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  To gain and maintain respect for self and others. Sexuality must
be discussed. Sexuality is one of the greatest needs that must
be fulfilled, and is a part of love relationships. Sexuality must
be discuss in every day life. So that sexuality can be learned with
proper respect for self and others. So that no one is hurt or killed
because of the need for sexuality. If sexuality is discuss in the
light of day, not behind closed doors and with hushed whispers. Then
sexuality is seen with respect for self and others. Then there
would not be the distorted skewing of sexuality, with the combination
of violence and pleasure we see today. If sexuality is not ritualized
behind closed doors by religions and ignorance, then sexuality is
like water, it will seek its own level. That level will be a much
more exceptable level of respectful sexual behavior.
  In the human male the need for sexual activity from time to time
is a biological fact. A orgasm must occur for a male from time to
time after puberty. If the male does not have a orgasm through
self stimulation or mating, that orgasm will occur in his sleep
from time to time. Sex for males cannot be ignored, sexuality for
all humans must not be ignored. To do so will give all the problems
that are manifest in this time. Many religions try to have
us go through life without sexuality. Then the male has a
orgasm in his sleep and feels ashamed for doing so. When the
orgasm in his sleep (nocturnal emission) was as natural as the
need to eat. The fact that the orgasm is very pleasurable is a
clue that an orgasm is a important part of biology. A thing that
need be done by our biology. The same as eating or the elimination
of waste, which are also a pleasurable experience. Humans do not
have a built in code telling them when to have sex to reproduce as
the instinct built into most animals. There had to be a mechanism to
make the male want to reproduce. The human would not go to such
trouble to reproduce without an incentive. Evolution evolved
pleasure to accomplish needed biological functions. Thus
establishing a reason to reproduce for the male. Pleasure is no sin.
  Repressing sexuality is not the answer to stopping any form of
sexual activity. Repressing sexuality will cause a need for
sexuality and cause frustration. That if repressed will be expressed
inappropriately. We must not repress sexuality. But a guide of
nonviolent and nonharmful sexual behavior and loving relationships
must be part of education. In cultures where sexual freedom is
taught from early childhood, the incidents of rape and other
violent, harmful sexual behavior is very low or nonexistent.
Violent sexual behavior has come from repressing sexuality. If a
male is in a society where homosexual behavior is condemned, and
it is a violent society. The repressed homosexual predisposition of
a male may show up as homosexual brutality. So as to repress the
truth from oneself and others. A form of saying I show violence
to homosexuals therefore I am not a homosexual. This may also
show up in the form of gang rape, so that the repressed
homosexuals may watch other males engage in sexual behavior. But
feel it is not a homosexual activity. If one is free to engage
in ones true sexual predisposition there is no need for violence.
If one can easily obtain their sexual predisposition to not have a
hard time finding a mate, (because of all the prejudices surrounding
the choosing of a mate,and the acceptance of others to your choice)
rape would need not be engaged in. The combination of repressing
sexuality and having a society that as much as condones violence,
is a perfect set up for violent sexual behavior. The violent sexual
behavior will show up in the form of the weaker being raped, as
females, weaker males, and children. Rape and sodomy of children
is not for the love of children, it is a violent act, an act of
dominance, and for self pleasure. The same as raping of adult
females is not for the love of females, but an act of violence.
  Respect for self and others is very important in sexuality of
humans. No one has the right to deny anyone their sexual
predisposition, as long as it is not violent, or harmful to self or
others. No one has the right to deny anyone their sexuality. That
in the case of children, self stimulation is very normal. it is
a part of self discovery. A child that has discovered self
stimulation may show or tell another child how to do it. Self
discovery is not harmful and should mostly be ignored. The best
response to discovering a child engaged in self stimulation is to
say: if you want to continue doing what your doing, go do it in
private. If they are in a private place just say excuse me I  will
come back later. This tells the child that what they are doing is not
bad, but possibly where they are doing it is not appropriate. A male
child will invariably tug at their penis. It is kind of a place to put their
hand, not much more than that. The worst thing to do is say: get your
hand out of your pants, or stop playing with your self! In many cultures
sexuality was not seen as a loss of innocence, but a learning experence,
or a right of passage from baby to boy (as a group of six year olds
showing each other how to do it. As described by Margaret Mead in
Coming of Age in Samoa).
  Children on some islands and other cultures routinely witness
adult nudity and parental intercourse. In the Western society,
these experiences constitute traumas, which were thought contribute to
neuroses. Nudity is thought to be over stimulating and guilt producing.
In places where nudity is common it becomes a mater of fact way of
life for the children and adults. As on the beaches of Europe where
women do not wear tops. One will see this as matter of fact, unless
they are so sexually repressed that they ogle continuously. The
island's people routine casualness of nudity and parental
intercourse, and in cultures where children sleep with their
parents, show children immediately that intercourse is not some
mortal combat, but an enjoyable mutal transaction. Children adopt a
matter of fact attitude toward sex and nudity. On these islands and
cultures children never have the opportunity to be uncomfortable
with sex or nudity. The result is an unqualified acceptance of all
bodies as innately accepted and good. Children and adults are more
receptive and less critical of others and their relationships.
The children in these cultures see those who become obese, no less
attractive or accepted than anyone else. In these more free societies
one is not uncomfortable with sex or nudity, and the strain of being
mates is very much reduced. (Until recent times same sex marriages
were performed, and there were no other beds but the parents bed to
sleep in.)
  (It is most likely that humans adapted the social life style of
the chimpanzee that most pepole are familiar with; instead of the
social life style of the Banobo chimpanzee. The Banobo chimpanzee
has a very peaceful, sexually rich society. The chimpanzee we know
unlike the Banobo, is a society that has wars and sex is driven by
the best fit is the one that gets the most. Much the same as with
humans. This bias of selection not only permeates our sexual
selection; but forms the basis of bias toward others different to
ourselves, and even effects who is hired for jobs and all facets
of selection in society. The very notion of Kings, rulers and bosses
may have come from having the most fit chimp or human ruled over the
group, and of course when groups became larger the very top chimp was
an imaginary all powerful ruler a god. Banobos chimpanzees do not
have a problem with sexuality, and have a very peaceful society.
Genetically Banobos are closer to us than anything else.)
  The Western psychologists look at the children of their repressed
sexual societies; and see the traumas and neuroses that the
children have been taught to have, in the frame of reference of
their society (similar to if you are taught to believe that voodoo
will kill you voodoo can kill you). Then the Western psychologist see
these traumas and neuroses in an anecdotal setting of empirical data
in the frame of reference of their society, they say children of the
world are thus. (As Sigmund Freud seen traumas and neuroses in the
Victorian age and said all humans are thus, everywhere. But he
gathered his data in the frame of reference of a repressed sexual
society. Had Freud went to Samoa and made a anthropological test of
his theories, his findings would have to be different). That if a
child (anywhere) is sexual before a imposed critical age; the
Western psychologists feels, they will have grave problems. This can
be called the Aristotle effect. Where by what you are being told
agrees with what your experience or belief tell you is correct, but
in fact is wrong or unsubstantiated. As a heavy object falls faster
than a light object (Aristotle said). Both objects fall at the same
rate; but your belief or life experience may tell you that it seems
right that the heavy object would fall faster than the light object ,
even though it may seem right in reality it is false, no matter how
many people believe it. Just because one child is trumatized in a
situation (as a parent nude in the Victorian age), does not mean that
all children are thus, anthropologically (everywhere and every time
  When the humans are put under the strain of the unnatural repression
of sexuality and comfort with nudity, the human then is forced to deal
with nudity and sexuality within the frame of reference closed in by
walls of the repression. As if by law and social custom one can only
walk down the alleyways of a city, so that all one may see is the bad
and dirty side of the city. When if not restricted by these laws and
customs, one would find the beautiful parks and buildings. The human
is forced by law and custom to deal with this stress brought on by
the repression of sexuality, so that all one is allowed to see is
that sex is bad and dirty. The stress then may show up as trauma or
neuroses within the frame of reference of that society. In the sexually
free society it is found that many of the problems associated with sex
in the Western societies are not present. The forms of sex as rape,
fetishism, bestiality, use of sexual devices, violent sex and gang rape
are not present in these sexually free societies. Also the more
troubling forms of sex, that repression of sexuality manifest toward
children, in the form of rape, sodomy, mutilation and killing of
children are not present in the sexually free societies. When you have
no problems with expressing your sexuality, there is no need to rape,
kill for sex, or to mutilate. In a more sexually free society there is
no need to kidnap and kill a child because of social pressure forced
upon oneself; due to the repression of sexuality to the point one needs
to pray upon the weak to have an orgasm, and because the law for having
sex with a child is so stringent that it makes the offender feel the
need to kill the witness. Like water, if sexuality is not blocked and
the need for sex is allowed to flow as needed when needed. The pressure
does not build up to the point that there is an explosion, and someone
is hurt in the explosion.
  In a society where masturbation is condemned and about any form
of sex except that in a heterosexual marriage is condemned. In a
society where violence is as much as condoned. There is bound to be
skewed expression of sexuality. Sex seeks its own level; if you take
away sexual outlets such as pornography and make masturbation
unacceptable then it must be made up elsewhere. Sex crimes do not go
down in the absence of sexual outlets, but in fact go up.
  As a result of the disconnection we have made between adults
and children. Through the over reaction of telling children to
not talk to strangers (stranger danger). Which in other societies adults
were the community, where children were raised by not only the
parents but everyone in the community. The child learned that they must
be good socially so that they got the good benefits of being social,
as being able to go into other's homes, and being able to talk to
others. The adults learned that they must respect children or the
children would not come to their home, and they would receive a bad
endorsement (as don't go to his  or her house they are mean). So that the
adult would be deprived of the entertainment derived from the children
coming to their house (in a time without television this was more
important). What the disconnection between adults and children
has done, is that the child no longer is socialized to adults, and more
importantly the adult is no longer socialized to children.
  The lack of socialization brings suspicion and aggression toward others.
The disconnection brings the lack of respect toward others. Which
promotes the disrespect toward others and self. (Araras indians of the
Amazon solve the disconnection problem; through the method that the
males have intercourse with many of the women so that no one knows
whose children are whose, so that every child is treated as their own.
Of course this would be impractical today; but we could all be
taught that every child is like our own, so that each person
learns to care about children, to respect children, the child and the adult
thus learn empathy toward each other, and the society is made more whole.
And children are not kidnaped and killed as a result. If we are allowed to be
around them, we do not fill the need to take one, or to hurt them.
Think of it as a immunization shot, some children may be in danger (at
very low levels), but for the good of all the children immunization is given.)
  This disconnection between adults and children can cause a
child such despair; because of the lack of love from parents and
lack of friends, that they may turn to anyone that will fulfill
their needs. Even if to have their needs fulfilled a price must
be paid. Just as some adult women may stay with an abusive man;
because except for the time he is abusive, he is fulfilling her
needs. The price to pay is low enough to stay. A child may find
that the price to pay is low enough also; to go back day after
day to someone who is having sex with them. Because except for
that time, the child receives attention that they may not get any
other place on earth. The average child in the United States of
America is said to get only 7 minutes of one on one personal
attention a day. In other cultures the whole community is their
family. The child's needs are easily fulfilled and the child has no
need to pay a price.
  In the Western society no one in many cases is the child's true
family, that cares about them and makes them feel loved. As a
child abuser (a person having intercourse with children) said if you
don't love your children, I will love your children for you. That is
exactly what happens, and to some children the price is low enough
to bear. If we don't teach respect in sexuality by opening it up to the
light of day. Sexuality will happen without respect behind closed
doors. Also with the population growth people will care less and less
about the indiindividual. Opening the door for even more
disrespect and serious abuse.
 (Another consequence of the disconnection may be that the child never
finds another adult to care about them, they then start to become
symptomaticm. The parents are indifferent; and they are taught to not
talk to other adults (strangers), so the need for attention and
affection is never fulfilled. They never learn empathy the may act out in
uncontrolable anger and violence. Later this child as an adult may go to
the Doctor. The Doctor lays his hand on them, cares about them. In
other words is fulfilling the childhood need for attention. The person
may feel this experience so fulfilling that they make themselves sick
just for the attention that they lacked as a child, this is called
Munchousen syndrome. Munchousen syndrome is where a person makes
themselves or others sick to get attention. They may make up diseases
to have operations to prolong the fulfilling experience. It is unnatural
to have the disconnection between adults and children, this will and is
showing up in this society in the symptom of violence and crime. Oct. 1991)
  From the moment a human is born they are a sexual being. To repress
sexuality of humans brings problems in self and society. To make the
human body so inappropriate to be viewed, that the body must be
clothed at all time. That the body must never be shown without guilt,
denies our humanity. (With people infiltrating the forests just
to find primitive societies to proselytize their religion to them.
To say everyone believes in my religion therefore it is real, and
invariably to cloth them. As a result the last humans on earth that walk
free and nude have vanished, (in 1991 it said are vanishing). With
devistating effects on the primitive society.)
  Humans are creatures that are part of this universe made of
atoms the same as everything in the universe. Not needing any apology
or guilt for existing; even in the form that all humans are born, nude.
If we humans did not have the need to fulfill the pleasure that the
body produces, then humans would not be here. Pleasure is the form of
inducement evolution has come up with to make the human do what is
needed. Although the need to reproduce in abundance is no longer
needed. The need for sexuality is still a part of humans.
  There are two paths one can go down in the child's sexual
development, that will effect how they eill become adults.
The first is a freedom to sexually experiment. In open discussion
of sexuality as was found on the islands and other cultures. Or the
repression of sexuality with no experimentation, no discussion
leading to unacceptable sexual behavior (such as rape, and
adolescent girls having babies), as found in Western societies.
(Where in the past the accepted treatment for masturbation was the
application of a white hot iron to the clitoris or surveillance around
the clock. Where normal sexuality is defined as the occasional
insertion of a husband's penis within his wife's vagina in order to
procreate and never recreate, to afterward both rush to the bathroom
to have a healthy vomit from the experience. That the sexual organs
are dirty and disgusting. That the viewing of sexual behavior
leads to sexual crimes and a perverted society. That the touching
of the genitals of a child by self will leave the child with the
loss of innocence, with unspecified immeasurable consequences and
   The innocence that the child is purported having in the
Western society is a result of the denial of education and
experience of sexuality. With the continuous telling of the child
to don't touch that, or get your hands out of your pants. Thus in
the parent's mind and the Western society the child knows nothing
of sex,(but in reality is bombarded by sex in the media and by
friends). Which the parent would wish that the child knew nothing
of sex until adulthood. Where by magic at a certain age apparently a
neuron kicks in and the innocent child is a all knowing sexual adult
with no problems with sex. Where the raising of children is left to
chance, (because there is no longer any education about the raising
of children, (they might ask where babies come from)). Then as a
result of lack of education the adolescent has a baby, and another
neuron apparently is supposed to kick in to tell them how to raise
children. Where children are mutilated by the religious right and
purported hygienic slicing off of skin from children. From the
genitals in what is called circumcision, which in the Western society
is still preformed on male children,and in other parts is performed
on female's labia. (Circumcision is child abuse and the mutilation
children). That the actof circumcision has become a prejudice toward
only males for the most part).
  No subject in religion is more controlled and subjugated than
sexuality. Nothing is more feared in the Victorian sense for
destruction of society than human sexuality. They fear if human
sexuality if it went without control apparently all that humans,
especially males, would do is have continuous intercourse. Many
reasons have brought us to this point in time. That sex with
females is inherently unclean, and that intercourse itself is a
messy business. That male's sperm is seed that is never to be
spilled, but used in only the act of procreation, and homosexuality
is said to be an abomination (which actually only sodomy is the sin).
Because it is the spilling of the seed, it is not being fruitful and
multiplying, and is a sin to the building of the nation. That all pleasure is
inherently a sin because pleasure detracted from total devotion to the
deity, and was counter productive to the growth of their nation. (Back
then the only way to be strong was to have many people, thus the be
fruitful and multiply was the rule. ) They now take this to mean if it feels
good make a law aganist it. Sigmund Freud had his most trying problem
giving a leture on child sexuality. Which for the Western Victorian
mind was absolutely unthinkable. Children having sexuality just could
not be fathomed. The latency period was a myth made by the induced
repression of sexuality, and wholly supported in the Western society.
A period between around seven to puberty that was fraught with
supposed sexual danger.
  Better the child know nothing about sex, then to subject them to this
loss of innocence or loss of ignorance. The suppression of childhood
eroticism makes less and less sense today. Children need the right to the
gradual evolution of sexual interests and expertise with education to learn
respect for self and others. Children need to learn behavior which will
serve them well as adults. This concept applies to respect in sexuality as
  We can no longer have prejudices toward experimentation. That is
what has skewed us from the path of logic started 2500 years ago.
Ignorance of sexuality only leads to pregnacy, sexual diseases, disrespect
of others, and lack of self awareness; not a healthier society. With all the
new findings that sexuality is a predisposition determined by gentics. It is
imperative that humans be allowed to experiment and have positive
discussion to find their true sexuality. So that no repression of their
sexuality is made. A genetic predisposition means that at birth a child is
told by their genes what actions to take, or what characteristic to take.
Also what this means is there are homosexual children.
  To not teach sexuality to children leads to loss of self esteem, and
confusion. It has been found that prejudice not only hurts the ones being
prejudged, but also the ones that are prejudice. That is why segregation
was outlawed on the bases of color in the U.S.A.(unfortunately
the practice continues on the bases of sexuality).
  Parents are negligent in the excellent position to guide the
growth of sexual responsibility and respect, which follow the
same pattern of maturation as other values for respect of self and
others. So the child learns how to have respect with self and
others, without harm to self and others as adults. In the repressed
sexual society the child pays dearly for his heightened erotic
response. Being chastised for being caught at any erotic activities,
or knowing and discussing anything about sexual behavior. In a
sexually free society trauma is not produced from the experience of
respectful sex. Because sex is a causal natural part of life. That is
taught from childhood that pleasure intensifies a relationship.
That respect for self and others in every aspect of human behavior
and sexual freedom makes a peaceful society.
  Our view of sexuality may show up in parts of behavior that do
not seem to be related. As because parents may not feel comfortable
with sexuality. They may in the teaching of hygiene of toilet
training to their children, only see to it that the child balls up
a piece of toilet paper and apply it to the anus one wipe.
Disregarding all other areas that the waste material has come into
contact. The parent may feel uncomfortable with inspecting the
cultures forbidden zones, private parts, or just down there as it
may be called. The child is given a "good kid", and the training
stops as soon as the child can pull down their own pants. The child
is seen tugging at their pants from itching the affected area, where
the waste material remains, and in general have a displeasing smell.
  Being uncomfortable with sexuality can even change the way the
physical world is viewed. How you view the world is through a lens
determined by what you believe. Because paleontologist in the past
were uncomfortable with sexuality, they look at dinosaurs through a
nonsexual lens. They viewed the dinosaurs through this lens and saw
that the horns on the dinosaurs were for defense. Not realizing
that they may be for mating displays. This lens that is put before
our eyes because of what we believe at the time we are viewing,
effects our view of humans as well. Just as being uncomfortable with
sexuality gave the view that humans were born mindless creatures
at birth with no predispositions for personality and sexuality.
Not realizing that the second thing tested in a male baby after
birth is the sexual organ. The first test for the new born is
the lungs to survive, and the second test by nature being the
erection of the penis for the survival of the species.
   In another area where sexuality seem to be unrelated is in
the personality of the adolescence, as in U.S.A. On many islands and
other cultures adolescence was not characterized by tension and
rebellion. Because on these islands the culture is more casual with
sexual maturation and the subjects of life in general. In the Western
society psychologist often say adolescence is characterized by
tension and rebellion. To state that all adolescents in the universe
are charaterized as thus, is not being correct anthropologically. The
people of Western society often have the prejudice that they know best,
and all other people and knowledge is inferior, (reasons for slavery).
  The lines between what is sexuality and violence has been so
intermingled in the Western psyche that a form of this sexual
outlet called S and M, Sadomasochism has come about. This is
another outlet for a sexually repressed and violent society.
Violence and power become a proper form of what would be sexual
tension in a nonviolent society. The ultimate outlet for the sexually
repressed and violent person, that has been desensitized by this
environment. Is the person that preys on other people for violent
sex. The sex part of the act is somewhat an after thought, the
person of this violent sexual venue uses violence as an outlet
for their sexual tension. If they would have been taught a more
respectful sexual outlet in a nonviolent and open society. This
person could have at least went down to a store and purchase a
magazine with nude humans on it's pages. So that this person could
relieve their sexual tension through masturbation. But even
masturbation in the Western societies is discouraged. Leaving
underground sexual activities as violent sex and preying on others
for the outlet of sexual tension, for some.
  We find violent crime of rape, killing and mutilation of mostly the
weaker. As women and children, are a large part of the problems in
Western societies. To even walking out to a school yard and shooting
children (or children killing children), to killing woman, raping and
chopping up there body. These become part of the sexual outlet in a
sexually repressed and violent society. They show that; that society has
a problem and that this society needs to change, not more jail cells but
physical change to the society itself.
   In the Western society the laws on any sexual activity with anyone
under the age of 18 carries very serious punishment. Often as serious
or more so than arm robbery or murder. When the stakes are as high
as muder it becomes an incentive to kill the witness. The act of
rape or sodomy is a self motivated violent act, and knowing that if
caught the crime carries as high a punishment as murder. It is no
wonder that children are killed after the orgasm is over. The
punishment is no higher and the witness is gone. Any violent act
should be punished, but the punishment must have education in
respect of others and sensitization to violence,  to first pervent it.
  Sexuality must be viewed like water, it will always seek its
level. Whether appropriate or not. If sexuality is free to find
its level guided by respect for self and others. The outlet that
sexuality takes will be a more acceptable outlet. When it is
found that violent sexual behavior is happening on a mostly
consistent bases, that is saying something is wrong with that
society. When an orgasm is more important than a human life.
This shows what a magical quality is placed on this biological
function, as a result of sexuality not allowed to freely function.
To repress sexuality makes this simple biological function more
importance than life itself, and this life may be your child.
  Perturbation of sexual freedom will cause subtle and gross
effects on human behavior and society as a whole. In Japan
40% of infants do not cry or even show pain receiving injections,
because of the close proximity of the child to its mother. The
child in distress need only to make a small gesture to gain
attention from the mother. In the Western society because of
sexual bias; the child is put in another room, other than the
mother's room. The child must blare loudly to gain attention,
learning the only way to get their needs met is to become very
agitated. From a sexual bias a peaceful and non-over reacting
society may be lost.
  In other ways sexual bias has caused the death of others. A man
in the USA had the police come to his apartment over a disturbance.
The disturbance was a 14 year old boy running around nude with a
bloody buttock. The police with their sexual bias thought this
was just a homosexual lover's quarrel. Then took the boy back to
the hands of his killer. The man said (after being caught), that he
killed the boy right after the police left. On the radio when the police
were reporting back to the station both officers were laughing about
the matter (as if to say it's only homosexuals). The officers Left the
boy there, where the boy was immediately killed. As 16 other males
before him, he was chopped up, and parts of them were kept. The police
smelled the dead bodies but did not make a search. The man kept more
parts of this handsom boy than others. The magic for this man was that
he did not want the function to end. He wanted this biological function
to last forever. His fear was they would leave him. Killing them insured
they would stay forever. If this man was able to socialize with men without
the fear and guilt that homosexuality brings and the problems associated
with finding and keeping males in a society that rejects homosexuality. The
boy and the others may not have been killed. The sexual bias the Western
society has toward sexuality is the killer. They called the men like this
monsters. Men like this are monsters of the society's own making. As sure
as they put the monster together themselves. They called them evil, not
seeing the evil was the religions and society that made him. Crime follows
statistical rates. What this says is society prescribes these crimes the
criminal is just the instrument used to carry out the crime. Crime rates are
almost a constant rate from year to year. This says the way the society is
structured is what causes the crime. Just like with what was found in medical
statistics, if you want to change the rates you must change the society. If you
want to get rid of the crime you have to change the society. If you medically
want people to stop dying of cancer have them as a society stop smoking.
If you want the people to stop dying from violence you must change the society.
This is not brought about by legislation, it can only be brought about by education.
  You cannot fight crime, because the crime is only the symptom of the societal
problem. The only legislation that could help would be ones that stop violence
in all media, teaches respect in schools and throughout the society, and teaches
empathy to all in the society by resensitizing the society to respect others.
  At this time in the religious majority, humans are not looked
upon as part of the animal family. Somehow by magic apart from
all other amimals and the physical laws of space and our universe.
We humans popped into being at the hands of a deity. Not a very
long process of atoms through chemical and electrical interaction.
Grouping together; slowly becoming the first cells, then evolving
to become life giving consciousness to the atom. That humans have no
instincts, that humans are born an empty vessel. That humans are filled
by environment and education to become who they are. That sexuality is
somehow taught by their environment and others to be heterosexual and
that if a homosexual teaches their child. That child will become a
homosexual. That humans have no instincts but have stages to their
sexuality. That if taught about sex to early; will corrupt this very
delicate balance of blissful ignorance, so that the innocence of their
own making through repression of sexuality is lost forever.
  They hide this ignorance and repression behind phrases as premature
sexual activity, or developmentally appropriate. That abstinence from sex is
the only proper education of sexuality. That the only proper actions is
to keep your hands out of any part that your bathing suit covers. That
ignorance of sexuality is the only way to keep sexuality from rearing
it's ugly head. That humans are more than animals and can and should
repress their sexuality. That apparently ignorance will even stop
nocturnal emission in boys. That the best thing to tell children is
how and why to not become involved in sexual activity. That the best
thing for them at this critical stage in their lives emotionally
and physically is to not get involved in sexual activities. That one
must not touch themselves down there, touch others down there , or
let others touch them down there. Because some grave thing will
happen to them. The only appropriate way to have sex; is in a
faithful, monogamous, heterosexual, and married relationship When your old.
So that one who masturbates, is homosexual, or does not want to get married,
is left with the only option of not having sex. Which is not possible,
because of human biology.
  The awareness is often already there today, but the child is forced by
society not to discuss sex. This repression is the cause of many
problems in society and just forces sex underground. (At this time
some 20 percent of 12 year olds have had intercourse, By the age 18
years old some 80 percent have had intercourse.
  We cannot condemn any form of nonviolent mutual respecting love
unit. A man and a woman in love with each other is a love unit.
A love unit is not exclusive to a heterosexual relationship. A
homosexual love unit is just as proper. A homosexual relationship
is often advantageous, in that they often do not produce children. In
this world that we have made, it is to hard to become a love unit.
We have no right to rule out any form of love unit. So long as it
is mutually beneficial to each of the parts of the unit. Families
can be a non-sexual love unit. (No penetration between an adult male
and a child can be called anything but selfish violence and rape).
  Non-penetrating sexual relations between about equal age partners
before the age of 17 years old is to be expected. Especially sexual
experimentation between boys is to be expected. One should not be
alarmed at a child's extreme curiosity of an adult's genitals,
their own genitals, or a pet's genitals (for younger children) . If a child is
engaging in self stimulation one may say as stated above: If you want to
keep on doing what your doing, please go do it somewhere alone. This
will tell the child that it is not something to do in public. But it is also not
anything they must stop doing.
  Every kind of sexual relationship imaginable has already happened,
and most all sexual relations will happen. Whether they are legal
or not. The sexual acts are only driven underground by laws, where
the sexual acts become dangerous and often violent. When if
openly discussed with logic and respect, not ideology. The violent
acts would (for the most part) never happen. Because the proper
actions in a relationships would be known. When the sexual acts are
done underground without guide. The child and others are at the mercy
of those who are the product of their societies. Sex should be shown
in the light of day so that all know what is proper. So that violence
and harmful disrespecting sexual activity are seldom seen. If it
feels good to both consenting parties, then it is probably right. If
it feels good to only one of the adult parties, then it must be by
consent of the other party. If it feels good to one party and has
the tendency to hurt the other adult party as sodomy. The consent
of the penetrated party must be overwhelmingly given, and should be
done with great respect. Sexuality is like a spectrum of light, it
ranges from red to blue, or from heterosexual to homosexual and
everything in between. As in the spectrum the lines that separate
the colors are not crisp but blend, sexuality is the same. That is
why their can be bi-sexual people, or homosexuals. It's a matter of
comfort, who you are most predisposed to be comfortable around.
  Sexuality is a spectrum where a human with a male organ may have
the instinct to want another male. Like sometimes there are humans
who are physically half way between one sex or the other, having
both male and female sexual organs, called hermaphrodites. The
hermaphrodites physically show the spectrum between male and female.
As mentally bisexuals and homosexuals show the mental sexual spectrum,
(the sexual predisposition) the blending of attraction between
males to females. Where males are attracted to females, and females
are attracted to males. Where some are attracted to both genders, and
some are attracted to the same gender. When a government has said
by law that the same gender cannot marry, one needs to ask who does
the hermaphrodite marry. They are both sexes, so to whom do the marry?
  The stranger danger has and will continue to show to be harmful to
the society. The disconnection between adults and children, make the
child a distant unknown thing. An object one can easily take advantage
of without personel empathy of children. Children become things, not
humans if one has no contact. The opposite is true of the childs view of
of adults as well as others. If everyone is a stranger, you need not respect
anyone. This is used in time of war. We are conducting a global
experiment on children and ultimately global society with a sense of fear
of strangers that are not supportedby actual numbers. The same tactic is
taught in war times, that others are monsters they are not human,
therefore they are worthy of disrespect worthy of being killed. War
tactics are used to arouse fear and contempt of others to gain support for
war actions and to dehumanize the enemy, but in this case we are the enemy.
  We must strive for balance, to rid the planet of violence. To
allow relationships to freely grow. The innocence of the child is
often myth. Safety for the children can only come about with openness,
and the teaching of respect for children. It has been clearly shown
laws will not stop true child abuse. Because child abuse is the
one of the symptom of the problem not the problem.
  Condemning nudity is another form of keeping secretes. There are
many in the Western society that think to be nude is pornography.
To be nude around your child or another child is a crime. Being
nude in appropriate places, take away mysticism of the human body.
Appropriate meaning places as not out in the snow, or working
around machinery etcetera. But on beaches and swimming pools, at
parks being clothing optional is very acceptable, and beneficial to
stop stereotyping and bigotry based on body, or body part sizes (as
the penis size or breast size) do not matter, and is another bigotry.
  There is good evidence (from brain studies and research with
identical twins and genetics) that sexuality is determined by one's
physiology and genetics. Just as the personality is based on
genetics. Which any homosexual could have told them, that
homosexuality is something that they are, not what they chose. The
people in government in the USA have refused to make sexual
predisposition a part of their rights. Because of the false belief
that sexuality is something one chooses, and from religious
misinterpretation of their Bible. So homosexuals are not in their
minds a true minority. That sexuality is determined by one's
physiology and genetics. Just as the personality is based on
genetics. Which any homosexual could have told them, that
homosexuality is something that they are, not what they chose. The
people in government in the USA have refused to make sexual
predisposition a part of their rights. Because of the false belief
that sexuality is something one chooses, and from religious
misinterpretation of their Bible. So homosexuals are not in their
minds a true minority.  Also they point out that some men have
converted from being homosexual to being heterosexual. Again sexuality
is a spectrum and these men can be bi-sexual and can just lean toward
heterosexuality. The right of privacy is not extended to homosexuals,
because they feel it is a matter of choice. What you do behind closed
doors as a homosexual, is not a right given to humans so says the state,
and the constitution of the USA has ruled by the Supreme Court (this is
the same Supreme Court that ruled that segregation was legal based on
color and it was legal to own humans). The anti-sexual nature of the
USA seek to put all humans in effect in a chastity belt. That the State
controls the key to whom may by law have state approved sex. All
humans have the right to act upon the sexual preference they are
predisposed to enjoy. This is a right given by the human genome. Not
a right given by an arbitrary rule of religious and state ideology.
   Children also have the right to their sexuality, as well as
adults. Children know at a young age (often by age 3 years old there
are signs of gender confusion) which sex they prefer. Since
sexuality is genetic, what this says is that there are homosexual
children. To deny homosexuals their rights, denies children their
right to grow up being who they were born to be. Laws that are
made to deny homosexuals the right to act upon their sexuality,
is sexual harassment more over it is segregation. There is a
segregation of homosexuals being enforced on homosexuals, because
of the misinterpretations of how homosexuality is produced, that
homosexuality comes about as a matter of choice. We now know that
some children will become homosexual as a matter of course, not a
matter of recruitment. The segregation of homosexuals takes the
form of discrimination in housing, jobs, and social life all
together. Children in some states that are homosexual have to have
their own school to go to for safety. Segregation in this sense is:
to deny homosexual children the right to be taught about the
confusing sexual urges they will have, laws that are expressly
enacted to detour the discussion of or about homosexuals, laws that
are expressly enacted to deny homosexuals the right to act upon their
sexual urges, and the lack of laws to protect homosexuals from
discrimination, is segregation. Children must have the right to be
taught about their sexuality, the right to blossom into the sexual
path that they are predestined to follow, and the right to their

   The homosexual is more comfortable with their same gender.
With education the child can mentally explore their sexual preferences
that they are predetermined to follow that follow respectable relationships,
of what ever the gender they are more comfortable with. Children are
often more comfortable with their own gender. Then later sort out what
sexual partner they are the most comfortable with. The only one that can
make this determination is the person themselves. It is not the government
nor anyone else that can or should in anyway make this determination.
  Adolescences often have same gender sexual exploration, then often as
a result of society feel ashamed for having explored. But this is very normal,
it is the way sexuality is sorted out. Adolescence same gender exploration
builds confidence and experience with someone they know and trust, so
that if they do something wrong serious consequence is not experienced.
  As far back as in cave paintings. We almost never see any sexual
activity depicted in those paintings. Because sexuality was a part
of everyday life as eating, hunting or gathering. We see animals and
hunters in these paintings. Because the painters of these paintings use them
for mental preparation in the process of hunting. But we don't see them
eating or engaged in sexual activities. Because why show something that
is a part of everyday activity. It is when we take sex out of everyday
activity that we run into problems. Then we find the need for pornography
  In many countries there are no pornography shops. Because they
have sexual freedom in their country and no need for pornography.
But in a sexually repressed society a danger will arise if there
are no outlets for sexual tension. Bringing a need for pornography.
So that an individual may act out their sexual fantasy in tought,
and not action. Also the pornography must depict sexual activities
with respect. In order to have respect in real sexual activies.
   With full knowledge that all participants are willing with full
consent. Any trade underground is unregulated. The way to stop the
need for pornography is not to ban pornography, because sexuality is
like water it will seek its own level. If you ban the depiction of
nudity in a repressed sexual society this causes the need for the
water (sexuality) to go elsewhere to find its level. The place where
the water (sexuality) will go (as if the storm drains are full), is
into the streets.
  In a sexually free society the sexuality flows gentile and on course,
free from damns and floods. If you want your children to be safe; you
must as a society do exactly the opposite of what the Western
psychologists say a child should do, you should tell your children to go
out and meet adults. Not tell the children to not talk to strangers. Children
must learn to respect adults, and adults must be taught to respect others in
the form of children and learn from the children to respect children. This
can only come from contact and education. Not the disconnection of
adults from children.
  We now have a few generations of children that have been grown up
under the idea of don't talk to strangers, and what is found is that
this is the most violent, noncaring generation produced in centuries.
If the Western societies were like Japan the children would play in
peace, and adults would respect the children. Japan is the benchmark
to strive for in peaceful relationships between children.
  Respect for self and other comes by education not legislation.
All in a society have the right to find the sexualily they are
predisposed to respectfully enjoy, this needs discussion and
some experience. Sexuality is like a spectrum. Sexuality is also like
water it will seek its own level. In order to have a peaceful and
respectful society sexuality must be free to seek its own level.
Under the guide of respect for self and others.

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