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Creepy Crawly

"I hate bugs!" Sarah exclaimed, "They're just helping themselves to our breadcrumbs." Her mom was very surprised by her daughter's behavior. Ants were crawling over the blanket they had set out for the family picnic.

After they got home, Sarah got out her can of bug spray and searched the house. She descended on a family of cockroaches in the basement. "Aha! I got you!" She then yelled to her mom, "Those guys didn't spray good enough!"

Sarah crawled into bed after she checked her room for bugs. In the middle of the night, she suddenly woke up and turned on the lights. She felt something crawling up her leg. She reached for the can of bug spray, but it was gone! She screamed for help. Then thousands of bugs began to chew on her skin. She kept on screaming, but her parents just ignored her. They were fed up with this bug nonsense. The screams kept coming, weakening in stregth after awhile. Then, they stopped altoghther.

Her father had a weird feeling about this, and finally went to check on Sarah. He opened the door to her room, and stopped in cold, mute horror. His daughter lay before him, her body picked clean to the bone.

Her father never noticed the bugs staring at him hungrily from the crevices of the room. Now that the bugs had tasted flesh, they would never be satisfied with crumbs again...

Jenny, 11

Jenny is affectionately regarded by her classmates as the "Queen of Gross." This was the story she wrote for our Halloween Fright Fest, where we sat by the light of Jack-o-lanterns and shared our creations. She has the makings of the next Stephen King or Shel Silverstein. Be sure to look for her classic poem "Oh Dear, Oh My [I Just Ate My Eye]," coming soon to Tell Me a Story's site.

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