In order for any democracy to run well. The people must be able
to think critically and logically. To have the ability to make
informed decisions. On the major issues that will face us
now and in the future. To respect our selves and others on our
planet, we must give up our myths, cherished illusions and bigotries
for the truth. We cannot elect our representatives on the bases of
their looks or their religious, or singular opinions. Without any
regard for their knowledge or ability to form a rational conclusion.
A conclusion without bias and derived at by logical deduction not
political, or religious ideology. To do so dooms ourselves and the
future to tyranny and oppression. The people we put in charge of
ourselves must respect their people. To have respect for ourselves,
the people we choose to govern us must respect us. We must also
remember to never put to much power in to few hands.
A good example of to much power in to few hands, can be found
the United States Of America (USA). In the form of the Supreme
Court. Where nine people are placed in judgement of law for the USA.
The president has the power to choose anyone he wishes. With any
view point he wishes. If as recently shown a majority of the
Supreme Court retired in the term of two twin Presidents (in
ideology). These Presidents may put onto the Supreme Court any view
point they may wish. Then conceal the views of the appointees. So
that a half plus one of the Senate consent to the appointees. A
mind set is then established. The people of the Supreme Court are
accountable only to themselves, once appointed. The people of the
Supreme Court are unelected, unremovable, unaccountable to the
electorate. The Constitutional premise of self government is
circumvented by this Supreme Court.
Let us take the worst case scenario. For events that could happen
from the Supreme Court of the USA. The President appoints only
people that share his view points. Also the Supreme Court appointees
are told I will apoint you if you enact into law these powers for
me. An agreement is reached. A majority is appointed with these
agreements. As law is ruled upon by the Supreme Court, slowly the
view of the President come to reality. Judical restraint is ignored.
All precedents of the past are ignored. This Supreme Court no
longer adheres to any precedents, no longer limits it's own
discretion to produce stable, predictable bodies of laws. This
Supreme Court; becomes an activist court to go out of its way to
announce new legal principles, to serve it's own and the President's
ideological view. This Supreme Court narrows the scope of the
constitutional liberties and civil rights. This Supreme Court
creates new rules and disregards precedents. The Bill of Rights
come under attack. Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press,
Freedom from blanket search and seizures, safe guards for our
privacy from technological invasion, are all eroded to
meaningless parchment. Individualized protections are abandoned
for the sake of law enforcement efficiency. A conviction need not
be reversed even if the confession was beaten out of a suspect.
A pathway becomes clear to ban abortions, and establish a
government set religion. A path is repeated of the pre-World War
II nazi Germany. More slowly enacted so that no one notices.
The above worst case scenario for the Supreme Court of the USA
of course is what has already happened. It is not inconceivable
that in a similar case scenario a dictator may come to power.
To have absolute rule over the USA. (Hitler was voted into
office also.) It was said after World War II the most efficient
government is a dictatorship. Freedom is a very vulnerable
thing; that must not be handed over to, to few people with to
much power in to few hands. A time limit on terms of office must
be placed on the people of power (those not voted upon). Such as
for the Supreme Court of the USA. A seven year term should be
imposed. So that the Senate every seven years must reevaluate
whether the appointee is to stay in the Supreme Court or a new
appointee must be evaluated. To say if they are up holding the
founding constitutional rights and privacies. Above all should be
the right to be let alone,to have the right of privacy, to have the
freedom to see or say anything one wishes under the guide of respect
for self and others. A limit on the scope of the Supreme Court of
the USA should be made. So that the Supreme Court may not change the
Constitutional rights to meaningless piece of parchment that sits
under glass. In all governments the need to close all loop holes in
the system of governments. So that freedom of the people to act
upon the laws of their government are never circumvented. Of
course in such a government it is imperative that all the people
in that government be informed, and have the ability to think
critically, rationally, and logically to make decisions. For
themselves and for the people of the future.
It is becoming so popular to restrict liberties and civil rights
for short term goals. That will have very long term consequences.
For the short term goal of solving a drug misuse problem, liberties
and civil rights are being gleefully taken away. That the law
enforcers are gaining more and more power. While the individual
rights and freedom become eroded away. Long after misuse is no
longer popular, the erosion of freedom will remain. How long will
it be before you are told what you can think, what you can wear,
what you may view, what you can read. The answer is, these freedoms
are already profoundly curtailed.
The government of the USA seem to have forgotten, that the USA
was formed to be free of an oppressive government. Free to think in
the ways they wished, not the ways set up by a government. That the
Supreme Court was put into the Constitution to up hold basic rights,
to protect the minority from the majority, to not allow the majority
or political mind set to sway the judgments from the good of the
whole. To up hold the rights, to be enshrined in the Constitution
and entrusted to the unelected judiciary for protection. But misused
now, to become the oppressive force of the USA. And the followers
in the states whom have become sheep, that purpose the oppressive
laws to be judged correct in the mind set opinion of the Supreme
Court. (When one starts to entrench lies into everyday life through
myth-based religions or propaganda. Then people start to believe
lies on face value. Which lead us all down the path of being sheep
to our governments and leaders.)
James Madison (45.1751 to 1836) when he made the Virgina plan
that became the Constitution of the USA. Knew that there must be a
protection for the minorities from the majorities or freedom would
be lost. Because the majorities would always find a way to impose
their will on the minorities. Such as the majority would like to
have religion in schools. A recent President was elected on the
promise to put prayer in the schools. This President was Vice
President of a mind set for this cause. If left unprotected the
minorities whom do not wish to believe in a religion would not be
able to avoid the oppression. Many rights a privileges would be
taken away or curtailed. In the name of this religion. One need
only to look at the money of the USA at this time. To see the start
of the path toward the middle ages once again. The money of this
time proclaims "In God We Trust". It would seem the people have the
freedom of religion so proudly proclaimed, only if it is the
religion of the majority. The minorities do not have the freedom
to not believe in this religion. Because on the money, in the
schools, on there visual media, the start of each day of congress,
and swearing in at court all proclaim and endorse their myth-based
The USA at this time is still a influencing force in this world.
This places added necessity for the USA to be very critical in the
forming of their laws. So that the laws they make will be a positive
influence to the world. Not a virus infecting the world. Exporting
the problems the USA faces at this time, to other countries and
societies. The bodies of power must be very critical in their
expression of their powers, so that a positive influence is
produced. An example of the need for critical assessing of the
expression of power, is the World Bank that make loans to countries.
If the loan to another country is for a road through a rain forest,
the results are disastrous. For the societies in this forest and
the ecosystem. Respect for self and others especially must extend
to governments and bodies of power.
All governments will see a very sustantial savings, if a
structure for respect is adopted. The education of all in the need
for respect for self and others, will form a more structured and
self controled seciety. The laws of the universe extend to societies
as well. In that the universe is ever a balance against chaos. To
fight against chaos self control on population growth, and respect
for self and others is a necessity. Government can play a large
role in shaping these attitudes in it's society. Through education
in schools and visual media. And parents taught in how to shape
the child to be courteous respectful person. People are taught by
example how to be chaotic. This teaching must be over ridden by
proper examples. Simple please and thank you shape a society.
The more educated a person is the less likely they are to
commit a crime, especially a violent crime. If this education
also includes respect for self and others. Much less violent
crime would be made. The parents were the one to teach respect.
But because of the parent's lack of training of respect, and
insufficient time to teach respect to their children. The burden
has now shifted to the schools to become the social instructor.
In which education of proper courteous behavior is taught. So
that the student may be able to respect them self enough to learn
and respect others enough to be taught by them. Education on sex,
conduct as well as reading, writing and arithmetic are taught.
The school was never to be the sole social instructor. The burden
was to be shared by parents, school and society. It would seem
now to be sectors of society that control behavior, without any
rule of logic. Good behavior must be taught by example as well as
by rote learning. If your society follows bad behavior and is
taught bad behavior. Your society will behave badly, and
inefficient. It is not hard to see that if one is taught bad
behavior through subtle guidance all one's life. They will then
have bad behavior.
Government have a responsibility to help insure socially
correct behavior. In the case of governments socially correct
behavior would be maintaining civil rights, informed democracy,
good economic relartions, free trade, informed population control,
education in respect and rational thought. To discourage
dictatorship through education of the world population. Education
without social bias. So that the social problems that a particular
society have do not influence world population.
Without freedom to experiment on social themes a government
truly be free. Laws only work if people are willing to follow them.
Laws should only be made where education will not help. As wearing
safety belts in automobiles, if people were educated about the
forces involved and the danger. A law need never have been made for
wearing safety belts. Laws on sexual freedom need never have been
made if proper sexual behavior is included in education. (The
subject of sexual behavior will be discussed more fully later.)
Laws must be based on validity and need, not on what feels good.
(If a government uses the saying in practice that ignorance of the
law is no excuse. Then by law the govrnment should post in the
news papers the new laws past. For State and Federal law the large
cities news papers, for city law the local news paper. Then there
would be no excuse for ignorance of the law, and this would help
keep check on the governments and bad laws past.)
No one is really free unless all are free. We must have freedom
to think, to express rational opinions, and to explore alternate
social themes. That are not soley based on the majority rule or
that more closely fits the majority feeling of what is right.
Feeling right based on an intolerance a society has fostered,
because of religious belief or ideology. It is one of the
disparagements of this time, that we place a gaze of morality on
human behavior. So that every act of humans must be measured by
a arbitrary moral viewpoint of intolerance.
This moral viewpoint based on irrational religious and ideological
belief. Has brought the people of earth to many wars. The world is
at risk of myth-based religious wars. One need only look at resent
events to see the risk of so called holly wars. Wars bring the death
of many people, and many children. What is more indecent than war.
What is more indecent than the killing and mutilation of children.
Then the people responsible for the killing and the mutilation of
children, coming back as conquering heroes. Is there any difference
in a head of government killing thousands of children. Than a man
going out and killing 20 children in a school ground. One is called
a criminal or a monster, the other is called a hero. All governments
must realize that boarders are only lines on a map. That resources
in free trade is for everyone in the world. That boarder or
resources are never cause for war. That merging and trading will
come to all countries in the end. It is inevitable we will live
in a World Community. (The same as it is inevitable that we as a
race will become a more homogeneous colored race.) Or we will die
separate fates.
The world must come to be looked at a a World Community. Where
people are needed for work a migration of people could be performed.
So that the people needing jobs could move from a place that is
lacking in jobs. To a place that has need of people for their jobs.
Of course on a planet that is over populated this migration becomes
very hard. A plan to voluntarily control population through forms
of incentives, must be adopted world wide. For the good of all,
and for a more qualitative way of life. Where there is medical or
nourishment need, this must be shared. But if the people having a
continuing need for medical or nourishment, because of
geography. Then they should be relocated. If it is because of
a dictatorship the dictator should be taken out of power, or the
country should be made an island in the world. When a country in
the World Community is more poor than others. The economic
communities should relocate new companies to this part of the
stable world community. It is the job of the World community to
make the governments stable in the countries of the world.
Until all world communities are on a roughly equal bases. The
need or desire for war is eliminated by such methods.
In all of the dealing of world communities and all government
in general. The art of mediation should be observed and practiced.
All agreements should be as pointed out by Socrates (44.9531 to
9601). That we must not let our decisions be determined by our
emotions, but to examine the problem and follow the best reasoning
and logic. That we cannot answer such questions by appealing to
what people generally think, they may be in general absolutely
wrong. The problem should be solved by reason an logic as to what
is right or wrong. Not swayed by what people think of them, or
how we feel about the problem. This is only true at this time
because we cannot have a true democracy until the world population
is well educated. With world education not bias education that we
have now. (Would education as world history by date not subdivided
into regions or culture.) It must also be remembered that a law
need not be made where education would serve it's purpose.
In an attempt to control the employee from using drugs at the
behest of the government. The government of the USA and other
employers have devised a drug test from the urine of the employee.
The employee is compelled to take this test or lose or not gain
their job. If this line of reasoning that the taking of the body
for testing is allowed to progress to it's conclusion. It would
not be long after the government and employers. Would screen
for genetic defect as insurance companies already do. This could
be done at birth instead of foot prints, a genetic finger print
would be made. For a womb to the tomb surveillance of people.
With the screening after the Genome Project (the mapping of the
DNA structure of the human body) for traits as diligence,
intelligence, easy going personality, and sexual preference. To
tell if a employee is fit for the job. (Hitler would have loved
this tool.) There is a type of genetic screening going on right
now. For Data entry or factory workers really every worker goes
through this genetic screening. When you are tested or asked
how fast you can type, are you a fast worker, or a fast learner.
They are asking are you genetically fit for the job. When you
must go on a interview to an employer. They are asking, do you
look the idea of the worker they want, because an interview could
be done over the telephone. But they say they would like to see
you. Because bigotry is so entrenched in societies; that they
want to see you, to pass judgment on your apperence. When in
the USA they now ask on applications what race are you for the
government. Everyone should put human as the checked box. If
everyone did this then governments would stop asking this. It
is bigotry. We are only one race and that is the human race.
We as humans may have different appearances, or come from
different places. But we are one race, the human race. The time
has come that to protect our rights of privacy, we must protect
our genetic codes. To have the right to be let alone, to be
who we are. Not categorized into the image of the wishes of the
government or employers. Can we now guard against job or life
discrimination based on genetic disposition? We are going down
a very dangerous path to a very uncertain future with these tests.
And we must stop categorizing humans by height, weight, color,
sexual predisposition, and appearance. This is genetic bigotry.
(The patenting of the genes of the human genome will insure the
future humans to lack of treatment and genetic control. With
possible bigotry and slavery.)
With an ever growing population. The people wanting to climb
ladder of opporyunity, are now faced with to many people in front
of the ladder. For most to even get on the ladder to rise up the
ladder of opportunity. Also if you are not genetically or
sociologically predisposed to do the job. Your chances of getting
on the ladder of opportunity are very much so reduced. If as stated
above the person is subjected to a genetic test, and this person is
not genetically predisposed for this job. The chances of getting
the job will be very low. Will children be judged at birth what
job they should take? How far is it from genetic testing to a
government that says who should live? We have seen this in World
War II of late 45.1930's to 1945. Although the human genome could
be improved do we want a government telling us what genes must be
improved for religious or ideological reasons. When the gene for
instance is found for sexuality. Will the government deem it more
proper that all people be heterosexual and mutated to be predisposed
to be heterosexual, or to like a certain color, or to only like very
intelligent mates. In all areas we must remember freedom is a
fragile thing that must be guarded. (If you must have children limit
them to one child or adopt. The population will still grow, but not
as fast.)
Freedom can be gained by all governments giving up on their
territorial and ideological mentality.(Like reptiles guarding their
piece of ground.) The land masses of this planet must be thought of
as a World Community. A government need not fight to have their
ideas shared by other countries, by persuasion or coercion. If the
idea is logical and rational all will share this idea in time.
Governments fight to keep territory or gain territory. But in a
World Community nothing is lost, just a line on a map has changed
once again. In a World community the fight for resources is
unnecessary, because resources are for all in the community.
Economy, territory and resources in a World Community are shared.
An economy that is low in a part of the community is propped up
by the other communities, territories are unimportant, and
resources (while they last) are a commodity. The world must be
thought of the same as the European Community (EC). A group of
countries that are a community working together. There must not
be a World Government in the foreseeable future, we are not
mature enough as a race. To not suffer from a dictatorship of
religious, or political ideology.
A lesson that history has shown is that power corrupts.
Whether it is presidents usurping the power from the people. So
that the President may go around all checks and balances of the
rest of the government. To do what feels right to them. Then go
on to select nominees for the Supreme Court. To gain a mind set.
To futher usurp the power away from the people. To the power of
the government. Or religious leaders becoming powerful off others
money and the diversion of the people from logic and reason. To
sway government legislation, so that they may commit moral
terrorism of human activities. The religious leaders have used
their power to turn political view, toward their religious
ideological view. So that the freedom of speech, freedom of
visual content, and freedom of the control of one's own body.
Have become their personal corruption of human freedom. When
freedoms are taken from people control to government control.
Then control becomes unpredictable. When stopped by the police
it becomes the discretion of the police's personality and ethics.
That are at control, not the power of the people to be protected.
There has become a very dangerous willingness to allow the states
to take over our lives. A noose is tightening around the throats
that will lead to strangulation of freedoms. History in the schools
is taught so to lead to moral and historical innocence that blinds
the students to reality.
There must not be a World Government or the United Nations be
the head of governments. This is to much power in to few hands.
The people of these governments have little say in how the
United Nations vote their will. The same would be true of a
World Government. The governments would become so effecient as
to become a dictatorship. Stronger governments would push their
ideology on the weeker countries or societies. To become a
bigotry to any view but their's. Intolerance would grow to any
ideas not that of the majority.
In order to insure we never have a world dictator. We should
not have a world President. This would be to much power in to
few hands. A more senible way a World Community could be
governed internationally. Would be a United World Council. Made
up of politicians, scientists, and economists. Unlike what is
now in parliaments and congress, where they are only politicians.
That vote from a gut feeling and usually without any logic. This
makes for very bad law. Usually at the expense of minorities,
rights, and freedoms. When we become a true World Community. We
must take care, that anyone country or group never have any
more power than any of it's smallest parts. There must not be
any loop holes as there is in the United States Of America in
the form of the Supreme Court to corrupt power or rights. Let this
United World Council be ever vigilant of the frailty of humans to
react to short term goals, with long term consequential actions.
That ever check and balance is weighed so that no freedom is lost.
To stay ever vigilant to the specters of hysteria and false ideology
rearing their heads to make the complacent herd follow.
Dictatorships show the same phenomenon as found in the case
of a factory experiment. Where the lights were dimmed and
conditions were made worse. To see if productivity would get
worse. And to their surprise produtivity got better. So they gave
the people more light and improved the conditions, and then they
got more productivity. When ask why they were working harder in
both cases. In essence they said it showed you cared about us.
The same holds true for dictators. With more education and more
freedom we could show everyone we care. Through self control not
governments or dictator control. The way to deal with a
dictatorship is to make that country an island in to world, nothing
in or out. So that the people rise to oust the dictator. Help may
be necessary. In the short term this is not respectful, but in
the long term for the world it is.
Some say the space program that sent humans to the moon, was
a big waste. When the cost of the space program is compared with
the expense of the many war machines. The cost of the space program
is very low. The space programs have the benefit of gaining
knowledge of our universe and our planets. What does war machines
give us, but a false sense of security. Because war is the most
insecure and indecent venture we can go into. Although both the
space program and the military, as a by product give the world new
technology. The space program is for peace and knowledge. The
military is for killing and a sense of security. For those who
think the space program was or is a waste. Should reevaluate their
objectives. Should we be for peace or for war.
Knowledge is very important for respecting other and our universe.
A person who is educated is more likely to be peaceful, respectful
and nonviolent. Because in the process of gaining knowledge
reasoning, logic, and some discipline is imparted. It is more
reasonable and logical to be peaceful, respectful and nonviolent.
So that one receives the same for themself. Education is one of the
most important tools a government or society can give. A education
that fosters logic and rational thought along with peace and
respect, is the most important thing education can bring. The only
difference between us and the cave dwellers of prehistory is our
knowledge. The very way we act apart from some inherent emotions
and our personality traits, are an invention that humans have made.
All our knowledge, all that we know about the universe is an
invention. All the gods, all the sexual taboos, all the prejudices
that humans have are inventions that can be changed. This is the
only way for any hope of this planet and it's human hosts to survive.
Where humans are still civilized. We must adopt logic and rational
thought along with respect for self and others. The only thing
that will keep the city dwellers of today and the future, from
becoming a jungle of wild barbaric animals is knowledge and
Because it is important in science to look from another viewpoint.
Let us look at the human from an outside viewpoint. As described by
a nonhuman intelligent life form; who has studied our planet, might
say about us: The planet is the third from this systems sun. The
life forms on this planet are divided into insects, water life,
reptiles and mammals. Of the life forms a single mammalian life
form that is technologically intelligent dominates. They call
themselves humans. The humans are a post-fission ,pre-fusion life
form. The humans have rudimentary artificial intelligent machines
they call computers. The computers are used to speed human
operations at this time. They are never used for decision making.
They have made many wars on themselves for thing wanted or
ideology. The humans form hierarchal societies that are led by
small groups of humans assigned to lead the other humans. The
small groups of humans assigned to lead make laws that control
the activity of the other humans. Humans are not an ordered or
self controled society. So feel the need for a stronger controlling
force, be it a primitive combative government or a more primitive
control from deities of myth-based gods. The laws produced by the
small groups reflect and are based on these myths, their emotions,
or ideology. The humans are territorial and have divided the land
masses into groups that are called countries. Each country has
it's own set of laws based on this group of humans ideology.
Some countries have one human that controls all within that
country, and the humans for some reason follow the single human.
Other countries have a small group of humans that the other humans
follow. The humans have futher divided themselves by their physical
traits, the part of the land mass they are from, and the body of
myths they call religions that they practice. The humans further
divided themselves into two genetic counter parts. One which
possess a dual purpose penetrating organ for reproduction, and the
other which possess a dual purpose receptacle organ for
reproduction. The human with a penetrating organ is called a male,
the human with the receptacle organ is called a female. The human
male seem to be the dominate in most societies of the humans. The
reproductive actions have many rules and laws controlling this
biological function. The human in most of the parts of the land
masses must cover the area around the penetrating organ of the
male. The human that has the receptacle organ the female human,
must also cover this area. Both humans also cover the rear part
of their bodies that is between the upper leg and lower back.
The female human has a storage of fat on the chest, which produces
two somewhat spherical lobes around the mammalian gland, which
must be covered also. The non-adults of the humans called
children are restricted from any part of the reproductive
activities in most cultures. An adult human even imparting any
knowledge of the reproductive activities to a child, touching,
or asking to touch any of the above mentioned areas that must be
covered. Will be severely punished. With time from their mortal
life being taken away. In conclusion for the division of humans,
the humans divide themselves by land mass, ideology with in the
land mass, their bodies of myth called religion, the climate of
the land mass, the behavior of the groups in a land mass. The
pervasive color of the groups skin, the pervasive appearance of
the group, their size, and many other physical traits. On a more
presonal level a human is divided by all the above with the age,
reproductive attributes, size, shape, color, ideology, mental and
physical capability. In conclusion of the human as a whole, they
are prejudice and barbaric. With the potential of becoming a
peaceful technological life form. If they can overcome their
myths and cherished illusions, give up their prejudices, learn
to respect themselves and others, their environment, to not
over populate the planet and strain the resources, and learn to
use rational and logical thought to become a ordered society.
They the human life forms of this planet have a long way to go,
and many barriers to over come. Before becoming an ordered
society that is self controled not group controled. They must
learn that societies must be like water not bricks. Bricks
coming together make a wall, water coming together make a flow.
If 2500 years ago the people of that time had one invention,
the world would now be a very different place. If they had a
printing press. To disseminate information that the thinkers of
that time thought. The dark ages would not have ever occurred.
Many wars and religous crusades would have been avoided. Knowledge
is to be shared. Knowlwdge should be enjoyed. We cannot be
prejudice toward knowledge, Because it did not come from a land
mass or people that do not share a physical traits. It is irrational
to not except knowledge, because of prejudice or religious ideology.
The same as one should not be judged by their physical trait, but
the content of their character. Knowledge should not be judged by
it's orgin but of it's truth.
We find from the past and the present that this is a human
experiment. That in the past knowledge was lost. That in the present
we have the power to end all human life on our planet in many ways.
If we do not care for our planet. If we lack respect for others and
the planet, we can meet our demise. The atomic universe would lose
a part of it's conscious. We would lose in the evolution of this
planet. With the coming and going of species. One more species of
life on this planet would end. The human experiment would be over.
Time for another life form to become conscious (see Appendix 2).
We have come far, but without respect the human experiment may fail.
We not only have our freedom to lose, but our very existence could
be lost. If the human and the actions we take should fail. As a
result of lack of respect for self, others, and our planet.
In order for the different societies to be able to converse
each other. A prerequisite for a peaceful planet. The different
cultures of the planet must decide on a single alphabet with
accompanying dictionary for their language. This would make it
possible for all text in the form of books and other written
material to be converted to a common electronic medium. So that
any text could be instantly translated by computer to any other
language. As the kings of the past decreed we will all now use
this alphabet. But of course now it must be done by consensus, and
not of a pictographic nature. As english and spanish share a mostly
common alphabet, and can easily be converted by a computer to
translate text. All the books in the Library of Congress, should be
converted into electronic medium by scanning technique. So that
the local libraries could have any book or information down loaded
to their computer (by a form of licensing agreement). Books of any
language could be translated into any other language. A standard
transmission of data must be adopted, so that all information may
be commonly transmitted. Power sources by power companies and
transmitions of television must become no more than two standardes.
To one day become only one. The world would have access to
knowledge at home or office by radio terminals, electronic books,
computers, and pocket or wrist radio terminals. There is so much
information that there must be a fast access to the needed
information. In a vast searched through data banks and condensed
into the needed information. We no longer have time to go a library
and read through mounds of books. Having the books computerized
would make a search for information on a topic instantaneous, and
help to promote world peace. Through people understanding each
Technology will help promote world peace and respect for the
planet's resources. The use of hydrogen in the place of the use of
oil products. Would be a proper use of the planet's resources. A
hydrogen motor or fuel cell in a vehicle to run a vehicle; or to
charge the batteries of an electric vehicle, or to run the electric
vehicle. Would make a vehicle able to travel the same distance
as vehicles now. Without any polution, and hydrogen is a totally
renewable energy source. That can be made from solar power, or
Fussion power from water. The by products of hydrogen is H2O
water. In the short term natural gas or propane could be used. All
states or countries could band hydrocarbon fuels by a not to distant
time. So that places like Los Angeles would once again have clear
skies. To turn to hydrogen-electric or hydrogen vehicles.
In any discussion of resources, population go hand in hand.
around when you are on the highway. In less than 40 years there
will be twice as many people in the world and on that highway.
We now have almost 6 billion people on this planet and well over
10 billion people will be on this planet in 40 years. In this
popluation offensive on this planet, the resources will not go
around, and the life style will be very bad for most. Thus promoting
more population. One must think of the whole planet as it is in
New York, Mexico City, or Calcutta having to many people. Life will
be little more than in the 19th century. Things will not get better
as population increases. The countries that say our population will
not be high enough to sustain growth. Are being unrealistic and
bigoted. There will be to many people on this planet, and unless
the countries plan to keep the other populations out. There will be
an over abundance of workers.
Population growth must be stoped. What is needed is not population
growth incentives in countries, but the dissemination of education.
So that the populations that we have now may be able to do the work
in the future. These governments with population growth incentives
would do themselves and the world a service. To go back to the slow
or no growth attitude. With education programs inside and outside the
countries that are free or very low cost education and colleges. So
that the people in the coming world community can gain education.The
cost of education is to high, and the flexibility is inadequate.
Home computers could be used in ones own time to gain education, and
video tape, then test by modem or mail to an accrediting college.
With the Library Of Congress for source material over computers.
With flexibility for education the only reason a person would have
in not being educated would be lack of interest. (But the employer
may unscrupulously demand a high education without need. To weed out
the average, for say a cashiers job.)Bring the standard of education
of the world up and there would be no need for population growth
incentives. Which are pure bigotry to keep a race or a land mass as
a criteria for employment.
The only difference between us and a cave dweller is our knowledge
and culture. The only difference between us and the people who had
witch trials is a change in perception. Most do not believe in
witches now. Because through empirical observation witches have not
been found. The intolerance and hysteria once held for witches has
not changed. The intolerance and hysteria now is channeled to
controlled substances, and to Western culture sexual taboos. That
in many other cultures is normal sexuality and maturing. Although
violence and coercion is abuse of anyone be it child or adult.
Crimes aganist children seen as loss of innocence of a child, are
often not seen as just acts of violence. And the lack of respect
for others in general. It just happens to be a child in this case.
The acts of hysteria to avoid this loss of innocence. Often turn
out to be overwhelmingly worse than the feared loss of innocence.
As a mother who did not want to put her child in a child care
facility for fear of what might happen. Put her child in the trunk
of her car when she went to work. Another mother tied her child to
the couch and left food for the child similar to a dog. Mother's
are encouraged to kidnap their children and run from the law. If
the father is thought to have touched the child. Where anything may
happen to them. A person who is accused of child crimes is often
gone after in a similar manner to a murderer, or a modern day
witch hunt. Where the person's name and picture are flashed over
the television and a large hunt occurs. The society does not see
that these people are a prescription made by their society. That
violence is violence whether it is on a child or adult. With the
controlled substances, when one is suspected of possessing this
substance the door of their dwelling is busted down the police
rush in with guns in hand ready to kill. The people inside are
thrown to the floor, with guns to their head. The dwelling is
torn apart looking for this controlled substance. Much as would be
done in old to find the devices of witchery. But on a scale of
violence only equaled in time of war or ancient societies.
Hysteria whether it is for witches or crimes is the same. A problem
that must be guarded against in every generation.
Whether a crime is looked upon with hysteria or not, crime rates
are about the same from year to year, along with suicide rates.
Because these rates are constant, there must be constant causes.
A form of social physics is involved. The way the society is
structured must be the cause of these crimes and suicide rates.
As sure as society prescribes these crimes, and the criminal is
just the instrumant. If you want to get rid of the crime you must
change the society. No amount of law enforcement will change this
fact. Outside of the only truly efficient government a dictatorship
of total oppression or a self controled society. Murderers, rapists,
and all other violent crime is prescribed by a society. All of these
crimes are a lack of respect for others. A lack of respect to teach
children respect for self and others. The simple rule of courtesy.
The simple act of please and thank you as a child. Can stop the act
of rape and murder as adults. Teaching very young children courtesy
will help them and others through life. Two children not taught
courtesy that want the same toy start yelling it's mine, in a tug of
war. Two children that have been taught courtesy will ask if they
can play with the toy, the other will either say yes, or no and the
asking child will play with another toy.
Since a society follows a from of social physics as shown by
near constant rate of crime. How does a society stop crime? Of
course the answer as stated above is to change the society. The
parents have charge of the child until day care or school starts.
It is the responsibility of the parent and the day care to teach
courtesy to the very young child before starting school. One must
teach courtesy, and by example show courtesy. When a child hits
another child, don't ask what the fight is about. Explain fighting
for any reason is unacceptable. Then find out what the fight was
about. Violence in any form is unacceptable, whether in the visual
media or sports, which most sports have a violent nature to them.
Watching wrestling in the form of seemingly brutalizing each other
and in boxing the reality of brutality. Is no less barbaric than
throwing people to lions or poring rubber on an aboriginal Indian
of the Amazon and lighting them on fire for entertainment.
Courtesy must be taught from very young, along with respect for self
and others. If a society is to change, and for crime to stop.
The same ineffective policing to try to fight crime, is now
tryed by country or countries upon other countries. Before a country
or countries, become the police force for the world. These countries
need to mature enough to not have overwhelming problems of their
own. In so doing a country with problems of their own in policing
the world. Tend to export their problems by example and by deed,
to the countries being policed. The countries doing the policing
then become a virus infecting other countries. We need to keep a
long term picture of the world. When dealing with political
problems. So that we do not lose sight of the future, for short
term political goals. We must gain the maturity to go on into the
future and live in peace. Force is only needed where education
cannot change a situation. Violence for a short term goal causes
long term hate, and the perpetuation of using violence to solve
problems. The once peaceful child after war, becomes a person
that see wars as the only answer.
The art of mediation must be used instead of aggression.
Through international agreements. All problems can be solved.
Governments act in many ways as a child. Drawing lines in the
sand daring them to cross them. Or taking some one's toy, in this
case another country. When the two cannot agree on a solution
then the problem is mediated. There is a body for this purpose,
in the form of the United Nations and the World Court. If this
is to be used, then it cannot be used as in the past. Where
a country picks and chooses with rulings to follow. Because
with any law, when a country no longer follows their laws or
international law. That country becomes unpredictable, and is
not reliable. (Especially to be playing police for the world.)
In order for our planet to survive we must become
a World
Community. Those countries that do not wish to be in the World
Community by being war like or fanatics, should be made an island.
Cut off from the rest of the world. In a World Community there
would be no need for war, or no need for nuclear weapons. Boarders
would become somewhat meaningless. Except that some countries might
have more freedoms than others, and need to keep their guard up.
For those that wish them to become as they are (as the travelers
from the old world to the new, and the USA back to the world.) Free
trade would be the norm. Resources would be for all to purchase.
Ethnic rivalry would become meaningless. Because cultures will
inevitably become homogeneous. There is a danger from this, if the
homogeneous World Community is a violent, over populated,
disrespectful world. That has become homogeneous in these views.
We must change the people before we can become a true World
Community. And before it is to late.
Capitalism is not democracy. Where the rich get richer and the
poor get poorer. This cannot be what is called democracy. Democracy
is where every person no matter how poor has equal rights. A true
democracy is not the richer you are the better justice you receive.
Does one need the right to live and starve on the streets? Only if
that is one's own wish to live on the street. One should not starve
yet no one should be forced fed. How a government treats the poorest
members of it's society. Is a telling story that tells if a
government cares more for war, or foreign affairs than it's own
people. One is not secure unless all people in a society is secure.
Yet to be in welfare chains is not a answer. Retraining and other
programs must be geared to get a person out of the welfare chains.
Welfare should be for a temporary safety net to catch those who
fall through other programs. Then ease them back to self
independence. Welfare should not be only for those who have
children, but all of those that fall. A true democracy must have
socialism for it's health, safety, welfare and education. For
those who wish to be able to get on the ladder to be able to rise
in a job. Must fight very hard to be educated. Because the more
knowledge you have the more resources you can draw upon. The more
unaffluent a person is, the more the need for knowledge. In order
to become able to survive. If one finds that their school is not
as good as another, go to the library, or watch educational
television. What ever way you can gain knowledge, will help give
you more rescurces to draw from. There are those that feel that
education is bad. One should not get discouraged by this. There
are excepted forms of discrimination in the work place, that
are universal. As the wearing a suit and especially a tie, as
a form of male discrimination. The pigmentation of one's skin
or size, shape, and sexual predisposition of a person must not
be a part of judgment of content of character.
Governments should never become the source of violence. As is
the case of the USA. Where the government has declared war on
it's own people once again. This time for the fight to control
the drug problem. The USA has come to think once again that if
it goes to war with it's own people the problem would be solved.
Never has so much violence been placed on people, out side of a
major war. Where the police break down the door then throw the
people on the floor. Any resistance and the people are beaten
mercilessly and killed. Only in times of war we see such violence.
A old couple were in their house the police broke down their
door. The old man did not know what was happening. He tryed to
ask what is going on while the police were forcing him to the
ground. His resistance was met with a merciless beating. The
police went on to destroy their house and everything in it.
Looking for a little substance. The police never found any
substance, because they were in the wrong house. The house they
wanted was next door. When the government becomes the source of
violence. No one in this society is secure. The amendments of
the Constitution of the USA in their war has become meaningless.
As said when a government no longer follows their laws, that
government becomes unpredictable. No one in this country is safe.
It seems every generation in the USA. The lesson must be
relearned, that prohibitions and witch hunts must be guarded
against. Prohibitions that do not work, along with witch hunts
serve to make a government unpredictable and dangerous to it's
people. As with the 18th Amendment of the Constitution of the USA
(ratified 1/16, 45.1919). During this prohibition of intoxicatiog
liquors the government became the force of unpredictable anarchy.
To stamp out this so called moral decaying agent. The USA felt
they had the right for search and seizure without warrant, wire
taping, and disregard of double jeopardy. With a general war on it's
people. This sounds all to familiar at this time with a war on durgs
and a witch hunt on sexuality. The prohibition of intoxicating
liquors lead a Supreme Court justice to say at the time: "If a
government becomes a law breaker. It breeds contempt for the law.
It invites every man to become a law unto himself, it invites
anarchy." As happened during the prohibition of liquor the rate
of consumption did not go down, but doubled. The same holds true
with drugs at this time. This is not the first time cocaine has
been a problem. We have had real wars over cocaine. So this is
not the first war on drugs. Education and teaching self respect,
is the only solution. Driving the use of drugs under grown only
exacerbates the problem. Proving you cannot fight crime you must
change the people.
Government should never be based on any myth-based religion.
The proof that no government should never be based on, or make
their laws based on any myth-based religion is easly found. (The
list of countries is long.) Based on religious ideology privileges
and privacy are restricted. They try to control thoughts, along
with what you are able to see, hear and read. So that by
propaganda and restriction you believe as they do. (This is the
way that hysterias and feel good restrictions are made. Along
with the control of societies as in Germany to make the people
believe they were a superior race. It is interesting to note that
before World War II there were those that felt the change to come,
and left the country of Germany. Now there are those that feel the
same is happening in the USA and are leaving the USA for freer
ground.) The controls on information along with propaganda and
restrictions become a erosion of freedoms. First they control what
can be seen. Then they control what can be done. Then try to control
what you think, through ignorance, revulsion, or fear. When a
government is based on a religion. This government will use that
religion in it's punishment system. As in the USA drunk drivers and
alcoholics are sent by the court to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The
AA is a Christian based organization. Which strives to replace one
addiction for another. In this case alcohol for religion. Any
behavior that is repetitive, pleasureable, and destructive to self
or others is an addiction (as with biological addictions). Many
behaviors fall into this category; as running, eating, gambling
along with making money, and religions. All can be destructive to
self and others.
For a democracy to work it's people must show restraint, this
respect. Also a government is meant to govern, to guide and help
it's people. Not make wars on them, or allow them to suffer, and
approve violence in place of respect. Promote bigotry in the place
of tolerance. Approve religions in the place of logic. A government
must have respect for it's people, and all people. For anyone to be
safe from government oppression. The governments must come to see
crime cannot be fought. The change must come in the society through
self control. Oppressed societies use religions to have self control,
which later back fire. Where the religion becomes the controller and
the oppressor. That when the people no longer fear the gods, the
society becomes an uncontroled anarchy. Without respect or fear of
laws, and without respect for self and others.
People must come to see others as no better than themselves (as
presidents and popes). In so doing they gain the power to ask
why. Why should I follow down a path of Illogic; that will lead to
less world peace, and less security for self and others. All
societies must also have adequate resources for their population,
or give intentives to stop population growth for world peace. Humans
must become more compatible with each other. We need to teach people
to get along with each other, through respect and compassion.
Religions get in the way of this. Through the teaching of intolerance,
bigotry, and hate. One must have a very low opinion of themself, if
they need to down grade others around them. To make themself seem
important. This is a tactic used to make those that are not like them
seem less than them. That they must be cast out with the force of
intolerance. Normality of people is judged by consensus of a society,
that may be utterly wrong. Based on non-fact and old misconceptions.
In the control of people by a government it comes down to; do
believe in force and oppression for control, or freedom and respect
for self control. Respect for self and others is a logical control
that works where no force will control. We respect others to get
respect for ourselves. We teach respect to others so that we will be
respected. We use respect in every part of our lives so that the
world runs smoothly, and runs well for ourselves. To gain world peace,
and human security.