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Howard Florey

Howard Florey was the amazing scientist who,
marketed the
miracle drug penicilin. With the help of Ernst Chain,
Howard Florey was able to make pennicilin for
the whole world to use. There are so many
other amazing facts about Florey that you will
learn about in my presentation.

By Madison Riley

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More About the Man

Howard Florey
Born: 1898 Died: 1968

Baby Florey was born to the hands of father Joesph and mother Bertha on the 24th of September in 1898.

Howard Florey attended Kyre School at Unley Park at the age of ten.
He spent only three years there, when, at the age of thirteen he moved schools.
He then commenced the Collegiate School of St. Peters.
After graduating ftom St. Peters, five years later, he moved to study medicine at the
University of Adelaide. Ther he spent another five years studying medicine.
Once he had completed his course in 1921, he was awarded the Rhodes Scolarship of South
He then received a scolarship to Magdalen Collage in Oxford, England.
In 1938 he started studying the anti-bacterial enzyme, penicillin.
After making many adjustments to his plans, the first mouse protection tests in 1940 were
commenced by Howard Florey, Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and their team.
In the same year, they carried out the first successful test of penicillin on a human being.
In 1942, penicillin was administered to its first war zone, Cario. Penicillin saved many lives by
protecting people against the bacteria that flourishe in bullet wounds.
Howard Florey was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine and physiology with Ernst Chain and
Alexander Fleming.
Howard Florey was made a peer in 1965, becoming a baron, Lord Florey of Adelaide and Marston.
Sir Howard Walter Florey died peacefully at Oxford on 21 of February 1968.

Question Of The Day

Who should get the credit for discovering penicillin?

Howard Florey
Alexander Fleming
Ernst Chain


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