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Is for having FEELINGS towards others.

Is for having RESPECT to one another.

Is for being an INCREDIBLE person that you are.

Is for the ENCOURAGING words.

Is for being NICE to a human.

Is for the DECISIONS we have to make in our life.

Is for the SHARING of anyone's advise.

Is for all our HAPPY DAYS through our lives.

Is for not letting any of us feel INSECURE.

Is for all of our POSITIVE outcomes.

Is for just being SUPPORTIVE to your friends.

Talk about my friends? Gee...which ones? Well...lets see, how about the ones I'm most grateful to have in my life?

Elli - whom I am more than grateful to know and have in my life. Elli is a sister, friend and German! LOL! Anytime I need to talk to someone...she's there. I know where to find her! The good thing, she doesn't hide anything, especially if it is about God. She has helped me deal with things, and is able to get through to me like no one else can.

Jen S - I met her in real life...she's a student in N.Y. and a very close friend.

Michele G. - whom I care for and will always be grateful to know as a friend, a best friend.

Paula - she's a sister, friend and kind of a "mom" at times. She's easy to get along with, talk to and just chit chat.

I know I didn't add many of my friends, that's because I don't have room! I do care a lot for you though!

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