(Not so) Frecuently Asked Questions

(Not so) Frecuently Asked Questions

Kal: Well, I´ve decided to do this for the people who may have alot of questions, but don´t want to bother me with them.

Mini-Vince: What are you talking about? No one has EVER asked you anything about the Fortress.

Mini-Cid: Hell yeah! The only messages you get are from people either threatening you to death, wanting to sell you something, or chain letters!

Kal: I HAVE fans! I know it!

Mini-Vince: How come we don´t hear about them?

Kal: They´re just too busy to write to me, that´s all!

Mini-Cid: (mumbling) Yeah right...

Kal: Stop that! And what are you doing here!? You must work in the new super-duper-secret-proyect-class-YZ! Go now!

Who are you?

I´m Kal, a young man who, hoping to make this world a better place, has created this site to give Final Fantasy 7/Final Fantasy 8 goodness to the hungry masses. If you want to know more then click here

Who are "Mini-Cid" and "Mini-Vince"?

Well, it´s a long story. Shortly after I had managed to finish the Fortress here at the Earth´s moon (the view compensates all the troubles) I discovered it took a lot of time to keep it clean and tidy, also, I felt a bit lonely, so one day, fliping through the pages of "Wizard:the guide to comics" I saw an ad that was like this:
"Do you feel alone? Sometimes you would like to have someone to talk? Someone who you could trust? Someone who did all your heavy work? Then look no more, because GenLabs have the answer to your problems! With our cloning technology, we can give you a clone of the person you like most! Imagine yourself in the beach with Pamela Anderson! Sharing jokes with Jerry Seinfeld!
"But I´m a middle-class person, and cloning it´s expensive. How can I pay it?" Well, our cloning technology let us give you a low,low price of 6.99 US Dollars for clone! It will arrive right at your doorstep in 24 hours! Just cut the coupon, fill it, mail it with a check, and you will get your clone! What are you waiting for?" So I sent the coupon, and a couple of hours later, I got a call: They could not give me a Pamela Anderson and Yasmine Bleeth clones until March 2025 due to a huge demand of both of them. So I asked for Vincent and Cid clones. The next day, someone knocked the door of my house at the Earth. I opened it and found Cid and Vincent right there...being just 1/8 of their original size. I called GenLabs, and they told me they had a problem while cloning them, and that my money was not refundable. So I decided that at least they deserved a chance. I took them to the Fortress, and soon they were comfortable. Altough they were smaller, they were exactly like the originals. Cid would smoke three packs of cigarretes a day, curse every threee seconds, and watch the WWF Raw at my giant screen TV. Vince would hang in the darkest corners, read my comics collection, and eat all my chocolate chips cookies and milk. I called them "Mini-Cid" and "Mini-Vince", and soon they were appearing at different parts of the Fortress, writing their opinions. I´m not complaining about them, they take care of the Fortress while I´m at school, and keep it working. I just wish Mini-Cid would let me play "Ace Combat 2" more frequently.

Can I take a fanfiction/music/picture from here for my page?

Well, yes and no. If you want to post a fanfic, contact the author, and ask them nicely, and probaly they will say yes. In the case of pictures and music, you can take them. I took them from other sites but those are pictures that are in every site, so it´s not like I´m stealing them. The music, well, I took it from other sites, but I don´t remember which sites. I´m not claiming to be the author of the songs, and some of them are already in many sites, so you can take them if you want. If you´re the one who made them, please tell me and I will credit you for it.

I have this great story! Could you post it?

Of course! But there are some guidelines to it:
First, send it in ".txt" or ".html" format, ALREADY WITH THE HTML CODE ON THEM. If you don´t do it, please have in mind that I only HTMLize short stories, not multichapters ones, so if you don´t do it, I will post it that way. And if I do the HTML it will take longer to post.

Can you link to my page? Can I link to yours?

Yes! Just send me a e-mail with your page´s adress and I will make the link. In return, I just ask you to make a link to mine.

You´re dead meat pal! You´re going to die!

If you´re Leonardo DiCaprio,and you got my death threats...um, messages, I just have some words for you: "#$"#"@&! And if you´re a DiCaprio fan, please leave this place at once before I have to kill you.