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About my Family...

I come from a big family. I have five brothers that are living, and a sister, and a brother that died almost five years ago. Together that makes eight of us. I am the youngest of all of us, and get spoiled.

My oldest brother is six years younger then my mother, his name is Larry. His name is short for Lawerence. He lives in Sterling, Ct with his wife, Ava and their three daughters, Erica, Megan, and Alexandrea.

Next is my sister, Glenda. She lives in Texas with her husband, Alan and their son, Timothy. A lot of people say we resemble each other, and there are ways that we do. She played the flute...which I sometimes play. We are the only two that are musical out of us children. However, my nephew Timothy, wants to play the violin...I am so proud of him...

Then there is Sammy, short for Samuel. He has two kids...Shannon, who we haven't seen in ages...and then there is Triston.

Eric lives in Texas with Valerie, his wife. They have three children together. There is Justin, Kristie, and Rebecca.

Scott, his real name is Alexander, died on January 25, 1994, the day before my parents anniversary. He was pre-engaged to this girl, who is very pretty...however, he died. He started going to Church a month or so before he died, gave up a lot, and gave his life to Christ. There was over 300 people at his funeral. I was not one of them though.

Walt, lives in N.Y. with his wife, Michelle. They have two kids, a daughter, Heather, and a son, Colin. Colin was born premature....but was home in time for Christmas that year...He is so cute..

Joe, lives with his fiancee Michelle. He works at a nursing home in N.Y. as a CNA. He also works part time at Pasta Luigi's. His fiancee, Michelle, is also a CNA and works at the same nursing home. She also works at Ames department store part time. They are getting married in August of 2000.(

Then of course there is me, Jennifer Ruth. I am the youngest. I am a Christian. I came out of the homosexual community on September 12th, 1999. I was living with my girlfriend at the time and couldn't take it anymore. I had to decide what was more important to me, God or a female. I choose God. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Him. I attempted suicide five times in almost two months in 1997. I had no reason to live, but when I overdosed, I didn't die, and that is because of God. I am glad that I have Him in me. It is the year 2000, and I am engaged to be married, just five months after I came out of the homosexual lifestyle. I have found a wonderful man and someone that understands a lot.

My parents, Glen and Carol. They abused me in ways growing up and sometimes still do. Since I left their house in 1999, I have become closer to my parents. Since I moved down here to Texas, I have forgiven them. I am glad to have them as my parents.

Well, that is about my family.....

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