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  Un like all other myth-based religions the words in this
nonmyth-based religion are subject to change. If it is found
through scientific methodology, critical, and logical thought
that any part of this book is in error. Then that part must be
changed. As anything in science is subject to change. If it does
not fit the facts, the quantitative and qualitative data.
  In the writing of this first edition it is  realized that some
of the technology expressed as needed for this world, will have
probably already come about. Because of the fast pace that
technology has become. This is understood and accepted. If it is
found that any part of this first edition is wrong on scientific,
historical, or pure logic. One may Email. To be put through peer
review and if a correction is warranted, the correction will be made
in the next edition (grammer also). If using a quote from other material
please include name of text, author, publisher, and date of copyright.
If possible also include copy of quoted material.
  It is also understood that by the nature of logic versus ideology
there are many controversies embodied. It is understood that many
will want to respond. If the response is posed with the guide lines
of pure logic, scientific methodology and rational thought. The
response is welcomed. Responses solely based on ideological
differences are already known.
  This first edition as all edition from now on will be written
under one name. The panel of authors will all be named Cosmos.
The names will not appear. The knowledge in these editions stand
on the backs of others and this work could not be done alone.
Science started in prehistory, and no singular person can lay
claim to science. Atomos is called a religion at this time. Because
humans have not matured enough to call this anything else that
humans would feel at this time. We must feel these convictions the
same as other religions are felt at this time. That you would give
your body and mind to serve the truth. To support critical thought,
logic, reason, scientific methodology, and respect for self and
others. To give up the myths to follow the path that was taken away
from this planet so long ago. These are the goals that are worthy
of the human endeavor.
  There are many names in this edition. Because of the admission
of a name by no means is an acknowledgment of correctness of any
other body of thought by them. Other than what is admitted in this
edition and only in context. If proven to be an incorrect quote.
As all things in these editions, they are subject to change. But
nothing will be corrected in these editions solely on the bases of
a particular morality or viewpoint.
  A God can be appointed for a year term by a pannel of scientist,
sociologist, etc. as a person that most changed the world with some
truth. This God would have some influence on what cause Atomos
would work on for that year. (As to try to stop the killing of
children in Brazil and other countries for this year, make the
laws easy to adopt these children in other countries, and there
would be no need to kill them.)
  This edition is the first of many, and is a frame work to grow
upon to become a way of life. Respect yourselves and others.

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