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All About Me

General Info:

Name: Emily Rose
Nicknames: Em, Emieloo, Emerly, Quasi, Embryo (don't ask)
Birthdate: September 9, 1981 (that makes me almost 21!!!)
Location: San Diego, CA
Occupation: 3rd year student (Theatre Major) at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD); Team Lead at Jamba Juice (that means I'm in charge -well, 2nd to the manager- and I get keys to the store... heehee); Part-time Stage Manager :o)
Hobbies: Singing (pretty much just at work though), hanging out with my super cool friends!, going to movies & musicals & plays!!!, watching TV... I don't have much time for hobbies anymore... I'm a full-time student/full-time Jamba girl

Favorite Things:

Gymnasts: Nessa (of course! always will be, too, retired or not!), Dominique Moceanu, ACarly Patterson, Hollie Vise, Elise Ray, Shannon Miller-Phillips, Kristen Maloney, Lilia Podkopayeva, Brittany Talbert, Kaitlin White, Bi Wenjing, Kristal Uzelac, Alyssa Beckerman, Jamie Dantzscher, Lindsey Vanden Eykel, Anna Kovalyova, Marie Fjordholm, Morgan White, Jennie Thompson, Meng Fei, Erinn Dooley, Ludivine Furnon, Jennie Thompson, Sierra Sapunar, Jaycie Phelps, Amanda Borden, Kerri Strug, Dominique Dawes, Amy Chow, Elena Prudunova, Andreea Raducan, Brittney Koncak, Monique Chang, and probably lots more that I can't think of right now! :o)
Sport: Gymnastics!!! (didn't have to think too hard about this one!)
Number: 9... it's my lucky number... this is probably because I was born the 9th day of the 9th month (September) at 9:09pm and graduated from high school in 1999! My birthday a few years ago was really cool -- 9/9/99 at 9:09pm! Too bad I turned 18 and not 99... :o)
Movies: Moulin Rouge!!!, American Beauty, Center Stage, American History X, Fight Club, America's Sweethearts, Seven (do I seem to like movies with the word "America" in them?!?)
TV Shows: Friends!!!!!, Will & Grace, Ellen, Sex and the City, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Baby Bob (which actually sucks but I have to love cuz Joely Fisher's on it)
Actor: Edward Norton, Ben Affleck, Matthew Perry
Actress: Joely Fisher!!!, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston
Singer/Group: Rob Evan!!! (he played Jekyll/Hyde in "Jekyll & Hyde" -duh- on Broadway), Joely Fisher!!! (she plays Lizzy on the TV show "Baby Bob", and previously played Pam on the TV show "Normal, Ohio", Hope on the TV show "Grosse Pointe", Paige on the TV show "Ellen", Sally Bowles in "Cabaret" on Broadway & National Tour, Rizzo in "Grease" on Broadway), Coleen Sexton!! (Lucy in "Jekyll & Hyde" on Broadway), Jon Peterson (EmCee in "Cabaret" National Tour), Alan Cumming (EmCee in "Cabaret" on Broadway), Linda Eder (Lucy in "Jekyll & Hyde" on Broadway), Christiane Noll (Emma in "Jekyll & Hyde" on Broadway), Lea Salonga (Kim in "Miss Saigon" on Broadway, Eponine in "Les Miserables" on Broadway), Bernadette Peters (the Witch in "Into the Woods" on Broadway, Annie Oakely in "Annie Get Your Gun" on Broadway, etc.), Ruthie Henshall (Fantine in "Les Miserables" on Broadway), Sharon Brown (Lucy in "Jekyll & Hyde" National Tour, etc.), Blink-182, Britney Spears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, *N Sync (except for Justin! ick... ever since he broke up with Britney, I've felt strangely betrayed by him... I LOVE JC!)
Song: "I'm a Slave 4 U" by Britney Spears, "Get UR Freak On" by Missy Elliot, "Narcissus" by Alanis Morissette... these are just some of my current faves
Musicals: Les Miserables, Cabaret, Jekyll & Hyde, Rent
Food: Mexican Food & Jamba Juices! (look, I'm "promoting Jamba!")
Animal: Skunk (hey, they're cute!)
Color: Yellow
Book: The "Left Behind" series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul", "Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul", and "Chicken Soup for the College Soul", all by Jack Canfield

Other Cool Stuff:

-I am ambidextrous (I can write with both hands) but I am predominantly left-handed
-I am a perfectionist
-I have a freckle on the tip of my middle toe on my left foot (it's really cool!)
-I have been a vegetarian for 4 years
-My most traumatic experience ever happened June 17, 2000; My friend accidentally dropped a wrench on my head from 20 feet up, and they had to staple my head closed! (no, I did not black out, no, they did not put me under for the staples, and no, it did not hurt! There was A LOT of blood, though...)
-I drive a yellow '99 VW Beetle and I LOVE it!!!
-I collect autographed pictures/items, and I have them of: Vanessa Atler (2 pics, 1 sweatshirt), Dominique Moceanu (1 pic, 1 book), Amanda Borden (2 pics), Jaycie Phelps, Amy Chow (2 pics, 1 tour program, and I took a pic with her!), Kerri Strug, Shannon Miller (1 pic, 2 books, 1 hat), Marie Fjordholm, Erinn Dooley, Lindsey Vanden Eykel, Hollie Vise (2 pics), Morgan White (1 pic, 1 tour program, and I took a pic with her!), Morgan Hamm (1 tour program), Paul Hamm (1 tour program), Steve McCain (1 tour program), Blain Wilson (1 tour program, and I took a pic with him!), Joely Fisher (2 pics, 1 "Grease!" program), Jon Peterson (1 "Cabaret" program), Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc, Courteney Cox-Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, and David Schwimmer
-I also collect Beanie Babies
-I have telephonophobia (fear of phones). And yes, that's a real phobia! Ok so maybe I'm not really scared of the phone, but I never answer it when it rings (I always screen) and I'm really scared to call people I don't know! I have to like plan out my conversation before I call... Weird, huh?!
-I have a 13-year-old Shetland Sheepdog named Taffy, and 2 cats named Byger and Oreo
-I have connections to some celebrities: Madonna (long story), Britney Spears (I know one of her dancers and her choreographer), Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Keri Russel, etc. (my friend was on the Mickey Mouse Club with them), Ananda Lewis, the MTV VJ (I went to high school with her), Samantha Becker from "Saved by the Bell: The New Class" (my sister and her were friends and we all went to school together), and Marissa Tait, who played Becky on "The Bold and the Beautiful" and currently plays Teala in "Baby Bob" (my sister and her used to be friends and we all went to school together) Aren't I cool?! :o)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are You Vanessa Atler? No, once and for all, I AM NOT Vanessa Atler! Even though my site makes it perfectly clear that my name is Emily and I'm just a fan, some people seem to have a hard time understanding that. Once, out of the blue, someone IM'd me while I was online and said "Hi Nessa, I know it's you no matter what you say". I told Nessa about it, and she seemed to think it was pretty funny! She said she wanted to contact the person to let him know that I wasn't her, which would give him the surprise of his life! :o)
Are You A Gymnast? Well, I used to be... I took Recreational Gymnastics for 2 years at the Mission Valley YMCA, but since I started when I was 15 and I am almost 5'9" tall, I wasn't that great... but I loved it! I would go back if time permitted... but I'm a college student with a full-time job, so I have almost no time for a life.
Why Do You Like Vanessa Atler So Much? I guess you could say I "fell in love" with her personality when I first saw her on the 1996 USA vs. the World meet. She was filling in on the Floor Exercise for an injured Shannon Miller. She was only 13 and she was extremely talented, despite her young age! She seemed so happy and carefree, and answered questions honestly; there was none of the "Well, I'm going out there to hit my routines" -- she talked just like me and my friends! (a "normal" teenager) I thought that was really cool because I had never seen a gymnast interview like that before. So I found out her fan mail address and began writing to her! She answered all of my letters, so we have had sort of a pen pal thing going for about 6 years now. It was so cool - the first time I wrote to her, I mentioned that I had only seen her compete at the USA vs. the World meet. When she wrote back, she enclosed a tape she had recorded of the 1997 American Cup because she said it had been "too long" since I'd seen her compete and she had "gotten a lot better. :)" I thought it was so cool that she cared about her fans so much. I still write to her every now and then when I have the time, and my friend Jon and I have started sending her humorous video tapes that we make to brighten up her days. :o) I was lucky enough to be able to see Vanessa perform in person at the Anaheim stop on the 1997 Olympic Gold Gymnastics Tour, as well as at the 2000 TJ Maxx Tour! She did a really great job! I also got to talk to her for a few seconds at the 1999 Nationals -- she recognized Jon and I from our video. :o) Vanessa is my favorite gymnast not only because of her awesome gymnastics, but because of the fact that I think she is a very sweet and caring person. Even though she did not make the 2000 Olympic Team, in my heart, she will always be an Olympian. I wish her all the luck in the world in her future endeavors. GO FOR THE GOLD IN ALL YOU DO, NESS! :o)
Why Do You Waste So Much Time On This Website If You Have "No Time"? Well, I don't really know! Not many people visit it, but I spend as much time on this site as I possibly can. I'm a Virgo, which makes me a perfectionist, so I'm always striving to make this site the best that I know how to. I guess I spend all this time maintaining it so that Nessa can see what a big impact she has had on my life and how much I admire and respect who she is. (and I am almost positive she's been to my site! If she hasn't, then I know for a fact that she at least knows about it!)
What Do You Want To Do When You Grow Up? Well this used to be my plan: After I graduate from UCSD with my BA in Theatre, I would like to go to Graduate School (hopefully at either NYU or Yale) and get my MFA in Stage Management. I would love to work as a Production Stage Manager on Broadway, but doing work on TV Shows or specials such as the Academy Awards would be awesome too! However, now I'm not so sure... after attending a TV taping of the show "Normal, Ohio", I have started seriously thinking about a career in television... I'm not really sure what the specific title is, but DEFINITELY something stage manager-related, just for TV instead of theatre!
Where Can I Reach You? You can e-mail me at I would give out my phone number, but because of my telephonophobia, I wouldn't answer the phone if you called! LoL :o)
Do You Ever Stop Talking?!?!? Yes, I do, I swear! :o)

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