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  One must have respect for one's planet. So that all have the
 resources to have compassion for others. If people do not have
adequate resources for all, then a struggle for the resources is
inevitable. If one does not have enough food then one cannot
share food with others. Over population is a good example of
straining the resources. To many people to feed strain the
resources. As taking to many fish from the oceans. The populations
of fish are unable to reproduce at a rate equal to the rate that is
being taken. To many people will lead to comsumption of resources
at a rate,that is unreplaceable by the planet and the human hosts.
To think that things are going to get better on a planet that has a
ever increasing population growth, is living ia a dream world. The
reality of population growth on a planet already hard pressed to
share the resources we have. Is that things will become worse
until a balance is reached where no more human life can be
sustained. Either no more growth of the population could be
sustained or no more life on the planet could be sustained. A
over populated world will make all people vulnerable. To any
disaster that can happen, as a small nuclear war, a climate change,
or a atmospheric change. In the form of the Greenhouse effect or
volcanos. The stores of food would be quickly depleted with mass
  The depletion of the ozone layer should have been described as:
We have good news and we have bad news. The good news is we have
invented air conditioning, but the bad news is after using them we
all will receive skin cancer. For the short term comfort of air
conditioning, refrigerators, and aerosol spray cans. We have
produced a long term problem of ozone depletion with the threat of
skin cancer and crop loss. The same kind of problem was introduced
when we started using hydrocarbons (oil). Putting gasoline into
our vehicles for transportation and burning oil in industry. The
good news was we invented a combustion engine and industry. The
bad news is you will have pollution and global warming. We are
terraforming our planet for the worse, not for the good of our
species. We can no longer afford any more bad news products.
The products made must be environmentally safe. With the number
of humans on this planet. If we do not live within the laws of
the planet. This planet will find a way of balancing the problem.
Now that we are the controllers, terraforming our planet we have
the choice of making our planet a paradise or a desert.
  We do not inherit the planet from our ancestors we borrow it
from our children. As the North American Indians taught to their
children. The American Indians saw themselves as the keepers of
the land. We humans have terraformed our planet to such an extent
that we must become the keepers of the land. Parts of this planet
must be set aside for the health and order of the planet. The
rain forests especially the Amazon must be set aside for the
planet's air. All pollution dumped into the fresh waters must
stop. The pumping of CO2 must be reduced to small amounts, and
florocarbons must be stoped. We may need to set aside a part of
the planet for our waste. As the Sahara desert might be used for
waste. Of course the governments of these regions, must be given
incentive to allow these practices to come about. The Amazon
should never be an agricultural state. Other than that of rubber
and nuts. But Brazil should be given the incentive of Hitech
industries and other non-polluting industries. To boost their
economy so that the need to use up the Amazon no longer exists.
We must convert all road transportation to non-CO2 emitting
motors. Motors that use the very renewable fuel hydrogen
should be encouraged. Hydrogen motors can be used as a system
for electric motors.
  The biggest threat to the planet and it's resources is our
population growth. If you are having trouble finding a job, or
if you are having problems with finding enough food to eat.
It is because of the population, and it will only get worse.
We need to think about that before bringing a baby into the world.
We have become to good at being fruitful and multiplying. We must
respect our planet to have respect for ourselves and others.

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