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  We have lived under the oppression of the old myth-based
religions for some 2000 more or less years. It is time to change.
It is time to grow out of our need for myths. To embrace what was
taken away from us some 2500 years ago. To the rational path of
scientific methodology, of critical and logical thought. To a
world where the people have respect for themselfs and others.
This kind of world cannot be achieved by believing in myths and
cherished illusions. It was said 2500 years ago that all religions
that do not change to fit the facts are inherently evil.
  What better way of covering evil then to cloak it under the
guise of righteousness. To stop the continuation of truth, for
myth and lies. To turn the people of the planet toward wars,
ignorance, bigotry, and hate. To become ashamed of their own
bodies and their biological functions. To accept the myths even
when there is overwhelming facts to disclaim these myths. To
purport the facts themselves as lies. To make these myths part of
every aspect of life. To make people feel guilty if they do not
believe in those myths. What better way of quenching curiosity
then to hide every answer behind, god made it, or god did it.
  Humans were not created by god, god was created by humans. This
shows the vast power of the mind. To create a suppression for
their needs. The need to love and be loved. Curiosity about the
world and the universe. In a time when few facts were readily
available. Because of the lack of the invention of the tools
necessary to comprehend the universe. To try to give some order
to the incomprehensible world they lived in. In the absence of
the knowledge that Greece had. In a time that had no logic or
scientific methodology outside of the Greek civilization. A god
could be invented to explain everything. We have slowly found
our way back to critical and logical thought. So that we no longer
need the gods to explain the universe. Because we are capable of
finding the truth through questions and scientific methodology.
The universe can now explain itself. The universe through us has
come to know itself. With critical and logical thought, and
experimential verification. In the face of the facts the old
theory of the god must be abandoned. For the theory that best
fits the facts. This is the nature of scientific methodology.
If the old theory no longer fits the facts. A new theory must
take the place to best fit the facts. Burning away all belief
until all that remains is the truth.
  People get caught up in saying that evolution is not a fact,
but is only a theory. A theory does not have to be complete in
all aspects to show fundamental laws. Evolution is a fact that
is self evident and verifiable. What the proper question to ask
is can you prove without anecdotal evidence. Through logic and
scientific methodology, that your god exists. Science already
has it's checks and balances. That is self evident and verifiable.
All theories are open to challenge by anyone able to challenge
them. If a theory is found to not be true then the theory must be
change. If with a myth-base religion one started off with skepticism,
then very quickly the religious theories start to go down hill. When
the body of myth and the god associated is challenged by logic and
scientific methodology. The truth becomes harder and harder to
find. The believers of this myth do not want the myth challenged.
They are to busy burdening their god like a pack mule, with all
the need and stress that the religion has posed upon them. It
is better for the myth-based religious believers to have everone
around them to believe in their myth. As if a group of children
believe in Santa Claus, and one child says their is no Santa Claus.
All the children start bringing up all the anecdotal evidence that
there is a Santa Claus. To bolster up their belief as to say
everyone believes this, it must be true. This need to bolster up
their belief may go as far with the myth-based religions. So that
some will go to very remote places to make the non-believers,
believe their myth also. In so doing severely damaging the remote
people's society, and way of life. It is not for science to prove
itself (it already does), it is for the believers of the
myth-based religions to prove their claim. The burden of proof
lies with believer of the religion to prove their claim. There by
needing to prove the laws of science to be incorrect. Science
already has methodology to make sure it is correct. Can the same
be said of myth-based religions.
  It has been said that religions are the opiate of the masses.
Which is true, but also god is the adult's Santa Claus that they
believe in. To bring them gifts and answer wants. Religions can
as many other things become an addiction. Definitely religions
can be an obsession. Some become fundamentalist or fanatics to
the point that their religion runs every part of their life. And
of course the Western culture picks and chooses the parts of the
doctrines that they feel is right for their purpose. For example
the Western culture condemns homosexuals, but disregards the
other doctrines that is related.
  The Greek civilization stretches back into time as far as any
of these religions, and we gained our democracies, science, and
the coming out of the dark ages from the Greeks. If the Greek
civilization had not come to the problems they had. The multiple
gods would have by logic come to an end. Leaving our world with
a Greek form civilization governed by logic and reason. Plato
(44.9573 to 9653) and his lot had a part in destroying the line
of reason. During the dark ages the knowledge from the Greeks
and Romans were lost,in most of the Western civilization. But
the religions of the slaves of Egypt and the less civilized
desert dwellers were easier to retain. Luckily for the Western
culture some of the Greek knowledge was stored as well. The
knowledge of the sciences, democracy, and much more. Had the
Greek civilization been able to survive it is very likely that
our planet would have been almost two thousand years in advance
than we are now. We would believe in fact and science not
myth-based religions.
  By logic and physics we can show there are no mythical gods.
By physics we can show a god could not live forever or could not
have been forever. That a universe had to have been produce by
space before the god could be produced. The god by being produced
of space, the same as all matter, places limitations on what a
god can do. A god must because of physics follow the physics that
space mandates.The god could not hold out his hands and something
magical happen. It must be because of action and reaction. Logic
and physics mandate matter is made in universes in their Big Bang.
The Big Bang is made from space. A god could not exist before
space. Space exists because it must exist, the same as droping an
object on our planet must fall. The only property anything can come
from outside of our universe. Is either another universe or space.
If the god made our universe then the god could not come from
that universe. Leaving the god coming from either another universe
or space. All universes come from space, all matter comes from
universes. In order for the god to interact with anything in this
universe. The god must be made of similar matter. Therefore the
god came from either our universe or another universe the same as
ours. Because the god is made of matter similar to ours. The god
is animate mater; that, what ever form it takes is no more than what
we are, or could become. It has been found that even the proton in
the nucleus of the atom will decay. Therefore matter is not stable.
The god must be similar in its make up to interact with our
universe, therefore the god is not made of stable matter also. The
god then has a time limit on existence. The conclusion is: the god
might be able to create a universe, but god must come from space.
The god cannot create space or come before space. The god must be
made of matter that formed in a universe. That the god is limited
by physics. The god is limited in time of existence. The god could
neither have been forever nor be forever. The god came from a
universe the same as us.
  We can show by physics and logic, that the mythical gods do not
exist. What we need to ask is are we better off because of
believing in a religion. It depends on what kind of world you
want to live in. If you would like to live in a world where
slavery is condoned, where freedom of thought is condemned, where
violence and bigotry are condoned. Where laws are based on myth,
where witch hunts and inquisitions are due process of law.
Where the whole civilizations of the North and South America
continents were decimated along with African civilizations. Where
the simple act of inquiry could get you imprisoned or killed.
Where every civilization was endangered by disease and coerced
into believing this religion, and made to have shame for their
bodies and thoughts. Where every act of sexuality other than
procreation is banned. Where every act of human behavior is
checked against a grid of arbitrary moral standards. If this is
the world you would like to live in then religions are for you.
Any rational thinking person would not want to live in that kind
of world, and rightly so. Religions are only useful at best in the
time in which they were invented. Outside of the time in which
they were invented, they become a hindrance and a destructive
force. We do not need more people believing in religions. We need
less people believing myth based in religions. To gain a rational
and logical approach with compassion and respect for self and others.
History clearly shows that myth-based religions have not helped
our planet,in their 2000 +- years they have hurt our planet. It is
time we stop believing in Santa Claus. To mature and start believing
in the laws of the universe and rule of logic, with respect for self
and others.
  It will not be long before we will be able to make a
mathematical model of humans and the universe. This means that
humans will be able to create humans or to possibly be able to
create a universe. At least create a universe mathematically, if
not possible to make a universe (form this side of space). Does
this mean that humans have become god? If the definition of god
is that which can create the universe and all life on our planet.
Then we would be god. If it is found that it is not possible to
create a universe from this side of space (from the matter side
not the vacuum side). Then no god made our universe. Logic and
physics place very specific demands on proper social structures and
on gods. Neither physics or logic have any use for authority.
Authority was the only tool the inventors of all myth-based
religions of the past had. They lacked the methodology to gain the
truth. The theories that are called religions that are myth based.
Therefore cannot be correct or the truth. As any theory that is
found to be incorrect, the myth-based religious theories must be
thrown out. They must be looked upon as Greek myth, no more or less
true. As everyone now knows Zeus does not make lightning.
  We can now answer the age old questions that religions used
myth to answer. We can answer the questions with logic and
science. Without the need of religions and their myths. Where did
I come from? Who am I? Where am I going and Why am I here? What
happens after I'm gone. We all and our universe came from space.
We are a gathering of atoms whiched came from space in the Big
Bang. We are a biological entity with intelligence made of
electrochemical responses. What we think and how we think is a
product of a biological neural net, that is produced by genetics
and shaped by environmental sensory stimulus. To produce a set of
neural pathways that when stimulated reproduce the original
electrochemical response. The response and pathways undergo changes
from thinking which is a organizing of the responses and the
formation of new pathways. Who am I? the answer is as Rene'Decartes
(45.1596-1650) said (Cogito, ergo sum) I think, therefore I am.
We are a combination of genetic and environment prescription
(environment being any thing outside the brain). Where am I going?
The same as all matter in this universe, back to space. Along the
way to space our atoms will be used by countless other life forms.
As the atoms we have are from countless other life forms. As long
as the universe is around part of us will be around. What happens
after I'm gone? The answer is, your atoms stay, those whom you
have touched have you as part of themself. You are what you leave
behind. If you are a teacher you leave behind the knowledge you
imparted. If you are a scientist you leave behind the works of
your labor and further understanding of the truth. If you are a
violent and destructive person, you leave behind a more violent
and destructive legacy. How you wish to be remembered is how you
should live your life. If you wish to be remembered as a mean and
uncaring person, live as thus. For those that believe that leaving
children behind is a path to immortality, your being remembered is
generally good for one generation at best. And this world does not
need your children. Everyone must overcome the fear of death. Our
life spans will become ever longer, this will give us the time to
overcome our fears. The truth of death is you end. You do not
change address. When your brain is gone you go with it. What is the
meaning of life? We are here first to reproduce as bacteria
reproduces, but as bacteria in a medium if there are to many all
in the medium die. Second we are here to improve ourselfs and
others. To make a difference to find the truth and freedom that
respect and knowledge brings.
  When people believe in a after life, they feel this life and
not the after life is unimportant. Then this attitude is pasted
on to other people in this life. That they are unimportant as well.
They feel that the only thing that matters, is to live for the
imaginary after life. Through the religions and ego, humans have
come to believe that they are so important, that they will live
forever after they die. That all that happens after they die is
that they just change their address. To a better world, or thrown
into another body. When a battery in a car dies can the car start.
Maybe after a jump start as sometimes humans can be jump started
back to life. But if the battery is left to long, to old, or
damaged. The battery as humans no longer will come back to life.
The thought of the after life came from not understanding death.
One minute the person was here, then the next they were gone.
Where did they go? That is when the after life was invented to
fill in the blank. The universe has a law of entropy where all
systems have the tendency for the energy of the system to run
down. The universe itself is not forever, so humans have no chance
of being beyond the stopping of the bioelectrical activity of
their brains. There is nothing in physics that allows for a human
to live on with out their brain. You are your brain, I think
therefore I am. The opposite of this is; if my brain is not around
then, I am not around. I do not  think therefore I am not. Where
did they go after they died. Where does a computer go after you
turn off the power. Unlike a computer bioelectrical systems cannot
be turned back on. When the power is gone whether it is electricity
for the computer, or biochemistry for the brain. Functions end
your gone, you cease to exist. Like turning off the light, the
light is gone.
  (As for the people that have had a near death experience; with
the filling that they saw a bright light, with warmth and love.
Around 1930 it was found that if a part of the brain was
electrically stimulated the person would experience this same
response. This responce is not proof of an after life. It is more
likely that it evolved to comfort the dying, and the others around
that dying. As a result of evolution; as fish can fill electricity
to warn them of dangerous predators, and the predators can fill
the electricity of the prey. When the creators came out of the water
a new sense had to evolve to warn of danger. The electricity was
no longer transmitted through the air. A very low frequency radio
wave may be transmitted by living beings. Humans may transmit; and
some humans may receive in varying degree this very low frequency
radio wave. Possibly all thinking animals have to a degree this
ability to receive the radio wave. So that when one has a feeling
something is watching you. You are picking up on a radio signal that
warns you of danger. Evolved for the protection against predators.
That may have been improved to pick up on simple nuances of someones
thought, we call this extra sensory perception (E.S.P.). Prayer (a
form of trying to transmit a request) might actually send a low
frequency radio wave transmission down the collective (collective
means the connection between humans by this radio transmission) so
that the prayer is sometimes answered. The centers of the brain that
controls the so called after life white light and tunnel with the
warm feelings response to stress of death. May have come about because
our ancestors may have been more sensitive to the radio transmissions
of stress, and the race evolved a center of the brain to calm the
  Myth-based religions work by fear, guilt and greed. If one does
not have fear of a god, do not feel guilty, then the religion
will not control the people. Although 90% of a civilization may
believe in a religion. The religion becomes only for their personal
use. To call on their gods as a pack mule to serve their needs. But
not fearing the god's wrath enough to not mug or kill people. (It
may be interesting to note that when the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republic USSR made religions legal again. The crime rate went up
dramatically. In the United States of America 90% came to believe
in a god, and the crime rate has never been higher.) Rituals as
religions give a structure to a society, whether this structure is
good for society or bad for that society. The rituals are very bad
if they do not control with respect, but is used to elevate some and
to degrade others. To be used arbitrarily where a grid of morality
is placed on human behavior. So that every act of humans must be
measured by a arbitrary viewpoint.
  All myth-based religions are inherently evil as known 2500 years
ago. If a evil entity wanted to spread evil on a planet. That would
cause for thousands of years, wars, bigotry, slavery, suffering and
ignorance. What better way than to make a religion that feels good
to the people and is so evil that they cannot see the evil they
themselves spead. To conceal truth behind the falsehood of that
religion. To be fruitful and multiply to the point that we are so
over populated. That all become helpless and needy. Crying out in
misery for help, that the evil entity can relish in. So that more
people cry, if only all of us believed in this religion. The world
be saved. Growing ever deeper into despair. What would be more
inherently evil.
  The evil becomes compounded when a government believes in
religions. Because the religion can become the power of law. In
the United States of America the First Amendment of the
constitution. Says "Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof.." But every day that Congress is in session, at the
begining of each day. A prayer is said to their god, every dollar
and every coin has "In God We Trust" printed on them. At the
begining of every day of school for most children, the Pledge of
Allegiance is said. Which states "One nation under God..". This
is respecting an establishment of religion.
  Dictionaries are being lobbied by religious groups to include,
or to not include words and there meaning. So that at every
opportunity in a definition a religious bent is added. With as
many words as possible used in that religion are added. As a moral
censorship, and as moral terrorism to logic. This will have an
effect on the language, and the users of that language. As the
Hawaiians had over 40 words to discribe love relations. Then the
missionaries came and made the Hawaiians drop them, to only one
definition. One man with one woman only.
  Religions limit your ability to respond to the truth. Any time
that the truth is found to conflict with a religion, as with
evolution. (Evolution can be proven by scientific methodology,
which religions cannot be.) The religious leaders try to make the
truth a lie, or the people that purpose the truth are called liars.
When what the religious people are teaching is false,authoritarian,
and have no basis of fact. That lead us down the path once again,
from the path of logic and science. To the myth-based ideologies
that has thrown our planet into the combative attitudes that
prevail on our planet. Between governments and individuals differing
in ideologies. We can only overcome our combative attitudes for
world peace. By giving up the old myth-based religions and
ideologies. For the only hope for world peace for now and all time.
That of logic, reason, and respect for self and others.

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