What's New?
Saturday, April 21st, 2001
- Because of Vanessa's recent decision to retire from gymnastics (see the What's New with Nessa? page for more information), I do not know whether or not I will continue to update this page. Of course, if I receive new information about Nessa, I will post it here, but until then, don't look for more updates any time soon. This page, however, will continue to remain on the web as an "eternal tribute" to the greatness that is Vanessa Atler. :o) Good luck in all your future endeavors, Nessa, and ENJOY THE "REAL" WORLD! :o)
Saturday, March 31st, 2001
- Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, but I've been pretty busy and there really isn't anything new going on with Nessa... updates on her official site have also been few and far between (except for the auction stuff, but don't EVEN get me started on that!) So when something exciting happens with her, I'll update again! :o)
Friday, January 12th, 2001
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2001
- I changed the music on the Main Page from the Olympic Theme Song to "Butterfly" by Mariah Carey. I chose this music because 1) I was getting tired of the old music, 2) It's a pretty song, and 3) Because "Vanessa" means "Butterfly" in Latin, and obviously, Nessa loves butterflies! :o)
- I FINALLY got a winner for the *Super* Site of the Month! Yay! Click here to see who the winner is for the month of January!
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2001
- First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :o) I hope all of you had a great New Year's Eve. :o)
- I added some news to the What's New with Nessa? page.
Sunday, August 1st, 1999
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