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Tell me a story!

This is a website for authors--primarily student authors. It is born from the belief that we need a voice if we are to be accomplished writers. Ten years after meeting my first students of writing, I have, above all else, learned that giving a student a voice, and an audience to hear that voice can be as important as any of the skills we traditionally associate with writing.

In our classroom, we have a place for sharing our work. It is called the AUTHOR'S CHAIR. It is a special seat, an honored place, for the author to present his carefully-woven word tapestry to willing ears. Come, gather round this cyber-author's chair, and let us TELL YOU A STORY. And, if you wish, send us your work--you, too, may use our chair to find your voice.

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Oldies, But Goodies
Resources for Writers: Thanks Sharon!