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Here is a site to find all of the info you will need to know for EQ

Casters Relem

Up to Date spell list and any thing to do with spells is found here.


Another good caster's website

EverQuest Home Page

This is a link to the home page of the best game created EverQuest.

EQ Atlas

Maps and Info on ever zone in the game

Epic Quest Aventures

All that you wanted to know about your epic and how to get them

Experience Calculator

Find out how mouch exp you need for your next lvl. 

Guild Magic

This is the link to Guild Magic where we strongly urge you all to go.

Mana Calculator

Ever wanted to know how mouch mana you have go here and find out

Sothi's EQ page

Here is a German site for the epic's it has good pic's of the epic wepons

Yahoo Groups for ShadowDragon

Here is the link for Yahoo Groups for the Shadowdragons

Old SD site

Here is the old site for the old ShadowDragon 

Direct X 8.1

Here is a link to download dtrect X 8.1 if you due not have it all ready.

A Valentine

Here is a valentine story that bohdan had pointed out.