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  In order to respect the people on a planet. There must be a way
to provide for those people. On our planet we have adoped what we
call economies. The world will soon be a global market. Where all
will in the short term compete with each other. At this time
there are three major players in the competition, Germany and the
European Community, Japan, and The United States of America. Then
the rest of the world. The major wars to come will be that of
economy, until we adopt logic and reason. In place of myth-based
religions, and competing or combative ideology. Economy and the
accompanying technology have been the rise and fall of
civilizations. Those who can keep in these competitions survive,
those who could not become a note in the history books. It has
been said whether true or not because it is to make a point.
That the Greek civilization came to a close because in part the
women of the time cherished foreign cosmetics. A large part of the
Gross National Product (GNP) as we call it now. Was being spent by
Greece on cosmetics being imported, and Greece was not making
enough on products being exported. Greece's deficit grew and the
civilization fell. What is being made by this point is that
economies are buoyed up by it's people, and there ability to
compete. If your civilization can produce and export more than
what is imported, you have a strong economy. This will be true
until we become a world community, and we then will compete much
the same as within one country.
  After World War II in 45.1945 the United States of America (USA)
had about 75% of the world GNP. The USA also had compulsory
education. As a result of the war, and the push for productivity
plus technology that the war forced upon the USA. The USA got
the attitude that they were number one in the world. That the so
called American way was the best. USA came to believe they were
smarter, more productive, more free, and their ideology was the
only correct ideology. The USA felt so strongly about their
ideology being correct. That the USA was willing to blow up the
whole planet to prove it. The people of the USA felt the need to
export their ideology to other countries. With force through
foreign aid with strings attached, and (sad to say) many of the
ideological views were adopted by these other countries. But the
people of the USA became complacent in there superiority view. It
seem to the USA they were doing the rest of the world a favor by
exporting their goods to them. The product did not need to be the
best quality, they did not need to try as hard. Because what else
were they going to buy. Japan and Germany lived on and grew after
World war II. They began to make quility products much cheaper
and better than the USA could. The people in the USA became less
educated than the people of Japan and Germany as a work force.
The electronic technology that was started in the USA was not
kept in the USA. Because the Japanese could make the product much
cheaper and ultimately with better quality. The USA lost the
ability to compete head to head in this field.
  Quality is the future. If your work force cannot do quality
controled work, the future jobs will not go to your work force.
You cannot compete. The future leading wage trade will be in
microelectronics, biotechnology, telecommunications, civilian
aviation, the new material science industries, robots plus
machine tools, and computers plus software. For a expectation
of a rising standard of living, you must capture these industries.
What do all these industries have in common, they are all brain
industries. That can be produced any place on the face of the
earth. In all of these industries there will be head to head
competition with each other. Everyone will want the same
industries and jobs, and not everyone will get them. They will
be in the place where the people have the education and training,
enough to do the work required to produce these goods. If you
want to compete in the global market you must look around to
see what others are doing well, doing better, and how they are
doing it. Not so they can be copied, but to be used as a
standard of performance that you must match. If you cannot
match that performance then you will be driven out of business.
East and West Germany when reunited seen this same disparity.
East germany must be brought up to the standard of the West
Germany to survive. This will not only be a change in the
industries in East Germany, but the retraining of the workers.
  The average Japanese student is said to have an I.Q. of 8
points higher than the average USA student. In reality the
disparity is much wider than that for the USA and Japan. The
average USA person cannot program a VCR (a video recorder).
The average Japanese person has no problem programing the
same VCRs. The USA worker is thought of as paid to much, goes
out on strick to often, and does poor quality work. The Japanese
worker is thought of as works until they drop, never complains,
does quality work for less wages. Private plant equipment
investment in Japan is about 20% of GNP. In the USA investment
in equipment is about 10% of GNP, and in Germany it is around
17% of GNP in equipment. One does not have to look hard to see
the Japanese have twice the investment in equipment than the USA.
The Japanese have 10 to 15 more robots in Japan relative to the
size of the work force, for every one robot in the USA. Where
would you put your plant as a result of knowing the above. USA
plants are being built in Japan and paying higher wages. The
USA is building plants in Japan because they can get the skilled
work force needed in Japan that it cannot get back in the USA.
  Japanese and Germans will tell you they have technology they
use in their plants. That they cannot use in the plants, in the
USA. Because in the USA they are not educated enough to use these
technologies. They have found by experience it will take twice as
long to teach workers in the USA to use these technologies. So
some technology just does not sale in the USA, Because the owners
cannot find workers to use them, and it will take to long to train
someone to use them in the USA.
  The average person in the USA is adverse to technology. There
is no electronic highways for daily economy outside of banking.
As is in Europe, where one can use a card to get a soda, pay toll
on the vehicle highway and do banking transactions without paper
or other humans around.
  The USA has a disparity in Research and Development (R&D)
outside of the military R&D. With the military the USA is about
equal to Japan in R&D. But now the Cold war is over. Can the
private sector in the USA then make up the difference. The USA
has an infrastructure based on vehicle highways. That are now
clogged with vehicles from the growing population buying cars.
The Europeans and Japan have Bullet trains for their
transportation. Europe has a tunnel between England and France.
In Los Angeles in the USA it may take an hour to get to the
  Singapore boast that they will give by the year 2000 a German
quality work force at two thirds the wage. They will use only
Sinapore people to do this, with a prejudice population growth
incentive to do it. Japan said the 21st century will be one of
economical warfare and we will win. The Chancler of Germany said
the decade of the 1990's will be the decade of the Germans, and
not that of the Japanese. Which meant that the USA was not even
in the picture. This economical war will be fought between those
with the skills and knowledge to wage the war. In this war Japan
and Germany have the atom bomb, and the USA have only man power.
The rest of the world will do this man power work far less
cheaper, with less trouble, and with higher quality.
  Again quality and speed are the future. If you want to compete
in the world market. Your people must be educated enough to do
quality work, with the flexibility to change with the changing
times and products. You change with the times or the times will
change without you. The ability to adapt is what made humans
survive. But without knowledge. Your ability to adapt to a very
changing future is limited. The more knowledge you have the
greater flexibility you have to adapt. In the coming world there
will be two choices for the workers in the USA and the rest of the
world. Either offer skilled educated workers that surpass that of
the other countries, or work for lower wages than the rest of the
world. This will tell a country that you either educate your
people, or except a lower standard of living. A country cannot
afford to not be educated or all in that country will be brought
down with the uneducated.
  All countries must make education top priority. Science, R&D,
mathematics, logic and reason are the tools of the future. A
country can stay with their myth based religions and ideology, and
obscure the truth. But that country must be prepared to be an
island in the rest of the world. Unable to compete in the future
world market. Because only the truth, logic and reason will allow
your country to survive. Your country must have incentives toward
education. In the USA there are none; most in the USA look upon
those who like science, and education with aversion. The Germans
have apprenticeships. In France they have 1% sales tax, and it is
used for education of your work force or it is lost. Singapore has
bonds that are paid back at the job where they work, or if the job
ends it is paid back as a debt. What ever it takes to get your work
force competent to compete on the world market, until we have a
world community you must do it. The alternative is to become a
third world nation. If you are already a third world nation, get
your people in schools no matter what it takes. Drop religions
out of governments, go for science and mathematics. Work toward
Hitech, and get control of your populations, or you may find
yourself in even a worse way than you are now. Japan pulled
theirself up, so can any other country. If a change is made in
the people. Their attitudes toward science opposed to religion,
Hitech as opposed to agriculture.
  If you follow the now path that the USA is following; with
their myth-based religious ideology, and excepting violence as a
way of life and entertainment. Except the foreign aid doled out
with strings attached to become like the USA thinks you should be.
You will become like the USA is heading, no longer able to
compete on the world market.

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