitting on the couch in Rudy’s office. “You really think that is the case Dan?” Oscar broke the silence

Dan nodded. “But right now I think our first priority right now is to get Steve back to normal.”

“Come on Dan I’ll run you over to their house. I’ll even help you look. Jaime call if Steve comes out of surgery before we get back.”

“I’ll do that. Here.” She handed them the key.

Oscar and Dan headed straight for Steve and Jaime’s room when they arrived. It was almost midnight. They had to turn on all the lights to see. Danny searched the floor “I don’t know dad. I just don’t see it.” He said.

Oscar was searching through the bed sheets. “I don’t see it either Dan. Maybe we are wrong.”

“We have to find the bullet. That way ballistics will be able to tell us what kind of a gun it came from.”

“Oscar walked across the room to the window. He looked out on to the street. “Is that the house Carla and her sister-in-law moved into?”

Dan nodded. As he stood up he rested his hand on the mattress, as he did so the mattress moved. “That’s it!” Dan cried. He shoved the mattress away from the headboard. “Dad! Here it is!!”

Oscar carefully picked up the bullet and placed it in a bag. “Let’s get it to the lab. Come on Dan!”


Three days after the surgery Steve’s vision was back to normal. He and Rudy sat talking in his room.

“By the way, did Ballistics find out what kind of a gun the bullet cam from? Steve asked.

“Yes. In fact it lead straight to Carla She has changed he plea to guilty. We cut out the breaking and entering. And went with attempted murder. She will be in Jail for some time.

“Well that’s good.” Steve turned to Jaime “I’m glad this whole thing is over.”

“Me to.” She sat next to him.”

“Well listen” Rudy stated. “I have some things to do. I’ll be back. Feel free to get up and move around “ Rudy suggested.

“I think I’ll take a stroll down to Oscar’s office.” Steve said standing up from the chair he had been sitting in. “Care to join me?” He turned to Jaime.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

Steve and Jaime walked down to Oscar’s office.

“Well I’m glad to see you’re up and around.” Oscar noted when the two of them walked in. “I have some news. I’m moving again.”

“What. Why?” Steve asked.

“I found the perfect house in Bethesda. I just don’t like the idea of criminals knowing where I live. I’ve looked at it. So has Rudy. It has an even better security system than my other place. And it’s in town.”

“Do you really want to live in town again Oscar?” Steve wondered.

“Yea I do. I just don’t think it’s right that the kids don’t have any friends. I tell you it all started the other night at dinner. We were talking about Dan’s birthday, which is coming up at the end of the month. He’ll be 13. Anyway I was asking him what he wanted to do for his birthday.”

“Yea what did Dan say?” Steve wondered.

“He said he would just have a couple of friends over. Anyway Marc and Matt started using that gibberish they use.”

“I wish they wouldn’t do that.” Steve said. “I always feel like they are talking about me.”

“Welcome to the club.” Oscar laughed. “Anyway Rudy and I were finally able to drag it out of him He wonders why he doesn’t have any friends and the reason we moved in the first place was to hide him.”

“Oh the poor kid.” Jaime exclaimed.

“He’s felt this way all along?” Steve demanded.

“I guess so.” Oscar shrugged. “Anyway I need your help to move. Like I said the house is great. They even have a separate apartment for Rudy. Not just a room, an actual real apartment. He said he would move with us.”

“Let me guess.” Jaime smiled. “You want us to help you move?”

“If you would.” Oscar gave a sheepish smile.

“Now I see where the twins get it.” Steve teased. “Well I’ll help but Jaime can just sit back and tell us what to do.”

“Sounds good.” Oscar related

By the next afternoon they were all moved into the new house. Oscar was right. It was great.

The twins now had there own rooms. It was actually like a suite of rooms, one room that had three separate rooms in it.

Dan’s room was set up the same. Only his had only one room that Dan was going to use as his office. The ‘big’ room he would use as his bedroom.

“The security system was already in place with a very nice guard house.

Rudy’s apartment was just off the kitchen with a separate entrance as well.


“Oscar” Steve asked several days later as they sat in the living room of Oscar’s new house. “What does Dan want for his birthday?”

“You know that set of medical books Rudy bought him?” Oscar replied

Steve nodded

“He wants a set of law books as well. They cost quite a bit. I thought we could all to together on them. Dan said that would be fine.”

“Then that’s what we’ll get him.”
