
When they arrived, Nick ushered Sandra inside the house just as Victoria was coming down the stairs. « Nick did you bring the doctor? »

« He’s at the Evans’ place. Olivia Evans is apparently having her baby and…well… Sandra here says she knows something about caring for injuries and offered to check on Heath while we wait for the doctor to return. I left a note at his office to come right over. »

« Mrs. Barkley, how’s Heath? » Sandra asked with great concern.

« He’s sleeping. His fever has risen and that’s what worries me. »

« Nick told me he’d been shot? »

« Yes, in the shoulder. The bullet is out but I’m afraid infection has taken a hold on him. »

« It’s most likely. May I see him? »

« Of course, dear. Come with me. » Victoria clasped Sandra’s hand and led her upstairs to Heath’s bedroom where both Audra and Molly were busy applying cold towels over Heath’s fever-ridden body.

« Hi Sandra, » Audra greeted with a strained smile.

« Hi Audra. I was told your brother has a fever? » Sandra asked as she made her way to the bed to run her hand across Heath’s forehead.

« It’s worse than last night. »

Sandra carefully peeled off the bandage of the wound.

« Hey whacha doin’? » Molly hissed.

« I merely want to peek at the wound, » Sandra explained calmly.

« Yar’ a doctor? »

« No. »

« Then leave that be. Ya’ shouldn’t touch it. »

« Molly, the doctor’s busy delivering a baby and Sandra, here, knows about medecine. Let her examine the wound, » Nick interceded on Sandra’s behalf.

As Sandra began peeling off the bandage from the infected wound, Heath started to stir. « Heath, can you hear me? » Sandra asked, trying to coax him to rouse.

Heath moaned and his eyelids began to flicker.

« Heath. It’s me, Sandra. »

« Sandra? » Heath muttered in a whisper.

She smiled and stoked his cheek under Molly’s glare. She didn’t appreciate the attention Sandra was giving Heath and sensed that she was more than a concerned friend. She was the competition. When Heath opened his eyes, Molly quickly diverted his attention away from the pretty brunette by taking his head and tilting it gently towards her. « Hey Heath. How ya’ feelin’? »

« Molly? » Heath asked groggily.

« Yeah darlin’ »

« Thirsty, » Heath whispered as he moistened his lips.

Molly hurried to pour him a glass of water before Sandra could have the chance to do it. She raised his head and helped him take a few sips. « Slowly now! « She eased his head back onto the pillow. She hated to see him turn towards Sandra and give her a beaming smile. « Sandra, you’re here. »

« Of course I’m here, Heath, » Sandra said as she leaned closer to Heath while she stroked his cheek.

« I’m so tired, » Heath breathed out before he drifted off.

« What’s happening? » Nick asked worriedly.

« He just fell asleep, » Sandra reassured. Her face crumpled in disgust at the putrid odor exuding from the wound.

« It’s bad, isn’t it? »

« There is an infection but I’m sure Dr. Merar will have it under control. In the meantime, all we can do is clean the area surrounding the wound. I’ll need some cold water and clean cloths. »

« I’ll get them, » Victoria offered and left the room. Molly followed her.

« Mrs. Barkley, can I ask ya’ a question? »

« Sure Molly. What is it? »

« That Sandra person, is she Heath’s sweatheart? »

Victoria reached for a few towels in the linen closet while thinking of an answer to give Molly without provoking her. « Why do you ask? »

« She seem prithee sweet on ‘im. »

« She’s a good friend, » Victoria assured with a smile. It was obvious to her that Molly bore deep feelings for her son, but wasn’t aware of the situation between the two. She preferred to remain impartial.

Molly entertained some suspicions that Victoria wasn’t being honest with her. She vowed to throttle the competition by any means conceivable.


When Dr. Merar arrived at the ranch, he ordered everyone out of the room, except for Sandra whom he knew had some medical skills that could come in handy. Molly was incensed and insisted to stay. Victoria managed to pry her away from Heath by assuring her that she would be allowed to sit with him in the evening.

They walked downstairs to the living room. Puzzled by her brothers’ absence, Molly asked Audra if she had seen them.

« They said they were going to check on their horses. »

« Thanks. » Molly went to the stables and saw Buford and Rueben saddling their horses. « Where yar’ goin’? »

« Just do som’ ferretin’ »

« Well don’ ya’ stray far and don’t do nothin’ crazy, ya’ hear? I got meself a real one in there and once we’re married, we won’t have to steal anymore coz we’ll have ourselves a gold mine. »

« Ya’ really think he’s gonna get hitched to ya’? »

« He will once I show ‘im how good a wife I’ll be. »

« Good luck! » Buford sniggered before he and Rueben rode away.

Molly returned to the house to learn that Dr. Merar was going to perform surgery on Heath. Apparently the bullet had driven bits of dirt and cloth into the wound which was causing the infection.

« Young lady, I would like to know with what instrument you removed the bullet, » Merar asked Molly.

« With a knife. »

« Was it sterilized? »

« Ster…? » Molly frowned at the intricate word.

« Sterilized, immersed in alcohol or hot water. »

« Yeah, I used hot water. Did I do wrong? »

« Absolutely not. You proceeded accordingly, » reassured the doctor by placing a hand on her shoulder.

« Doc, just asked Silas to boil lots of water. Anything else? » Nick asked, itching to do something useful.

« Yes. Say a prayer. »

« That I can do. »

« When the water’s ready, would you bring it upstairs? »

« Sure will. »

When all of his instruments were sterilized, Dr. Merar proceeded with the delicate surgery to remove the ischemic tissue and shreds of fabrics with Sandra as his assistant, while the Barkleys and the Morgans waited downstairs. With one hand against the hearth, Nick swirled the whiskey in his glass, completely lost in his thoughts. Audra and Victoria occupied themselves with a bit of sewing while Molly anxiously paced back and forth, wringing her clammy hands. She was worried for Heath, but was mostly furious at the fact that Sandra was up there with the doctor and not her.

« Molly, please sit down, dear. I’m sure Heath will be fine. »

Molly puffed out a loud annoyed sigh. « I cain’t help it, Mrs. Barkley. I feel responsible. »

« For saving my son’s life? »

« Ain’t it obvious I didn’ do a good job? »

Victoria stood from the sofa and walked up to Molly. She wrapped her arm around her shoulders and smiled reassuringly. « You did what anyone would have done under the circumstances. No one foresaw the spread of an infection, not even Dr. Merar. »

Molly looked at Victoria and forced a weak smile on her. « I’m worried. »

« We all are. But there’s no sense in anticipating the worse. »

As both women hugged, Dr. Merar came down the stairs. Molly was the first to hurry over to him. « How’s Heath? »

« I removed the diseased tissue and the bits of shirt that were indeed causing the infection. He should sleep through most of the day. I’ll come back tonight to check on him. »

Victoria clasped Howard’s hand to give thanks.

« Can I see ‘im? » Molly asked expectantly.

« Sure. »

Molly rushed upstairs to Heath’s bedroom where she fumed at the sight of Sandra gently stroking his cheek. « I’ll sit with ‘im now. Ya’ can go. »

« I think it’ll be better if I stay for a while, make sure his fever doesn’t climb. »

« I can do it. »

Sandra hesitated. She turned to Victoria standing by the door who nodded in agreement. « Okay Molly. Make sure you keep cold compresses on him at all time. If he should wake, try to make him drink a few sips of water. »

« I got it, » Molly replied curtly, sighing with annoyance as she was anxious to see Sandra leave the room.

Victoria wrapped her arm around Sandra and beckoned Nick to follow. All three headed downstairs.

« Mrs. Barkley, what’s with that girl? She seems so possessive of Heath. »

« You must understand that she saved his life. I expect she wants to see him through his recovery. »

« I don’t like her. »

« Nick! »

« I strongly sense that she doesn’t appreciate my presence in this house. Is there something between her and Heath? »

« I hope not! » Nick said cynically.

« Nicholas, it’s not of our business. »

As they reached the bottom of the grand staircase, Jarrod entered. He was a bit surprised to see Sandra at the house. « Hello ladies. Sandra what brngs you to the ranch on this fine afternoon? »

« She came to help with Heath’s operation. »

Jarrod’s face dropped to the floor at the mention of the word. « My God! What happened? »

« Dr. Merar had to removed the bits of cloth that the bullet had driven into the wound, which was causing an infection. »

« Is he alright? »

« I think he will be, » Sandra reassured with a smile.

« Who’s up with him now? »

« Molly. »

« Speaking of Molly, Mother, Audra and Nick, I need to speak to you privately. Sandra if you’ll escuse us for just a few minutes? »

« It’s time for me to leave anyway. » She turned to Victoria and asked, « May I come back this evening to visit? »

« You know you are welcomed anytime Sandra, » Victoria said as she hugged the young girl.

Jarrod escorted Sandra to the front door. As soon as he closed it, he went to the parlor with Nick, Victoria and Audra.

« What is it, Jarrod? » Victoria asked with a tinge of concern.

« Mother you remember when I told you Rueben and Buford looked familiar? »

« Yes. »

« I dropped by the sheriff’s office this morning and he showed me a wanted poster on the Morgan brothers for their arrest. They’re wanted for robbery and murder. »

« Murder! » Audra exclaimed.

Shocked, Victoria put a hand to her mouth. « Oh, my God! »

« What about their sister? » Nick asked.

« It doesn’t mention her, only her brothers. Heath was in Coreyville when the bank was robbed there. The two men killed the bank teller and ran off with a girl hostage witnesses described as Molly. The men were wearing masks so there’s no way to properly identify them, but from the physical description of the eyewitnesses, I’m convinced it was the Morgan brothers. »

«So Molly acted as the innocent victim and Heath fell right into their trap, » Nick surmised dejectedly.

« Most likely. »

« Then, why save his life? » Audra asked, a bit puzzled.

« It’s obvious the girl is smitten with Heath. Perhaps she had a change of heart, » Jarrod speculated, knowing he was grasping at straws.

« And Heath doesn’t know. »

« I don’t think he does. »

« We have to get rid of them. »

« Not so fast there, Brother Nick. We know what they are capable of if they suspect us of knowing and with Heath fighting for his life, we can’t afford to antagonize them. »

« We just can’t let them stay here! » Nick bellowed.

« Keep your voice down, Nick. They could hear you. »

« Molly is the only one in the house. Her brothers have gone for a tour of the ranch, » Victoria informed as she contrived a plan to send them on their way. Then it dawned on her that the girl was up there alone with Heath. She dashed out of the parlor, followed by her three children.

« Mother where are you going? » Jarrod asked as he grabbed her arm before she could run up the stairs.

« Molly’s up there with Heath. »

« I don’t think she’ll try anything foolish with all of us here or it’ll blow her cover. Besides, she seems genuinely taken with our blond brother. »

Nick pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as to what course of action should be undertaken. « How do we get rid of them? »

« I don’t know yet. We have to act as if nothing’s changed until Heath’s back on his feet or they might harm him knowing he’s vulnerable right now. »

« I don’t like this Jarrod, » Nick groused with his eyes ablazed with anger.

« I don’t like it better than you do Nick, but we can’t jeopardize anyone’s life, especially Heath’s. »

They all agreed to Jarrod’s terms. At that moment, Buford and Rueben entered the foyer after their long ride.

« Boys did you have a pleasant ride? » Victoria emoted as she strived to conceal her fears of the men she now knew as murderers.

« Yes ma’am. Ya’ got a big spread there folks. Ain’t never seen so much land and head of cattle in my life. » Buford admitted.

« Where’s our sister? » Rueben asked.

« She’s with my son. »

Buford and Rueben looked at each other and grinned. « She’s kind a sweet on ‘im if ya’ know what I mean? » Buford said with a wink.

« We’ve noticed, » Nick replied curtly. Victoria flashed him a withering look, warning him to stay in character.

« If ya’ don’t mind ma’am, we’d like to clean up ‘fore supper in that fine bathroom of yours. »

« Go right ahead, gentlemen, » Victoria said with a slight nod.


At night, Nick and Jarrod made sure the Morgan brothers were sound asleep before retiring into their respective rooms. Sandra and Dr. Merar had dropped by the house early this evening to check on Heath’s progress. The fever was dwindling but the man was still unconscious. He gave strict instructions to Victoria to keep applying the damp towels on his body and if at all possible, try to nudge him awake to make him drink. Molly offered to sit with Heath and make sure the doctor’s instructions were followed.


Three days passed. On that morning, with Molly’s help, Heath made it downstairs on his wobbly legs. He was itching to go back on the range with Nick but had to wait for Dr. Merar to give him a clean bill of health before Victoria would allow him back in the saddle. Heath bore and grinned his temporary misfortune but nevertheless hated it. He was grateful to Molly for having tended to him, but felt no attraction towards her whatsoever, and her constant touching and cooing made it difficult for him to tolerate her presence. He felt smothered.


The next day, Heath joined Victoria in the kitchen to discuss his problem with Molly. He confided that he was fed up of her constant attention and needed some space, but didn’t know how to let her down gently. « She’s a wonderful girl and I’m mighty grateful to her for saving my life but…I don’t love her. »

« Heath, sit down, son. »

Puzzled and somewhat worried, Heath sat on the chair and waited for Victoria to summon her courage to tell him about Molly’s brothers. « Jarrod told us that Molly’s brothers are wanted for robbery and murder. He thinks they might be the ones who were involved in that Coreyville bank robbery. »

« That was them? »

« In all likelihood but they can’t prove it because from what the witnesses say they were wearing masks. »

Heath looked away for a moment as he tried to recollect the events prior to his shooting. « I’m sure it was them. » He closed his eyes in order to better focus on the physical similarities between Molly’s brothers and the masked robbers. « Yes, they’re roughly the same height, the same voice. There’s no doubt in my mind now…it was them and I’m pretty sure Molly was part of the plan. How could I have been so blind? When did ya’ find out about them? »

« Three days ago. »

Heath shot upright. « Three days???? And ya’ didn’t tell the sheriff? »

« We couldn’t take a chance on them hurting you. Jarrod and Nick are at Sheriff Madden’s right now. They will be coming tonight to apprehend them. »

Hiding behind the door, Molly overheard the last part of the conversation. She ran out to the barn to warn her brothers that the cat was out of the bag. No time to steal anything, they had to sneak away. They saddled their horses and rode out.

When Nick, Jarrod, Sheriff Madden and his deputy showed up at the house and hour later, the Morgans were gone.


Weeks later, Molly returned to Stockton, planning to sink her claws into Heath’s. She was more determined than ever to get him for herself. She knew the law couldn’t prove she was involved in all those robberies since she always played the innocent victim. Despite her being blood-related to the felons, they couldn’t directly link her to any of the holdups. Her brothers were safely in hiding and only she knew where they were. She was aware of the risks involved in coming back to Stockton but she wanted to get to Heath. She planned to sway his opinion of her, make him see that she’d be the perfect wife. In order to do so, she had to have him alone, away from his influential family and friends.

She saw Dr. Merar exiting his office. When he was out of range, she snuck inside and stole and flask of chloroform.


One night, when all was quiet at the Barkley mansion, Molly and her brothers snuck through the front door and made their way upstairs. First, they stopped at Nick’s room. Molly doused a rag with chloroform and they all padded up to the sleeping darkhaired man. One of the brothers applied the rag against Nick’s nose and mouth while the others held on to his arms and legs. He startled out of sleep and struggled against the strong grip pinning him against the mattress before passing out.

« Tie ‘im up and gag ‘im, » she instructed her brothers as she embued the rag with more chloroform.

Once the job finished, they proceeded to Audra’s, Victoria’s and Jarrod’s rooms where all three suffered Nick’s fate. Finally, they made their way to Heath’s room. He was sleeping soundly with a serene smile spread across his face which irked Molly, knowing he was probably dreaming of the « other » woman.

« This one’s mine, boys. Just hol’ ‘im down, » she asked as she sat on the edge of the bed and covered Heath’s mouth and nose with the rag. He jolted out of sleep, eyes widening in terror. He fixed his goggled eyes on Dillie before falling unconscious. One of the brothers slung Heath over his shoulder and they quietly made their way downstairs. Molly grabbed Heath’s clothes and boots and followed.


The next morning, Silas found the silence peculiar as he dressed the table for breakfast. Growing worried, he decided to check upstairs. He knocked on Nick’s door and heard a muffled groan. He ventured a peek inside and found an enraged Nick, thrashing about, bound hand and foot to the bed. He removed the gag and helped Nick free himself of his restraints.

« Mister Nick, what happened? »

« Molly and her brothers, that’s what happened! » he bellowed. Once untied, Nick hurried out of his room to check on his family. When they checked Heath’s room, they found an empty bed instead. They search for a note, blood, anything that could provide a clue as to what happened or where he had been taken.

They all headed downstairs to the parlor where Nick and Jarrod each grabbed a rifle from the gun cabinet.

« Jarrod, Nick, what are you doing? » Victoria asked her two determined sons, their eyes mirroring with rage.

« We’re going to look for Heath, » Nick replied.

« I won’t have you going out there alone. One lost son is plenty. »

« We’ll notify Fred and form a posse. Don’t worry, Mother. We’ll find him, » Jarrod reassured, kissing her on the cheek before he and Nick headed out to the barn to saddle their horses.

Meanwhile in a remote cabin in the woods, miles away from Stockton, Heath awoke and groaned at the killer headache, courtesy of the chloroform. He tried to open his eyes and focus on his surroundings but his vision was blurred. He blinked away the fog in his eyes and grimaced at the glaring light, blunting the edge of his pain. He tried to stretch out his arms but realized he was bound hand and foot to a chair. Suddenly, a hand lifted his chin up and he felt soft lips pressing against his. In a brief moment of hallucination, he thought the kiss was given by his ladylove until he fully opened his eyes and realized it was Molly. Heath swiftly turned his head sideways. She tried again to force her way on him but he kept spurning her desire. She smacked him in the face and glared at him. Her withering stare slowly melted into a loving smile. « I’m sorry. I didn’ mean it, Heath, » she repented, hunging her head in shame. She sat on his lap and began nibbling at his neck. Heath remained stoic, struggling to curb the rage growing inside him. Her lips found their way to his mouth but again, he turned his head away.

« When we’re married, darlin’, ya’ll feel diff’rent, » she said with a voice thick with confidence.

« What have ya’ done to my family? » Heath asked with eyes spurting fire.

« They awright. »

Heath closed his eyes and heaved a great sigh of relief at the knowledge that his family was unharmed. « We’ll have our own family. I promise to give ya lots of kids. » She looked at Heath with a lovesick gaze that appeared genuine.

« You’re a sick woman, » Heath said with disgust.

« That’s true. Sick with love for ya’, my darlin’. » She slid her hand inside Heath’s open shirt and ran her hand across his chest. Heath was bursting at the seams. His breathing became heavier and louder as he felt the urge to spit in her face.

Molly’s brothers returned to the cabin with an acquaintance of theirs. « This here’s a preacher, Molly, » Rueben said with a cunning wink that went unnoticed by Heath. « He’s agreed to perform the ceremony. »

« Threatened at gun point you mean? » the fake man of the cloth retorked, acting as the abductee who’d been dragged to the cabin against his own accord.

« We’re gonna have ourselves a shotgun weddin’. Rev’rend, this here’s our sister, Molly, the bride. And over there, » he pointed the gun at Heath, « is the bridegroom. »

« I can see he’s overjoyed at the prospect of marrying the girl, » the reverend said sarcastically.

« Whether he is or ain’t, he’s marryin’ our sister. Now, let’s get on with this! » urged Buford by pressing the barrel of his rifle against the preacher’s back.

Molly wrapped her arm around Heath shoulders. He tensed up and squirmed in his seat.

« Darlin’ don’t be impatien’. Wait till the weddin’ nigh’, » she chaffed ill-naturedly and kissed him innocently on the cheek. « Go on Rev’rend. »

« Do you Molly take this man to be your lawful wedded husband. To love, honor and obey till death do you part? »

Molly’s brothers chuckled at the word « obey ». She threw them a withering look and answered yes.

« Do you…young man…take Molly to be your lawful wedded wife. To love, honor and obey till death do you part? »

Heath remained silent, which prompted Rueben to cock his pistol at his head. Heath gulped down the lump in his throat and tried to keep his calm. « I do, » he whispered.

« We didn’ hear ya’, Cowboy, » threatened the man who pressed the barrel of his gun against Heath’s temple.

« I do, » Heath repeated out loud.

« By the powers invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. »

Molly squealed with delight and gave Heath a passionate kiss, holding his head firmly to prevent him from moving it.

« Ain’t love grand, » suspired Rueben in a cynical tone. « Hey sis! Save som’ for ya’ weddin’ nigh’, » he said, seeing how Molly wouldn’t let go off the embrace.

« Can I go now? » the reverend asked.

« Sure, Rev’rend, » Buford said. Molly’s siblings followed him out of the cabin and shortly after, a shot rang out.

« Ya’ didn’ ‘spect us to let ‘im go to have ‘im rat on us, now did ya’? » Molly explained to Heath with a wanton smile. She nuzzled against him and ran a lecherous hand across his chest. « Now darlin’, how ‘bout ya and me go make that baby? » she purred seductively.

« Never! »

« Now don’t be shy. We’re married, » she taunted. His icy cold stare raised her hackles and she stood, hands on hips. « Dammit Heath! Why mus’ ya’ be so pig-headed? It’s ‘cause of her, ain’t it? »

« Who are ya’talking about? »

« That broad I’ve seen ya’ with, the one who shamelessly flaunts herself at ya’.

« Her name is Sandra. »

« She ain’t yar’ type, Heath. Ya’ need a strong woman. »

Faced with Heath’s refusal to return her affection, she saw no other alternative but to starve him. She doused a rag with the rest of the chloroform and pressed it against Heath’s mouth and nose until he fell unconscious. When her brothers returned to the cabin after pretending to kill their friend, Molly instructed them to move Heath to the bed and tie him. « That’ll teach ‘im to spurn my love. I ‘spect he’ll react diff’rent with an empty stomach. »

« This fella ain’t ever gonna dig the likes of ya’, Molly. Why don’ ya’ just give ‘im up? »

« Never! I love ‘im and he’s rich. He can provide me with evr’thin’ I want. Do you thin’ I like livin’ on the lam, robbin’ banks and stages just to get food in my stomach? I wanna settle down, have a home and a family and Heath Barkley can gimme that. »

« I ‘spect his family, specially his loudmouth brother is bound to be lookin’ for ‘im. »

« I still say we should kill ‘im, » Buford said.

« I may just take ya’ up on that offer if he don’t change his mind about me, » Molly replied.
